22 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed foreign policy, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 7:48 pm | Permanent Link

(*Squeak!* *Squeak!*). You don’t have to speak rodent to understand that: it’s joyful squeaking! Nothing – not even “errant” building projects – will interrupt the steady flow of money from your pocket to the bank vaults of Isntreal. The “special relationship” between America and the Hate State – which began in 1975 – will continue for decades, at the very least:


20 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, General Decline, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, Socrates at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

by Simon Krejsa.

“Oshkosh is a city in East-Central Wisconsin, celebrated on websites as “Oshkosh on the Water” with pictures of lakes Winnebago and Butte des Morts, a college-town that is home to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and its 11–12 thousand students. The city is most famous or best known for the EAA, the Experimental Aircraft Association, whose week-long “fly-in” each summer attracts 200,000 to 300,000 enthusiasts and other attendees, many of them from other nations. In bars and stores and restaurants, I’ve heard Australian, English, Irish, German, and French accents. I moved to Oshkosh in June of 2005 and also lived there for a few years during the 1970s and 80s.”


20 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', 'hate', Sin-a-Gogs, Socrates at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Made-up joke: a federal informant walks into a whorehouse and pretty soon everyone is under arrest for hate crimes except for the three rabbis, the negro cop and the Puerto Rican judge.


18 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in double standards, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', miscegenation, race, Race Denial, race-mixing, race-mixing laws, Socrates at 5:55 pm | Permanent Link

Census Worker: “We need to know your race.”

Citizen: “I thought ‘race doesn’t matter.'” [1]

Census Worker: “It doesn’t!”

Citizen: “Then why do you have race questions on the census form?”


[1] a leader in the “race doesn’t matter” movement was the Jewish “race expert” Otto Klineberg, who wrote: “There is no race but the human race.” However, race does matter in the state of Israel, where miscegenation is illegal

18 March, 2010

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton at 12:24 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

“What if the collapse of the American Empire is dead ahead, in the next decade? What if, as with the 2000 dot-com crash, we’re in denial, refusing to prepare?” [Here].

I always get a kick out of this type of fear-mongering. OH – MY – GOD! What if America really is in big trouble? What if Americans have somehow missed the fact that doomsday is right around the corner? Heeeeellllllooooo! Is anybody paying attention? Is anybody awake out there? I didn’t think so. Allow me to enlighten everyone ONE – MORE – TIME. America is DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! Is that plain enough? America is not in danger; there is no disaster lurking around the corner. There is nothing to be avoided. AMERICA IS ALREADY DEAD! It died long ago and there is nothing – NOTHING that will ever bring it back, any more than it’s possible for Aunt Mable to return from the grave. America is a walking corpse. It’s like one of those “undead” zombies in a trashy, jewish horror movie. Come to think of it, you’re living in a trashy, jewish horror movie! Count Jewcula has bitten Miss Liberty on the neck and sucked all her blood (and injected her with vile yahoodie-venom afterwards). Now she has joined the army of the undead and has become as nasty and despicable as the Count himself. Miss Liberty, her deathly pallor in evidence to all those victims who see her coming, now marches around the world under orders from the sallow, bloodless Count. She seduces her victims by offering them eternal life through an infusion of what she claims is immortal democracy-blood. When her victim is finally lulled into complacency, her terrible maw opens to reveal the sharp, spiky points of remote-controlled missiles. If you’re having trouble with this imagery, then you obviously haven’t watched any of those vampire movies. Can you not see jewish cinematic “art” imitating real misery?

Count Jewcula killed Miss Liberty and anyone awaiting her return to the living is in the same league as those rapture-stooges waiting to be delivered up to heaven with the return of Jesus.

Jews have been bringing down advanced civilizations since Joseph infected Egypt with the usurious practices that drove it to bankruptcy. They have been instrumental in killing many great civilizations. Babylonia, Assyria, and Rome come to mind, then Britain and the entire commonwealth. For recent twentieth century history there’s Germany, France, Russia…in fact why not just say all of Europe and its former colonies? America was destroyed long ago but you didn’t notice because jews have refined their skills for keeping a corpse walking around.

Count Jewcula and his mistress Liberty will now lord it over the earth with a global army of RFID-chipped, NWO, multicult zombie-slaves. Yes Virginia , it’s a plan. It’s a biblical plan the jew’s tribal god Yahweh/Jehovah bequeathed to the very tippy-top, elite jews eons ago. Why? For no other reason than these are the elite cheese-mites god picked to rule over the big hunk o’ cheese. It’s like that hateful anti-Semitism thing for which there is no rational explanation – it’z just because they’re jews. In reviewing this, increasingly I find myself in agreement with the jew-god’s plan: I really can’t think of a better race of underworld denizens to lord over the grief and suffering.

The USA is like Bruce Willis in “The Sixth Sense.” It doesn’t know that it’s already toes-up. Peace and security, like other forms of joy or pleasure, are simply fleeting, orgasmic, respites from the millennial grind of boots smashing faces into the mud. This is the way the world works, this is the way it has always worked and this is the way it will always work.

17 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 10:05 pm | Permanent Link

by Badger Herald/Bradley R. Smith/USHMM: [Here] and [Here].

17 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 9:24 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“People have told me that I talk too much about the Jews. They have told me that I should focus more on America’s race problem, that I should talk more about how Black crime and Black welfare and Black — may I call it ‘culture’? — are degrading our civilization. White people don’t have their homes burglarized by Jews, these critics tell me. Jews don’t sell heroin to our children on school playgrounds. It’s the Blacks and Mexicans who are the problem. And Jews don’t throw their trash in their yards and get on welfare. So get off the Jews’ case and tell us how we can solve the race problem before it destroys America.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 08-08-1998.

15 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' laws, BNP, Britain, England, jewed culture, jewed law, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 8:50 pm | Permanent Link

The British National Party is playing a rigged game. Even if it complies with current government rules, the rules can be tweaked or misinterpreted as needed. By the way, Jews birthed England’s Race Relations Act:


15 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Jews in government, money, NWO, Roosevelt, Socrates, Soviet Union, World War II at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

“The Iron Curtain Over America” by John Beaty. (See especially Roosevelt’s recognition of the murderous Soviet government, at a sit-down with the Jewish/Soviet official Maxim Litvinov in November 1933. That recognition guaranteed the Soviet Union’s survival by opening it up to international credit and “legitimacy,” and, at the same time, sealed Germany’s fate. Roosevelt’s image is, of course, still found on American coins):

(a .pdf file): [Book].

13 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in A. Wyatt Mann, Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 5:51 pm | Permanent Link
