9 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed politics, Obama, Socrates at 5:10 pm | Permanent Link

Uh-oh. This isn’t good news for America’s “first Black president” and it comes just when another Jew has joined Obama’s crew:


9 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, General Decline, illegal immigration, immigration, jewed culture, jewed politics, plutocracy, politics, Socrates at 1:51 pm | Permanent Link

Crusty old prospector: “Wait a second. That’s not gold. That’s Goldwater! Damn it – how in hell did those people get into Arizona??” [1]:


[1] Sen. Barry Goldwater was half-Jewish

9 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:37 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“A lot of crazy things are going on these days, some of which strike us as more obviously crazy than others. One of the more obviously crazy things which has come to my attention recently is a fight between two associations of high school wrestling coaches and referees in Texas on the one hand and feminist groups on the other hand. The feminists are insisting that high school girls be permitted to wrestle high school boys. The Texas Wrestling Officials Association and the Texas Interscholastic Wrestling Association are saying, ‘No way.’ So the parents of a couple of high school girls in Texas, backed by the feminist groups, have sued the wrestling officials, charging them with bigotry, sexism, and all the usual things. The wrestling officials say that they are willing to sponsor separate wrestling matches for girl wrestlers, but no girl-vs.-boy matches. The feminists claim to be insulted by this offer. They are demanding sexually integrated wrestling. The American Civil Liberties Union, among the groups backing the feminists, has announced that the wrestling officials clearly are guilty of ‘discrimination.'”


8 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bretton Woods, global government, globalization, Jew World Order, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, New World Order, Socrates, tikkun olam, UN at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

Brown Man

Sounds great for the benefit of Joe Citizen, but let’s get to the root of the matter: who will control the new global currency (either directly or indirectly)? The usual snagglesnoots, that’s who. Note the mention of Bretton Woods, which was created by a snagglesnoot who spied for the Soviet Union:


8 September, 2009

Posted by Archives in Alex Linder, Nazi era, Nazis, White future, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought at 12:35 pm | Permanent Link

“The challenge is not to join the existing elite but to form a new one. A new elite based on honor and blood, rather than status and money. That’s how the Nazis did it. That’s the true alternative to the System. NOT being a whore. What a kooky fresh idea. NOT selling out? Unthinkable – yet strangely attractive…As I say, ours is a quest, a cause, it is not a career. You should see that Sam Francis tried to have it both ways – that is exactly why I advocate forcing people like him to come down on one side or the other. Sam Francis and Pat Buchanan are and were career girls, and that’s what they will always be. The type of change we seek does not come from career girls, it come(s) from essentially religious crusaders.” – Alex Linder

[VNN Forum].

8 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in America, America's founders, jewed culture, Socrates, Yockey, Zionism at 12:33 am | Permanent Link

by Francis P. Yockey.

“The early American arrived at a land of which he knew nothing. He did not know its geography, its fertility, its climate, its dangers. In the North, he encountered forests, rocky soil, and winters of a rigor he had not known before. In the South, he met with swamps, malaria, and dense forests, Everywhere he encountered the hostile savage with his scalping knife and his warfare against women and children. In little groups, these early Americans cleared the forests, and built homes and forts. The men plowed the fields with rifles slung over their shoulders, and in the house, the wife went about her duties with a loaded weapon near at hand. There were ships to and from Europe, and the colonials could have left their hardships and gone back — but they would not admit defeat.”


6 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in African National Congress, black culture, black leaders, black pols, black rule, jewed culture, Socrates, South Africa at 7:25 pm | Permanent Link

Blacks ruined South Africa yet they bitch when a White man flees it?! By the way, not only is the African National Congress run by incompetent junglebunnies but it’s a semi-Marxist party as well. Who in his right mind would give a crap what the ANC thinks? Of course, it was Jews who really doomed South Africa:


6 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, anti-White themes, General Decline, mulattoes, multiculturalism, Obama, race, racial preferences, Socrates at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: another mention of Obama as a “Black” president. Why are mulattoes always called “Black” when they’re actually half-White? (A trick question).

6 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 10:57 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.


“This is one of the first things that struck me about Jewish political and intellectual rhetoric — that they managed to create a culture of critique in which only Whites had a moral obligation to disappear as a racial/ethnic entity while minority cultures such as their own were encouraged to hold on to their traditions and group cohesiveness.”


5 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 4:01 pm | Permanent Link

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680).




[Here] (this nearly-100 ft. tall, gilt bronze canopy took 9 years to build).