4 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in anthropology, Cuddihy, jewed culture, Jewed science, Socrates at 10:03 am | Permanent Link

A key figure in the Jewing of the sciences, “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss has gone to…wherever dead yids go. (He is mentioned at length in the book “The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity”):


4 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in global government, globalization, good for jews, international Jewry, jewed foreign policy, Kosovo, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates, tikkun olam at 7:54 am | Permanent Link


Big Jew: “Mr. Clinton, international Jewry presents this statue as a token of our thanks to you. Under the cover of NATO, your administration really came through for us. The White nationalism of the Serbs was curbed, and a new Muslim state was created in order to make that region more diverse…”


3 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Germany, jewed culture, Jewed workplaces, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish chosenness, Jewish paranoia, Socrates at 12:42 pm | Permanent Link

To be a yid is to be an obnoxious bully with a special license (issued by God) to harass gentiles:


3 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, radio, Socrates, Tom Sunic at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

More information about it [Here].

3 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in cartoons, jOsh in Kentucky, Socrates at 10:46 am | Permanent Link

Welcome back, Josh. (By the way, readers, Brutus will also return).


All Josh’s cartoons can be found under the “Graphics & Cartoons” sidebar menu.

2 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, jewed culture, propaganda, Socrates at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

What? The Holoswindle didn’t happen in Pennsylvania? Huh. Because this is quite a list of events…


1 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AIDS, AmeriKwa, Big Fag, General Decline, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Jew World Order, NWO, Obama, Socrates at 12:06 pm | Permanent Link

The U.S. will combat AIDS by not combating it. Got that? (Which Jewish member of the fag lobby birthed this policy?):


1 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, black behavior, black crime, Christian/Newsom, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Socrates at 9:20 am | Permanent Link

Of course, this being AmeriKwa, he will enjoy years of life before the state finally snuffs him:


30 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Frankfurt School, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 2:37 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“One of Wheatland’s strengths is his rich documentation of the strong connections between the New York Intellectuals and the Frankfurt School. Both groups were predominantly Jewish (the first generation Frankfurt School exclusively so), and both were associated with the anti-Stalinist left. However, they had somewhat different theoretical perspectives and overlapping associations. It is common among intellectual historians (e.g., Eric P. Kaufmann) to view the New York Intellectuals as the most important group advocating cosmopolitan racial ideology in the post-World War II era.”


30 October, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, CODOH, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 11:45 am | Permanent Link

Another good idea of his (along with the Campus Project):
