16 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Department of Homeland Security, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Socrates, Zionism at 7:27 pm | Permanent Link

Are your financial transactions Jew-approved? By the way: Michael Chertoff, the Jewish former chief of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security [1], was a key person behind the financial section of the USA PATRIOT Act (that section is known as Title III):


[1] why not call DHS the Department of Homeland Jewsurety, since Jewish organizations receive millions of dollars from it every year

16 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, homosexual themes, homosexuals, military, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 2:44 pm | Permanent Link

Butt-burglar? Rump-ranger? Soon it won’t matter, if the Obama administration has its way. Of course, if you’re a White nationalist in the military, it will matter very much:


16 January, 2010

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, John Allington at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

The Simple Template for Radicalism

Remedial Training for the Intellectuals of the Occidentals


John Allington

The other morning I woke up—all stiff and sore–on the floor of my home office.  I was on my side on the hard plastic carpet mat, next to my chair’s legs, below my computer.  The chair was overturned.  There was drool pooled up on the plastic mat next to my mouth.  Yuck.  What the hell happened?  Well, all I remember is that I had been reading the Occidental Dissent the night before.  Apparently, I had passed out from extreme boredom halfway through an article on—well I don’t remember.

It turns out that the Occidental Dissent is a more effective sleeping aid than a whole box of over-the-countersleeping pills.  I swear it was the best sleep I have experienced in months–except for the sore back.

What is missing from all of the Occidental Dissent’s pages and pages of bland, pointless and thoroughly middle class essays and commentary is the basic template for how radicals in general, and Jews in particular, attack our culture–and how we can pay back the favor.  Instead we get a narcissistic story http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2009/12/05/my-awakening/ about how the site’s owner arrived at his anti-Semitism through something called “the cumulative weight of moments,” in which we are told that “Anti-Semitism is like tuning a radio.”  This sounds dangerously close to postmodern gibberish to me.  This guy didn’t get his ass kicked by Jim Giles because it was his first interview or because Jim was mean to him.  This guy got his ass kicked because he is not very bright.

Now, since the various aspiring Occidental Brainiacs™ have failed to explain in simple language how Jewish radicals attack our culture, I have been forced out of retirement to set the record straight.

Since I already have a job in a field where the measure of performance is objective, I have little tolerance for eight thousand word essays that make three small, totally obvious points.  If you’re getting the impression that I’m losing my patience with these Occidentals, sprouting up sequentially, each less substantive and more mediocre than the one that came before, then you’d be right.  It’s now time to start educating these pretentious lickspittles.

Read the rest of this entry »

15 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in global warming, globalization, jewed culture, Jews in government, Obama, Socrates at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

“Stern,” huh? Well, maybe he’s really Irish and he changed his surname?


15 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", black icons, black leaders, jewed culture, Jewish myths, Jewish Tyranny, Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

Built by the Jewish media; managed by a Jewish communist; a liar and a cheater; nonetheless, Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes more godlike with each passing year:


14 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Africa, black behavior, black culture, Socrates at 6:15 pm | Permanent Link

From October:

“There is famine in Kenya and Ethiopia again. Sending food and emergency relief will make things worse in the long term.”


14 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 12:48 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith: [Here].

14 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Third World, Turd-World people, UN, White aid to Turd World, White-culture-as-superior at 11:03 am | Permanent Link

Harry The Haitian says: “We just had a big earthquake here. But are we worried? Nope. We know that millions of dollars in White aid will pour in, like it does every time there’s a disaster in the third world. And in exchange for that aid, we’ll…moan about White racism at the next UN meeting!”


13 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Anti-Cementism, humor, Socrates at 5:41 pm | Permanent Link

Do people really hate cement? Maybe they just don’t like those concrete-pouring construction workers and that’s being misinterpreted as cement-hate…


13 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Eastern Europe, Europe, jews, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].