Vanguard News Network

Homeland Security Hire Mud Fraudress Caganap
Your Tax Dollars at Work

by VNN Radio Investigative Reporter Craig Cobb

Interview Audio: 56K MP3 Download


San Diego, California

United States Attorney
Carol C. Lam

For Further Information, Contact: Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward C. Weiner (619) 557-7125
For Immediate Release


United States Attorney Carol C. Lam announced that a federal grand jury sitting in San Diego today handed up a nine-count indictment charging Daphiney Kimberly Caganap, a former Assistant Area Port Director in the San Diego District of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), with conspiracy to defraud the United States of honest services, acceptance of gratuities and making false statements.

The indictment alleges that during 2000 and 2001, in her official capacity as supervisor of the local INS intelligence unit, Caganap received money and other things of value - including a deluxe above-ground spa and car repairs-- from a corrupt INS inspector at the San Ysidro, California Port of Entry. The indictment alleges that a criminal organization was paying the corrupt INS inspector to allow marijuana and illegal aliens to be smuggled into the United States from the Republic of Mexico. The indictment further alleges that Caganap knew about large weekly payoffs of thousands of dollars received by the corrupt inspector, and did not disclose to the Office of the Inspector General her knowledge of the full scope of the inspector's criminal activities.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward C. Weiner, who is prosecuting the case, the overt acts set forth in the conspiracy count detail a number of meetings and telephone conversations between Caganap and the corrupt inspector which coincide with the dates of free repair work on Caganap's Mercedes Benz, of her receipt of an above-ground spa worth $9,986.75, and of cash payments to her ranging between $20,000 and $30,000.

United States Attorney Lam stated, "Corruption within the ranks of law enforcement is a breach of trust and a threat to public safety, and it simply can't be tolerated."

According to FBI Special Agent in Charge Daniel R. Dzwilewski, "Officials in high places will not be permitted to cover up criminal activities of other employees. When false statements are made to investigators, even years after the events, such dishonesty will be exposed and punished."

Joseph Artes, OIG Special Agent in Charge added, "Official corruption is criminal and treacherous. It betrays both the public and all of the honest men and women in law enforcement." He added that Caganap, who is presently the Port Director for the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection at the Detroit, Michigan Airport, will be placed on administrative leave pending resolution of this case.

The investigation was spearheaded by the Border Corruption Task Force led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security (OIG) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Office of Professional Responsibility in San Diego, California.

DEFENDANT - Daphiney Kimberly Caganap

Number of Defendants: 1
Number of Counts in Indictment: 9

Violations: Conspiracy to defraud the United States of honest and faithful services
(18 U.S.C. � 371) (1 Count)
The one count carries a maximum penalty of 5 years' imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.

Acceptance of gratuities
(18 U.S.C. � 201(c)(1)(B)) (3 Counts)
Each count carries a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.

False Statements
(18 U.S.C. � 1001(a)(2)) (5 Counts)
Each count carries a maximum penalty of 5 years' imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Office of Professional Responsibility

An indictment is not evidence that the defendant committed the crimes charged. The defendant is presumed innocent until the Government meets its burden in court of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's not just La Raza in charge of re-ordering the southwest United States, White people. No, they come from all over the world for that purpose. Take the case of Daphiney K. Caganap- apparently a GS-14 port director for U.S. Customs and Border Protection for Jew Michael Chertoff's Homeland Security at Detroit Metro Airport.

Though we can't know for certain from what precise region of England or Germany which the Caganap surname hails (genealogists - check the 'Celtic' or 'Germanic' isles of Luzon or the Visayan), we can deduce that Caganap was extraordinarily enterprising, in a 'favorite hired' public-monied, goobermintal sort of ancillary, supplemental incomed way.

Before it got promoted to head Detroit Airport Homeland Security, your erstwhile brownie servantress femmie manned the Mexi border as a mere assistant director at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, "overseeing the office's intelligence unit and coordinating anti-smuggling operations" according to the AP. We're supposed to be proud or convinced by that fancy string of nonsensical modifiers, Associated Press?

Your flipapina, 43, has been charged with enabling the smuggling of carloads and truckloads of Mexis across the border, smuggling bales of marijuana, receiving $30,000 cash (just 30K? how lame was the investigation... as freakish as her having been hired in the first place?), and even getting a FREE hot tub and multiple repairs on her Benz. Another implicated Homeland Security goobermint inspector was shtuping her, so they needed a fun, whirl-jet massaging CAztlan hot tub, don�t you see? Stress of the job and all.

As to the German car- flips are crazy about Benzes. Yeah, they saw the rich plying the slums of Manila in indestructable Benzes while they themselves fished up 'bathwater' from sledgehammered breaks in the concrete sewer lids with 5 gallon lard tins on baling twine, and so a Mercedes is the single most defining material asset a book-book wishes to acquire in their reverse colonization of the country formerly known as the United States of America.

But here's the rub. Yeah, that's right. You haven't even heard 'the rub' yet. That's how bad things are in this nightmare fantasy 'country'. So far, I've only regaled you with Caganap's material successes and measures of how much she was respected, empowered, and contemptuous of the waning White USA. There is still the little matter of her apprehension and incarceration.

You see- Daphiney K. Caganap hasn't even been arrested. Nope. No oriental face-losing indignities or inconveniences of handcuffs, mugshot and bail for this Chosenite especial wheel pet. Not even a radio anklet. She is 'expected to show up in court'. It's the simian noblesse oblige honor system for invader big shots kind of a high-powered version of what happens when any run of the mill Mexi gets hauled into any court and is told to 'show up' for its next hearing. Only in Caganap's case, she is supposedly facing 36 years and $2.25 million in fines. Place your bets, VNNers, on whether you think she'll show or take the 'returning balikbayan' no extradition treaty, 747 redeye flight option.

But can we 100% count on the federal commieized paycheck admin to forward her early SS checks to Tondo or the garbage heap Smokey Mountain if the mental stress of the ordeal causes collapse of sanity? That's what concerned Amerikwans want to know.

No one is saying whether the eagle still bi-monthly shits on Caganap while she is on administrative leave. Details aren't forthcoming. Debbie Hartman , the San Diego official US Attorney's PR lady, refused to allow me to record her voice from two party recording state of CAztlan. So much for the free flow of information in a democracy. How many Marines died today in Iraq for 'IZ democracy' so paid-fed media maven, Jew femmie Hartman could have the right to keep her mouth shut on Caganap?

Somebody had ought to tell US Attorney Carol Lam there are twice as many Chinese on the planet as Whites- but maybe she's Korean. So who cares what she is? She's not of our culture, and she shouldn't even be here, much less, be the US Attorney. Lam's assistant is US Attorney Edward Weiner (as in AM radio talk show Savage Weiner). No photo of him anywhere. The FBI and the US Attornies themselves are tending more and more to frown on photos of our judges being in existence. Jew Arlen Specter and the widow Lefkow recently pow-wowed. Nothing but trouble can come of that, don't you know? The Jooz already learned that in the Soviet commie experience.

What this country really needs is to open and generously funded Homeland Security jobs hiring office on Roxas Blvd. or maybe in the red light Ermita district of Manila. Don't let Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong steal all the best flip workers. We Whitey simpletons need short, squat, higher IQed brown bosses, and we need them now! We're desperate! We are missing a great opportunity to import thousands of able, honorable, fluent English spic'in flips who would do excellent jobs of manning our borders for us and overseeing our final thumps on the head/cold fish filleted decline.

For examples, reference INS supervisory agent Maximiano Ramos, and his loyal racial confederate, Rita Cunanan: here ...and/or Maria Chica here ...and/or the good spic goobermint faerie enabler, Russell Mendez, here who got his RODreguez sucked, or his electric ass butt plugged in return for his genuine INS green card party favors.

Isn't it gayly heartening to know that in this decadent age of the Kali Yuga, some of your brown border bosses still value spic boy buttlove - at the expense of White people's futures - over mere crass money?

How much longer will it be before some singing WN piano player or WP band has the foresight to do "Let The Corruption Roll" to the tune of "Come on Baby, Let The Good Times Roll"? Roll all darknight of the soul long.

c 2005 Vanguard News Network