26 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in ANC, Canada, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, South Africa at 10:03 am | Permanent Link

Helping a White man escape from a Jew-created nightmare is “perverse.” Who knew?


26 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Instauration, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, Wilmot Robertson at 9:10 am | Permanent Link

More .pdf versions of Instauration have been created, from late 1996 (Aug./Sept./Oct. issues):

[VNN Forum thread] (see post #1, middle).

25 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, Britain, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, England, immigration, multiculturalism, Socrates at 12:34 pm | Permanent Link

Well, well, a plot to displace/replace the White people of Britain with foreigners. If Britain were sane, those government officials would be charged with a crime: treason:


25 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Jesus, Kinism, religion, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 11:46 am | Permanent Link

Can you be loyal to both your race and Jesus? One has to come first. Which is it gonna be?

[VNN Forum thread].

25 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, BNP, Britain, dispossession & destruction, England, media, media control, media criticism, propaganda, Socrates at 10:58 am | Permanent Link

by Alex Kurtagic.

“After much controversy, discussion, soul-searching, explanation, and legal posturing, BNP Chairman and Member of European Parliament Nick Griffin was allowed to participate in the BBC’s premier political television program, Question Time. The format of this show consists of a panel of politicians and public figures, sitting at a table, chaired by a moderator (David Dimbleby), and facing an audience inside a television studio. The purpose of the show is to perpetuate the illusion of a democratic society, whereby members of the public are given the opportunity to question politicians and public figures on current affairs issues in front of the nation. The show broadcasts from different cities every week, and average audience figures tend to be under the 3 million mark.”


25 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Congress, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed law, jewed politics, jewish spies, Neocons, Sibel Edmonds, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 10:36 am | Permanent Link

Hey, Congress, why don’t you do your job and order a committee to investigate all of the wrong-doings of the Jewish lobby and the neocons? (A trick question):


24 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Israel, jewed culture, jewish spies, jewish traitors, Jewish Tyranny, Jews in government, Socrates, Zionism at 10:44 am | Permanent Link

When it comes to spying against America, the question isn’t “how many spies have been Jews?,” the question is instead, “how many spies haven’t been Jews?” In fact, the biggest spy ring in U.S. history was headed by a snagglesnoot named Nathan Gregory Silvermaster:


More: [Here] and [Here].

23 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' laws, General Decline, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Obama, Socrates, Soviet Union, thought crime at 11:57 am | Permanent Link

A proposed law that punishes a person for what he was thinking if/when he committed a crime against a homosexual has passed both branches of Congress and now awaits Obama’s signature [1]. “Hate-crime” laws originally came from the Jewish-built Soviet Union – in fact, the first “hate-crime” law of the 20th century came from the Soviets; that law protected Jews and the penalty for violating that law was death [2].


[1] if Obama isn’t a natural-born U.S. citizen, this law will be legally void

[2] that Soviet decree/law outlawed pogroms against Jews and the pogromists themselves. It was issued on July 27, 1918

22 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in apologetic Whites, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish genetics, political correctness, politics, race, racial differences, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 3:36 pm | Permanent Link

They always do. They always say “sorry” to Jews and other non-Whites. But what if, one day, White men didn’t apologize? What if, one day, White men said “why should we apologize for telling the truth?” That’s when things will start to change:


22 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Edgar Steele, Socrates at 11:04 am | Permanent Link

by Edgar J. Steele.

(a .pdf file): [Here].