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January 14th, 2005, Hawaii: "Muds react to Chain's free speech rights under the 1st Amendment and the Creativity religion." "Had I not carefully lain my torso on the front seat at the precise moment of the steel pipe's impact, my skull would certainly have been shattered. I'd have been murdered. I performed a highspeed bootleg turn in the 1988 420 SEL at the end of that deadend street to get away. On the way out, that same mud impaled the end of that thick gauged steel pipe into my dashboard. Right to carry is almost impossible in some states; otherwise, I'd have chanced it and shot him dead in (my opinion, what would have been) self-defense. This is a small example of the certain future for White people in Jew kvetched "equal" and invaded AmeriKwa- no different than what Whites endure in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and randomly, in any area of the Kwa right now." - Craig Cobb VNN RADIO EXCLUSIVES! Senator Kennedy's Office Craig Cobb dials Senator Kennedy's office to inquire about an immigration bill Craig Cobb Interview: Malleus from Solar General/VNN Forum Interview: MP3 Download Lewisburg, WV, Chief of Police, Tim Stover says about The Aryan Alternative distribution in his area, "that while only minor charges may be filed, the important thing is to stop the distribution of the publication". Not if Craig and Rounder have anything to say about it... by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb "They Killed What They Found" by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Joint SPLC / FBI Elohim & Murrah OKC Sting Coverup by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Investigation of SPLC/FBI Oklahoma City Bombing Links by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Jew Chertoff Orders White Goyim Away From U.S. Border Protection by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Hush Crime: Marissa Tharp by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Murder of Aryan Beauty Lindsey Bonistall by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Hector Of Jesus, Nog Bro In Law, And Duskies Go A Farm Stabbing by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Homeland Security Hire Mud Fraudress Caganap Your Tax Dollars at Work by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Loss Of Your Daughter Leaves Racial Realism Your Dark Black "Choices" - White Slavery Or Rape & Murder by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb VNN News Correction: God Hates Fags After All An interview with Shirley Phelps-Roper by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb The Public School Mindset Why God Loves Buggery And All Manner Of Depraved Jew-Marxist Kvetched Mayhem by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Three Killed In Shooting Spree by Rampaging Buck by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb NSM Exercises 1st Amendment Rights - PA Police Chief Mynahs ADL Training by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Nigger Slaver Prospers In MTV Primed Amerikwa Ohio Girls Kidnapped And Prostituted by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb UPDATED! 06/02/05 The Agent Lance and Jesse Trentadue Interviews by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb Megan Poston's Murder VNN Radio Reporter Craig Cobb secures exclusive interviews with the family of slain West Virginia White teenager, Megan Poston, and also speaks with Huntington High School Principal and police Captain in charge of the investigation of this brutal crime 48K Streaming Audio |