31 December, 2009

Posted by alex in WN strategy at 1:02 am | Permanent Link

How We Will Win by S.G.
On the failures of the WN Movement and how we can overcome them.

I’ve given a great deal of thought to how White Nationalists will thrive and survive until a new day graces the American continent.  Thereby, I will discuss what does and what doesn’t work in modern America, and what we can do in the future.

The genesis for this article came about around the same time Edgar Steele wrote his article entitled “Let’s Get Small.”[i] I’ve had similar thoughts on this topic, and now they will be laid out for White posterity.

The first thing that any realistic White Nationalist must realize is this nation will collapse.

I dislike having to say this, let alone inviting the readers to ponder the consequences of a Russian-style economic and political meltdown, yet we must face facts at all times.  Within 10 years, no more than 20 at the most, this nation will see catastrophic upheavals that we haven’t seen since the Civil War.  We must prepare in advance for this eventuality, lest we suffer the consequences of getting caught with our pants down.

The reasons for this are legion (jobs going offshore forever; nothing coming back but cheap Chinese junk at Wal-Mart; declining real wages while corporate profits and top CEO incomes skyrocket; anti-White policies in hiring and advancement that further hinder global competitiveness; erosion of our collective national ability to innovate vis-a-vis offshoring; unfettered immigration straining infrastructure and environment, the forthcoming “North American Union,” etc.), but the cause is relatively simple.  In plain English, the Western governments actively hate their own base population streams.  A culturally homogeneous population is relatively easy to govern and not quite prone to the schisms that in the past visited, say, late-term ancient Rome, Egypt, or India when they went full multi-cult.  On the other hand, it’s not possible for the government to completely pull the wool over the eyes of the masses when the people are of a relatively unified mindset, and this makes selling adverse political policies and suicidal wars a somewhat difficult proposition.

Put plainly, an all-White nation simply isn’t profitable to certain special interests.

Read the rest of this entry »

30 December, 2009

Posted by alex in terms, verbal warfare, WN speeches, WN strategy at 11:43 pm | Permanent Link

Pretty good response to our other thread. Now let’s try the same question, but applied to WORDS and words ONLY.

How do we argue, go at it, whatever you want to call it – verbally. How do we use words to triumph over the enemy?

How do we define “we”? What term do we use to refer to this defined “we”? How the enemy – define and refer to it? How refer to the end state we seek, how refer to the end state the enemy seeks for us?  How to frame our struggle? Does the fact the enemy controls the ‘moral high ground’ / tv uplink satellites affect our choices? If political polarization is our goal, how will this affect our choice of terms – for ourselves, our opponents, our arguments? What do you see, verbally or terminologically, being done that shouldn’t be done, or not done that should be done?

30 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', border, General Decline, illegal immigration, jewed culture, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:39 pm | Permanent Link

Look at what happens when you try to enforce the law in America, especially immigration law. By the way, what’s a “human right”?


30 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in public skools, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:10 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“The education of America’s children is a matter of continuing controversy and anguish for many Americans, including a majority of White parents with school-age children. Americans are unhappy about the level of violence in the schools, which keeps going up, and the educational standards, which keep going down. Parents are increasingly concerned that their children are not safe in public schools, and just about every responsible White adult is concerned about the failure of America’s schools to educate young Americans well enough to keep America technologically and economically competitive in an increasingly competitive world.”


29 December, 2009

Posted by alex in challenge posts, challenges at 5:58 pm | Permanent Link

This is a challenge post. See if you can come up with the right answer, or a better answer than we can.

How do we win?

What is winning? Define it.

How do we get there from here?

29 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in art, jews, propaganda, Socrates, White art/architecture, white nationalism, White philosophy at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

28 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in "sex equality", egalitarianism, equality, feminism, General Decline, Iraq, jewed culture, Jewed workplaces, military, New World Order, Socrates at 5:01 pm | Permanent Link

Susie Soldierchick should be at home, raising kids and baking things. But noooo…


28 December, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Baruch, Frankfurter, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish aggression, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies, Jewish Tyranny, Roosevelt, Socrates, war, World War II at 4:15 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, president Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “destroyers-for-bases” deal with Britain – which was vital to the waging of World War II – was hatched and nurtured by the Jewish lawyer/adviser Benjamin V. Cohen [1]:

[Book Review].

[1] refers to Cohen’s July 1940 memo to Roosevelt titled “Memorandum Re: Sending Effective Material Aid to Great Britain with Particular References to the Sending of Destroyers.” The memo urged Roosevelt to give Britain warships and, in true Jewish fashion, made false claims about the legality of doing so. Cohen’s destroyers-for-bases deal was illegal since it bypassed Congress, which didn’t learn of it until after it was finalized. Furthermore, Cohen and another powerful Jew, Felix Frankfurter, used a gentile (Dean Acheson) to “sell” the bases-for-destroyers idea to president F.D. Roosevelt. Not only did Cohen and Frankfurter help set the stage for America’s entry into WWII, but another Jew, Walter Lippmann, a writer/commentator and a member of The Century Group, wrote a speech supporting the bases-for-destroyers deal which was read on national radio on August 4, 1940 by U.S. General John Pershing – a speech which helped sway public opinion from “isolationist” to “interventionist.” Add to that Jewish billionaire Bernard Baruch’s “cash-and-carry” plan for illegal arms sales to the allies (among other things), and you’ve got America’s war against Germany cooked up by the HorseJews of the Apocalypse. In fact, Hitler cited the ending of U.S. neutrality as a main reason for his declaration of war against America on Dec. 11, 1941

27 December, 2009

Posted by alex in open thread, open threads at 9:32 pm | Permanent Link

Post anything intriguing you come across.

27 December, 2009

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, strategy, WN strategy at 9:22 pm | Permanent Link

Discussed on forum here. Join the forum and add your view, or leave it in the comments.