Vanguard News Network |
11/30/2005 #1: The arrest of David Irving; Malcolm Muggeridge
12/06/2005 #2: Kevin MacDonald's Separation and its Discontents; individualism & collectivism; National Socialism and the early church.
12/09/2005 #3: The murder of Robert Osborn; lies and omissions great and small.
12/16/2005 #4: Education; slavery ; and historical consciousness
12/22/2005 #5: The freefall of European civilization; Julius Evola's "regression of the castes";
01/01/2006 #6: Live Broadcast: Democracy vs Nobility; Dr. Jacob Alexander; Jose Ortega y Gasset
01/08/2006 #7: Live Broadcast: How the Germans fixed Christianity and re-made the Roman Empire
01/13/2006 #8: Live Broadcast: Television and books; who is Winston Churchill?
01/20/2006 #9: Live Broadcast: A Midwesterner's alienation; law schools and revolution; the utter folly of conservatism
01/27/2006 #10: Live Broadcast: Glenn "Rounder" Miller Interview
04/06/2006 #11: Pest Control and 500 Years of the Mestizo Menace
04/16/2006 #12: Our Revolution is not Conservative
04/29/2006 #13: Hans-Herman Hoppe: "Down With Democracy"
05/09/2006 #14: Marginal Benefits of Crime and Propaganda & Michael Collins Piper
05/12/2006 #15: Mere anarchy is loosed upon the earth. The trajectory to war, famine, and economic ruin.
05/16/2006 #16: Interview with Bill White of the National Socialist Movement, NSM
05/26/2006 #17: After Strange Gods: the social criticism of T.S. Eliot
06/07/2006 #18: Dictatorship or Democracy ?
06/16/2006 #19: Haditha
06/22/2006 #20: To Hunt a Bird of Prey
06/26/2006 #21: Guest Host on Aryan Matters with James Hawthorne
07/03/2006 #22: The New Paradigm
07/10/2006 #23: Germany: In Depth with Alex from Germany
07/21/2006 #24: Science & Stigma, Epithets & Genetics
08/04/2006 #25: Gleichschaltung: Nostalgia, Action, LOTR
08/15/2006 #26: The Persecution of Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell
08/15/2006 #27: Threat Assessment: Lemmings, Oppositionalists, Enemies and Racial Competitors
08/15/2006 #28: Interview: Alex from Germany and the Recent German Elections |