27 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Soviet holocaust, William Pierce at 11:24 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“We spoke a few weeks ago about the mass murder of the leadership stratum of the Polish nation by the Soviet secret police in the Katyn Forest in April 1940. We discussed that genocidal atrocity in the light of the ongoing Jewish campaign to portray Jews as the principal victims of the Second World War and to collect reparations from the rest of the world today. A good deal of interest in that broadcast was expressed by listeners, many of whom had not been acquainted previously with the facts of the Katyn atrocity. Today I will explore this general subject further. I will tell you about the fate of the Ukrainian nation at the hands of the Soviet secret police.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 06-13-1998.

25 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, Hitler, Socrates at 4:25 pm | Permanent Link

This may, or may not, be funny, depending on your point of view:


25 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in brown crime, brown culture, General Decline, immigration, Norway, Socrates at 4:06 pm | Permanent Link

The crime statistics are “controversial”? More like “easily preventable”:


25 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish arrogance, Socrates, Zionism at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

Hey, the Jews stole those parts fair and square! How can you suggest otherwise? [1]:


[1] about the 1967 war/the West Bank theft: [Here]

24 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in 'Six Million' Holocaust number, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewish arrogance, Jewish lies, Jewish myths, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, World War II at 4:58 pm | Permanent Link

six million

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a time for reflection – for example, it’s a time to remember that it was the Jewish communist Ilya Ehrenburg – a Soviet “journalist” and a master liar – who first told the world that “6 million Jews” had been murdered by Those Evil Nazis. The problem was, Ehrenburg first mentioned the “6 million” number in late 1944, before the concentration camps, including Auschwitz, had been liberated [1][2]. Maybe Ehrenburg had ESP and could sense the “6 million” deaths? But don’t trouble yourself with little details like that. Be a good goy and weep for the “6 million” on Wednesday:


More about Ehrenburg/the “6 million” [Here].

[1] excluding Majdanek – called a “death camp” – which was liberated in July 1944 by the Soviets

[2] Ehrenburg first made the “6 million” claim in the December 22, 1944 edition of a newspaper called Soviet War News, which was, incredibly, published in England

23 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in race, racial differences, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 9:21 pm | Permanent Link

An interesting situation. No doubt quite a few White men have experienced the same circumstance, i.e., becoming racially aware after having kids with someone of non-White or partially-non-White background:


23 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Big Finance, Charles Coughlin, jewed finance, money, Socrates at 3:45 pm | Permanent Link

Don’t even think it – you’ll scare the Jews. How will the sheenies rake in big profits if the states own the banks? In fact, that sounds like something Father Coughlin would have suggested:


About the North Dakota state bank:


23 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Socrates, video, videos, White media, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White solutions, White thought at 11:52 am | Permanent Link

Here’s an idea from Bradley R. Smith. (He isn’t a White nationalist, but the idea remains). If you are a public WN – in other words, you use your real name and/or you have no qualms about appearing in public as a WN – then you might want to consider making internet videos like Smith does. He sets up a camera and speaks directly to it. A video connects with the public on a different level than text on a page. It has been said that people remember visual things the longest.

22 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, sports, White plans, White solutions, White thought at 11:08 pm | Permanent Link

Sounds great, but in this age of racial-diversity worship, it’ll face tough sledding. But White Reference is right: even if this league fails, a message has been sent:


22 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, children, jewed culture, judaism, Judaized America, Socrates, tv, tv analysis at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a TV show in which a child talks back to his parents in a sharp manner – in a manner that you wouldn’t have seen back in 1980. That reflects real life: kids are more snotty towards adults today and that coincides with the increased Jewing of American culture via Hollywood. (In Jewish households, children get sassy with their parents more freely than in gentile households) [1].

[1] back-talking by Jewish children is mentioned in the book “The American Jews: Portrait of a Split Personality” (New York; Random House; 1968) by Jewish author James Yaffe. He writes: “Jewish children are allowed to interrupt, contradict the grown-ups, be ‘fresh.'” (p. 284). This book contains some interesting comments and is worth reading