6 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, Jewish art/architecture, medicine, Socrates at 10:32 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a medical clinic with horrible architecture outside and horrible art inside. So, patients who arrive in distress get a double-dose of depressing visual crap on top of their health troubles. Miserable yids.

5 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in global government, global warming, globalization, good for jews, Max Horkheimer, Socrates, UN at 10:53 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Max Horkheimer says: “Now this is what I like to see: flexibility and persistence. If one type of globalism doesn’t enslave the goyim, try another one!”


5 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

When a race of swindlers manages a state, the culture there can only be cruel and inhuman:


5 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in democracy, democrazy, Socrates, William Pierce at 12:57 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“William Shakespeare is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities.

There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare and the other creators of our European culture and replacing them with non-Whites of various stripes, such as the three Black writers I just named. The impression is left by the media discussion that this is some sort of fad, which, hopefully, will pass soon. The discussion was sparked by a decision on the part of the faculty at Georgetown University, the prestigious Jesuit school in Washington, to drop the requirement that their English majors study the works of at least two authors from among Chaucer, Milton, and Shakespeare. Now Georgetown’s English majors can graduate without ever having read anything by Shakespeare. I’m not talking about Georgetown’s basketball players or her business majors. I’m talking about the students who are seeking degrees in English literature. An acquaintance with Shakespeare is no longer necessary. Nor is an acquaintance with the writings of any other dead White European males, or ‘dwems,’ as they are referred to contemptuously by the Politically Correct elements at our universities these days.”

The rest is [Here]. (No audio version available).

5 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Frankfurt School, globalization, Max Horkheimer, Socrates, White middle class at 12:07 am | Permanent Link

by Elizabeth Whitcombe.

“The middle class is not an income bracket. It is a group of people who share values that strengthen the individual. Their strength makes the middle class the most difficult class to rule.

Displacing the middle class has been the trend of recent history. Globalism concentrates wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people, which starves out the mid-tier of society. Particularly since the end of WWII , Western elites have focused on breaking the mid-tier’s ability to resist their own disenfranchisement.”


4 August, 2009

Posted by VNNB in jew mentality at 7:50 am | Permanent Link

JERUSALEM — An American-Israeli crime ring conspired to defraud United States tax authorities of tens of millions of dollars for at least five years, according to Israeli and American court documents filed Monday.

The suspects filed thousands of fraudulent requests for tax refunds in the names of prisoners in federal penitentiaries, without the prisoners’ knowledge, according to an indictment filed in Chicago. They then laundered the money through Israeli bank accounts, the authorities said.

Two Americans and seven Israelis went to a Tel Aviv court for a hearing on Monday in connection with the case. Other Americans have been arrested in Chicago and other parts of the United States.

The man accused of leading the ring, Marvin Berkowitz, 62, fled the United States for Israel in 2003, according to the Israeli authorities, and has been living in Jerusalem.

The American indictment states that the suspects sought to get more than $35 million in federal and state income tax refunds. Israeli investigators say they have found $12 million worth of tax refunds in Israeli bank accounts controlled by Mr. Berkowitz and his accomplices.

Mr. Berkowitz is suspected of arranging at least $800,000 in tax refunds to be paid to, or for the benefit of, eight or more members of his family, including two sons who have been arrested in the United States.

Federal officials said the men had sought tax refunds using the identities of about 3,300 federal prisoners. Mr. Berkowitz, who was charged with six counts of identity theft, is suspected of recruiting and paying others to travel to federal courthouses to collect personal information about federal inmates, including Social Security numbers.

The Israeli case resulted from an undercover investigation that had lasted for months by the Israeli national fraud unit working with American authorities, the Israeli police said Monday.

Last month, 11 Israelis were arrested and accused of swindling millions of dollars by calling elderly Americans from an office in Tel Aviv and telling them they had won the lottery and had to pay a preliminary tax.

4 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in communism, Hungary, jewed culture, Marxism, politics, Socrates at 3:06 am | Permanent Link

It’s about time. In fact, given the Jewing of Hungary – twice in the past century – you gotta wonder why the far Right isn’t stronger there:


4 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Jewish psychoanalysts, multiculturalism, Socrates at 1:11 am | Permanent Link

Video games don’t “reflect diversity”? Maybe Jewish psychoanalysts can help the beaners later on in life:


3 August, 2009

Posted by VNNB in jewish criminality, Jewish organizations, Jewish power, jewish scam artists at 6:50 pm | Permanent Link

The alleged grifter who duped corporate giants

(Fortune Magazine) — Just before dawn last October, around 50 federal law enforcement officials mustered in front of a six-story Beaux Arts townhouse on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

The agents, wearing blue raid jackets, stood in the rain outside the home of 45-year-old Dina Wein Reis, a self-described businesswoman, film producer, and philanthropist. For at least 15 years Wein Reis had made a fortune by allegedly gulling dozens of consumer product giants, including Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Hershey, in exquisitely orchestrated scams.

“We’re here to execute a search warrant,” an FBI agent said. The agents swarmed into the first-floor salon, past the Modigliani portrait and the French provincial furniture. They marched through sumptuous rooms crowded with an eclectic collection of treasures, from La Farge stained-glass doors to canvases by Warhol, Frank Stella, and Thomas Hart Benton.

Wein Reis was arrested on charges of conspiracy and wire fraud. After fainting, she was escorted by FBI agents to a hospital for evaluation. Then she was arraigned, fingerprinted, photographed, and sent to federal lockup. Five associates of Wein Reis were also arrested for their alleged involvement in the fraud ring. The search warrant gave the government authorization to seize “fruits of the crime,” which federal officials interpreted to mean just about everything. Besides scores of necklaces and watches, they carted off a pair of Louis XVI footstools, two Bugatti throne chairs, a pair of Empire sleigh beds, and a 1920s cast-iron vanity.

The feds needed two huge moving vans to haul away the trove. The job wasn’t finished until three the next morning. The federal agents were utterly overwhelmed by the quantities of loot. Recalled Dennis Halliden, the FBI special agent supervising the case: “It was like King Tut’s tomb.”

Read the rest of this entry »

3 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in A. Wyatt Mann, cartoons, Socrates at 1:02 am | Permanent Link

More A. Wyatt Mann cartoons:
