Frozen Bananastan: Warman = Make-Waterboy
Posted by alex in Canada, white nationalism, White solutions at 9:56 pm | 
[Some remarks interpolated.]
The Confederate Defeat, The Fall Of New Orleans
And The Importance Of Legitimacy, Will and Action To Victory
By Bill White
Commentary — I’ve been reading recently about the Civil War, following my recent readings on French Revolutionary and Napoleonic history. I had never known much about the Civil War — I knew how it went, generally, but I did not know all the battles and maneuvers and details of how the conflict was conducted. Just as I had known, generally, about the French Revolution, but not all the ideology and maneuvers that had occurred in it. While probably a step above many Americans, I had important gaps in my understanding of history.
The first thing that jumped out at me, as I remarked on this website earlier, is that the Civil War was not a rebellion of the South against the North. It was more of an armed coup by an unpopular, radical and thoroughly Judaized minority of Abolitionists against the established American order.
[Like the Elijah Lovejoy my ancestor, some said, got lynched. He was full of the usual teary-eyed genocidal slop about tolerating the niggers. See East St. Louis for how that worked out.
Later that year, Linder is described in Gentlemen of Property and Standing, as having a very major part in the raucous opposition to Elijah P. Lovejoy‘s abolition convention, which ended in such a pitch of mob frenzy that one of the rioters, and Lovejoy, were dead at the end of it.
There are several mentions of Linder in Carl Sandburg’s Abraham Lincoln. As two riders of the early Illinois circuit court, they would have appeared, as a team or opposed to each other, in numerous trials.
The free speech “they” demanded when advocating siccing niggers on Whites today they would refuse us, who fought what they did. The one consistent thing is the christian wackos advocating policies that lead directly to White genocide.
The fight is not over. Not the ‘Civil War,’ not ‘World War Two.’ You can play a part. If you have the heart. If you don’t, then you deserve to be extinct, like 99.9% of the species that ever existed. This ain’t warmup, this is the real thing. As the ghost of fat coward Francis will tell you, you only live so long.
If not you, who? If not now, when?]
Pro-slavery candidates had won 61% of the vote in the 1860 election, but Lincoln was made President. Despite the illegitimacy, democratically speaking, of Lincoln’s anti-slavery views, he used the legitimacy of the Presidency — the perception of legitimate presidential authority — to bring together enough force and, more importantly, enough money to destroy the legitimate governing authorities and effect an unpopular revolution — much in the way the French Revolutionaries were able to kill their king. There are lessons to be taken from this.
A dissident movement does not need to be popular to survive — or to flourish. Our enemies — the authorities currently in power in Canada and currently half-ways in power in the United States — started as politically dissident movements, but ended up in their position by imposing their views by force on the majority. They targeted the political structure, seized positions of power, and, once having gained the appearance of legitimacy, overturned the legitimate authorities of the past. [Essentially they refounded America in the sixties.] They have then conducted any atrocity they like, regardless of public support. While I don’t believe we need to commit atrocities, I believe that, as they seized power, so, too can National Socialism.
As I learn the history of the Civil War it becomes clear to me that the South was defeated because of the ineptitude of the political leaders in Richmond in defending Southern soil from the Union armies. LEE MADE PLENTY OF MISTAKES, TOO. Battle after battle, and opportunity after opportunity, was lost because of refusal to seize the moment. Just as we can learn from the successes of our enemies, we can learn from the failure of our friends — the failure to act when action can lead to victory is the reason our enemies have succeeded: they have never acted with moderation or consideration to our “human rights”.
The surrender of New Orleans to the Union epitomizes this principle. Less than 200 federal troops — navy sailors at that — captured a city of 170,000 people without hardly a shot being fired, and then proceeded to systematically rape, murder, imprison, enslave and rob the populace — without any meaningful resistance.
These 200 soldiers were nothing special. They had not even intended, originally, to seize the city — merely to bombard it in preparation of an invasion. But the Confederate citizenry was so demoralized, and so willing to believe in the humanity of their attackers, that these 200 men were able to take all 170,000 of them without a fight. The Confederate general literally marched his 2800 militia men out of town, made no effort to arm and equip the general populace for resistance, and the Mayor just turned the keys to the City over to the Federals — who immediately passed a law saying all women in New Orleans could be freely raped, and that all property could be freely seized as reparations for the war.
It strikes me that if 200 people — just regular, not very special people — can force 170,000 others to turn over their property, their lives and their dignity, then a few thousand national socialist revolutionaries can take control of the Western world, as well.
New Orleans is an extreme case — but there are other examples in the Civil War of the South simply giving up victories. After the first Battle of Manassas, all the South needed was the will to march forward and seize Washington, DC — the Northern capital was completely undefended — but it failed to. At the battle of Shiloh, the entire West — and generals Grant and Sherman, among others — could have been captured, but Beauregard called a halt. In North Carolina, when the Union occupied the area around Elizabeth City, there was no effort by the Confederates to resist. And there was no guerilla struggle by the Southern population against the Northern invaders prior to the Ku Klux Klan — that post-war guerilla struggle being, ironically, the only war the South won.
Why and how were the Yankees able to achieve these successes?
First, as mentioned, was the principle of legitimacy. The people of the South had not been so divorced from the federal government that they viewed the Yankees as truly distinct or foreign occupiers. They believed that their kinsmen from the North would treat them with the same humanity that they had before the war. VERY SIMILAR TO THE GERMAN MENTALITY IN WORLD WAR I AND II. TROUBLE RECOGNIZING THE ENEMY IS RADICALLY DIFFERENT FROM ONESELF. THE JEWS ARE OUR ENEMY. THEY MEAN US ILL. Thus, they were willing to recognize Northern authority long enough for the Northerners to peaceful introduce the mechanisms of terror into the former lands of the Confederacy. Once the terror and the police state arrived, it was then too late. AS LEE SAID, IF HE’D KNOWN WHAT WAS TO COME, HE WOULD HAVE KEPT FIGHTING.
Second, the South often lost when it was demoralized. Many of the failures the South faced came from a lack of motivation — a belief that resistance to the enemy was futile. New Orleans surrendered because it thought it couldn’t resist — its 170,000 people just decided, spontaneously, that they couldn’t beat the 200 lightly armed navy sailors who entered their city. The South didn’t capture Washington because it didn’t attempt it. Beauregard didn’t capture Grant because he thought he could do it another day.
And, related to the second, is a failure to see an opportunity and seize it. This hurt the North as well — they failed to capture Richmond in 1862 and end the war then because they did not want to risk a bold advance on the enemy lines. The path was open — they refused to believe it. It reminds of the story from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms were Pang Tong, I believe it is, knowing he has been caught without any defenses, throws open the gates to a city and sits on the wall playing a lyre — the enemy is so convinced that its a trick that they withdraw rather than seize the moment.
These three characteristics — legitimacy, will and action — are what the white nationalist movement — and the National Socialist movement in particular — are lacking.
There is nothing inherently wrong with violence. Throughout the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and his soldiers violently imprisoned and murdered political dissidents, violently massacred peaceful citizens who demonstrated against them, violently arrested legitimate politicians and legislators who disagreed with them, and literally overthrew the government and overturned the Constitution — yet they were applauded for it then and continue to be applauded for it today. THEY SHUT DOWN DOZENS OF PAPERS, TOO. Sherman burned the South; Butler ordered the women of New Orleans raped. White Southerners were massacred and atrocities were committed — and not only were there no objections, but these acts were applauded.
Similarly in America today, the press regularly calls for the murder of alleged “enemies” of the country in foreign lands, calls for nuclear war, calls for the massacre of civilians, calls for the torture and murder of political dissidents — and this is all applauded and considered quite well and good by most of the media and the entirety of the political establishment – – at the same time as we are taught that the alleged “genocides” committed by National Socialists during the Second World War have to be considered with horror (the real genocides of the Allies and the Soviet Union to be ignored or forgotten). AL-MANAR IS TERRORIST TV, BUT FOX ISN’T – ACCORDING TO THE PEOPLE OF THE DOUBLE STANDARD.
Violence, murder and the rest does not deny one political legitimacy, and its advocacy, or lack thereof, is not a bar to the seizure of power. I read several timid Canadian dissidents today talking about how “unwise” it has been for me to counsel violence against their government — at the same time their political enemies sit outside their homes and threaten to burn them out. If we went and set the homes of anti-racist activists on fire, they would think twice about threatening to burn ours. You see — what I realize, and what most white activists do not — is that our enemies are cowards who are emboldened only by the protection they get from the authorities and from the media. Corner them — threaten them — invade their comfort zone — and do it with impunity — and they will flee from you. TRUE DAT. MOSTLY THE ANTIS ARE SHRIMPY DELUDED TEENS, FOUR-FOOT KIKE TROLL-AGITATORS, AND PUDGY MIDDLE-AGED SHMALTZIM WIT CAMERAS. EVEN THE TRAINED KIKE FIGHTERS AREN’T THAT GOOD, IF YOU CAUGHT THE RECENT WAR! WHITES PRODUCE ETHAN ALLANS (WHOM MY ENGLISH-DESCENT ANCESTORS FOUGHT WITH IN VERMONT); KIKES PRODUCE PLYWOODY ALLENS.
Similarly, “lying” and general dishonesty is not a bar to power. The Jewish media lies every day — and gets away with it. During the Civil War, Northern newspapers regularly printed accounts of Confederate victories that described them as Confederate defeats. Someone reading a newspaper during the Civil War would have no idea what the truth was, simply because all the newspapers in the North controlled the public by deliberate lying.
Similarly, look at the reporting by US newspapers during the Second World War. Almost all of it was false — from their slavering accounts of the Soviet Union to their lying accounts of German “atrocities”. The US and Britain fire bombed civilians — and not a single US newspaper reported on it. The Allies took films of atrocities committed by the Soviets and displayed them at Nuremberg as atrocities committed by the Germans — and, even today, it is illegal in many countries to point out this obvious fact. In the past few days, the Canadian press has not only printed a barrage of lies about this website and Richard Warman — but has actually gone back hours after they have gone to press and edited their news articles retroactively to remove from them various quotes and other statements I have made. Literally, they are throwing things down the memory hole — and not a single lackey in the mainstream or “independent” press will call them on it. TRUE. NO ONE WHO HASN’T HAD EXPERIENCE BEING INTERVIEWED BY THESE GORMLESS TOADS CAN FULLY APPRECIATE HOW MENDACIOUS, COWARDLY, AND JUST PLAIN WEASELLY THEY ARE. THERE IS NOT A SPARK OF PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY TO BE APPEALED TO, NOT EVEN MERE PLAYFUL-SPIRITED LOVE OF STORY. THE JOURNALIST “PROFESSION” (IT IS NOT, IN FACT, A PROFESSION) IS A BUREAUCRATIC FUNCTION THESE DAYS, NO DIFFERENT FROM FILLING OUT ANY GOVERNMENT FORM. MAKE AN EPIGRAM OF IT: A NEWSPAPER THESE DAYS IS JUST A FILLED OUT GOVERNMENT FORM. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT. THERE SHOULD BE. BUT THERE ISN’T.
Legitimacy is nothing but being the person that people recognize as having the authority to lie and order other people to be killed. Whether the lies and murders are legitimate by any abstract code of law or morality is irrelevant. Such is the nature of power. Such power is what white nationalists should struggle for. It is for this reason I urge all white nationalists to accumulate money.
Legitimacy, really, is simply the ability to put forward the greatest threat. YES. GOVERNMENT IS A GANG. This is why watching Richard Warman squirm on Canadian television is so satisfying to me. What Warman has done, by saying he is “terrified” and “in fear of his life”, is tell millions of Canadians that, if you stand up to white activists, we may try to kill you. Our ability to project force over and above the attempts of the Canadian government to resist us make us a more legitimate authority in Canada than the Canadians. There is nothing more or less to political legitimacy than that. ESSENTIALLY TRUE.
Besides legitimacy we lack morale. We don’t resist because we do not feel we can win. THE ESTABLISHMENT DEVOTES BILLIONS TO PRODUCE THIS DEMORALIZATION. Solzhenitsyn commented in his Gulag Archipelago that all that was needed to overturn the Soviet system — and for millions of people to have stopped themselves from being tortured, raped, or killed — would have been for them to resist at the beginning. After all, since most of those arrested were murdered, what did they have to lose by resisting when they were most able, at the moment of arrest? But they didn’t, and so they went quietly to their fates — torture and murder at the hands of the Jewish Cheka or KGB.
How many white nationalists roll over the moment the Jewish establishment comes for them? And I’m not even talking about physical arrest — how many refuse to resist the moment the Jewish press runs an article that might embarrass them? How many are afraid they’ll be fired from a job or a university position if they speak out? How many white activists refuse to be active in their community because their wives don’t want their family attacked in the local paper? How many white activists don’t commit the kinds of petty assaults and crimes committed regularly by our opponents because they fear a few days in jail?
I think sometimes white activists are insane when they weigh the consequences of their actions. If you lose your job, how long will it take you to find another one, if you tried? Two weeks? A month? And it doesn’t matter what the job is — construction? It is so easy to find work in construction and contracting that no one in that industry has anything to lose. Mid-level management at $35 – $60K a year? Jobs in that income range are a dime a dozen. In fact, in many industries, that’s an entry level salary. And $60K a year is not a “good job”. And what about “good jobs”? Jobs paying $80K – $120K a year? If you’re qualified, even that kind of work is a dime a dozen. I think I jumped between 5 consulting jobs paying in that range between 2000 and 2002 alone, before I started my own company. Is a month’s worth of salary really that intimidating a loss? There are people who support families on under $12,000 a year — and you earn, what? $20,000? $30,000? $60,000? $100,000? And you can’t live long enough to find a new job? “WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE’S A WAY.” BE A MAN. DON’T SAY “CAN’T” WHEN YOU MEAN “WON’T.” ABOVE ALL, DON’T LIE TO YOURSELF.
Same with the newspapers. So what if they attack you? I am constantly surprised how many times, when dealing with newspapers who don’t realize my background, how smug little reporters think they can “break” me by “exposing” my actions. I’ve had newspaper reporters come up to me and say “so you own real estate, huh? Bet you have to deal with the government? What if we started asking people in the City of Roanoke about their dealing with you?” You know what I do with reporters like that? I find out where their kids go to school and then send someone out to ask their elementary age children if they know what a bunch of bastards their parents are. Do that once — and you may find the Orlando Sun-Sentinel attacking you for “threatening” their employees — but you won’t find the reporter repeating his threats. REPORTERS ARE BASICALLY FEMININE, EVEN OR ESPECIALLY WHEN MALES. THEY ARE TATTLETALES, WITH NO IMAGINATION AND NO PRIDE. WEASELS. THEY SHOULD ALWAYS BE LOOKED DOWN ON AND TALKED DOWN TO. UNTIL THEIR BEHAVIOR PROVES OTHERWISE…
The trouble is not that their are terrible consequences associated with appearing in the newspaper. The trouble is that white activists, despite what they believe, are often still so brainwashed into the mainstream way of thinking that they think any attack on them in the newspaper is a point of view that is actually shared by the people. The people admire strength and hate weakness. QUITE TRUE. They love “bad guys” as much as they love “good guys” — sometimes more so. SURE. LOOK AT THE FOX FANS. THEY LIKE SEEING INNOCENT PEOPLE SHOT UP. THEY VICARIOUSLY IDENTIFY WITH THE IZZIES BOMBING THE PALS AND LEBANESE. THE MASS ARE COWARDS, AND THEY WILL SLINK AWAY THE MINUTE THERE’S ANY PERSONAL DANGER. ONE MAN WITH COURAGE IS A MAJORITY, AS SOMEONE SAID. READ TWAIN’S “THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER.” What makes the people hate you is when you back down and refuse to be the confrontational, offensive person that the media makes you out to be — that’s what’s really out there to fear. The media pulls this crap to break you on your own fears — not because they have any real power at all. TRUE. IF YOU AREN’T AFRAID OF BEING CALLED RACIST OR ANTI-SEMITE, THEY HAVE NO POWER. IF YOU GIVE IN TO THAT VERBAL TERRORISM, YOU’LL SOON BE ON YOUR KNEES IN A HATE HAT BEFORE THE BLUBBERWALL.
We what we need to realize is that “our” morale problem is the same morale problem faced by 90% of society — that we are no different or no better than the 170,000 people who surrendered to 200 federal soldiers at New Orleans. Just as the 170,000 surrendered because they perceived the 200 federal soldiers to represent a force greater than them, the masses of the people will surrender to us any time we appear more dangerous to them than the current group of bullies constituting their government. Look at how many anti-racists I have driven out of anti-NSM demonstrations by publishing their names, addresses, and phone numbers on this website or my blog. Often, just exposure — and sometimes a few prank phone calls — is enough to make them re- think their views. Our enemies are weak — it is only our demoralization that empowers them.
Lastly, we need to start seizing opportunities. Just like the Confederates could have marched on Washington, we can take down the Canadian government, if we work together. People call me divisive — but when Alex Linder was attacked by Canada, I supported him, even though I have had personal problems with him. Paul Fromm thinks I’m too extreme and hangs out with the Stormfront set, but I haven’t ignored the attack on his home. I certainly challenge white activists when they do things that are cowardly or dishonest, but I always stand by them when they are attacked by an outside force that endangers the entire movement. THE RIGHT, AND RACIALISM IS RIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT METZGER SAYS, TENDS TO PRICKLY INDIVIDUALITY. REMEMBER FRANKLIN’S STATEMENT: WE MUST ALL HANG TOGETHER OR WE WILL ALL HANG SEPARATELY. WHITES – CAPITAL W, SIGNIFYING POLITICAL ACTIVISM – WORLDWIDE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM. SIMON SHEPPARD IS TOM WINNICKI IS YOU IS ME.
(That said, there are people who pose as “white activists” and who are not who I do not stand by — the many apolitical, common-criminal skinhead gangs which describe themselves as racial falling into that category).
When an opportunity comes to hit our enemies, too often we allow it to pass by. When the NSM was supposed to rally in Winchester, and could have broken the city ordinance against such rallies and taken it into court and won — easily — our local unit leader cancelled the event claiming that “MS-13” was “threatening to kill” his family. We failed to seize the opportunity.
When we saw the police in Toledo trying to box in our rally and redirect traffic and support — I told everyone to gather several hours early without police protection and challenge the niggers and ARA directly — and the Toledo rioting resulted, doing more for the NSM and white activism than anything done by any other white organization in this country in the past two or three years.
When the Minutemen made themselves an open target in Washington, DC, I marched up there and broke up their press conference — again, without any police protection or escort. I also whipped four antifa who assaulted me afterwards. It was an opportunity — I seized it. ONE OR TWO MEN CAN DOMINATE PROBABLY 90% OF THE SITUATIONS OUT THERE – ALL IT TAKES IS THOUGHT AND BALLS.
Last week in Harpers Ferry, Gordon Young heard of this nigger civil rights committee holding its meeting, and he took his Klan up there and broke it up. It was an opportunity. He seized it.
A few months ago in Ohio the Mark Martin heard of a Holocaust conference at a local university — and showed up in brownshirt and broke it up. He seized an opportunity.
Every day, all across this country, are opportunities for us to stand up and make news, without any enemy awareness and without any enemy opposition. Every day, all across this country, we fail to seize these opportunities. TRUE. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO CHANGE THINGS? HOW CAN YOU HELP?
All throughout history, political movements have succeeded or failed on the principles of legitimacy, will and action. When we attack the press, we attack it because it is the means, in modern, capitalist society, by which legitimacy is granted, giving people the will that allows them to take action. But it is possible for us to break the psychological control of that press by realizing that it is simply an illusion — the same illusion that I said it was when it shed phony tears over Columbine, the same illusion that we shattered when we made the niggers and the antis show their true colors in Toledo, and the same illusion we are shattering now with the impotence of the Canadian government and press to even mildly disturb my daily tranquility, never mind shut down this website.
Freeing one’s mind from the illusion of modern society is the decisive step in becoming an effective revolutionary. I urge all of our readers to take it.
26 August, 2006 at 12:49 am
One, this should be broken into three or four sections; White is saying a LOT, and each of those sections is worthy of analysis in and of itself.
The critical take-home thought is this:
One, a small, determined, focused minority can take control of a society, within limits; the Jews, with Czarist Russia, the Jews, with the American media, the Jews, with the American political system, the Jews, with the American public fool system, the Jews…
You get the idea.
As Peter Shank so astutely noted, the Jews took over this country without firing a shot; with their absolute control of all mass media except for the Internet – for now – they have shaped the terms of public discourse and debate to favor them.
Linder just nailed it when noted on Goyifre that “the Jews don’t take just one side of an issue; the Jews take ALL sides of an issue, so that the outcome, whatever it is, is in accordance with the Jew’s ONE COMMANDMENT: “IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”
Note the RACIAL emphasis of that; not “Is it good for A Jew,” but “Is it good for JEWS,” ALL of the hook nosed Satanists, acting at a RACIAL level first, foremost, forever.
The biggest fear of the Jew, ironically, is being exposed AS Jews, when they do not specifically choose this; thus, the Census forms list all manner of religions, except ONE – JEW!
The rules that they apply to us, the goy, the cattle, the subhumans, certainly do not apply to them, and they make damn sure of that.
Thus, this minoroity assumes power far beyond its rightful station, because we ALLOWED it to happen.
What the Jewish Vanguard can do – and they are ALL members of a Vanguard that ALWAYS organizes RACIALLY – ANOTHER Vanguard can do, ESPECIALLY if it organizes RACIALLY.
That’s the FIRST take-home lesson for us, all of us.
That’s why we have a moral duty to support those who are out front, until we can get there with them; in the words of Doc Schneider, it’s “Boots, or Bullion.”
If you can’t put your feet in the street – indeed, even if you CAN! – you can CERTAINLY get in the habit of sending your coffee money from work, or its equivalent, to Alex Linder or Hal Turner, EACH AND EVERY MONTH.
If EVERYONE on VNN did that, we would make a difference that our Descendants would remember, fondly, as laying the necessary Foundation for a Brighter, Whiter America!
The Jews just kicked in $150 million of THEIR money to help rebuild Israel.
If we can’t send in $20 a month to VNN, or Hal Turner, or Bill White, then what DO we value?
Everything, it seems, but the ONE thing that matters – our DUTY to our Family, and our extended family…our RACE.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 August, 2006 at 4:00 pm
Some profound thoughts expressed in the article, however 20/20 historical hindsight can be very misleading. Men with balls who correctly size-up a situation and act courageously can effect change. But where are these men?
26 August, 2006 at 4:13 pm
Reading White’s thoughtpiece, I just realized what Linder, White, Duke, and Peter Shank have in common that none of them have articulated.
It’s a vital conceptual shift we must ALL make, if we are to have the most remote chance of triumph.
Has it EVER occurred to you that most of the Jew’s efforts are engaged in defining us to THEIR satisfaction; in effect, to ALWAYS define us DOWN?
Has it EVER occurred to you that, when we accept the Enemy’s – the JEW’S – terms and definitions, which are always (1) vague, and (2) foundationally opposed to us and our very EXISTENCE – we waste all of our time and energy fighting the uphill battle that can NOT be won – every day we get to wear gray uniforms and play “Pickett’s Charge.”
What Linder does tactically, with memes, and Peter Shank does strategically, with deep conceptual foundations, White provides the missing element needed for success. While men like Duke and Hal Turner implicitly recognize this, White has articulated this into ONE easily remembered conceptual phrase:
When this idea is in our hearts, and becomes part of our daily practice, we shall be renewing the mindset of our RACIAL Ancestry; remember, they did NOT come to America as “immigrants.”
Hell, NO!
THEY came to America as CONQUERORS.
And, as your coach will always tell you, you NEVER win a game playing pure defense.
That’s is the common theme I see in White’s analysis, which is right out of Rockwell.
It’s “Boots or Bullion” time; if you can’t put feet in the street, you can AT LEAST put cash in an envelope and send it to the people who are doing, today, what you would like to be able to do, some day.
Until your “some day” is TODAY, send in money, or watch as the world YOUR descendants – that’s “children and grandchildren” – will inherit.
It will be a world in which THEY are the Third Class Citizens; after a century of the JEWS defining them down, they are about to define them into subpotence, today, impotence, tomorrow, and nonexistence, all too soon thereafter.
Don’t defend; COUNTERATTACK!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 August, 2006 at 5:01 pm
white people are actually very CHEAP, and not quick to donate money to help their fellow kind, but only to help themselves. when whites give money to a church, they do so out of fear of going to hell or some such personal reason, not out of concern for their kind.
jews are shrewd with money; they know when to keep it and when to spend it to help their kind.
how can whites compete? we’re programmed as individualists in our genes.
26 August, 2006 at 8:07 pm
in reply:
cheap white man said:
white people are actually very CHEAP, and not quick to donate money to help their fellow kind, but only to help themselves. when whites give money to a church, they do so out of fear of going to hell or some such personal reason, not out of concern for their kind.
jews are shrewd with money; they know when to keep it and when to spend it to help their kind.
how can whites compete? we’re programmed as individualists in our genes.
in reply:
This is a MUCH stronger point than many realize.
In reply, I would observe that the Founders thought RACIALLY, and had no illusions to the contrary. They were well aware of the relationship between Western Civilization and the Jews – the Jews are mentioned so rarely simply because, I expect, they KNEW what a threat the JEWS were to their very way of life, as well as their…posterity.
They were aristocratic, and, to a remarkable degree, a meritocratic aristocracy.
In short, they were Aryan in RACE, and their thinking reflected this; they KNEW they were trying to form a type of governement that could only flourish in the West, and often cited the oldest known republic in their letters – the Republic of Venice, which stood for more than a millenium, until Bonaparte conquered it.
Essentially, they conceived of this meritocratic aristocracy at the level of their family, and its sociocultural strata. Thus, they formed elite private borading schools, and elite private colleges with meritocratic examinations, to groom the heirs and heiresses of their milieu. (Look at the entrance examination for Harvard prior to 1890. Now, think of the qualities of President Theodore Roosevelt, as ONE example of what they were doing.)
Jews always took this one step further, in that the TRIBE ALWAYS came first, in ALL considerations. For example, arranged marriages are still the norm in certain sects of the Jewish community. Marriage is far too important to the TRIBE to be left to hormone-ridden children. And they critcize US for talking of eugenics, because, as usual, what they criticize most among the hated Others, the Goy, is what they practice MOST, among themselves, within the TRIBE.
Above all of the misunderstandings we have of the JEWS, one of the greatest conceptual failures is our inability to grasp the primacy of their ONE COMMANDMENT: “IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”
This is ALWAYS said by some funny looking little old person, almost in a plaintive whine; this is the verbal cue for EVERYONE to pay close attention to the answer; for every situation, for every possible answer, ALL answers must be answered in the light of this ONE question, this ONE Commandment…
This is a reminder that the TRIBE comes FIRST, and the individual is only of value to the extent that he or she serves the TRIBE.
When has the West begun to develop a conception that not only matches the tribal model for effectiveness, but works with the unique spiritual qualities of Western Man”
National Socialism.
It remains the ONE system that allows for private incentive, while insuring that ALL institutions within the society work to the betterment of ALL of the members of the society.
National Socialism – the ONE form of governance that acknowledges the inherent worth and dignity of the individual, and allows them to work in a framework where their efforts are valued…
The JEWS have no fear of capitalism – they formed and controlled the financial capitalist system.
The JEWS have no fear of Communism – this is the form of State Capitalism that THEY created to destroy the Western Spirit, and loot the riches of a nation.
The JEWS have no fear of Democracy – they control the systems (mass media, political organizations) that function within that system.
The JEWS fear the ONE system that best serves the spiritual nature of Western Man – National Socialism, where the nation acts as a legal structure which protects the extended family – the tribe, if you will.
The JEWS have the advantage that they think in terms of centuries.
We can do that, too.
But we have to start now.
The easist foundation is to send in money, each and every month, to people who take the lead for us – Alex Linder, Hal Turner, Bill White – until WE can stand beside them.
If it’s not worth your coffee money to see the only chance your children will have for a better world come to pass, then, rest assured, when your sons comes home as subpotent whigger geldings, and your daughters come home as interracial whores, ask yourself this one simple question…
If THIS is TODAY, what must TOMORROW be like?
Peter Shank just nailed it with his formulation of FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE.
If we don’t work on ALL of these, CONSTANTLY, then we shall have none of them.
Our children and grandchildren will live in squalor, and will, one day, curse us…in Spanglish, (apologies to Orwell and Huxley) the New Lang of the Gamma Class. They will be The American Palestinians…
It’s simple.
“Boots or bullion,” or you had better make plans for living as a Third Class Citizen in a Second Class Country.
Twenty bucks a month is only the beginning; if YOUR future -YOUR posterity – is not worth that, then say so, and leave your betters, in peace.
After all, WE have work to do.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
26 August, 2006 at 9:56 pm
Cheap white man hit the nail on the head. I always pulled my weight on both sides of New Americas’ equation and paid for it dearly in my personal life. I’ll never forget the time when I tried passing the hat at a large get together to raise money for that kid whose father was killed two years ago. The hat came up empty other than the $150. I put in. These were well off people too. Not a bit of natural racial instinct in any of them. I swear its getting to the point where I can’t stand anybody. I feel like a stranger in a strange land when I’m in a group. I even made up some flyers with the kids picture on it and the story. It was Christmastime to boot. Our people are very fucked up. Perhaps we should appeal to them on a baser level along the lines of plunder and pillage? Hey, you’d look good in that kike stockbrokers’ mansion. Do you know what the word expropriation means? You don’t? Join us, I’ll explain it to you. Now heres what you gotta do……….
27 August, 2006 at 1:01 am
Good points by Jim!
Jim wrote: Cheap white man hit the nail on the head. I always pulled my weight on both sides of New Americas’ equation and paid for it dearly in my personal life. I’ll never forget the time when I tried passing the hat at a large get together to raise money for that kid whose father was killed two years ago. The hat came up empty other than the $150. I put in. These were well off people too.
in reply:
I have found this to be painfully true; the poorest people give most generously, as a percentage of net income, while the rich use family trusts (for example) to avoid paying taxes, much less contribute to the well-being of their racial brethren
Why is that?
Well, they consider us to be little more than white trash; regardless of our occupation, education, or socioeconomic status, they see us as their inferiors on so many levels…
The fact is, the choice is simple:
Either they think racially, or everything that makes life worthwhile goes away, and THEY get to see their gelded whigger sons and interracial whore daughters pretty much BECOME the niggers they paid so much to move away from.
Jim wrote: Not a bit of natural racial instinct in any of them. I swear its getting to the point where I can’t stand anybody. I feel like a stranger in a strange land when I’m in a group.
in reply:
This is true.
They literally can not bring themselves to identify with the values that actually MADE their standard of living possible.
They have less than one generation to go; their children are, literally, doomed to Beta status – at best – in the America to come.
All of the successful institutions in our society have derived FROM a “natural racial instinct” – ESPECIALLY the labor movement and labor unionsm which were of critical importance in creating and sustaining a middle class.
Notice a real decline in the standards of living of that “middle class,” which is back to about 1945 in real terms?
There’s a LOT more where THAT came from, and it’s on it’s way.
Remember, a strong manifestation of that “natural racial instinct” is the caliber of children they raise…
Seen the kids in high school lately? Talked to them?
Are you scared yet?
Jim wrote: I even made up some flyers with the kids picture on it and the story. It was Christmastime to boot.
in reply:
What you did was noble.
Their response is that of people who have essentially surrendered to their RACIAL enemies.
Jim wrote: Our people are very fucked up. Perhaps we should appeal to them on a baser level along the lines of plunder and pillage? Hey, you’d look good in that kike stockbrokers’ mansion. Do you know what the word expropriation means? You don’t? Join us, I’ll explain it to you. Now heres what you gotta do……….
in reply:
The problem is, they think they will be “safe,” for a season.
Wait until they face “reduced circumstances,” as the unskilled blue-collar foundation, and the SKILLED blue-collar foundations of their lifestyle have moved to China, and the formerly “white collar” jobs – the back office operations, in particular – move to Bangalore today, and Shanghai tomorrow…
What will be the foundations of their “lifestyle?”
Gone With The Wind.
After the bank forecloses on their middle-class “Taras,” the ATM’s which have fueled most of the “economic growth” for the last five years, what then?
In time – and in less time than you might think – they will have to recognize the FACT that, absent RACIAL homogenity, the very foundations of their society have collapsed to Second World “standards” today, and Third World “standards,” tomorrow.
They SHOULD be able to see the beginnings of this with their own children, particularly if they are in the public fool system, where the Western idea of “father,” for example, has been replaced with the magical nigger term, “baby daddy.”
If you want ONE indicator of the total imminent collapse of the social order, there it is.
There are a LOT more where THAT came from…
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
27 August, 2006 at 9:12 am
It always amazes me to see how scared people in Europe and America are of offending Muslim sensibilities and how far they will go to appease them because they fear being blown to bits if they don’t! That is a powerful message to Whites.
27 August, 2006 at 9:17 am
As to passing the hat — I saw David Duke once pass at a hat at a Richmond meeting and come up with $800 no problem.
For all his faults, the man can get people to hand him money.
27 August, 2006 at 9:24 am
cheap white man Says:
how can whites compete? we’re programmed as individualists in our genes.
I believe we are programmed in our genes to be cooperative, when necessary, as that is the only way our early ancestors were able to survive the Ice Age that Europeans evolved in.
27 August, 2006 at 2:34 pm
Bill White wrote:
As to passing the hat — I saw David Duke once pass at a hat at a Richmond meeting and come up with $800 no problem.
For all his faults, the man can get people to hand him money.
in reply:
Duke understands the Game of American Politics.
Duke understands it so well, the JEWS went out of their way to insure that he NEVER speaks at an American Renaissance function.
I think the JEWS fear anything resembling a true populist movement, particularly if it was run by people who are not on Jew-wise, but have no fear whatsoever of the JEW….
Their overwhelming fear – of being identified AS JEWS, when they would prefer otherwise – is forcing them to be ever more active in silencing, by any means necessary, ANYONE that might be able to identify them to the Goy.
I, frankly, am embarrassed for “our people,” and that leads to a fascinating idea concerning the idea that the Cause we espouse might not be a Movement, as historically defined, unless, as Alex Linder so astutely noted, “In politics, things can change VERY quickly.”
“Shmuley,” writing on this board some time back, made a fascinating observation – that about half of our RACE could be wiped out with, frankly, no loss whatsoever to the RACE; in fact, things would only get BETTER, ad Those Who Remain got the Big Message.
That’s because they have not only forgotten the spiritual foundation of our RACIAL greatness, they are actively – I repeat, ACTIVELY! – opposed to the foundation itself, AND, in contemporary terms, our RACE itself.
No greater tragedy can be imagined; we have been constructively neutralized today, on our way to defeat, tomorrow, by the Jewish policy of tikkun olam, the transformation of the Host Culture into a place that is safe for the JEW to hid in, while he conquers it WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT.
Look at our gelded whiggers and interracial whores in our schools, and see their active anatgonism, which goes WELL beyond adolescent rebellion, to ALL of the foundational moral principles that made this RACE great, and allowed our RACE to make this COUNTRY great.
They hate David Duke, they hate White America, they hate US and ALL THAT WE STAND FOR with a blind, unreasoning, oppositional defiance.
There isn’t anything we can do about any of that, for the forseeable future.
We MUST focus SOLELY on where we CAN make a difference, and be prepared to leave them behind.
Sending money – each and every month, even if it is only the money you spend on coffee at work – to Alex Linder, Hal Turner, and Bill White, is the necessary foundational work needed if the lives of our Ancestors are not have been spent in vain.
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
27 August, 2006 at 3:42 pm
This is a useful bit of philosophy (from the Dog Brothers) related to the issues White addresses; note the paragraph defining the value of aggression, and its THREE purposes in nature. Pay attention to the last paragraph, as well.
“The Tao of the Dog & The Why of Dog Brothers Martial Arts by Guro Crafty
I am often asked about the our name, “the Dog Brothers.” It can be explained on many levels, but one of my favorite ways of looking at it can be found in a newspaper article by one Jeff McMahon:
“Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.”
I think that’s right. The dog is the interface of man and the wolf and we can connect so strongly because our dynamics are so similar. Even as we change the wolf into the dog to suit our purposes, we still need its glimmer as wolf. In some breeds, and in certain individual dogs, the glimmer is brighter than others, and that is why you see an Akita named Zapata in our logo.
I know the Dog Brothers have a good reputation for airing it out pretty well, but we know what we do is well short of combat, death matches of yore in the Philippines, or a policeman going into an abandoned building after a bad guy. It is important not to take oneself too seriously, and I like the way the quote captures a certain perspective on the Dog Brothers. We are not wolves, we are but human dogs.
Still, it is important to be aware of something else too. Yes we are but a pack of dogs, and just like dogs we have territory, and hierarchy, and squabbles over the , , , females. But there is something more. Just like dogs, there is the bond of the pack.
The bond and aggression go hand in hand. ALL animals with individual relationships (wolves, monkeys, geese, dogs, humans etc.) also have aggression. Animals lacking the ability to discriminate between other members of their species, e.g. minnows, do not. The presence of aggression does not always mean that there is a bond with other individuals, but a bond with other individuals always means there is aggression.
Aggression is an instinct, even as sex is an instinct. And just as a man eventually will have a nocturnal emission in the absence of sex, so too aggression will discharge eventually even in the absence of “legitimate” cause. Thus all efforts at eliminating the causes of aggression can be seen in scientific terms as inherently doomed efforts to prevent a instinctual discharge by means of eliminating its typical eliciting stimuli. To the extent that the efforts to eliminate the eliciting stimuli succeed, the discharge of the aggression becomes less predictable and often more dangerous. Skill in aggression will be needed from time to time, especially by those lacking skill and will. The solution is to ground aggression in a ritual expression that also prepares it for functional application.
Aggression has three purposes in nature. First, to spread a species out over territory so as to not overload an eco-system. Amongst humans this is called “war”. Second, for rank within the hierarchy of a social group. All social groups have hierarchy. And third, for reproduction. Classically this means two males fighting over the female, but it also means the female defending her young. If there is no social unit, e.g. Siamese fighting fish, it does not matter that the loser dies, only that the winner breeds. In contrast, in social animals, there is a strong biological benefit if the second and third types of aggression do not damage the loser. This is so that the social unit, (the pack/the tribe), which exists precisely because of its survival value, remains strong.
Most martial arts are usually of the second type of aggression, with overtones of the third: Young males competing. In contrast, the Filipino Martial Arts originate in the first form of aggression, in war. Thus there is a quality of cooperation in the learning process of the FMA that can be distinctive.
How so? If, as a tribe we are going to defend our land, women and children, it is in our respective individual interests that the other warriors of the tribe become good fighters as well. If I push you too hard and break your spirit, it does not serve my interests. If I push you too little and you are soft, it also does not serve my interests. And vice versa.”
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
27 August, 2006 at 3:49 pm
Its good Duke understands the game of American politics, because he is apparently pretty bad at roulette and craps. :->
Of course, that’s a “divisive” statement, so I’ll cut it there.
I don’t think “the Jews” are doing anything to exclude him from American Renaissance. He’s too in with that crowd to get pushed out.
Unfortunately, the racial conservatives have been getting mainstream, which is good in the sense that it means mainstream white politicians are becoming more racist, but is bad in the sense that the real core opposition — opposition to the Jews — is becoming obscured in debates about Negroes and Mexicans.
Its sad to say that the real reason for this appears to be the fact that blacks and Mexicans are much weaker opponents than the Jews — the focus on them rather than Jewry is motivated almost entirely by pure political cowardice — which is a real shame.
27 August, 2006 at 6:46 pm
I’m so glad to see Bill White back up on the high road.
Great commentary and insights from all on this thread.
27 August, 2006 at 9:28 pm
New America writes: “They (the white elite) have less than one generation to go; their children are, literally, doomed to Beta status – at best – in the America to come.”
No. No. No. I’ve relations in this group and have met their wealthy friends on numerous occasions. They don’t believe this – not at all. The white elite see themselves, their children and grandchildren as overseers of a huge Brazilian plantation. They firmly believe they’ll stay safe in gated communities on the hill, well-protected by mud police forces led by well-paid mestizos and mullatos, and will retain ALL their privileges and more. The modern white elite is the 21st century version of Old South plantation owners. They hate working and lower middle-class whites more than muds. Their anti-racism is a facade used to fuck over the white proles and maintain their privileged position.
27 August, 2006 at 9:30 pm
Some thoughts on Mr. White’s comments:
Bill White said:
Its good Duke understands the game of American politics, because he is apparently pretty bad at roulette and craps. :->
Of course, that’s a “divisive†statement, so I’ll cut it there.
I don’t think “the Jews†are doing anything to exclude him from American Renaissance. He’s too in with that crowd to get pushed out.
in reply:
No, he’s gone from the AmRen confrences; there was a LONG thread on AmRen where they said, in so many words, that they have gone “Under the Yarmulka.”
No more Fromm, no more Duke, no more mention of the JEW, much less a discussion of the JEWS acting RACIALLY.
Bill White said:
Unfortunately, the racial conservatives have been getting mainstream, which is good in the sense that it means mainstream white politicians are becoming more racist, but is bad in the sense that the real core opposition — opposition to the Jews — is becoming obscured in debates about Negroes and Mexicans.
in reply:
The GOOD news is, it is possible to discuss racial issues AT ALL, if only by extension; the illegals, today, the Mestizos, tomorrow, the Colored, all of the time, and sooner, rather than later, enough people will look behind the curtain, and play “Connect the (JEWISH) Dots.”
From there, as Edgar Steele tells us, it is a VERY short distance to playing that old pastime, “Cowboys and Jews.”
Bill White said:
Its sad to say that the real reason for this appears to be the fact that blacks and Mexicans are much weaker opponents than the Jews — the focus on them rather than Jewry is motivated almost entirely by pure political cowardice — which is a real shame.
in reply:
The pussificiation of the nominally White nominally Male “Leadership,” in hot pursuit of the “female” vote, allows these manginas to attack the Mexicans nad the Colored only because they are so obviously a threat to Society that even Sally Soccermom can see it…
What will aid us is the implosion of the American Dream, and the belief in American Exceptionalism; gradually declining income, and standards of living, will no longer be able to be masked, and THOSE people will have nothing, and nothing to lose – they will be prime recruits for Awakening.
There are a LOT more people sleeping in their cars and vans than people like to think; as a woman who works at the Department of Social Services told me, “Who do you think have been buying vans instead of cars? Who do you think uses the showers at the shelters?”
Linder made a point that is of critical importance in developing the foundation of the mindset we will need to prevail in the times to come, saiying, in effect; “Once you give up the illusions of seeking middle-class respectability, a lot of energy is freed up to do very positive things with. WE, after all, are the CREATIVE RACE.”
It is time to start doing things about that…
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
27 August, 2006 at 11:32 pm
Charley addressed a point I made, and I suspect the lack of clarity was my fault.
To address the issue more precisely:
Charley Says:
New America writes: “They (the white elite) have less than one generation to go; their children are, literally, doomed to Beta status – at best – in the America to come.â€
No. No. No. I’ve relations in this group and have met their wealthy friends on numerous occasions. They don’t believe this – not at all. The white elite see themselves, their children and grandchildren as overseers of a huge Brazilian plantation. They firmly believe they’ll stay safe in gated communities on the hill, well-protected by mud police forces led by well-paid mestizos and mullatos, and will retain ALL their privileges and more. The modern white elite is the 21st century version of Old South plantation owners. They hate working and lower middle-class whites more than muds. Their anti-racism is a facade used to fuck over the white proles and maintain their privileged position.
in reply:
The problem is, conceptually, most people who are “upper class” – let’s say, income of $100,000 a year – seem, because they watch television and take it seriously, to think that THEY are the Elite.
My definition of Elite pulls pretty much out of basic financial demography – say, ten million liquid, another ten million near-liquid (90 day paper) and a million a year in “income.”
Your point is well taken; these ARE the people who support Affirmative Action and mandated race mixing, on the grounds that it will more effectively divide and conquer the lower orders – that’s people like you and I, among everyone who is NOT a member of “Our Crowd” – and allow them further ease to separate us from what little we have, all in a cloak of gracious righteousness, enforced by the police power of the State.
Note that they have turned the “nation-state” into the “state-nation,” and pretty much control the form of the State, with the substance of the Corporations. The generous use of off-shore tax “shelters,” of course, help to compound their wealth unburdened by responsibilities to the citizenry.
Thus, “America” increasingly resembles a series of interlocking corporate directorships, forming cartels to profitably control the resources of a country – indeed, by extension, several countries, by constructively nullifiyng national borders for economic purposes, first, and, in time, political purposes. Thus, for example, the US- Canda FTA becomes expanded into the US- Mexico NAFTA (notably, excluding, for now, Mexican peteroleum). This economic union was matched by the Reconquista, a true Gamma underclass LITERALLY turning America into Mexico…
THAT ties us back to your Elite and their “gated communities.”
Mexico – a country with exactly two classes – has “gated communities” all over the place, and, the gated houses resemble fortresses. If memory serves, Ford, as part of its betrayal of the American worker, has gated communities for the new Alpha class managers that are being exported to Ford Mexico as part of their massive expansion into Mexico.
Somehow, as we look at recent events in Mexico City, and Oaxaca (home of the Chiapas Rebellion), I suspect another Mexican currency “collapse” will lead to a tidal wave of illiterate, subnormal illegals who will make a LOT more of the American Southwest – and the American South, like Nueva Orleans, where the Mexican ARMY went IN MILITARY VEHICLES WITH THE MEXICAN FLAG ON THE SIDE to “help” the post-Katrina efforts.
I agree with you that, to the Elite, Mexico’s present, is our future.
I also suspect that your friends who think they are members of the Elite are engaged in wishful thinking, and will soon discover the full impact of their folly.
Here’s a hint:
Jim Rogers, the investment wizard, just bought a condo in Shanghai, and his daughter – who is four, if memory serves – will be raised with tutors who will teach her Commercial Mandarin.
THAT is what Rogers sees as the inevitable future…
THAT’S Elite!
A National Socialist state could amerliorate muych of this, of course, but the American people – the average high school graduate – are so frightfully ignorant – forget intelligence, let’s talk about basic knowledge! – that this society may only take place with a vanguard, a separate people, in a separate place…
And the name of that place?
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
28 August, 2006 at 3:06 pm
For those who’d like to read more by Mr. White, try this from June 2005:
I obviously don’t care for the National Alliance and its splinter groups — National Vanguard, White Revolution and VNN. I dealt with those guys in 2002 and 2003, and they are all so stupid, back biting, caught up in their own imaginations and dishonest I really want nothing to do with them ever again — I advise others to do the same…
I pretended to care about VNN, and pretended to make some moves to “take control” of it, which I knew would eat up all of those losers time trying to “fight” it, but basically wrote it off.
28 August, 2006 at 7:00 pm
John D. wrote:
For those who’d like to read more by Mr. White, try this from June 2005:
I obviously don’t care for the National Alliance and its splinter groups — National Vanguard, White Revolution and VNN. I dealt with those guys in 2002 and 2003, and they are all so stupid, back biting, caught up in their own imaginations and dishonest I really want nothing to do with them ever again — I advise others to do the same…
I pretended to care about VNN, and pretended to make some moves to “take control†of it, which I knew would eat up all of those losers time trying to “fight†it, but basically wrote it off.
in reply:
If you haven’t noticed, yesterday is over.
All of us who are Adults can work with people in the fulfillment of a common dream, a common vision.
I like what White HAS DONE since he left the National Satanist Movement.
I like what Linder HAS DONE since he left the National Alliance.
I like what they ARE DOING, together.
If you read history, particularly military history, you will discover that many of the great leaders simply loathed one another, personally, while working together, professionally, in the service of a greater purpose than either of them, individually, could hope to fulfill.
Every time I go to a family reunion I meet relatives I literally can not tolerate to be with, on a personal level, but we all work together, on a professional level, to fix, pain and repair the house of an elderly relative in poor circumstances. With one cousin, the conversation went EXACTLY like this.
Our uncle, the family Patriarch, said, “I want you to work together to fix your Aunt’s house. That’s final. YOU do the painting, and YOU do the roofing. That way, you don’t even have to talk to each other.”
I went to the Duron store, and proudly wore a Duron cap for four days.
I have no idea where my cousin went, and nor do I care.
Our Uncle will sort it all out to our satisfaction.
Same with the White Nationalist Cause (oh, to BE a Movement one day!).
I admire what White and Linder HAVE done, and ARE doing, for all of us.
After all, as Alex Linde so astutely noted, “Jews take ALL sides of an issue.”
Why can’t we, until WE make OUR side, the RIGHT side?
And, John D.?
Shouldn’t you be off working with the IDF, getting your ass kicked by Hezbollah?
New America!
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!