(Above: anti-revolution Mexican president Porfirio Diaz [1830-1915]).
The Mexican Revolution, so glorified by liberals today (because liberals love violent revolutions that upset normalcy), was basically a Marxist revolt where the mestizos (poor, Brown people of half-Spaniard/half-Indian decent, also called “wetbacks” in America) revolted against the wealthy White Spaniard landowners of Mexico, who were symbolized mostly by Mexican president Porfirio Díaz, who was part-mestizo himself but nonetheless right-thinking, and who modernized Mexico and took it out of the “dark ages.” The mestizos should have thanked Diaz, and not fought him, but no. The people who opposed Diaz included, especially, a wealthy “Social Justice Warrior-type democrat” named Francisco I. Madero, who opposed Diaz because he was “undemocratic.” Some people just can’t get enough of the poisonous democrazy.
The Mexican Revolution was a racial revolution with Marxist overtones. It was led by two violent, mestizo radicals: Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata. The Brown radicals tossed around stupid Marxist slogans like “The land is for those who work it” (bad news for the Marxists: that’s not true at all. The land is for those who own it; just like kitchen workers don’t own the restaurants they work in! Duh! Get a clue, losers). Here’s a good quote from the web about the Mexican Revolution: “The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, when liberals and intellectuals began to challenge the regime of dictator Porfirio Díaz, who had been in power since 1877.” “Liberals and intellectuals” challenging authority! You don’t say! No foolin’ and gee whiz.
Interestingly, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson supported the mestizo radicals and sent U.S. Marines to Mexico to help them. Like all “equalizing” movements, the Mexican Revolution is portrayed as a good thing by the Left, and the revolutionaries are called “heroes,” while the “law-and-order White people” who opposed it were/are portrayed as “evil Nazi types” (yes, granted, this was long before Hitler came along). Indeed, the Mexican Revolution is celebrated even today in border areas, in songs called corridos. A popular musical collection of corridos featured Linda Ronstadt. The fact that the communist “journalist” John Reed (1887-1920) wrote glowing reports about the Mexican revolutionaries says a lot about them and the revolution itself.