22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, CCC, conservatives, cowardice, double standards, fake opposition, respectability - the paste jewel at 9:02 pm | Permanent Link

[Any WN who tell you CCC is pro-White are pulling your leg. These guys are semitically correct sidetrackers. Note the usual double standard. If you discuss jewish funding of our politicians purchasing foreign policy for Israel you’re “antisemitic” – if you discuss colleges accepting gifts from Arabs, you’re shrewdly following the money. How much money has Harvard accepted from jews? According to the CCCunts, only a hater would ask.]

March 21st, 2006

What’s with all this anti-Semitism being promulgated by the American college and university system, which is itself heavily Jewish?

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22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, lines at 5:49 pm | Permanent Link


Toowalk amongst yrselves.


22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Europe, free-speech martyrs, media control, media criticism at 5:24 pm | Permanent Link

Good Morning from the Zundelsite :

In a letter to a friend in France, Ernst Zundel comments on the media tsunami in the wake of his Holocaust Heresy Trial. I would only like to add that here is a 66-year-old human-rights activist who has spend almost half a century demolishing the Holocaust Hoax – and now, in so-called “democratic” Germany, he is forbidden from mentioning the very word, ‘Holocaust’? He has to circumvent the dreaded term by speaking of “the topic”?

Does not that rotten system, a colony of Israel, camouflaged as a “Democracy” advertise its abject fear that way – or what ?!

Here is Ernst’s letter, edited by me:

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22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck, jew-led smear campaigns, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny at 4:07 pm | Permanent Link

I’ve made it clear that we will use military might to protect our ally Israel. –President George W. Bush

University libraries are amazing places, full of obscure journals and trade publications. Years ago, when I was an undergraduate, I encountered an article in one such obscure journal which outlined topics that are purposely avoided on American talk radio, a medium many consider open to all topics.

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22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in holo-factualists, Holocaust at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

by Giuseppe Furioso


The Holocaust consists of three basic elements: (1) Approximately six million Jews were deliberately killed. (2) These killings were part of a state sponsored program on the part of the Third Reich whose ultimate goal was the total eradication of the Jewish people. (3) The bulk of these murders took place in special death camps where the principal mechanism of execution was the homicidal gas chamber that utilized Zyclon B, a commercial pesticide whose active ingredient was hydrogen cyanide.

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22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, double standards, economy, feminism, studies, work at 4:12 am | Permanent Link

Debunking femi-claims is so easy women can do it, ho. Truth is, men work harder, longer, and do darn near as much in the home as women, and suffer 95% of the 100k job-related deaths over the last 15 years. But these facts don’t interest the harpies, and they own the press. Article.
22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, neo-nazis/nationalists, sports at 2:10 am | Permanent Link

ROME (AFP) – The World Cup in Germany is set to become a battleground between facists and Muslims, an Italian member of a new European neo-Nazi movement warned.

In a statement published by Italian daily Repubblica, the memeber of AS Roma’s notorious ultras hooligan group claims neo-Nazis across Europe met in Braunau in Austria to plan attacks against supporters from Islamic countries during the World Cup in Germany from June 9 to July 9. Article.

22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Iranian for Aryans, movie reviews at 1:31 am | Permanent Link

Hillseyes.jpg I have always been a fan of horror, and science fiction movies. Therefore, I paid a visit to the local movie theatre Saturday night to watch a horror movie entitled “The Hills Have Eyes”. This is a remake of the earlier (1977) movie, which I have not seen.

Well, I went to the theatre expecting to be frightened, and I was. However, I was sorely chagrined. This is why. Firstly, it was a gory movie. I don’t like gory movies a la horror slashers. I didn’t expect the movie to be of this sort. Gory movies are sick, and part and parcel of the ubiquitous, and all-encompassing, degeneracy of this day and age. As expected, the movie became one killing scene after another, and I was grossed out the whole time.
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22 March, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, colored crime, Mexcrement at 1:12 am | Permanent Link

Mexcrement Family Values

Mom Was Son’s Booster During Gang Rape, Authorities Say
The Anaheim attack is payback by gang members mad at the victim’s boyfriend, officials believe. Ten people are charged.

By Sara Lin, Times Staff Writer

March 14, 2006

A mother who authorities say cheered on her son and his gangster friends as they allegedly took turns raping a 23-year-old woman is among 10 people charged with the crime. Authorities said the rape was payback by members of an Anaheim Latino gang for something the victim’s boyfriend did.

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21 March, 2006

Posted by alex in academia, Alex Linder, Diversity, double standards, graphics/toons, K-12 'education', leftism, loxism, social justice at 10:21 pm | Permanent Link

Selections from his ‘Social Justice Store.’ Oh, that’s ‘EdChange’ Social Justice Store.

“Turning education majors into communists since 19XX.”


In point of fact, NCLB was designed to hurt White children. The progressive reverses reality to further his agenda.

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