The case of bootlip Deric Willoughby hasn't been featured on Fox, CNN, or MSNBC that I've seen, and I keep a constant close eye on my cabalized Jewtube parade as it sits there and shakes its rattle (snake and baby) from 20 feet away.
Bootlip Deric Willoughby is said to have streetcorner kidnapped two little White girlfriends, a 14 and a 15 year old (probably from Fulton County, reports vary). He is alleged to have taken these girl children to truck stops and sold hair, eyes, breasts, vaginas, and adorable innocences to truckers. Ever seen those neat little rolling living rooms in the back the truckers have nowadays? Picture our big mouthed buck ensconced in an easy chair, legs outstretched, sipping a beer, negotiating.
The 14 year old's Daddy managed by some minor miracle to trace his child down. He called the cops outside the large two story Toledo house where the silverback had her, and later said his legs were shaking while he waited for the police to arrive. He could wait no longer. He busted in and got struck with a brick, a tire iron and a piece of asphalt by Deric and his stanky Duo Dumbinos- those wiggress crackhoes whose job it was to "groom" the little White girls. They'd probably themselves met the same tortuous fate a few years earlier. Women like to be contoled and the nigger know this get down fact, if it knows nothing else.
Cops later said the house had extensive surveillance equipment looking out. The Dad said that one mindscrew technique the oranootan used was to beat one of the kidnapped girls when the other refused to obey. Just like a Korean POW camp: beatings; isolation of who you see, what you read; food ingestion control; sleep deprivation control; haranguing....hey, niggers didn't genetically get to where they are on the planet by civility. It's every underclass coon's dream (by "underclass", I mean w/o an overpaid, do nothing, ill-qualified gov't. job) to have a stable of White hoes, the younger and Whiter, the better. Don't believe me? Spend the evening watching MTV or Vh1 vids.
So the problem now is that Deric Willoughby isn't getting charged by the federal goobermint with violating these little White girls' civil rights. No. No FBI "Special Case Law" civil rights team of investigtors Gulfstreaming in from the District of Corruption.
One online story said Willoughby's intent was to take them into Michigan. Picture in your mind the "gimme fives" and cacophonic babooning which would have greeted these girlkids had monkey Deric gotten them into a dirty, darkened Coontown bedroom. The niggers woulda been drivin' in from miles around singin' the praises of Diamond Deric's abilities to farm hoes from the White farmlands of the midwest and middle south. "How do dat mofo dooooo dat sheet? That White guhl ain't but 14 and a fiiiiiine piece o'azz! That fine, soft yellow hair draggin' ovuh mah black johnson was ticklin' me so much, I started laughin' when she was a'gaggin and wrtechin and cryin'." Yuk yuk yuk. Yada yada yada.
So the US prosecutor, Gregory A. White, and the Toledo FBI seemingly don't see much wrong here. They know from their channel surftroughs of MTV and Lou Dobbs that Murray Rothstein has "normal niggerized" America, and is worth around $9 billion. Who are they to buck what is normal and successful? The paycheques and local accolades keep rolling in like clockwork. Too, people are very sensitive to hateful racial allegations these days and besides- "Jew is cooohhhh, man...and jigaboos rule".
But what would have happened if a White man had snatched two negro girls off the streets and brainwashed, controlled and tortured them into total sexual servitude? Slaving. Literally. By the legal definition. Would the US Code backing the 13th Amendment against slavery be invoked? Would it be on the three major cable channels nonstop?
I made these five calls on Wednesday, June 1st. The first, while I killed time waiting for the US prosecutor's point man to receive me, was to a federal senior US district judge, Jew David A. Katz. (That's right VNN FBI board monitor "Lance"- the beat goes as always at VNN. So arrest me.)
In any case, the Katz' lady professes ignorance of the name of the US Prosecutor who brings cases before her boss. Too funny antiworld. Don't they just beat us into the ground at the contemptuous game?
Other of my calls are to Lt. Gundy at the Lucas County jail where the Multi Cult sex and kidnapping gang is being held, to the US prosecutor's PR mouth, attorney Bill Edwards (Bill is not very used to White racists calling him up on legal matters), to the Toleda "done deal" FBI, and to Ohio BACA- "Bikers Against Child Abuse". BACA's civic hobby is to show up in court after long Harley rides, sartorially radiant in Iron Cross festooned road regalia. Do they do, by legal appointment only, natch- federal judges, US prosecutors and FBI regional office HQ's, or do I have to wait another 30 years for that street service?
Addendum: As of June 1st, google finds a mere three stories on boon Deric Willoughby
WNWO NBC24 in Toledo had a video online which showed the heroic Daddy with a big black moving oval egg over his face. The pissed off fighting White victim in 2005 Jew Al Jolson blackface. There's irony pancakes for you. Only in JOGZOG. VNN will do our level best to discover who he is and reach out to him.
c 2005 Vanguard News Network