Some I know are emigrating, leaving the United States; some have already left. The favored destination is Eastern Europe. These emigrants argue Eastern Europe is safer, cleaner, and has an authentic White culture, as oppossed to the Negrified and Judaized US. These White emigrants are fleeing the land of their birth. They are leaving the soil into which their ancestors are buried and then flying over their ancient ancestral lands in Germany, the British Isles, and Italy, putting down in Eastern Europe.
“Folly,” I’ve often replied, “how can some little country in Eastern Europe survive the forces that are toppling the United States and Western Europe?” Some respond by conceding it is only a matter of time before their redoubts in far away Europe are overrun, but they want to have a family and live in a White society free from Mestizos and Blacks. I can’t be angry at them for that. I confess my own brother lives in New Zealand, so sick he is with the American trail mix.
Clearly, after yesterday’s mob action in Los Angeles and the subsequent amnesty vote in Senate – events alarmingly similar to political upheavals of the late Roman Republic – America is ineluctably becoming a despotic, corrupt, and violent Third-World state. Fleeing seems a viable option.
Those staying confront two options: 1) surrender: have brown grandchildren, adapt to a culture of violence, windblown garbage, poor sanitation, ethnic strife, and corruption, or 2) prepare to fight: learn the lessons of insurgent warfare as practiced by the winners (if they can be called that) in Vietnam(1965-75), Afghanistan(1979-89), Iraq(on-going) , Somalia(1993), and Algeria(1954-62).
Prepare to be an insurgent.