29 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“Perhaps you’ll pardon me if I speak to you today in a more personal vein than I usually do. I want to tell you about some personal perceptions of mine, because I believe that many of you who are listening have had similar perceptions. I believe many of you have something in common with me, something very important.

When I was a little boy, 11 or 12 years old, I used to spend my time taking clocks apart, building radios and model airplanes, and doing experiments in a tiny laboratory that I had in my parents’ garage. I used to make little solid-fuel rockets and try them out in the back yard. My ambition was to be a rocket scientist when I grew up. And that’s what I became, at least for a while, until I returned to the university to teach.”

The rest is [Here]. (No audio version available).

28 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, jewed culture, propaganda, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 9:26 pm | Permanent Link

Jew TV #2

28 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Obama, racism accusations, Socrates, Zionism at 9:09 pm | Permanent Link

The people who invented racism think that Obama is a racist:


28 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 8:43 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick Grimm.

“The machine could not be more odious or more heart-sickening than it has now become. It is a machine fueled by egalitarian fairy tales and pipe dream pap. The machine is fueled by the mind-numbing and body-destroying oils and gasolines of Big Jewry. Indeed it is run by them. The machine is fueled by a controlled opposition and a gaggle of gate-keepers, shills and double-agents who keep us confused, bleary-eyed and rudderless, unable to shake ourselves free of the machine and see the world the way it really is and in the way it really works.”


28 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in audio, Free Talk Live, VNNB at 6:52 pm | Permanent Link

“Think those guys on VNN are going to be talking about us?”

Join me your host Bud White this Tuesday as we focus exclusively on the NJ Rabbi fraud stories. No stone will be left unturned. Tunes start at 6:30 est, show starts at 7:30 est.

Tell anyone and everyone u know about the show, we are looking to latch onto new listeners.

UPDATE: We will be joined by Suzi Purtee of the Patriot Dames.

Stories for tonight’s show can be found here

Do not miss this show!!!

28 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black icons, brown culture, brown/non-White heroes, Socrates, sports at 5:01 pm | Permanent Link

The God Of Golf is less than god-like? Say it isn’t so!


27 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Britain, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, England, equality, equalocracy, Socrates at 11:07 pm | Permanent Link

The negro in charge of forcing Cultural Marxism onto British society finds himself under governmental scrutiny:


27 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in 'anti-Semitism', Alex Linder, Israel at 5:11 pm | Permanent Link

Jerusalem – Anti-Semitism was behind the highly publicized arrests last week of rabbis, including three from the Aleppo-Syrian Jewish community in New York and New Jersey, according to Yitzhak Kakun, editor-in-chief of the Shas weekly Yom Le’Yom.

“There is a feeling here that the FBI purposely attempted to arrest as many rabbis as possible at once in an attempt to humiliate them,” Kakun said in a telephone interview Sunday.

“Regardless of the details of the case – I am not familiar with the precise charges and the evidence – you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests. It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism,” he said.

Kakun added that he planned on devoting the editorial of his paper to an attack on the Obama administration for attempting to whip up anti-Semitic feelings against the Orthodox Jewish community in the US.

Meanwhile, Shas MK Nissim Ze’ev said US police authorities had deliberately created the false impression that members of the Aleppo community were somehow connected with organ trafficking and extortion, when in reality their only crime was money-laundering.

“There is absolutely no connection between the rabbis from the Aleppo community and those others,” said Ze’ev, who was once a rabbi for the Aleppo community in Brooklyn and continues to pray with the community on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

“The US police are trying to make it seem as though there is some kind of Jewish mafia,” he said.

Ze’ev was referring to impression some media outlets had given by calling the group of rabbis involved the “Kosher Nostra,” a play on the words “Cosa Nostra.”


He also rejected any special connections between Shas and the Aleppo Jewish community in the US

Moshe Grylak, editor-in-chief of the haredi weekly Mishpacha, said the recent spate of bad publicity had put the haredi community in Israel on the defensive.

“The secular population is convinced we are a bunch of Talibans who starve their children and money-launder,” said Grylak, who argued that the local media had broken the rules of journalistic ethics by labeling the perpetrators as haredi.

“And on top of it all, we are also a bunch of parasites who don’t work,” he said. “It’s been a tough time for us. And Tisha Be’av is just around the corner.”

Grylak added that the FBI had purposely created a media fanfare around the US incident in an attempt to cover up the bureau’s failures in uncovering the Madoff scam.

“It was obvious they were trying to prove something, trying to show they were capable,” he said.

Both Grylak and Ze’ev were concerned about possible anti-Semitic repercussions from the incident.

“After Madoff, now there is this. I’m frankly concerned about the rise of anti-Semitism in the US,” said Grylak.

27 July, 2009

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 5:03 pm | Permanent Link


Rabbi Israel Dwek, the spiritual leader of the Sephardic Jewish community in the wealthy Monmouth County suburb of Deal, took to his pulpit on Saturday to cite the Talmudic Law of Moser that prohibits a Jew from informing on another Jew to a non-Jew.  Rabbi Dwek then renounced his son, Solomon Dwek, the failed real estate developer whose 2006 indictment on bank fraud charges motivated him to cooperate with federal prosecutors in a sting operation that led to the arrests of 44 individuals on Thursday.  The group included three mayors, two state legislators, a multitude of local officials, and several Rabbis.  As explained to PolitickerNJ.com, Rabbi Dwek will sit Shiva for Solomon Dwek, observing the Jewish custom of mourning for an immediate family member who has died.

27 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, National Alliance, Shaun Walker, Socrates, White martyrs, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:31 am | Permanent Link

Walker tried to “create a white living space” in Utah? Heavens! What if America had White laws instead of Jewish laws?
