[Roberts, longtime practitioner of cowphemism, the cowardly use of ‘nazi’ where jew is indicated, gets shit on by one of Horowitz’s beards at FrontPageMag for hinting what is discussed freely among loyal Whites: that jews produce the terror they need as pretext for their wars. Jews must keep even the gelded conservatives on the plantation, and they do that by shrieking the usual epithets whenever one begins to stray. The truth, as always, is that when the jews are shrieking, the truth is being approached.
Note the way they attack him. He’s “certifiable.” Just like Joe Sobran found, the minute you disagree with the jews, you’re “crazy” – literally. And you’re booted out of the conservative movement, even though your booters just arrived five minutes ago.
Jews don’t work as one to destroy the reputation of anyone who criticizes them? If you don’t believe that you’re crazy!
Roberts’ difficulty is that he’s afraid of White Nationalists. So afraid that he literally sent us a legal letter threatening to sue unless we removed a spoof of one of his syncopated columns replacing nazis with jew, so that it read right. That is how worried non-jews are about jews! They’re TERRIFIED of them. Well, Roberts, you may recall what ol’ Ben Franklin said: “We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately.” Conservatives like dead fat fool Canny Sammy Francis whine that no one will defend them, yet they take ultimate pains to separate themselves from the only ones who would – or even worse, as in Pauli Girl’s case, attack them. Suck being caught between camps, doesn’t it, Girl?
Now is the time to stand up, White men. Our enemy is the jew, and no bones about it. Pauli Craig Roberts knows this, and it is our pressure, shaming him, that has encouraged whatever jew-truth he’s dared to express into the public light. Rest assured, VNN will keep up the pressure on both the guilty kikes and the guilty consciences of the conservatives who know they ought, but fear to oppose them.]
Paul Craig Roberts and the Certifiable Right
By Ben Johnson
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2006
Quick – what columnist alleged in an article Thursday that President “Bush intends to attack Iran and that he will use every means to bring war about?� That Bush has used “bribery and coercion� to block “every effort to bring the dispute to a peaceful end�? That “in order to gain a pretext for attacking Iran,� he and a “’black opts’ [sic.] group will orchestrate [an] attack� on U.S. soil?
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