10 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Brutus, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 9:23 pm | Permanent Link

Jew TV #3

9 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, Nazi era, Nazis, race, racial differences, Socrates, Tom Sunic at 11:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Tom Sunic.

“No word in the modern Western parlance is as scary as the word ‘race.’ It is avoided like the plague by contemporary opinion makers, except when they gleefully use its verbal derivative “racist” against right-wingers, White nationalists, forever looming ‘neo-Nazis’ and their proverbial bed fellows ‘anti-Semites.’ In modern science, let alone in the social sciences, the word and the concept of race is denounced as a social construct, not being admitted as biological reality, despite overwhelming evidence that race is not just skin deep and that different races world-wide show marked differences in behavior, cultural achievements, and in IQ. As professor Daniel A. Beach recently noted: ‘Race pervades a great deal of social and interpersonal issues with which we must contend, yet we have no effective way of talking about it.'”


9 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Charles Coughlin, economics, economy, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, jewed culture, jewed finance, Socrates at 10:36 pm | Permanent Link

“Bernanke’s Politburo”? That’s sort of an interesting comment, i.e., recall Father Charles Coughlin’s similar comment about the Federal Reserve being Leninesque. (By the way: this is a good article, but just for the benefit of newbies, I want to mention that the Federal Reserve doesn’t physically print America’s money, as you might think by reading this. It does, however, control America’s money in various ways):


9 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, holocaust survivors, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 12:36 am | Permanent Link

This victim wasn’t just a human. No. He was a suhvivah – the greatest of all beings! Let’s forget, for a moment, the two arrested men. If the victim was previously in a Nazi “death camp,” why wasn’t he already dead? In fact, why are there roughly 3 million “death camp” survivors in the U.S. alone? Something doesn’t add up, Moshe. It’s that darn Jewish math. Were the Nazis that incompetent?


Interesting details about Brinkmann: [Here].

8 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 10:48 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

7 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, egalitarianism, equality, Socrates, Supreme Court at 10:09 pm | Permanent Link

…despite the fact that she admitted that she was a “product of affirmative action.” (Remember the old days when people were hired/appointed based on their abilities?):


7 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in capitalism, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Islam, Jew World Order, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Muslims, New World Order, Zionism at 8:54 pm | Permanent Link

It seems that, at some point, somebody in our government asked the question, “how can America drag the Muslim world (the last holdout) into the New World Order via Zionism, supercapitalism, equalocracy and materialism if we don’t have military bases all over the Middle East?” Or a very similar question:


7 August, 2009

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, economics, economy, jewish scam artists, jobs, Orwell, outsourcing of jobs at 4:34 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

Here is a great example of why Americans are clueless. This is one of the subtle lies used by jews to keep the American corpse upright until they have sucked dry the very last drop of its blood. If you read my story about the metal salvager’s encounter with the Chinese bidders (coming soon — Ed.) (that event happened back in the mid-eighties) then you understand just how much of the following quote is bogus: “But American manufacturing has been on a steady decline for decades and some economists say they fear that if the trend is not addressed soon, the U.S. industrial base will disappear for good.” Excuse me, it already has disappeared for good. To reaffirm the fact, one only needs to take a trip to the most American of all-American stores, Wal-Mart, to see the imported goods. As Wal-Mart once advertised, try “buy[ing] American.”

Note however that the journalist starts off with some truth by stating, “American manufacturing has been on a steady decline for decades.” Yes, but what about the manipulation in the remainder of the statement? One only needs to apply the current unemployment numbers to see what is actually happening; but, take those numbers and double them (doubling government statistics offsets its chronic lies about the real figures). Where exactly did all those jobs go? Continue this line of thought by asking how America’s unemployment situation might be addressed when the major manufacturing infrastructure was shipped off to China years ago. Just who is going to hire the burgeoning throngs of unemployed workers? Where are the jobs going to come from? If you say “the federal government will create the jobs” then quit reading right now, turn on the TV, grab some donuts and watch Oprah.

The jews run around the ruins of the American factories yelling, “Look out! If we don’t outsource jobs, America’s economy will stagnate and collapse!” And the sheeple all bleat out, “Yes! Yes! It’s true! Experts named Goldberg and Weinstein said so.” Once again I say: Orwell was made privy to the plan. His book “1984” was a fictitious account of a very real plot white men now suffer under.

California Bleeding Manufacturing Jobs, Report Shows [1]:

[1] the Milken Institute was founded by convicted, Jewish fraudster Michael Milken

7 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Jew World Order, jewed culture, Socrates at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Alex Kurtagic.

“The triumph of the Left following the end of World War II allowed Jewish intellectual movements to radically undermine, discredit, and marginalize the inegalitarian, evolutionist, militarist, and racial nationalist discourses that had been culturally acceptable in the West throughout the second half of the 19th century and until the middle of the 20th century.”


6 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, democracy, democrazy, equality, equalocracy, Jew World Order, New World Order, Socrates, tikkun olam at 11:09 pm | Permanent Link

But, if America doesn’t push Equalocracy onto the rest of the world, then there goes the Jews’ best chance for major tikkun olam:
