18 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black crime, black culture, General Decline, Socrates at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

There are Blacks in New Hampshire? Who knew?


17 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 5:38 am | Permanent Link

Say what you want, but if the quality isn’t high enough, I just might delete. Less McWeen, more BRILL cream.

17 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:50 am | Permanent Link

We’ve all heard many of them. Give me your pick and defend it. What is the analogy, metaphor, or other that best captures the relation between jew and white?

17 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 3:20 am | Permanent Link

Ostrowski has a new book on yanking kids out of public schools, the urgent need to.

First read this article.

Here’s the book it’s from.

“Socialists, who were very active in the public school movement, began operating covertly in secret cells in America as early as 1829, before the word socialism was even invented.”

~ Samuel L. Blumenthal [1]

A quick history lesson

This isn’t a history book.  It is a book about why you should take your kids out of government schools.  Yet, misconceptions about history may discourage some readers from fairly considering the evidence and arguments that are to follow.  What I ask is that you keep an open mind.  Put your preconceptions aside and take a fresh look at this important subject.  That will be easier to do after a brief review of the origins and nature of the government school as we know it today.

Were government schools established because private society and families refused to educate the children, resulting in lifelong ignorance and illiteracy?  Were the motives of the reformers pure, selfless and concerned only with the well-being of the children?  Surely, after these reforms were in place, school attendance rose, illiteracy disappeared and the quality of education vastly improved.

None of those things happened!

16 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Catholicism, Catholics fighting jews at 10:42 pm | Permanent Link

Found this in the course of researching for analysts of any race, religion or species through history advising, pondering or even merely getting near the conclusion that jews ought to be exterminated, en masse (ie, all of them underground and inspiring the skunk cabbages).

This proves that, contrary to the claims of the Catholic church’s dogma and its foremost American intellectual proponent, E. Michael Jones, jews are not merely unconverted Christians. They did not become jews when they rejected Jesus. Rather they were an identifiable and despicable group from their first foul footstep onto the stage of world history. After you read this snippet and hoist a frosty to its simple wisdom, I’ll explain the psychological roots of Jones’s curious inability to think outside the ‘boo box.

“Hatred for the Jews,” Abram Leon writes, “does not date solely from the birth of Christianity. Seneca treated the Jews as a criminal race. Juvenal believed that the Jews only existed to cause evil for other peoples. Quintilian said that Jews were a curse for other people” (Leon, 71).

In 59 BC the Roman statesman Cicero criticized Jewish “clannishness” and “influence in the assemblies.” In the second century AD Celsus, one of Rome’s great medical writers, wrote that Jews “pride themselves in possessing superior wisdom and disdain for the company of other men.” Philostratus, an ancient Greek author, believed that Jews “have long since risen against humanity itself. They are men who have devised a misanthropic life, who share neither food nor drink with others.” (Cf. Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, I, iii.) The great Roman historian Tacitus (A.D. 56-120) declared that “the Jews are extremely loyal toward one another, and are always ready to show compassion [for their fellow Jews], but toward other people they feel only hate and enmity” (Morais, 46).


Now we’ll Jones Jones, after the method of Jones. Jones’s problem is simple. He needs an ideology to justify his preference for licit sex. Tortured by thoughts of the beauties he has passed up, and only partly compensated by his intelligent and sightly loin fruit, he clings with desperate loyalty to an institutional authority he has always lived by. His ‘boo box says jews are but unreclaimed wetlands, who is he to disagree? So ignoring the history he knows, he walks, as best he can, the Official Line. But we who think outside the ‘boo box and fuck outside the wifebox are free to observe and salivate over the curiously attractive and Jones-annihilating fact that

brilliant men long before the Church ever existed characterized jews as exactly the same perverse, obnoxious and lethal parasites that Jones says they became only after they rejected Jesus.

Indeed, Jones insists  in his tomes there is an identity between rejecting Jesus and rejecting logos, or logic-slash-rational thought.

Um, Herr Jones, for whom I have respect, I don’t know how to put this unbluntly so…I want you to turn down that Bach. Now imagine that sound video games make when your quarter’s fun is gone. And with that I just say…

We win.

You are wrong about jews. How does the Catholic church say your character will deform as you pridefully, willfully resist the proof of evidence and the promptings of right reason?  But wait. If the church rejects them too…how is the church deformed itself?

It is clear to all but the Catholics themselves that their inability to pay attention to the facts about a certain one of god’s created creatures has undermined their institution, subverted it, and set it on the path to destruction. The church has fallen victim to its own false ideology – easy to see for those of us on the outside. The fact was, is, and will remain that jews are not unconverted Christians, they are jews. Their attitude toward your fictional hero Jesus doesn’t have a goddam thing to do with it.

16 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Big Business, capitalism, international Jewry, nation-building/nation-wrecking, New World Order, Socrates, supercapitalism at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

An example of how supercapitalism changes communities. Goodbye, local merchants/people/goods! Hello, NWO!


16 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, Israel, Israeli war crimes, jewed culture, Socrates, Zionism at 5:17 pm | Permanent Link

A ballsy move, considering the power that the Jews have in England:


16 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Western culture, William Pierce at 11:13 am | Permanent Link

Yes, it’s another William Pierce Wednesday:

“Several weeks ago the actor Marlon Brando was interviewed on a television talk show, and he got a little careless. He blurted out something which everyone in the media and in show business knows, but which no one is supposed to say. Marlon Brando said that Jews own and run Hollywood, and that they run it for their own benefit: they run it to suit themselves and no one else. The films they make portray other ethnic groups unfavorably, but the Jews portray themselves only in the most favorable light.

Well, sir, what else is new? Next someone will be announcing that the earth goes around the sun!”


16 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:19 am | Permanent Link

I know we have some brains out there. Give me your best shot at designing one of these. I don’t mean architecture, I mean curating or laying out inside, or choosing the exhibits – not sure what the correct term is, if there is one. Interior decorating doesn’t seem quite right, altho funny. Say there are three stories. I envision this in the current ‘Holocaust’ Museum in D.C. I don’t know how many stories that has, but let’s say three for the purposes of discussion.

What do you put in this museum? how do you divide up jew history? What exhibits? What material goods?

I want to see some creative ideas. I’ve set the general framework. We’ve put the top yids on trial and found them guilty. We’ve given The Tribe the racial death penalty. We’ve humanely carried it out, per our Aryan nature. Now we turn one of their loxist institutions, the aforementioned Polocast Museum in D.C., into a Museum of Jewish Crimes. How do we do it? What do we fill it with? What kind of photos and fabrics, colors, lights, historical evidence, proof of loxist lies – how would you arrange it?

16 December, 2009

Posted by alex in jew at 2:54 am | Permanent Link

It occurs to me that the tiniest percentage of passers-by of this delightfully fermy hovel might take shrimpy issue with my call to exterminamate the jews. Fair enough. Because I’m a reasonable man, and because I utilize the international language of love, evidence and the logic that ligaments it, I propose to doobious yous the following fairful test.

Go to google.

Click news.

When the headlines uppen-poppen, write down first ten jews you come across.

Record your honest reaction to them, whate’er inspires it.

See what I mean?

I defy any among you to score better than 3-7, and more likely 2 neutral and 8 awful.

In the sense of Clint Eastwood shuddering at bloody hotdogs, “No one – I mean no one – puts jews on a society!”…

…we can say:

No one, I mean, NO ONE, can deny that jews are a


The Google Game proves it.

Play it as many time as you like. You’ll never get a different result.

Thass wha ahm sayin’, dog nutties.