Posted by Socrates in rock music, Socrates, White music at 4:08 pm |

The Eagles, live, Houston, 1977. [Video; 1 hour, 43 minutes].
The Eagles, live, Houston, 1977. [Video; 1 hour, 43 minutes].
“Remember: it’s not a lie if you believe it.” — George Costanza (a “Seinfeld” TV series character).
Leftism is literally childish: picture, in your mind, 6-year-old kids on a playground. Same thing as leftism. Children running around saying, “na-nana-naa-naaah!” and other silly things.
The most key feature of modern leftism is this: simply believe, or say, that “X” is true, and it is! Like magic! If you say it’s true, it is true. It’s like a religion. For example, just say “Dallas is a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants” and — presto! — it’s true, and Dallas must now become a haven for illegals at taxpayer expense. Because you said it was a sanctuary city! Leftism is like a schoolyard game being played by adults. Say “Steve became a woman last year” and it’s true because you believe it. Global warming? It’s true if you believe it — never mind that the “climate change alarm” has been rung almost solely by Jews since circa 1975 [1]. Donald Trump is a Nazi and a Russian collaborator as well?? If you believe it, it’s a fact. (I’ve called this Derridaism, after the fake, Jewish “philosopher” Jacques Derrida, who would freely invent things out of thin air).
“Overwhelming scientific consensus affirms that the earth is warming at historic rates. Claims to the contrary are not a valid political opinion — they are an alternate reality that is incompatible with basic fact.” (Not a valid political opinion? What does that mean? If I don’t agree with you, I’m wrong??).
[1] Dr. Stephen Schneider was the probable founder of the “climate change hysteria” movement, with his 1975 “Climate Change Journal”; another such founder was Dr. Barry Commoner. Ralph Nader called Commoner “possibly the greatest environmentalist of the 20th century”; this movement is strangely full of Jews — must be a tikkun olam thing.
Flag on the play! Out of bounds! Twenty yard penalty.
Granted, this pocketknife (for sale by a British company) looks good, but, “cotton”??? Come on! That could offend Black people. It could conjure up ugly and hideous memories of slavery. I’m gonna have to contact the UN Human Rights Commission about that matter!
Also, I could not fail to notice that, among all these knives for sale, none of them have any gay romantic themes. At the very least, a few of the knives could have graphic scenes on the handles featuring naked sodomites packing fudge, banging bungholes — you know. A little rectal romance! But I don’t see any such rectal romance. All I see is blatant discrimination against butt-burglars and ass-pirates. I’ll have to contact the UN Human Rights Commission about that, too! What?? There’s no such thing as “human rights” because the term was coined by a leftist Jew named René Cassin?? [1]. Are you actually suggesting that Jews make up things out of thin air, just to cause trouble? What?? You are suggesting that??? Oh. Okay, then.
[1] Cassin wrote the UN Human Rights Declaration in 1948. Here’s a quote about Cassin and human rights: “He was the brains and the driving force behind the UN commission that drew up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.” Furthermore, “…it was Cassin who actually put pen to paper and inked the first draft…” (of the declaration).
Why do they call them labor Jewnions? Because Jews pioneered them.
Labor unions cause nothing but trouble. They raise the prices of goods, and they also shrink the labor pool. Both of those things are bad for Joe Sixpack. They also use union dues to promote liberal political candidates. And many top union leaders are Marxists. It’s a sad situation all around.
“Under Hitler, National Socialism emphasized the principle, as stated already, that workers and employers belong together as a united entity and they were not to be agitated nor played off against one another, contrary to the capitalist system of today.”
Yes. Labor unions pit workers against the factories, making them fight. That’s what Jews do: they make X fight Y, and A fight B. Look at America: the labor union movement was entirely Jewish: led by Samuel Gompers, Sidney Hillman and David Dubinsky.
The White countries should have done this years ago. But since the Western world is run largely by Jews (especially America and Britain), it’s a little hard to do. You know, the Jews really are an international people. While gentiles will usually operate nationally, a Jew will be right at home operating internationally. From dealing in African slaves or ostrich feathers (both were global enterprises for them), from political maneuverings in Brazil or Norway, Jews will happily wheel, deal, move, shake and manipulate all over the world. The entire earth is their home! (And when America colonizes the moon in 2050, the first porno store up there will be owned and managed by Ira Goldberg Rosenwitz).
News quote: “The military government in Myanmar, in place after a coup provoked by widespread accusations of voter fraud plagued the country’s recent election, has now seized the bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.”
Those of you who doubted that there was “a war on White people” in America: you need doubt no more. Here’s proof that there is such a war.
The gloves are off. The Cultural Marxists are already on the battlefield. There really is a war on White people. How long will it be before wholesale violence against White people starts?
“North Carolina’s largest school district has launched a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces” (this of course means “White people in the schools”; apparently this also refers to innocent children). How can a government entity commit racism against the people who built America?? It’s truly shocking.
Also: “Whiteness Is a Pandemic” says a Black guy. Really?? Since there are now fewer White people in America, per capita, than ever before, Whites must have been a real serious pandemic in 1955! You can imagine the hysterical outcry if a White man wrote that “Blacks are a pandemic”! (Actually, Blacks are a crimedemic: when Blacks move into your neighborhood, suddenly there’s a crime wave).
But there’s good news! If White people are no longer legitimate, then all of the things they created are no longer legitimate. Right?? For example, the Bill of Rights. It must no longer be legitimate, since Whites created it. So, Blacks and Browns no longer have free speech. Or the right to own/carry guns. Right?? If we are illegitimate, then so are all the things we created. Blacks can no longer drive cars, or fly on planes, or use phones, right??
But wait! Not so fast. All those laws that Joe Biden signed: are they really laws? Senile people usually cannot sign legal documents — i.e., the documents are not legally binding.
News quote: “78-year-old Joe Biden fell several times while boarding Air Force One on Friday.”
It’s a good movie, from 1987. Thanks, Rostow! Without you, the Vietnam War wouldn’t have happened and this movie never would have been made!
The Jewish neocon Walt Rostow (1916-2003) was President Kennedy’s friend and national security advisor. He convinced Kennedy to begin an anti-communist crusade in Southeast Asia (beginning in Laos in 1961) and, to a lesser extent, in Latin America. The Rostow Thesis was basically this: “The U.S. could save the entire world from communism as long as the third world strictly followed and obeyed the economic/political ideas of the U.S. and as long as America could ‘nurture’ and ‘grow’ the third world by feeding it capitalism and anti-communism via a huge, steady supply of U.S. aid, including lots of money.” (More tikkun olam, in other words). Well, that didn’t happen: America lost the war and wasted billions of dollars, and thousands of White lives, fighting it. Communism increased dramatically in the 1970s, e.g., Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola. Never listen to Jewish “experts.”
“The Turn Of The Screw” (British; 1992). Good acting, music and atmosphere. [Video; 1 hour, 35 minutes].
(Above: Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler [1888-1981]. Celler was a very key player in the destruction of America from 1964-onward. “As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for all but two years between 1949 and 1973, he ushered through the House the major civil rights movement legislation of the era.” — Wikipedia, March 2021. How this creep was allowed to push so many destructive laws through Congress, I’ll never know).
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler (D-NY) almost single-handedly destroyed America. All he had to do was find a president stupid enough to sign his horrible bills into law. And he did find such a president: Lyndon B. Johnson.
Name the horrible law, and there’s a good chance that it came from Manny Celler’s pen: a major gun-control act, the horrible 1965 immigration act, and three major civil-rights acts!
Let’s take a look at some of Celler’s handiwork in Congress:
1. The Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first civil-rights law since the Civil War era. Celler wrote and sponsored that act, which came from his House bill H.R.6127, which was signed into law by President Eisenhower in September 1957. But this law lacked teeth, and so it was revised in 1964 as the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964. It came from Congressman Celler’s House bill H.R.7152, and was introduced in Congress on June 20, 1963, and signed into law by President Johnson on July 2, 1964. This law up-ended America. Suddenly, violent negroes had all sorts of “rights” and you had to hire them!
3. The Hart-Celler Act of 1965 — which came from House bill H.R.2580 — was written by Congressman Celler and gentile Senator Philip A. Hart (D-MI; 1912-1976), although Celler acted as the pointman for the Act by introducing it into Congress in January 1965. This law created “chain immigration” into America — meaning that if you were Vietnamese and your brother came to America, you were automatically put at the front of the line to come here, too. This law flooded America with Black and Brown riff-raff. (Only Celler was mentioned by President Johnson when he signed the Hart-Celler Act into law in October 1965, which highlights Celler’s major — as opposed to Hart’s minor — involvement in the creation of the Act. It seems that Celler simply used Hart as a co-sponsor of the bill).
4. The Gun Control Act of 1968 came from Emanuel Celler’s House bill H.R. 17735. It was signed into law by President Johnson on October 22, 1968. It was by far the most heavy-handed gun law ever created in America.
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1968, aka the Fair Housing Act: House bill HR2516 was introduced into Congress by Representative Celler in mid-January 1966. Celler also chaired House subcommittee #5, which considered HR2516 (that subcommittee had jurisdiction over civil-rights bills, giving Celler much leverage in the creation of civil-rights legislation during the 1960s).