2 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates at 9:40 pm | Permanent Link

Dr. Oliver

Someone mentioned Dr. Oliver in the Comments section. Here is one of his essays: [Here].

More Dr. Oliver: [Here].

2 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jewed finance, jewish criminality, jewish scam artists, Madoff scandal, Socrates at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

Prediction: out of the 10, 7, and possibly 8, will be Jews:


2 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black culture, education, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, public skools, race, racial differences, Socrates at 4:22 pm | Permanent Link

Very interesting. But nevertheless the Jews and the egalitarians will continue to insist that race doesn’t matter:


1 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Buchanan, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 11:24 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“In a very real sense, the demise of Darwinism has led to the death of the West that Buchanan deplores. Without an intellectually compelling and scientifically based ideology of ethnic defense, it was not possible to erect barriers against the invasion of other peoples.”


1 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism' at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

“Let me have sex with ur puppy just once”

The city’s first Hasidic cop was excoriated in a anti-Semitic rant by a dog-loving subway passenger who allegedly refused to place her sick pet in an animal carrier, sources and a witness said yesterday.

Brooklyn blogger Chrissie Brodigan claimed Officer Joel Witriol went ballistic when he saw her take her pug, Dempsey, out of her purse in violation of subway regulations at around 5:30 p.m. Monday. She said he cuffed her, insulted her and roughed her up.

But a witness, Viane Delgado, said Brodigan was the one out of line. Delgado said Witriol “repeatedly” asked the woman to place the barking pug in a carrier she had. But instead, she allegedly insulted him with anti-Semitic slurs and tried to walk away.

You f—ing Jew, you’re not even human,” Delgado quoted Brodigan as saying.

She repeatedly said, “Jewish people think they own everything,” a source said.

But Brodigan denied that account.

“I don’t remember saying anything anti-Semitic,” she said. “I do remember saying, ‘Clearly, you have trouble with women.’ I probably called him an a–hole.”

According to her account, Witriol “said he needed to talk to me” as she was ascending a staircase at the L-line Bedford Avenue station.

“He pushed me against the wall and said, ‘I need your name and ID.’ ”

Brodigan, 32, said that when she told Witriol she had left her wallet at work, things turned ugly.

He pushed me against the wall and said, ‘If you’re gonna act like a woman, I’m gonna treat you like a woman,’ ” said Brodigan.

The blogger denied she had a carrying case with her and said her dog suffers from a health condition that causes it to overheat.

She claims that when she started to walk away, “he handcuffed my wrist, pushed me against the wall, punched me in the back and kicked me in the shin.”

She also claimed Witriol at one point put his hands on her breasts.

Melissa Randazzo, 29, another witness, backed up Brodigan’s story.

“His tone was really alarming,” Randazzo said of Witriol. “The girl looked scared. She didn’t look like someone who would get into trouble. Something didn’t seem right about this situation.”

Witriol’s family would not comment on the case last night.

The NYPD said that there’s no record of any impropriety on the part of Witriol and that Brodigan was given a summons for failing to identify herself and for not having a dog in a proper container.

A police source said Brodigan was belligerent and argumentative.

Brodigan claimed the cop took away her pug and threatened he’d have it “put down.”

1 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 1:24 pm | Permanent Link

“Do as I say, not as I do…”

Los Angeles, CA – American Apparel whose founder Dov Charney has been a vocal advocate of immigration reform, has been told by the United States government that 1,800 of its employees are working illegally in the U.S. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent notice to the Counselor Top 40 supplier that 1,600 of its employees submitted suspect documentation. The eligibility of another 200 workers could be not verified due to the discrepancies in their records.

“It is the company’s hope that these employees are able to confirm their work authorization so that they may continue to work at American Apparel,” Charney said in a prepared statement.

American Apparel said in a press release that if the workers – representing nearly a third of the Los Angeles-based supplier’s workforce – could not provide proper documentation, “the employees will not be able to continue their employment.” The supplier revealed the notice from the government in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission late yesterday. American Apparel said in the filing that even if it were to lose all the employees in question, it “does not currently believe that the loss of these employees would have a materially adverse impact on its financial results.”


1 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link



The Vail Daily newspaper last week took the brunt of a well-deserved public beat-down for publishing a sheriff’s department press release in which a witness to a home break-in in Edwards described a suspect as being of “Jewish or Eastern European descent.”

The now properly edited staff report is still on the paper’s Web site, but the offending original version made it into print Wednesday, prompting an apology from self-described Jewish American managing editor Matt Zalaznick in Thursday’s paper and a flood of justifiably outraged letters to the editor in Friday’s paper.

The press release issued by the Eagle County Sheriff’s Department and printed by the Daily went on to relay the witness description of the suspect as having “dark hair, large nose, pierced ears, narrow face and eyes that were close together.”

Zalaznick admitted the paper screwed up: “We felt there was a difference between saying that all Jewish people look a certain way and that one alleged burglar in Edwards, Colorado looked Jewish. The former is truly reprehensible, the latter still offensive, but a result of sloppy editing rather than any individual or institutional bigotry.”

But while the question of institutional bigotry may be somewhat new to the Vail Daily — a resort-town paper covering a largely homogeneous population (although immigration issues are a constant source of tension) — it is not a new question for the sheriff’s department.

In fact, the question of racial – not religious — profiling came up during the Kobe Bryant case in 2003, when the National Basketball Association superstar for the Los Angeles Lakers was charged with raping a worker at a resort hotel near Edwards. Charges were later dropped, and Bryant settled a civil suit filed by the woman.

1 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 1:58 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


The subject about which I have spoken with you more than any other is the destructive effect on our people and our civilization of the Jewish control of our mass media of news and entertainment. In nearly every broadcast I’ve mentioned the damage done to us by Jewish media control. I don’t talk about this subject so often because I want to bore you but instead because it is the single most important fact of life today: the single gravest danger threatening our people, our future, our very existence. Overcoming this danger — breaking the Jewish stranglehold on our mass media — is the single most urgent and demanding task facing us as a people. That’s why I keep talking about it.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 03-23-2002).

1 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish cruelty, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, Zionism at 1:11 am | Permanent Link


The Jews portray themselves as kind, decent, moral people who merely want to get along with others. That’s baloney. Jews are arrogant, greedy, violent, cruel people – even the late Harry Truman said so [1]:


[1] “Yet when they (Jews) have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog.” — former president Harry S Truman, diary, 1947

30 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jew mentality, jewish criminality, Jewish genetics, jewish scam artists, Madoff scandal, Socrates, William Pierce at 2:00 am | Permanent Link

Great news. But what explains Madoff’s crimes? Surely he knew that, eventually, he would get caught by the law. Since so many of America’s super-swindlers have been Jews, there seems to be within many of them a powerful “greed gene” that overrides logic – something to think about if your banker is named Goldbergwitz. Furthermore, contrast Madoff’s punishment with the punishments of other big, Jewish embezzlers: it’s significantly more severe:


Dr. William Pierce on Jewish scam artists: [Here].