Posted by Socrates in movies, Socrates at 1:44 pm |

The Devil And Daniel Webster (1941); starring James Craig, Walter Huston, Edward Arnold.
The Devil And Daniel Webster (1941); starring James Craig, Walter Huston, Edward Arnold.
“This universe barely tolerates life, and astronomical observations today suggest that intelligent life is very, very rare. If the universe is ever to become a place generally characterized by life, by civilization, rather than by sterility, then the white race is the race that is most likely to make it happen. If whites disappear from existence, then what may be the only living world in the cosmos might not survive the next billion years, and, when it goes, the universe will be entirely a dead thing.”
We are told that women are “equal” to men, yet, women constantly need to use special laws and lawsuits to “protect themselves” from evil predatory men [1] who often did nothing more than engage in playful banter with the women. If you’re equal, you don’t need federal protections — do you?
Fact: “men and women working together” is a bad idea. It didn’t happen (much) in 1930 because back then people knew better. Women are a big distraction for men since men are visually oriented: a guy sees shapely legs and he gets a boner every time. Women should stay at home and raise kids — that’s why they have wombs.
[1] “special laws” means laws created solely for women’s benefit, e.g., the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act
Let’s face it: the Jewish religion of Christianity is a loser for White people [1]. Many of the ideas found in Christianity are basically Marxist (e.g., human equality). Even the Southern Baptists (one of the most conservative branches of Christianity) have some leftist ideas.
This guy has an idea: usher in a new, better version of Christianity:
“If we can induce a schism between modern Christians (Christians) and traditional Christians (alt-Christians), a reformation of sorts may follow.”
A similar idea would be to dump Christianity and start over with something new, the way Joseph Smith did with Mormonism (although Mormonism still incorporates some Christianity into itself).
[1] Jews wrote the Old Testament, which is the foundation of Christianity.
Brown/Black people always outbreed White people. With that fact in mind, read this:
Here is the 2019 Christchurch, New Zealand gunman Brenton Tarrant on why he committed his fatal shooting attacks on two mosques in March 2019 (this is from his manifesto; edited to correct a typo):
“To ensure diverse peoples remain diverse, separate, unique, undiluted in unrestrained in cultural or ethnic expression and autonomy. To ensure that the peoples of the world remain true to their traditions and faiths and do not become watered down and corrupted by the influence of outsiders. The attack was to ensure a preservation of beauty, art and tradition. In my mind a rainbow is only beautiful due to its variety of colours, mix the colours together and you destroy them all and they are gone forever and the end result is far from anything beautiful.” [Tarrant’s entire 74-page manifesto “The Great Replacement” is here].
Indeed, if you flood the Western world with Brown people in the name of “diversity,” you will eventually end up with “not diversity.” You will end up with three shades of Brown Man, due to higher Brown fertility rates: light brown, medium brown and dark brown. How is that diversity? Why are Brown people flooding into the West when they have their own countries? Why come here? Why would we want Muslims in America or Britain or France?
In Portland, the “peaceful” antifa/Black leftists committed about 60 acts of arson within 7 days. If that’s when they’re peaceful, I’d hate to see them angry.
As long as the whole country is still Black-Jesusing the late Black idiot Rep. John Lewis, consider this about “civil rights”:
You know that old saying: “never assume, because when you do, you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”? Get it? It’s funny, but it’s true. Never assume anything.
The wrongly-named, fake, weaponized “civil-rights movement” [1] automatically assumes two ridiculous things:
1. After slavery ended, Blacks were “supposed to” remain in America, to live alongside Whites, even though Blacks are not Western people.
2. Blacks are mentally and genetically “equal” to Whites, even though all evidence shows otherwise. For example, Blacks have IQs roughly 15 points lower than Whites, on average.
(Trivia: did you know that, at first, president Abe Lincoln wanted to send all the ex-slaves to Panama? But that plan failed, so he had to choose Plan B: The Emancipation Proclamation, which only freed slaves in the South, strangely enough).
[1] the term “civil rights” is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, so where do “civil rights” get their “legitimacy” from? The 14th Amendment? No, that’s a fraudulent Reconstruction law. Go here and word-search for “civil rights” but you won’t find that term. The term “civil rights” means “rights that all citizens enjoy” but why would you even need to mention that? Obviously, citizens enjoy certain rights over non-citizens (unless you live in California). The civil-rights movement had ONE goal: to get the federal government involved in all things related to race and ethnicity! And the plan worked. Today, there are 20 federal agencies that will land on you if you dare oppose negroes in any way.
“Rep. John Lewis was a Black Jesus!” the White men say. No, he wasn’t. He was an uppity, angry, subversive negro who never should have been allowed into Congress in the first place. Seen on the web: endless examples of dead-negro-fellating by White men who know better. Here are a few examples: [Here].
(Above: Rep. John Lewis. It’s hard to believe that this idiot became a Congressman).
As chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the future negro Rep. John Lewis (1940-2020) was a bigshot at the “historic” March On Washington in 1963, an event that was organized by the homosexual, Black communist Bayard Rustin.
In 1960, Lewis attended a two-day seminar at the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee, which was a Marxist front organization. Lewis also contributed articles to the magazine Freedomways, which was founded by the U.S. communist party. Many of Lewis’ associates were Marxists.
Lewis was elected to Congress from Georgia in 1986, and he behaved like all uppity negroes in Congress behave: he introduced/sponsored outrageous bills, he blocked common-sense legislation, and he generally caused all sorts of trouble. He even “ran interference” for Nicaragua’s communist Sandinistas at one point!
Catholics have a long history of leftism. Recall the Maryknoll nuns in El Salvador, who “got their come-uppance” by supporting Marxism [1].
The liberalism of the Catholics has intrigued me. This is pure leftism. The kids were, of course, the deciding factor: killing two kids mandates the death penalty, no exceptions.
[1] in Dec. 1980, four American nuns were murdered by right-wing, military death squads in El Salvador because they were aiding leftist subversives