Introduction by A. Linder
Back in 1995, the government, your government, murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City.
The government has gotten away with this vicious and caculated mass murder because the media play along with its lies.
Slowly things begin to change.
The rise of the Internet does not mean that the era of gelded, jew-controlled media is over. It would be a puffy exaggeration so to claim. The controlled media are too powerful to be done away with in short order. But their power eats away in the edges, as the intelligent sector of the community -- the White males the System feeds on yet despises -- abandons the boring lies and stock characters of traditional newspapers and television for the liveliness and possibilities of the Internet. The curious case of the OKC bombing(s) is a perfect testing ground for discovering both how far the truth can go in bringing down the ruling govern-media and how many people prefer facts to a Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) cover story.
The facts about OKC are out there -- for reporters who wish to report them. So far these have been J.D. Cash, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, and very few others. Now VNN enters the fray via our own investigative reporter Craig Cobb.
What we're doing here is constructing a puzzle. Just as with a real puzzle, we know the picture before the pieces are all in. Here is the OKC picture:
- the government pursues decades of anti-White policies empowering jews and coloreds feeding off the founding race
- White resentment threatens to come to a head in the mid-nineties, thanks to talk radio, the Internet and militias
- ZOG decides to try to kill the burgeoning White movement by producing an act of terrorism it can blame on 'angry white males'
- ZOG and the private spy groups it uses as catspaws insinuate informants and import an agent provacateur into Elohim City, where he trains and actuates a cell that ends up blowing up the Murrah Building in OKC
- ZOG scoops up cell member Tim McVeigh, tries him, executes him
- ZOG's judge forbids conclusive evidence proving McVeigh was one of a team
- ZOG's media claim McVeigh was motivated by White nationalist literature, rather than by ZOG's mass-murder at Waco
- the agent provacateur is spirited out of the country, while the media and prosecutors look the other way
- with McVeigh safely in the ground, the militia movement unraveled, the ZOG strengthened by new anti-"terrorist" powers, the media burn the lesson into the public mind that all resistance to ZOG is futile and evil "hate" that will be stamped out
That is what happened.
"Your" government murdered a couple hundred people just like you to strengthen its dictatorship when it felt threatened by the rise of media and movements responsive rather than hostile to the will of the White majority.
It cannot be overemphasized how crucial media control is to the enforcement of groupthink. American media don't cover stories, they keep the cover on stories. Removing that cover is the job of investigative journalists, which is to say, the real journalists. Real journalists shine a spotlight on the government, so the citizen can see what it's up to. Controlled media shine a spotlight on the citizen, so the government can shoot him.
All that remains to the truth-fearing minority are the details.
Exactly how many informants did the government and SPLC employ? What were their names? What agency or agencies did they report to?
We have the big picture; what we're looking for the small. Because in the details lie the facts that may just put folks like Morris Dees in prison. And bankrupt their rackets.
Documents proving the government produced OKC have emerged over the last decade -- and continue to be unearthed by parties on their various missions. For example, we now have paper proof, thanks to Jesse Trentadue's heroic efforts to find out who murdered his brother, that the SPLC had at least one informant in Elohim, and that he was in touch with a member of the bombing cell two days before the truck bomb went off. Let me say that again: WE HAVE PROOF ON PAPER, THANKS TO JEW LOUIS FREEH OF THE FBI, THAT THE FBI AND THE SPLC HAD MULTIPLE MEN HEAVILY INVOLVED WITH THE CELL THAT BLEW UP THE MURRAH BUILDING.
There are more details, but that's the nut of it. The SPLC, the ATF, and the FBI, had multiple informants crawling around Elohim City, reporting back to headquarters for years, and inciting and organizing government-trained killer Timothy McVeigh and other angry white men to commit crimes. The government supplied the target, the government supplied the training, the government supplied the motive, the government supplied the means. The government is the guilty party. And the leadership of the FBI, the ATF, and the SPLC know it. They know it, and they fear that you will know it too. Because then you and millions of others of normal White men might do something about it.
To put it bluntly and accurately, homosexual racketeer Morris Seligman Dees, a man who has made a living smearing the reputations and destroying the lives and livehoods of honest men, is scared to death that the truth about what he and his agents working hand in glove with FBI and ATF did to produce the OKC bombing(s) will get out to the public, resulting in his being sued and losing his $100-million endowment when the thousands of relatives of the hundreds of OKC murder victims file lawsuits. It is already clear that Morris Dees is morally guilty of the murder of 168 Americans in Oklahoma City. In time it will be found that he and the terrorists of the SPLC are legally guilty, too.
Now Craig Cobb picks up with the reporting:
The mainstream media (MSM) don't want to cover Jesse Trentadue's discoveries of a number of documents, notably the January 4, 1996, Louis Freeh memo to senior FBI field agents in which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)-FBI joint sting operation at Elohim City -- active a mere 48 hours before the bombing that killed 168 people -- was
(8th and 11th paragraphs from bottom).
Nor is the MSM interested in reporting on the Oklahoma-based McCurtain Daily Gazette's recent publication of a redacted '302' FBI form obtained by Trentadue
under the Freedom Of Information Act. (See actual copy 302.)
The 302 is a form FBI agents must use to report on crime investigations. We may therefore logically presume that Dave Hollaway, the ex-CIA pilot, ex-Green Beret "White Supremacist" who spirited Andreas Strassmeir out of the Unied States via a tortuously circuitous route, was "undercover interviewed" by an FBI agent rather than by a mere FBI informer. Was the FBI seeing how Dave was holding up? Are they running the same psychological "How you holding up, dear?" checks on Moe?
If not, maybe they should be, as Moe seems all shook up these days. Seligman Dees is said to have told investigative reporter J.D. Cash, "Go to hell." More revealingly, he is alleged to have told J.D. Cash, referring to Elohim City, that "We were there." See VNNF thread here.
But Moe won't talk to Vanguard Radio of the Vanguard News Network. Which is kind of strange, when you think about it. His group has $100 million in the bank. The money comes directly from the people he's supposed to be protecting from us. Yet he ducks us. Very curious. Is there something about OKC Kewl Moe Dees doesn't want known?
What do you think?
Compare how we, the honest men of VNN act, with the way Morris The Coward acts.
Do you see a difference?
He's a vile, back-door, between-days sort of man. Not really much of a man at all, when you review his behavior -- toward his own family, let alone the rest of the world.
Morris Dees, were it not for the degenerate media, would be seen for the morally-bankrupt criminal-shyster-slash-sodomist he is. And we would be seen as what we are - the good guys. The guys with truth, honor, and justice on our side.
Guess what, Moe? It isn't going to end. The pressure will continue. You and your band of criminals will feel the heat until we have full disclosure about the crimes you produced at OKC.
But you know, there are things the cowardly homosexual Dees will discuss. For instance, supervisory level FBI agent "Lance" did tell this reporter, in a VNN audio report recording presently listed on VNN's multimedia page and available here, that "Your name keeps coming up." Coming up? Why would reporter Cobb's name keep coming up? Is the FBI fed files on private citizens by domestic terrorist groups such as the SPLC? Well, if they worked together to produce the murders at OKC, it hardly seems reasonable they'd blanch at harassing exposers of this crime of crimes, does it?
No doubt Moe prefers that the FBI itself deal with VNN's investigators. So much cleaner and more efficient that way, using the imprimatur of the state. The relationship between the SPLC and the FBI defines a functioning dictatorship: secret police running amok, spy agencies feeding them illegally acquired information, the state-controlled press smearing anybody who pipes up. And, when necessary -- as we saw in OKC -- outright murder. It's a cozy little game the SPLCFBI has going on, and they don't want anybody blowing a whistle.
To that, we at VNN say: TWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!
So go ahead, Morris Seligman Dees, go ahead and hold your tongue for the time being. Save it for court. Just ignore those J.D. Cash stories from that po' white trash in Oklahoma...such as the recent: "Southern Poverty Law Center tracked bomb plot around the globe". Your number isn't up yet. But it's not too far off.
"This reporter," as the stodgy, unwieldy form goes, respectfully bows out of becoming murder victim number 169 this early on in the Worldwide White Fight.
And besides, "this reporter" has already publically dropped the dime on you to the FBI, your partner! Isn't that a conundrum for anti-hating Zogsters to unravel? Who does one report possible crimes to when the state is complicit? I'll have to write Solzhenitsyn and ask him.
Is the FBI getting edgy yet, Moe?
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