20 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Anne Frank, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Jewish lies, Jewish myths, Socrates at 6:06 am | Permanent Link


Haven’t heard or seen enough of this overhyped little snagglesnoot? You’re in luck, silly goy:


19 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, media, media control, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 1:58 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish TV producer Don Hewitt is dead; he was the man behind the news program “60 Minutes” for decades. Given that that show was one of the most popular in television history, it could be said that Hewitt played a big role in the shaping of American opinions and attitudes. Trivia: Dr. William Pierce was interviewed on that show and on its related program, “60 Minutes II”:


More about Jews in the media: [Here].

19 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, diversity is hate, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:31 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“When I was a little boy I was taught that it is bad to lie. I was taught that it is always better to tell the truth, even if that sometimes puts one at a disadvantage. For example, if my mother asked me, ‘Bill, did you eat all of the cookies in the cookie jar?’ and I had done it, I knew that I was supposed to say, ‘Yes, mother, I did,’ even though it might mean a whipping for me.

I believe that I was taught this pretty well, because I always felt guilty, I felt very bad, when I lied to avoid some unpleasantness or to gain some advantage. Actually, I usually told the truth, and as I grew up I admired and respected people who had the courage to be truthful when it was disadvantageous to them.”


19 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies, jews, Socrates at 1:39 am | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“Two weeks ago, I showed that deceiving non-Jews was normative behavior for the Jewish community historically. As I wrote, ‘illegal activities involving deception and deceit are tolerated within the Jewish community. . . The only ethical principle involved here is the age old ‘Is it good for the Jews?'”


19 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black crime, Christian/Newsom, hush crimes, Knoxville at 12:24 am | Permanent Link


There is apparently little or no “national” media coverage of the trial. Interestingly, the jury is almost 70% Black; only 3 Whites are on the jury, excluding alternates:


18 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in agent provocateurs, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 11:51 pm | Permanent Link

Notice that federal agencies don’t usually target Marxist people/groups, even though they are more extreme than WNs [1]:


[1] although the federal cops do target animal-rights terrorists

17 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in N.B. Forrest, Socrates at 11:14 am | Permanent Link

by N.B. Forrest.

Just watched a few remarkably lengthy minutes of “Roustabout,” one of Elvis Presley’s impressive ouevre of shit flicks. In a real Actor’s Studio stretch, he plays a Singer With a Chip on His Shoulder, a guy who wears a black leather jacket with pants & gloves to match (so you just know he’s tuff). This tryptophan fest kicks off with some college boys heckling him as he takes the stage in a dive bar. With a lip curl o’ contempt, “Evvis” launches into a mocking tune called “Poison Ivy League.” Here are some of the lyrics:

“The ra-ra boys are being groomed for business some day

For better things to college they were sent

And you can bet they’ll be the head of the company

As long as dear old daddy’s president

Poison ivy league, boys in that ivy league

Give me an itch, those sons of the rich

That poison ivy league”

The writers of that deathless gem? Messrs. Giant, BAUM & KAYE.

Of course, the Pelvis is forced to “throw hands” in the parking lot. When the “ra-ra boys” see he rides a rice burner, they sneer “What’s the matter – an AMERICAN cycle not good enough for you?”

Why, them goddam silver spoon punks!

Mind-schtuppin’ the White working class with resentment against a WASP elite that by that time had already been mostly usurped by their co-tapirs…oy, such a business!

16 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Jewish lies, Jewish myths, Jewish Tyranny, propaganda, Socrates, World War II at 10:47 pm | Permanent Link

The “6 million Jews” number has been tossed around since at least 1919 – long before Hitler came to power in Germany. Here is yet another mention of “6 million” Jewish victims:


16 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in History for newbies, Hitler, media, media cases, Nazi era, Nazis, propaganda, Socrates at 4:52 pm | Permanent Link

How can you tell when a Jew is lying? His lips are moving. Another Jewish media lie about Hitler is exposed as a fake. Big surprise. Almost every “fact” about The Fuhrer is baloney:


16 August, 2009

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, beauty, dispossession & destruction, Jewish genetics, propaganda, race, racial differences, racial hierarchy, racism accusations, Socrates, Tom Sunic, White philosophy at 1:35 am | Permanent Link

by Tom Sunic.

“The word and epithet ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ are usually hurled against White nationalists, never ever scathing other racial non-European outgroups. Over the last fifty years, no effort has been spared by the Western system and its mediacracy to pathologize White Western peoples into endless atonement and perpetual guilt feelings about their White race. The intended goal was to create a perception that all non-European races and outgroups are immune to sentiments of xenophobia or racial exclusion. The incessant anti-White propaganda and the idealization of non-Whites has attained grotesque dimensions, resulting in clinical self-hate and neurotic behavior among the majority of Whites.”
