Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 10:44 am |

Other people have said this as well: Donald Trump has a habit of surrounding himself with anti-Trump aides and staff. Why? [Article].
Other people have said this as well: Donald Trump has a habit of surrounding himself with anti-Trump aides and staff. Why? [Article].
Someone named “Rosenthal” has introduced a bill that would make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory in New York. You’re surprised, aren’t you? (It’s always a “thal” or a “berg” or a “stein” or a “witz” who wants to mandate something); what’s that? You’re not surprised and you think that sounds so typical? Ohh, that sounds like anti-Semantics-ism! Er, anti-Sandalism! Er, Auntie-Cementism! [Article].
Mathurin Moreau, “La Muse des Boi” (“The Muse of the Woods”)(French; bronze sculpture; circa 1880).
(The aspect ratio is kind of off below. See also [Here].).
On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 3rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 6th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 7th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 8 Democrats stalling, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 9 newsmen faking, 8 Democrats stalling, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 10 trannies freaking, 9 newsmen faking, 8 Democrats stalling, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 11 faggots prancing, 10 trannies freaking, 9 newsmen faking, 8 Democrats stalling, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 12 reds a-scheming, 11 faggots prancing, 10 trannies freaking, 9 newsmen faking, 8 Democrats stalling, 7 Jews a-swindling, 6 niggers stealing, 5 Chinese spying, 4 liberals lying, 3 rioters roaming, 2 stolen ballots and a Covid mask in a pear tree.
The article is titled “Changing Berlin.” It’s a “controversial” article by “Nazi sympathizer” Douglas Chandler, in National Geographic magazine, February 1937 issue.
Anybody have a link to this whole article (text and photos both)?
Here is a mention of the article: [Here].
Here are some photos from the article (click on “show more” at top to see more photos): [Here].
Freedom in America? Hah! Not anymore. Private workplaces? Hah. They’re now ruled entirely by FedGov.
Here’s the latest horrible headline: “Employers can bar unvaccinated employees from the workplace, EEOC says”.
Note: the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), which was created in 1965 (and was built and steered by two Jews), is an illegal entity because it came from the grossly unconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1964 [1][2]. How dare a federal government agency try to “govern” all private workplaces in America. This is just plain wrong.
[1] all “civil rights” laws in America flow from the 14th Amendment of 1868, which, as a Reconstruction-era amendment, wasn’t properly ratified by Congress.
[2] Alfred (1928-2015) and Ruth (1927-2004) Blumrosen, both of whom were Jewish civil-rights lawyers (of course), built and guided the EEOC from the beginning [Here]
A guy called into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show the other day. He went on a rant about how he hates conservatives. He called conservatives “do-nothings” who “sit on their hands” all day.
He’s right. Conservatives, as we know them today, are do-nothings. They sit around and watch as America-the-White-republic implodes.
Think of politics as a football game: the liberals are always playing offense, while the conservatives are always playing defense. But in their playing defense, they aren’t really defending America. They’re pretending to defend America. A great example: non-White immigration into America. Half of the conservatives don’t object to such immigration and in fact support non-White immigration. That’s not conservative.
The conservative hero today is Ronald Reagan. But what did Reagan really do? He was president for 8 years (1981-1989), but I can think of only two or three good things that Reagan did in those 8 years [1]. That’s not a good record. In fact, that’s a horrible record. Furthermore, Reagan legalized millions of illegal immigrants in 1986 [2]. Why on earth did he do that? (Answer: to help Big Agriculture).
And the conservatives’ 1994 Contract With America? What did that do in the long term? Nothing. It sounded good, but who even remembers it today?
Conservatism in America is a paper tiger. It’s all for show. It’s a flashy car with no engine. It’s time for “conservatives” to bury “conservatism” for good and embrace right-wing populism, aka Trumpism; later they can, and indeed must, segue to White nationalism.
[1] e.g., Reagan hastened the demise of the Soviet Union by forcing it to spend money it didn’t have in the “arms race” with America; he also called it “the evil empire,” which was a first for a modern American president.
[2] i.e., 3 million, via the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act; as I noted previously, the actual number of illegals that were legalized by Reagan ended up being far higher than 3 million, since America has a “chain immigration” law which favors the immigrants’ relatives; the actual number was probably 15 million
(Above: the Jewish millionaire Samuel Untermyer [1858-1940] circa 1904)
Contrary to what your schoolteachers told you, the Jews declared war on Germany, not vice-versa. Adolf Hitler had just been appointed chancellor in 1933 when the Jews, led by the Jewish fanatic and millionaire, Samuel Untermyer, launched a global, economic “war” on Germany [1]. Hitler had previously learned the awful truth about the Jews via 1) personal experiences in Vienna, Austria circa 1910, and 2) Henry Ford’s great book “The International Jew” [2]. The Jews knew that Hitler was “hip” to their habits and so decided to strike first.
Understand that Untermyer’s war against Germany was global in scope, involving Jewish activism all over the world. The Jews were, in effect, strangling Germany. (This was the second Jewish attempt to sack Germany. The first attempt was when Jewish radicals, such as Karl Radek, Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Karl Liebknecht, Leo Jogiches, Paul Levi, Rudolf Hilferding, Eugen Levine and August Thalheimer, tried to communize Germany via a violent revolution circa 1920).
“The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights (originally the American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights) was founded in 1933 by Samuel Untermyer to enact an economic boycott against Nazi Germany.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2020.
“A champion for Jewish rights, Samuel Untermyer was among the most outspoken critics of the Hitler regime, advocating an international boycott of Germany though (sic) the League of Nations. He led the league until his retirement in 1938, remaining involved in its activities until his death in 1940. Throughout the 1930s, allied with groups such as the American Federation of Labor, the league tried to persuade American businesses to stop purchasing merchandise from Germany, exposing the ones that continued selling Nazi-made goods in their bulletin. They also tried to stop Americans from visiting Germany, thereby stopping any money from coming in.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2020.
[1] So paranoid was Untermyer that, in mid-1933, long before any “Nazi concentration camps” were built, he accused Hitler of planning “the extermination of the Jews in Germany” (that’s hilarious: had Hitler wanted to “exterminate” the Jews, there wouldn’t be 20 million “Holocaust survivors” walking around today).
[2] Hitler on Vienna and the Jews circa 1910 [Here]
by Tom Sunic, Ph.D.
“In Europe the System — i.e., the Deep State — has its major outlet in Germany. Being the heartland of Europe, Germany after 1945 was preordained to serve as a role model for all future EU member states. Today the German government functions therefore as the loudest mouthpiece of anti-Trump and pro-Biden rhetoric. Given Germany’s neurotic process of post-WWII nation-state building, such penitent behavior is comprehensible. Germany was designed as a Europe’s new shining example of a successful Allied-Antifa social and racial multicultural engineering, which has spawned by now hundreds of thousands of self-censored, servile and atoning politicians and academics across the board, all of them deadly afraid that any minor dissident voice of theirs could result in their removal from the public scene. In day-to-day contemporary politics, German politicians and academics must be therefore constantly on a high alert and they must endeavor, metaphorically speaking, to be more Catholic than the Pope, i.e., more the American Biden lookalikes than Biden and his crew themselves. The same goes for all non-German European politicians, albeit to a lesser extent.
The toxic words fascism and racism serve today as an ideal tool of self-censorship in Germany, also explaining why Germany has been over recent decades, and particularly over the last decade, the most fervent advocate of its self-destructive multicultural policy manifesting itself in its constantly importing non-European migrants.”
The mainstream media said: “Breonna Taylor was a sweet, innocent African-American woman who was wrongly gunned down by evil cops, most of whom were White and were probably KKK members!”
It was baloney, as usual.