25 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 11:26 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

24 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, Holocaust humor, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 9:51 pm | Permanent Link

Virginia becomes the 18th state to mandate Holoswindle lessons in public schools. (How appropriate, because the Holoswindle actually happened in Virginia. For example, there were industrial-type, Nazi washing machines, designed to drown Jews three dozen at a time and wash SS uniforms simultaneously, located in Arlington and Fairfax).


24 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed culture, jewed finance, July 4th, Socrates, White campaigns, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White thought at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link

Now, who would have thought that White nationalists might mingle with the crowds at these “tea parties” in order to talk to people about things like Jews, Israel, our corrupt money system, etc. Really, who would have thought?


24 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in media, Socrates, William Pierce at 3:20 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


Let’s talk about the mass media again today: specifically, about the consequences of the Jewish control of the media, the sort of thing that Billy Graham and Richard Nixon saw taking America ‘down the drain’ 30 years ago.

I raise this subject with every journalist who comes to my office for an interview. It’s clearly not something they like to talk about, but I try to draw them out anyway. I’ve said this to you before, and I’ll say it again now: journalists are the most lemming-like people I have met. They’re not stupid, but they absolutely will not say anything Politically Incorrect, even when we’re off camera. They always toe the party line. They believe that they’re being quite candid with me when they say that Fox News is right wing compared to the other news channels and that perhaps that’s because Rupert Murdoch, who runs Fox, isn’t a Jew. They claim that these small differences in the way the various media report the news prove that there’s plenty of diversity and freedom of expression in the media.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 03-16-2002).

24 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Jewish arrogance, Jewish chosenness, Jewish genetics, judaism, Socrates, Talmud at 2:07 am | Permanent Link

How dare those gentiles not rearrange everything to accommodate a Jew. Oy veh! Snubbing a Jew is like snubbing God (oops, “G-d”). By the way, when did Jews become White?


23 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Socrates at 3:21 am | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“Earlier this year, I wrote about Harvard’s seeming hatred of Whites. (See here for a possible explanation.) I wrote then that ‘The vast underrepresentation of non-Jewish Whites in the student body and among faculty is representative of what has happened throughout much of America and presages what America will increasingly look like in the future.’ This graph gives a visual impression:”


23 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Socrates, war, war as a racket, war crimes, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 2:53 am | Permanent Link

Saddam has Weapons of Mass Delusion, the Jewish civilians at the Pentagon said. Suuure he did. Another war for the Jews is publicly shown to be a fraud:


21 June, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton at 10:04 pm | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

I suppose it’s unseemly to again take note of an ol’ American double-standard, but have you noticed how it is ok to lump certain cultures and groups together while you must tread ever so lightly when talking about other cultures? Americans are obsessed with making sure one does not use generalizations, unless of course it concerns a hated enemy, and then it’s perfectly ok to hate and kill ‘em all and let Jehovah sort ‘em out. How many times in the course of conversation have you made a statement like the following: “But of course, negroes are criminals by their very nature” only to have the other party jump-stop the conversation by saying something like the following, “Wait a minute, you can’t say that about negroes! Not all negroes are criminals! Why I know several negroes and they’re really good people. You can’t make sweeping statements about negroes, it’s only a few bad apples spoiling it for the rest of them.” At that point the focus of the conversation breaks down into a discussion about the politically correct manner required when one addresses the subject of negroes. This break then effectively ends any civil and meaningful discourse on the original topic of negro criminality.

Below is a classic example of that qualifying effect insisted upon by the majority of Americans. Here we have an “anti-Semitic” negro ranting on about the jews, but then he stops to carefully qualify his rant with the following statement: “I’m not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, I’m talking about Zionists.” Now let’s stop the cameras right here and try that shoe on the other foot. “I’m not talking about all Arabs, all people of the Muslim faith, I’m talking about the Taliban.” Have you heard anyone of late making this type of qualifying statement about Arabs? I find it is quite proper among the vast majority of the American populace to lump all Arabs and Iranians (most Americans don’t know the difference) together in one, big, hate-filled mass of evil and say things like, “Those fuck-ing A-rabs otta’ be nuked! Why don’t we just kill ‘em all and take their oil!!?”

I have yet to personally hear one single American say, “Now just wait a minute, you cannot make such a blanket statement about all Arabs. Not all Arabs are bad; in fact I know some really nice Arabs who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Arabs are basically good people and when you talk about Middle Eastern people you should realize that it is only a few bad apples that are spoiling it for the rest of Arab world.” Most assuredly if you did hear someone make such a statement, it would not alter the course of the conversation one whit. What you would most likely hear is something like the following wild-eyed retort: “What the fuck are you talking about?” Then the retorter would get all squinty-like and would continue, “What are you, some sort of A-rab-Muslim luvin’ terrorist? I’m a patriot and I say we ought to kill all them fucking A-rabs and take their oil! If you love those goddamned A-rabs so much, why don’t you just move the fuck over there and live with ‘em?” Of course it goes without saying whose side onlookers would take, and at least one of ’em would report you to the Department of Homeland Jewsurety as a Taliban t-thympathizer.

But you know what’s interesting? I see jews all over America. I see jews controlling the American media! I see jews running the American government! I see jews manipulating the American economy. I see jews heavily influencing American jurisprudence and writing American law. I see jews under my bed and in my closet (ok, so it’s only Natalie Portman on my V For Vendetta poster). I see more jews hiding in the American bushes than all those eggs hidden by the Easter bunny for those Easter egg hunts (everyone keeps saying the Easter bunny doesn’t exist, but I just keep pointing to the eggs**). What I don’t see are any of those goddamned, fucking, A-rabs controlling American banks and running my country into the ground, while America supplies them with billions of dollars in foreign aid and massive amounts of military weaponry. I see Israel with hundreds of nuclear weapons, but I don’t see those goddamned, fucking Arabs owning a single one. So I just gotta’ ask myself who’s the real problem in America, who’s the real threat here? The jews – ‘I’m not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, I’m talking about Zionists’ – or those goddamned, fucking A-rabs?

Rev. Wright: “Zionists” Are Keeping Me from Talking to President Obama

**The latest movie The Torquemada Code reveals that it was agents of the forerunner of the modern Mossad who developed a plan to divert Christians from celebrating the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. During the 15th century, a group of Marrano jews known as the “Masad” developed a plan they called “Operation Harvey.” Their plan was to divert the religious observation of the resurrection of Christ into a pagan holiday.

It is not known exactly who came up with the idea for using a rabbit as a replacement for Christ, but it is now known that Masad agents traveled to Transylvania where it was rumored a huge and highly-intelligent breed of white rabbit lived. The breed, harveygus cuniculus, was named for the British monk Thomas Harvey who discovered them during a late-night drinking binge in 1359. This particular breed of rabbit is very secretive and usually only appears in the dead of night. For that reason it is usually only drunks stumbling home from a tavern who encounter them.

The plan of the Masad was to find forty harveygus cuniculus of known jewish birth and recruit them into Masad service where they would receive special training in a secret monastery located somewhere outside of Palestine. The bunnies were rigorously trained in diplomatic protocol, chicken husbandry, basket weaving, egg collecting and to be especially kind to children. After completing their top secret training, the bunnies were given a red coat that signified a King’s messenger and the earliest known example of a pocket timepiece. They were then sent out among the countryside to weave baskets and fill them with eggs.

The night before Easter in 1492, on the stroke of midnight, the bunnies began hiding their eggs in the bushes. Then on Easter morning, the Marrano bunnies traveled to nearby town squares where they read forged proclamations to the starving peasants. The proclamations stated that the King hereby ordered delicious eggs to be hidden among the bushes and anyone finding these eggs would be welcome to feast upon them. The starving goyim peasants and their children then spent the day searching for eggs instead of going to mass. Originally the idea was to fry the eggs, but later it was decided that hard-boiling would be more efficacious to the hiding process. As the celebration grew in stature, many of the eggs would be made of chocolate to attract children in the hopes of keeping them out of Sunday school. Much thought was given to the eggs themselves as the Masad agents feared that leaving them a uniform, natural white color might well engender feelings of white supremacy among the goyim. Therefore the Masad came up with a plan to paint the eggs all the colors of the rainbow giving rise to the original idea of a “rainbow egg” coalition. Next they agents decided to paint designs on the eggs that would secretly resemble various types of Yarmulkes, thus planting subliminal suggestions of jewish good will in the minds of the unsuspecting goyim who found the eggs.

Of course the plan was a resounding success. It was Lewis Carroll who first stumbled onto the Masad’s plan in 1878, but fearing reprisals from the Disraeli administration, he cleverly disguised the plan in his celebrated book Alice In Wonderland. In Carroll’s original manuscript the white rabbit was hurrying to his appointment to hide eggs, but Carroll’s publisher said this was simply too obvious and insisted that Carroll drop the rabbit’s mission statement, leaving the character perpetually late for an unknown appointment.

Every year the jews secretly celebrate their victory with their rabbit friends by dipping eggs in blood-red food coloring and then feasting on them in an orgy of wild abandon. This celebration is featured in the new movie “The Easter Deception.”

21 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Boasian Jews, egalitarianism, equality, jewed culture, Jewed science, race, Race Denial, Socrates at 7:20 pm | Permanent Link

Did you know that there’s only one race: the human race? If you doubt that, just ask Otto Klineberg [1]. What? Klineberg was a lying, leftist Jew? Go figure:


[1] see the right-hand sidebar [Here]

21 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", guns & goy controllers, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Lautenberg, Socrates at 3:17 am | Permanent Link

“The names of the people on the watch list are secret.” Really? Why? Anybody with strong anti-Israel views can end up on a “terrorism watch list,” and some people are on such lists erroneously. By the way, Jewish senator Lautenberg is the same fellow who gave America the infamous 1996 law which takes away your gun rights if you’ve been convicted of a certain misdemeanor offense:
