[Sad part is, this coon actually believes what he writes. The news for Whites here is that apes can never accept the existence of racial inequalities that cast blacks in a bad light. They will always believe, even when the laws privilege Africoons, that Whites are beneficiaries rather than victims. “[T]he two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.” Was true, is true.]
How To Win a Pulitzer Prize
Repeat after me …
By contrast, nothing white men have ever achieved in this country was done without racial and gender preferences.
[This nigger is so stupid he equates a race’s founding a country with receiving racial and gender [sic] preferences. Were these granted by the ‘Native Americans,’ you idiot? Clowns like Pitts are genetically too stupid to understand that if freedom of contract still obtained, if it hadn’t been eliminated by the same type of jew as hires this monkey to write a column, no one would hire him as a writer.]
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