10 February, 2020
Posted by Socrates in America, Black racism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, genocide, genocide of White culture, Germany, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, globalization, immigration, Islam, Islamification of the West, Jewish racism, Mecca, Muslim immigration, Muslims, Muslims in America, Muslims in Europe, race, race baloney, Race Denial, racism, racism accusations, rapefugees, Saudi Arabia, Socrates, Third World, Turd-World people, UN, UN founders, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 8:03 am |

(Above: what America will look like in 2060, thanks to Brown immigration). I just saw a UN immigration graph that showed that, overwhelmingly, non-White immigrants from around the world choose America as their future home (their second choice: Germany)[1]. But how can that be? Why would non-White immigrants want to come to the U.S.? Isn’t […]