4 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Aryan Alternative reaction at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

Good Afternoon, Mr. Linder

I don’t know who tossed a copy of “Aryan Alternative” on my from lawn this morning. At first glance, I was horrified -shocked. But after a few minutes of close reading, I finally understood and so agree with your “message.” Thank you for waking me up!

Your prose style, illustrations, photography, layout, and overall concept are worthy of high praise. Never have read such well-wrought biting, incisive, and scathing satire…you recall the irony of Swift, the vulgarity of National Lampoon, the childish worldview of Mad. Brilliant! You have truly created something special. I will keep this issue forever!

I now see bigots and other such deluded morons in a new light. While I once thought they were dangerous, you have a rtfully shown beyond a doubt that the “White Power” (or whatever ridiculous name they choose to call it) movement is populated by a enclave of brain-dead zealots no more concerned with the truth than they are of their own image. Such groups can pose no more threat to America than the inmates of an insane asylum. I plan to double my support of the ADL and ACLU to further your cause of exposing these idiots for what they really are.

Bravo! You have performed a great service to America.


The Good Ol’ USA


[Your effort belies your point, slick!]

4 April, 2006

Posted by alex in fashion at 6:56 pm | Permanent Link

See more of what the Beautiful People are wearing.
4 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Christians at 6:31 pm | Permanent Link

[Meet Wrench Hagee, a no-neck leader of dirt-eaters. What do you need a neck for if there’s nothing in your head but Izzy’s fetid lies? As one of Twain’s characters said, and the jews can take a dubious solace in, “Hain’t we got the fools in town on our side? And ain’t that a big enough majority in any town?]


New Christian pro-Israel lobby aims to be stronger than AIPAC

Ha’aretz, Tel Aviv Tuesday, 3 April 2006 / Nisan 5, 5766

NEW YORK — Televangelist John Hagee told Jewish community leaders over the weekend that the 40 million evangelical Christians in the United States support Israel and that he plans to utilize this power to help Israel by launching a Christian pro-Israel lobby.

The lobby is slated to launch in July, during a Washington conference in which hundreds of American evangelicals are slated to participate, Hagee said at a meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which represents 52 national Jewish groups. He also discussed the lobby with Israel’s consul general in New York, Aryeh Mekel.

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4 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Jewish Tyranny at 5:45 pm | Permanent Link

An Open Letter to Ruth Bader Ginzburg on ‘External Citations’

Author’s introduction: I do not know whether Ruth Bader Ginzburg is the worst of a bad lot on the Supreme Court, inasmuch as she has such stiff competition for the position. I do know, however, that her logic, such as it is, not only seems clearly intended to undermine the US Constitution — the document which she swore to uphold in her swearing-in ceremony — but that it is an excellent example of reasoning that seems far more intended to propel her to pre-ordained conclusions than it does to reach fair and reasonable decisions that are in the interest of the American people.

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3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in frauds, free-speech martyrs, holocaust racket at 9:25 pm | Permanent Link

“Rudolf Vrba”: The Holohoax in Person
by Eyewitness & Survivor Eric Thomson

jewvrba1.jpg I, Eric Thomson, was among those who witnessed and survived the First Great Holocaust Thought-Crime Trial in 1984 through 1985, under the Zionist Occupation Government of Soviet Canada. The victim of this lengthy and costly (to the Gentile tax-payers) jewdicial persecution was and still is, at the time of this writing, Ernst Zündel, who is the only man on this planet who risks going to prison for discussing World War II. What this proves, to the knowledgeable observer, is that World War II is still going on and never ended in 1945, as we have been misled to believe by the jewsmedia and goy stooges of our respective Zionist Occupation Governments.

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3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs, Jewish Tyranny at 8:53 pm | Permanent Link

[Long article on free speech and the war against in Europe. Turns out jews are victims of this war. I was surprised myself. I thought jews invented the concept of hate speech, bribed goyim to pass laws against it, and founded leagues against racism, racism defined as white people who persist in existing. But I was wrong. It is always good to be straightened out. I only hope the martyrsteins can hold out against the goyo-muslimic red tide.]

The Long and Growing List of Things You Can’t Legally Say

By Gerard Alexander
Posted: Monday, April 3, 2006

The Weekly Standard
Publication Date: April 10, 2006

On February 20, an Austrian court sentenced the notorious British writer David Irving to three years in prison for denying in a 1989 speech that Auschwitz contained gas chambers. Many American observers had mixed reactions. They saw Irving as a loathsome anti-Semite but were uncomfortable with the thought of a person serving time behind bars for something he wrote or said, no matter how noxious.

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3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Britain, Jewish Tyranny at 7:59 pm | Permanent Link

[British barbarians at play – rather typical, eh wot? No doubt many of the torturers were only alive because Hitler stayed his hand at Dunkirk. Thus is weakness or foolishness repaid. Again I say, admiration for the British is a sure indicator of inferiority in the admirer. Fox News for Adult Children fans will see these pictures and say, “they deserved it,” just as they approve of our torturning and murdering innocent Iraqis. If the evil enemy ever gets the upper hand, why, you can bet your bottom dollar these sadistic hypocrites, these vicious mediocrities, these gorgeous skunk-cabbages of the Anglo-Christian golden age – they won’t be around so much.]


Revealed: victims of UK’s cold war torture camp

Ian Cobain
Monday April 3, 2006
The Guardian

Archive pictures of German prisoners held by the British following the second world war Archive pictures of German prisoners held by the British following the second world war. Photographs: Martin Argles

Photographs of victims of a secret torture programme operated by British authorities during the early days of the cold war are published for the first time today after being concealed for almost 60 years.

The pictures show men who had suffered months of starvation, sleep deprivation, beatings and extreme cold at one of a number of interrogation centres run by the War Office in postwar Germany.

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3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in demos, mtgs, rallies at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

Mr. Linder, I sent this to your website and asked that it be forwarded.  I’m sending it to you just to give it as much visibility as possible.

I’m not a member, although I do check in often to read the news.  I’m asking that you send this to some of your members who may be interested.

I’m a retired military officer.   I plan to be at the Alamo on Monday, April 10th, 2006 with my American flag.  This is my way of saying “enough” to all the Mexican flag-carrying and other illegal-immigration baloney going on in this country.

I’m just an anonymous little guy.  I’m not part of any established group, I’m not carrying any banners or signs and I’m not making any speeches.  Just me.  And my flag.

I invite all pissed-off Americans to come join me.  We may be only a few and we may even get our asses kicked, but that’s OK.  (Of course, if hundreds showed up, with their flags held high, that would be outstanding.)   Let’s take a stand at the Alamo, once again, just like patriots did 170 years ago.

The Alamo is to this fight what the Lexington Common was in the fight against the British.  What better place to give this struggle a moral foundation than on the consecrated ground where patriots shed blood in defense of their ideas?


3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in Diversity, Minnesota at 5:24 pm | Permanent Link

[Read “Khatheads” below, then this…]

Reader Maynard writes:

“Rich diversity is why I left St. Paul.  If the jews have their way, we will have this in every nook and cranny of this country!”

Community profile: The North End
Pioneer Press

The North End is St. Paul’s new melting pot.

Once primarily a blue-collar neighborhood with little diversity, in recent years the North End has become a rainbow of ethnicities, including Southeast Asians, Africans, Latinos, African-Americans and East Indians.

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3 April, 2006

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Christians, immigration at 4:13 pm | Permanent Link

[Jews take over the government. Jews take over the seminary. Jews pay corrupted Christian relief organizations to import African exotics. Who in turn bring in previously unheard-of drugs. Hijinks ensue! “AmeriKwa: The Sitcom,” new from the producers that made you laugh at Archie Bunker…]

Exotic African drug an overnight sensation

Express delivery is the pipeline of choice for Twin Cities khat smugglers

Pioneer Press

Djiboutians rush to buy the daily fresh khat supply, shortly after it was flown into Djibouti City, January 18, 2006. Khat, a leafy stimulant that's illegal in the U.S. and many western countries, dominates male life in the tiny Muslim nation of Djibouti.
Evelyn Hockstein/KRT
Djiboutians rush to buy the daily fresh khat supply, shortly after it was flown into Djibouti City, January 18, 2006. Khat, a leafy stimulant that’s illegal in the U.S. and many western countries, dominates male life in the tiny Muslim nation of Djibouti.

Read the rest of this entry »