21 December, 2009

Posted by alex in open thread at 8:17 pm | Permanent Link

Use this thread for:

– ideas you have that haven’t occurred to others;

– stories we ought to be aware of

– quality flames

– more

As we stated, our new policies are:

– no tolerance for flames on non-open threads

– keeping non-open threads to discussing the posted matter

– open threads every 11th post

21 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Big Government, government is the problem, health care at 8:09 pm | Permanent Link

Democracy is bribery. The coming ‘health care’ bill, to be passed on Christmas Eve as a big present for the AmeriKwan moron, to be redundant, is pretty much the summum anti-bonum for all involved who don’t work for the government, the connected companies, or number among the mud-alien floods who want something for nothing. America used to be a free country for solid white men. Now it’s a marxist conformist state for incompetent muds and the jews who sic them on white earners. The sooner the Kwa falls apart, the better for us, and this bill will hasten it. The government has proved its omni-incompetence, so what does it do? It leaps to swallow another giant chunk of the economy – exactly the opposite of what would be happening if it were guided by wise men. The government ought to be disgorging things nationalized. We need less military, less welfare for niggers, less involvement in the economy, less involvement in banking and money. All government does is create problems, exacerbate problems, and, perhaps most significantly, prevent problems from being dealt with. Even worse than that, it spreads a ‘public school’ system across the land that prevents problems from being identified because it instructs young slaves that the bad things are the good things.


20 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, genocide, genocide by jew, Jewish cruelty, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, judaism, Socrates, Talmud at 4:56 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, notice that expulsions of the Jews from various countries (there have been dozens over the centuries) have never worked, i.e., they always manage to return. Linder was merely offering an alternate viewpoint, one that other WNs are afraid to consider – at least in public. But wait: don’t the Jews themselves advocate the genocide of non-Jews? Yes, they do. They write: “Tob shebbe goyim harog” (that’s from the Talmud. Translated from yid-speak, it means “kill even the best of the gentiles”). In fact, genocide is an old, Jewish thing:


20 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, democracy, democrazy, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Marxism, republic vs. democracy, Socrates, women, Women Politicians at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

Why is democracy called a good thing? Is cancer also a good thing? Democracy means “any idiot can participate in politics.” That’s what it meant in ancient Athens (the birthplace of democracy, where politicians were chosen by lot, i.e., at random, which was “equality” that any Marxist today would applaud) and that’s what it means in America now. No standards are needed, any human will do, one size fits all, everyone is equal; male, female, negro, Mexican, retard – it doesn’t matter. Next stop for “democratic” America: Brown Man station! (train whistle: whoo, whoo!) [1]:


[1] How interesting that, in both the Athenian democracy and the Roman republic, women couldn’t hold political office, yet today women rule entire countries

20 December, 2009

Posted by alex in jewish atrocity fantasies, Jewish greed, Jewish lies, jewish scam artists, jews, jews jewing jewily at 12:55 am | Permanent Link

It never ends with these people. Each lie bigger than the last. And the vershtoopide goyim eat it up, particularly the women, see the comments. Anything that comes from authority and makes an emotional appeal is accepted as true by 95% of women with absolutely no thought involved, and, as the comments show, great horror at any man who dares invoke a little reason and logic. [Article]

19 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Bill White, jewed law at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link

Convicted of “intimidation” for sending letter to “Whiny Section 8 niggers,” among other things.


Discussed on forum here:


19 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Brown v. Board of Education, desegregation, egalitarianism, jewed culture, jewed law, Jewish Tyranny, multiculturalism, public skools, race, Socrates at 12:42 pm | Permanent Link

Hymie Goldsilverdiamond, president of Jews Eagerly Working to Destroy Everything White (JEWDEW), says: “That’s the funny thing about race: sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn’t! You just never know from one day to the next…”


18 December, 2009

Posted by alex in reviews, tv, tv analysis, tv shows at 8:51 pm | Permanent Link


reviewed by Stephen Clark

‘Take my love/take my land/ take me where I cannot stand/
Burn the land/ boil the sea/ you cannot take the sky from me.’

This was the opening theme to FIREFLY, a boot camp/cowboy song with fiddles and guitars instead of electronic music. In 2002, FIREFLY was a sci-fi show that led a brief but exciting life, not even completing a full season. Centering around the adventures of Mal, a former soldier in a failed rebellion against the Alliance of inner planets, he and his crew on the SERENITY, a FIREFLY class of of obsolete ship, tried to make a living in the outer planets, which looks like the American west, with horses, six-shooters, and a code of survival that is more John Wayne than Captain Kirk.  FIREFLY only lasted for  fifteen episodes, three of them never aired. Its creator, Josh Whedon, had a good TV track record with BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and other shows. Why did it fail? Fans blamed the lack of showing the pilot first, of network TV’s dislike of sci-fi, but I think it had too many WN elements in it to get a chance.

Read the rest of this entry »

18 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 1:14 pm | Permanent Link

[There is nothing that better reveals the quintessential lowness of the Christ cult than the deathbed conversion. Do none of these clowns have an atom of awareness that the prey and the priest and ignobler than dung beetles? It would be hard to say they do. They seem really pleased with the fishsticks and Lowenbrau repast they’ve put together for themselves.]

The Conversion of Lee Atwater

An Interview with John A. Hardon, S.J.

Read the rest of this entry »

18 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Afghanistan, Iraq, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewhad, Socrates, USrael, War On Israel's Enemies, wars started by Israel, Zionism at 12:36 pm | Permanent Link

Endless Zionist military campaigns have nothing to do with jihad, you rotten anti-Semites:
