27 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

This remarkable painting, called “Cloister Cemetery in the Snow” by Caspar David Friedrich, no longer exists. It was destroyed by the allied bombing of Germany during World War II (click on the image to enlarge it).

27 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", Israel, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewed foreign policy, Jewish scatology, Muslims, Richard Reid, scatology, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 2:18 pm | Permanent Link

Sarah Goldpoop, Zionist activist and dual-citizenship-holder, says: “Well, I don’t care what Richard Reid said. Muslims hate America because we have such great deals on toilet products. Where else can you buy an enema with an extra rectal nozzle and two solution bags for only 89 cents? They’re just jealous.” [1]:


[1] convicted “shoe bomber,” Richard Reid, who was arrested in December 2001 for trying to blow up an American passenger jet, was angry at America over its pro-Israel policies in the Middle East. A quote from Reid about America can be found [Here]

25 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, book selections, books, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 5:44 pm | Permanent Link

“One Sheaf, One Vine: Racially Conscious White Americans Talk About Race” by Robert S. Griffin (2004). Note: Alex is featured in this book:

(a .pdf file): [Book].

25 December, 2009

Posted by alex in AmRen, Jared Taylor, jew appeasers at 2:04 am | Permanent Link

“My magazine [American Renaissance] has frequently been accused of being a tool for the Jews because we’re far more interested in the question of the demographic future of the country,” Taylor said.

This quote is the type of thing I allude to when I nicknamed Samuel Jared Taylor The Polished Turd.  Sam-Jerry, who runs a front for the jews, or,  as America’s foremost Catholic intellectual, E. Michael Jones, puts it, a white NAACP (Amren, American Renaissance),  is smooth on the outside, in his unctuous, uncivilized WASP way,  but on the inside he is pure lying shit. Toolman Taylor is very much like the whitened sepulchres mentioned in the bible: gleaming white on the outside, but full of nasty stinky no-good nougaty jewrot in the center.

The JEWS opened the borders. Thus, the jews are the source of demographic change. Taylor knows that. He conceals it. While claiming he’s not taking sides on the jew issue. That makes him a liar, and a fraud. Yet we have these White Nationalist goobers who fall over themselves in the presence of this regal, courtly superman. He wears a suit! His galoshes don’t leak! His metaphors work! His tie is correctly dimpled. Well, you know what, you mental defectives, the suit doesn’t make the man. The suit covers up the unmanliness.

Samuel Jared Taylor is a liar, a fraud, and a conman straight out of the Bill Buckley playbook. And you who can’t see it ought to be flushed down the same crapper as the Polished Turd itself.

25 December, 2009

Posted by alex in resources at 12:48 am | Permanent Link


24 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in global government, globalization, international Jewry, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, Socrates, tikkun olam at 11:49 pm | Permanent Link

NATO sees positive signs for more tikkun olam-ing next year. (By the way, VNN readers: Merry Christmas, yuletide, or whatever you celebrate):


23 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Italian-Americans, Italy, jew mentality, tv analysis, tv shows at 11:10 pm | Permanent Link

Latest twist in ‘reality’ shows: same-ethnic group house. In this case guidos convening to party on the boardwalk.  The guidos, while sad and demented, but social, are at least a cultural subset, happy in their proclivities, with pride. An NYT kike blogs about the show and the type, a professor responds:

I teach Italian at a university in New York. My students are nearly all Italian American, and many do resemble the characters of Jersey Shore and many do not. This show is no more offensive or racist (a misuse of the word in any case) than most of the shows produced by the MTV network, eg. Flavor Flav, They are all sad reminders that in our oh so developed nation, we have been unable to teach our citizens how to agree subjects with verbs, but gee, isn’t that hilarious?! The problem with Joshua David Stein’s commentary is that it misses the fundamental problem with the show– it glorifies a divide between us and them, a divide that I must battle every day in the classroom as I seek to prepare students for a world dominated by Steins. One group is made of buffoons and the other is culturally superior, of course each group believes it to be the superior one, and believe me, if Ronnie and Snookie were running the network there would be loads of shows making fun of keeping kosher and nights at the opera. And since Stein brought up Judith Butler, I’ll remind him that she says a drag queen is entertaining when she is on stage but is frightening when she is on the bus. The analogy applies here as well– Stein enjoys Jersey Shore from his tastefully appointed apartment, but is he prepared to accept the brutal reality of cultural diversity face to face, and say, hire Snookie for a job at the Times? If not, then maybe we should stop encouraging more kids to become Jersey Shore characters by promoting it.
Article / responses
23 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jewed law, judicial system, Socrates, William Pierce at 12:09 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“I have written before about the breakdown of the judicial system in this country. Right after the O.J. Simpson trial last year I pointed out that the courts in America have become terminally corrupt. I gave you an example of this corruption: the 1992 trial of a young White man named George Loeb in a Florida court. That was a case in which Mr. Loeb and his wife had gone to a supermarket to shop and in the parking lot nearly had their car struck by a car driven by a young Black male. Angry words were exchanged. Then the Black male drove away, and the Loebs did their shopping.”


22 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in global warming, globalization, green Marxism, propaganda, Socrates at 12:47 pm | Permanent Link

Holes in the ozone layer? No, holes in the official propaganda:


22 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, jews, jews jewing jewily at 1:40 am | Permanent Link

For some time this had troubled me below the level of conscious thought, then finally it crystallized. Perhaps you can think of another example, I can’t. Here’s the observation, concealed in questions:

Is there any problem but jews where there are so many people who leap to tell you that it can’t be addressed directly, but must be handled through a time-taking series of steps? You have to come to knowledge of the jews through “gateways,” we are told. It makes sense to teach people about race apart from jews, we are told. You can’t just leap to the jewish explanation, we are told.

I literally cannot think of another instance, case, or example where someone pretends that the solution to the problem is… not to discuss it.

It is clear to me that the very idea of discussing the jewish problem has itself been jewed.