When the 9th graders at Howell High School in Howell, Michigan painted "God Hates Fags" in response to the school's "Diversity Club" stringing up a "diversity flag" (more usually known a a queer rainbow flag) over the underpassing kids like a Xmess mistletoe sprig....well, everyone knew hate had come to town bigtime- and right underneath the bigtop buggery flag too.
The older, more PC indoctrinated 12th graders reacted as swiftly as Mao's 60's Red Guards with their own spray cans, leaving "love" over the hate more than 50 times. Howell district school superintendent, W. Charles "Chuck" Breiner, proudly glowed: "We celebrate the fact that they chose to paint over a hate message on that rock...".
All you need is love to not get expelled. "Whoooa Black Butty, bam a lam,
he's always ready...he's shakin' that thing.. wheeew Black Butty, bam a lam!"
Pop another amyl nitrate. Or as Hannibal Lector wryly, calmy, and with self-satisfied certitude counseled billionaire Mason Verger as he handed him a nice half star of david shard of broken mirror: "Try peeling off your face with this and feeding it to the dogs".
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