Usual mix of wisdom and foolishness, about Waco, from young libertarian Gregory. Big problems for Normal White America when racial tyranny ensconces itself as legitimate authority. Hard to alert people to the problem when the media supposed to keep watch on the government are in many ways the most powerful part of that tyranny. “Media is politics [sic],” as the jewish billionaire said. Media are the problem.
Government can shut down papers, true, but more often than not, papers shut down politicians. Remember Nixon and Graham discussing the jewish stranglehold on the media. “I know that, but we must never say it,” said Nixon…the president. We have a problem if the president can’t speak the truth about the jews controlling the media. That means the rest of us better pick up the load.
Papers war against normal ideas, and make wackiness ordinary. This works because most people can’t think and fear to stand against the crowd. The media propagate a false consensus. Your local “progressive” editor and the local ADL goymanager always claim they speak for the community, even though the opposite is the case.
When the interests you serve and the ideas you prosper run against the ideas and interests of 98% of the people, there’s no way for you to succeed but to control the media…and the academy…and the government…and use these controls to demonize, stigmatize, smear, and rhetorically stamp out the opposition.
The victims of your word-campaign are left open to physical predation and murder, once they’ve been dehumanized and invalidatd. Waco was a large and impressive demonstration of who controls whom, but it was still business as usual. The government terrorizes ordinary people every day of the year.
Without media control, the jews would lose the power to frame debate. They wouldn’t be able to demonize anti-queers as homophobes, or race-factualists ‘racists,’ or jew-factualists ‘anti-Semites.’ By contrast, no jew anywhere ever is described as a hater or terrorist. To turn a Twain line, Jews are the only people who control the media – or have to. They cannot survive any chink in the Propasphere they’ve constructed because their ideas are so bizarre, and their interests so antithetical to Whites’, that the minute any fresh air and light are let in on them, they’re seen for the vampirism they are.
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