Posted by Socrates in history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Socrates at 1:49 pm |

The Jews and the leftists hated president Ronald Reagan (because he hated the Soviet Union and he fought communism in Nicaragua and Grenada — you can’t do that without permission from Big Media). But they really, really hate, and fear, Donald Trump. Why?
Sadly for White people, Donald Trump isn’t “another Hitler” like the Left says. However, there are several interesting parallels between Trump and Uncle Adolf. Let’s take a look:
In January 1933, Germany’s economy was in ruins. Hitler was legally appointed as chancellor of Germany in that month. He quickly set to work on the economy and within 4 years it was the strongest economy in Europe. That’s quite a feat! Even Hitler’s enemies admired that feat. Hitler also brought the people of Germany together under one flag, like one big family. The German people loved Hitler like a father and he loved them. They saw him as a savior. Which he was. Hitler was way too popular and successful for comfort. He “had to” be stopped.
Before Covid-19, Trump had the best economy in 50 years. Even Black people and bums could get jobs if they wanted them! Furthermore, Trump single-handedly destroyed the mainstream media’s credibility (“the lying media!”), and he destroyed the legitimacy of “climate change” by removing America from the bogus Paris Climate Treaty. He publicly called illegal aliens “criminals” (which they are by default since trespassing is a crime), and he also rolled back many federal regulations. Such is the public’s love of Trump that some people camp out in parking lots for three days in order to attend Trump’s jam-packed rallies. Even conservative hero Ronald Reagan wasn’t that popular. Many people see Trump as a hero and savior. Trump/Trumpism is a smashing, over-the-top success. It works and, like Nazism, it could spread to other countries (*gasp*!).
Furthermore, both Hitler and Trump were/are uncommonly good public speakers and communicators. Both had/have “economic magic” in the fingertips and cult-like followings. Both had/have unconventional styles of governing and no fear of criticism. Like children, the Jews and the leftists fear those Trump/Hitler parallels (many of them cry themselves to sleep about them!). There are just too many similarities between Trump and Uncle Wolf for their comfort. Hence the reason that the Jews and leftists will do anything to stop Trump’s re-election in November: they’ll attempt “soft” coups, such as “Russia-Collusion-gate”, they’ll allow endless rioting, they’ll disregard Covid-19 mask rules, etc. (in fact, it’s possible that American liberals brought Covid-19 to America deliberately). Trump’s enemies are Hell-bent to stop him “no matter what it takes.” They can’t “allow” Trump to appear “legitimate” by being re-elected president.
Arrest feds?? Oh, this is rich! Orange Man Bad! Really, really bad! A dictator! Oy veh!
“District Attorney Larry Krasner accused President Trump of “acting like an authoritarian dictator,” he said on an appearance on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” Thursday and cautioned him not to send federal agents to his city.”
Be skeptical of all Covid-19 statistics.
Did you know that hospitals and nursing homes get significantly more money from the federal government for treating Covid-19 cases than for treating other health cases? Especially if a ventilator is needed (i.e., $13,000 regularly but if the patient goes on a ventilator they get $39,000 per case) [1]. Did you know that different states count Covid-19 cases differently? Did you know that, under the CARES Act (i.e., CARES Act Provider Relief Fund), there’s a giant $175 billion federal government fund that exists to reimburse health care providers for Covid-19 cases? That’s a great, huge incentive for struggling hospitals and nursing homes to list certain non-Covid-19 health issues as “Covid-19” issues, the Hippocratic oath be damned. I don’t think that oath means what it used to mean — just like the words “family” and “morality” don’t mean what they used to mean. Today, a “family” can mean “three lesbians raising a chimp in a filthy apartment in Cleveland.” It ain’t your Daddy’s America is my point. Things have gotten a little loose.
[1] source of per-patient Covid-19 payment info: Minnesota State Sen. Scott Jensen, who is a doctor, on Fox News, April 8, 2020
Arguably the best Iron Maiden album. Not a dud song on it.
Iron Maiden, “Piece Of Mind” (1983)
In 1969, the radical leftists were 19-year-old college students (many were also Jewish). But today, the radical leftists are 50-year-old mayors on the Left Coast who never grew up. Or, to quote VNN Forum poster Frank Toliver: “Fuck you hippie, you are the system.”
“Today, radicals are not protesting against 1950s conservatism but rather against the radicals of the 1960s, who as old liberals now hold power. Now, many of the current enforcers — blue-state governors, mayors and police chiefs — are from the left. Unlike Democratic Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley in the ’60s, today’s progressive civic leaders often sympathize with the protesters.” [Here].
How many radical Blacks have left the United States since May 25, 2020, the day that Saint George Floyd died while in police custody? Exactly zero. Why haven’t the Blacks left? After all, America is an evil, racist country! Why haven’t they left by the hundreds or the thousands? Answer: because the Blacks get six different types of welfare payments here, and, life in America is 10 times better for Blacks than it is in any other country on earth. America is a virtual paradise for Blacks. That’s why. Bitch and moan, bitch and moan, but give us the money and the freedom! Uppity negroes.
by Dr. William Pierce.
“For every nation, the one essential determinant of national health is the quality of the people who make up that nation: their genetic quality — which is to say, their racial quality — and their moral quality. Everything else, including the state of the economy, ultimately depends on these two elements. A nation whose population is intelligent, creative, resourceful, energetic, and able to solve problems and plan ahead, ultimately will be a healthier nation than one whose people are dull, lazy, and able to think only about the present, regardless of mineral wealth or other advantages. Genes are the determining element.”
Audio: [Here].
One of those arrested was “a hardened criminal with 230 felony criminal charges against him in his arrest history…”
In 1930, if you were arrested for one felony, you were sent to prison for 15 years, with no early parole. In 2020, there are scores of people walking around America, free as birds, with dozens of felonies on their records. That’s what happens when liberals and Jews run your country.