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Hammering out the jew, one broadcast at a time.

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7/13/2008 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #56
MP3 Download

5/22/2008 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #55
MP3 Download

2/8/2008 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #54
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (146 MB)

12/12/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #53
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (46 MB)

5/12/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #52
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

Pt.1 MP3 Download (46 MB) Pt.2 MP3 Download (45 MB)

4/15/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #51
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (60 MB)

3/19/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #50
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

Pt.1 MP3 Download (52 MB) Pt.2 MP3 Download (48 MB)

3/01/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #49
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (49 MB)

2/22/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #48
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (49 MB)

1/31/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #47
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

Pt. 1 MP3 Download (49 MB)   Pt. 2 MP3 Download (39 MB)

12/20/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #46
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

Topics include: TNB – Dog Sniffers Find Body Parts, Iran Holocaust Conference, Kramer no jew?, Putin wacks a mole, Tancredo calls Miami “a third world country”, Southern Baptist online academy, white curriculum
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (45 MB)

12/03/2007 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #45
The Roundtable includes: Alex, Agis and Craig Cobb.

MP3 Download (49 MB)

11/23/2006 Goyfire #44
Topic list: TBA
MP3 Download (48 MB)

11/15/2006 Goyfire Special Release
Alex, Agis, and Craig speak with Kievsky about Aryan principles of living off the land and working together to beat the jew.
MP3 Download (11 MB)

10/25/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #43
The Roundtable includes: Agis, Craig Cobb, Peter Shank, and Byron Jost.

Topics include: Nig Serial Killer, Amerikwa Kills more Iraqis than Saddam, Man Sentenced 3 Years for Racist Comments, U.S. ready to take in 60,000 Bhutanese refugees living in Nepal, Yids build Holohoax Temple in Nebraska!, Mud-dona Adopts a Chimp, Joan Rivers: Mel Should Die, New Anti-White Flick: Catch a Fire (Liar), jewish "White man" rapper intellectual, and race riot at fontana high.
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (84 MB)

10/06/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #42
The Roundtable includes: Agis and Craig Cobb.

Topics include: Habeas Corpus, TNB: White Girl Murder by Mud 'Baby-Daddy' and Zim Update, Speech Violation = 18 Months Probation, Coon Air, and TJB: Comverse Kike Caught in Namibia
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (60 MB)

09/30/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #41
The Roundtable includes: Agis, Alex Linder, Geoff Beck, and Craig Cobb.
Topics include: TNB: Tiffany Hall and Ulysees Handy III, TMB: Mexicans gang rape White woman on Florida beach, Professors sent to Gulag, Yale center for Loxism established, greaseball and goose, and animal rentals in Denmark.
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (22 MB)

09/22/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #40
Featuring Alex, Agis, Craig and Geoff Beck discussing TNB: Down-Low UK Niggarow Infects 6 with AIDS, Stubbification of Kansas, Tuition Hiked to Pay for 'Diversity', Faggots Try to Censor Textbooks, Ebonics E-mail Sparks Investigation, Pope Apologizing to Everyone but the Nazis, Auschwitz Suitcases piled High, Ursula Gruber, and Raymont Hopewell, aka Michael Bennett, serial killer (5)/serial rapist.
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (123 MB)

09/15/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #39
Featuring Alex, Agis, Craig and Geoff discussing NJ School Corruption, White Terror, WTC & Prof. Steven Jones, TNB: a black serial killer on the loose, Aryan Communities.
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (23 MB)

09/11/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #38
Featuring Alex, Agis, and Craig discussing Duke rape case, TNB: eye gouging, Stuart Levy, Conway & Whitman, and VNN internal.
24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (16 MB)

09/3/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #37
Alex, Agis, Craig "Chain" Cobb and Geoff Beck launch into TNB: covering the Vermont nigger murder spree, Kansas concealed carry, free speech martyrs, 1/3 of the Holocaust, George Allen: crypto Jew senator, turmoil in Mexico, mummies in Mongolia, and the ever present jewing of our White Western World.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (26 MB)

08/07/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #36
Alex, Chain, and Agis return to discuss: VNN vs. Canadian Tyrants, Al-Manar TTN: Terrorist Television Network, Mel Gibson, Women and Journalism, TJB, and TNB.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (29 MB)

07/24/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #35
Alex Linder, Agis, Chain, and Geoff Beck discuss: Lebanon, speech censorship attempts by EU and ADL, Chelsea Brooks, the white girl impregnated/murdered by nigger monster(s), NPR on KKK in Colorado, toenail mites and how to get rid of them (or at least fight them to a draw), cheese - lower duodenum.s best friend?, call for team of writers to help build Sunlit Heights, and it all starts with a rich, ripe laugh at Dick Gregory, the celebrated monkey from Missouri, bearing warnings manganese (pronouce as though mang were Italian sauce), and our president bushy, canting chummily to the niggers duly sedated, pantsed, chaired by the jews offering technical expertise, still, to the NAACP

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (29 MB)

07/16/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #34
Alex Linder, Chain, Stan and Geoff Beck discuss: Tomasz Winniki; Border fence fraud; Nigger gang rapes in Fresno, CA; South Africa; Denver,CO.; NYC AIDS; and Israeli aggression.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (24 MB)

06/7/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #33
The original cast returns: Alex, Agis, Chain, and Stan

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (27 MB)

05/16/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #32
The roundtable returns: Alex, Agis and Stan discuss the persecution of Whites speaking freely on the Internet, U.S. tips Mexico to Minuteman locations, Chicago highschool teacher blogs on nogs, TNB, Duke rape update and Berlin exhibition.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (19 MB)

04/17/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #31
Chock full 'o' hate! Craig Cobb, Byron Jost and Dopplehaken join Alex and Agis to discuss various subjects: More invader news, Byron's "Line in the Sand" released on the internet, jewspaper jew jews billionaire jew and gets nabbed, Belarus, and TNB.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (22 MB)

04/05/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #30
March of the illegals, Mearsheimer and Walt study, AIPAC, Amren’s treatment of Duke, “Vrba”-”Rosenberg,” Fraser LTE prosecution in Australia, alleged gang rape at Duke, eclipse fears in Nigeria, Paradise Lost and Zimbabwe.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (28 MB)

02/27/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #29
Irving gets 3 years - Zundel on deck, NAA(pe)CP boo-hoos about Rounder and TAA, 9/11, TNB & TJB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (25 MB)

02/20/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #28
Muzzie Cartoon uproar, Jennifer Ross Murder, TNB & TJB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (26 MB)

01/29/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #27
Iran, EUMC 2005 Report, TNB & TJB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (21 MB)

01/14/2006 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #26
Indoctrinating Students at Temple U., Operation Wetback, Pat Robertson: More Zionist than Sharon, tons of TNB and TJB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (18 MB)

12/25/2005 Goyfire Audio Re-Broadcast #25
Goyfire Live! Australian guest Baron Von Hund reports from down under, tons of TNB and TJB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (19 MB)

12/19/2005 Goyfire Audio Re-Broadcast #24
Goyfire goes Live! Innaugural Broadcast - Austrailian White Men Riot, jews study racialism as mental illness, TNB, TJB and Callers

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (26 MB)

12/01/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #23
Discussion of VNN Radio Live!, Chain's Kingston coverage and Estonia, Prussian Blue gets Zuckered, TNB including Tookie-Talk

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (14 MB)

11/23/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #22
Tom Winnicki speaks his piece in hope that the White man will hear and know what faces him when he stands up for himself and his race in Canada, as corrupted by the jew as it is. Also, discussion with 'Aryan Matters' hosts Hawthorne & Gardener and Col. Kurtz.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (20 MB)

11/21/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #21
Paris Burning Roundup, San Fran Gun Grab, TJB & TNB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (24 MB)

11/13/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #20
Glenn "Rounder" Miller is interviewed about his TAA distros and taking on the Rogers, Arkansas police, discussion of the new jewfed successor, Prussian Blue, TNB, TJB and Listener Mail. 2 hours of nonstop Goyfire!

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (26 MB)

11/03/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #19
Byron Jost discusses the intimidation tactics from Tom Tancredo regarding The Line in the Sand and Chain tells of his exploits distributing TAAs.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (21 MB)

10/31/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #18
The Goyfire crew speaks with Peter Schaenk about his firing from the "Uncensored" RBN Network for daring to promote White discussion, and his return to radio.

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (11 MB)

10/21/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #17
Toledo nigs rampage over NSM, Aryan Alternative #3 released, negro-con shennanigans, TJB and more!

16K Streaming Audio (for dial-up users)   24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (12 MB)

10/12/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #16
Line in the Sand Update, Gloria Watson, Podcasting Update, TNB, TJB & TSB

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (12 MB)

10/06/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #15
Racist Cartoon Uproar at the U. of Florida, VNN is Podcasting, House Approves ‘Anti-Hate’ Bill, plus tons of TNB and TJB reports

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (13 MB)

09/24/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #14
Bang-Bang Vang Sentenced, Matt Hale Moved, Hate Comes to Kirksville, TNB & TJB reports

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (12 MB)

09/09/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #13
Hurricaine Katrina reveals the consequences of the nigging of AmeriKwa, the kiking of Kwa law schools, Stormfronters visit Crawford, TNB & TJB reports

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (12 MB)

08/22/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #12
'Line in the Sand' with special guest Byron Jost, Ranch Rescurer's Ranch Turned Over to Mexicoons, Sheehan - US Mom Wants to Know..., Kikanada Brings Charges Against VNN Member, TNB / TJB - Marcus Dwayne Goes on a Killing Spree, 'Sayeed X' Sexes his Students, Kike couple identified on slip in resturant, Kike says he spent 6.5 yrs in Auswitz (Silly yid, it was only open for 5), OKC Updates, Gazaa Dramatics

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (24 MB)

08/12/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #11
Edgar Ray Killen Conviction, London Bombing, Supreme Court Attacks Private Property, TNB: A Kind Man Beaten, Death for Alpha Boon Wesson, Black Rapist Murders Random White Woman, Swedish Police Officer Sends Racist E-mail, Marissa Tharp

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (22 MB)

06/29/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #10
House Committe Appoves US Aid to Isreal, AIPAC - Franklin, FOX News Exec Honored by "Jewish Community Relations Council", Two Soldiers "Fragged" by Spic in Iraq, TNB: Nog Climbs Building to Rape White Woman, Pittsburg Stopper Popper, White Baby Stabbed to Death in Black SA, and Coverage of the Aryan Alternative

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (15 MB)

06/21/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #9
White Girl Murdered in Aruba, Monkey Jackson Walks, Izzy sells Red Chinks Military Hardware, Franklin arrested, jew Mehlman to head the Republican Party, TNB: Nog Radio Host Murders/Canabalizes Girlfriend, Hip Hop Night - Public Safty Concern, 500 Nogs Raid Beach in Portugal, and Pre-Historic Monuments Found in Europe

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (13 MB)

06/12/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #8
Deep Throat, Holand and France Reject EU, California State U. - Reverse Discrimination Suit, TNB: Groid Shoots Three Shopkeepers, She-ape Jumps on School Bus, White Boy Raped, Urban Beach Week, Nigger Shoots White Cop

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (20 MB)

06/06/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #7
Trentadue Suicide/Murder, Chimp climbs crane, Boy Carried off Bus by Nogs, 2 Humans Attacked in Compton, Creswell +10 stabbed after attacking Human, Andre Ward and the Crack Conspiracy, FBI Hate Report

24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (18 MB)

05/28/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #6
Koran gets flushed - then retracted, Jew in a Russian Cage, Bug-Chasers go Bare-Back, System Language Quirks, Nog Crashes Party, German Rightwing Spam, Alternative White Media

Pt. 1 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (15 MB)
Pt. 2 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (12 MB)

05/18/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #5
Border Patrol told to "stand down", Language Control, Jewish Tyranny in Canada: persecution of Tomasz Winnicki, Berlin holohoax(tm) memorial unveiled, Rabbi swindler Feinerman busted

Pt. 1 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (9 MB)
Pt. 2 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (7 MB)

05/11/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #4
Pt. 1 - White Rodney King in Philly: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (3 MB)
Pt. 2 - Supreme Court Dooms Jailed Whites: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (2 MB)
Pt. 3 - Tom Delay Scandal: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (2 MB)
Pt. 4 - Bush Swaggers Through Baltic States: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (4 MB)
Pt. 5 - UK Elections: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (3 MB)

05/05/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #3
Pt. 1 - Trinity College Update: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (2 MB)
Pt. 2 - KCTV Hate on the Net: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (2 MB)
Pt. 3 - Father Jailed for Homo-Ed: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (2 MB)
Pt. 4 - Akbar gets Death: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (3 MB)
Pt. 5 - Chinese Mummies: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (4 MB)

04/30/2005 Goyfire Audio Broadcast #2
Pt. 1 - Trinity College: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (4 MB)
Pt. 2 - Bill Cosby: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (1.5 MB)
Pt. 3 - Ukranian Uprising: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (3 MB)

04/22/2005 - Debut Goyfire Broadcast #1: 24K Streaming Audio   MP3 Download (13 MB)