17 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in movie reviews, movies, Socrates at 10:44 pm | Permanent Link

“Robin Hood” (2010), starring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett. Directed by Ridley Scott.

I expected much more from a Crowe/Scott pair-up. I found the movie to be “lots of show, but not much go.” Plus, this version of Marian was too much of a feminist for me. Gimme the 1938 Errol Flynn version of RH any day, which was campy in a few places, yes, but still very entertaining.

15 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Cuddihy, Cultural Marxism, Hollywood, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:03 pm | Permanent Link

As I read the comments section today, a thought suddenly occurred to me: I rarely hear liberalism/cultural Marxism/egalitarianism called a “sickness” in the real sense of that word [1]. But let’s think about it for a few minutes, ok? Shouldn’t we be publicly calling it a sickness? Isn’t it an actual mental illness – like “sir, you need serious professional help”? It sure seems to be. You can even “catch it” from too much TV, too many Hymiewood movies, from schools, from churches, and so forth. For simplicity, I’ll call this sickness “modernity” (that’s a word from John Murray Cuddihy’s book, which I’m borrowing here as a catch-all term, because I think it has a ring to it).

Modernity is completely abnormal – for examples, race-mixing and feminism. Without modernity, women would stay at home to raise kids, instead of abandoning their husbands for their “careers.” Without modernity, Whites wouldn’t marry negroes. Modernity goes against human nature. Therefore, it’s a sickness, an illness, and the West must be cured of it. Right? Maybe looking at modernity in this way (instead of looking at it as an ideology/belief that we don’t agree with) can eventually change some minds? [2]. Perhaps we in the WN community could update our language and our terminology to reflect this “new” way of thinking – or is it really new? Would such an updating be, in reality, just pointless repackaging of older propaganda? What do you think, readers? Is this a topic that could be fleshed out, or is it just nonsense that’s not worth discussing?

[1] imagine a public school teacher being prohibited by the state from teaching due to his “illness,” i.e., a liberal/egalitarian mindset

[2] granted, liberalism may be “hard-wired” into some people

15 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in art, Italy, Socrates, Western culture, White art/architecture at 3:29 pm | Permanent Link

What an interesting thing if true:


Caravaggio’s artwork: [Here].

15 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Catholicism, Christianity, Christians, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexico, Old Testament, Socrates, Spain, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, Whiteness Studies, William Pierce at 1:20 pm | Permanent Link

Suggestion: when you’re confused and you don’t know what to think about a certain issue (like this one), just ask yourself: “WWPT?” (What Would Pierce Think?) [1]. (By the way: speaking of Christianity, do you like Mexicans? You can thank Catholic priests for them – i.e., they’re the result of church-sanctioned unions of White Spaniards + Mexican Indians):


[1] see footnote #2 [Here].

15 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Hungary, nationalism, rightists, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

Vona wore the banned vest upon taking office, just like he said he would:

[Article]. More: [Here].

More about Hungary, for newbies: [Here].

13 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, German nationalists, Germany, Hitler, nationalism, Nazi era, Nazis, Socrates, White philosophy at 2:39 pm | Permanent Link

Alex on nationalists-vs.-Jews, then and now:

[VNN Forum post].

13 May, 2010

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, globalization, international Jewry at 1:09 pm | Permanent Link

by Arch Stanton.

As the Jew rapes you, he cries out that it’s all just a big mistake – he doesn’t even know what he’s doing! He’s humping you like a bunny? Really?

Ok, gang, it’s time to put on our thinking caps. First read the accompanying article. Now let’s examine what this article is asking us to believe, i.e. that the fate of the world’s economy rests on Greece’s economic recovery. Ok, first question: how is it that the global economy came to rest on Greece’s economic well-being? Second question: why is it that a country that had the manufacturing and economic might to support a global war some seventy years ago now falls to its knees because it’s facing a depression? Next question: we all know how the money-guys on Wall Street are about, well, money, so can we really believe that this crash could be due to an oversight of mechanical trading? Like, golly Mr. Bill, the machines just took over and began selling while we were at lunch, and we couldn’t stop them even though we were all wearing our power ties that day! “There were reports that the sudden drop was caused by a trader who mistyped an order to sell a large block of stock. The drop in that stock’s price was enough to trigger ‘sell’ orders across the market.” Really? Hundreds of thousands of trades made per day and yet how often has this happened? One might think it would be ever-so-easy to mistype an order, so this type of thing should happen all the time. And what – they aren’t using a Microsoft Windows platform?: “WARNING! You are about to sell eleventy trillion shares of Global Jew Parasiticals (Market Tick: GYP), do you really want to do this? (Click). Are you sure? (Click). Are you really sure? (Click). We’re sorry, you’ll have to have Rothschild administrator rights to perform this action.”

Now almost everyone reading this knows jews are the leading factor behind Wall Street’s machinations. Likewise they know that when it comes to money, jews are tighter than a tzfardiah’s tuchas; so how can anyone possibly believe these same jews would leave billions of dollars at the mercy of a typo, or a stupid machine?

Hollywood invariably asks us to suspend our beliefs when watching its productions. You know, like those car-chase scenes that go on for miles on the freeway while the characters shoot it out on full-auto and there’s never a cop in sight. Well, let’s not extend that suspension of reality to the world of economics. Let us instead face facts. America has long had more than sufficient resources to stand alone in manufacturing and agricultural production so there must be some other reason why it goes into convulsions when a second-world country like Greece cuts an economic fart into the economic winds. How about…jew-built global finance is, in reality, so shaky that Big Hebe is worried that it could all fall apart in an instant if the gentiles panic? Or…the jews want to create an artificial panic for their own reasons? Whatever the answer, it wouldn’t be happening in a world of traditional nation-states; it could only happen in an international world run by “accidental” criminals.

US Stocks Plunge on Concerns About Greece

12 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 11:33 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“Imagine that a robber walks into a bank, points a pistol at a teller, hands her a bag, and demands that she put all the money from her cash drawer in it. At first she protests, but then, after he threatens to shoot, she fills the robber’s bag with cash. And then imagine that, as the robber walks out of the bank with his bag of loot, the bank guard opens the door for him, smiles at him, offers to hail a cab for him, and tells him to come again soon. After that it’s not difficult to imagine that he probably will.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 01-02-1999.

11 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in beauty, racial differences, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 6:58 pm | Permanent Link

(click on the image to enlarge it)

What’s the difference between a White guy in a forest and a Black guy in a forest? The White guy looks around and says, “wow, what beauty!,” and stays there awhile. The Black guy looks around and, seeing nothing that he can fuck, steal or smoke, heads back to the city.

11 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 4:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:
