Archive for the 'jew financial crimes' Category

4 May, 2014

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jew gangsters, jewish criminality, jewish mafia, Las Vegas, mafia, Socrates at 12:52 pm | Permanent Link

When people think of Las Vegas, they often think of mobsters like Anthony Spilotro. But it was a handful of Jews who built Las Vegas: Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Moe Dalitz, Gus Greenbaum and Moe Sedway. Sin and Jews: they go together like peanut butter and jelly. [Article].

4 January, 2014

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, jew financial crimes, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewish speculation, Jewish swindlers, movies, scandals involving Jews, Socrates, Wall Street, Who Rules America? at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

Today’s movies can be summed up as follows: 2 hours of people saying “fuck” and “shit.” Isn’t that entertaining. Even women say those words now. But what can you expect when Jews, not Whites, run Hollywood? [1]. By the way, speaking of Jews, the original, real-life “Wolf of Wall Street” was a Jew. Similarly, most […]

28 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jewed culture, jewish criminality, jewish scam artists, Socrates at 12:49 pm | Permanent Link

A Jewish ponzi-scheme operator pleaded guilty to stealing $1.2 billion dollars. The list of Jewish schemers who stole at least hundreds-of-millions of dollars is a long one and there seems to be a genetic component in high-dollar Jewish thefts. As Dr. Pierce has noted, almost all of the “super swindlers” have been Jews: [Article] and […]

15 November, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewish scam artists, Madoff scandal, Socrates at 10:39 am | Permanent Link

Is this guy another Jewish super-swindler? If so, then it’s all your fault, gentile. The Holocaust, you see… [Article]. Dr. William Pierce comments on Jewish super-swindlers: [Here].

3 September, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jew mentality, Jewish arrogance, Socrates at 5:24 pm | Permanent Link

“Gofman” – that doesn’t sound Irish, does it? (Note comment #16 under the article): [Article].

22 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Dickstein, Iraq, Israel, Israel - the facts, jew financial crimes, jewed culture, jewhad, Jewish aggression, jewish criminality, jewish spies, Jewish Tyranny, Kevin MacDonald, Russia, Socrates, Wall Street at 1:28 pm | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly. “Just after St. Patrick’s Day of this year, my review of Jeff Gates’ new book Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War appeared. The reference to deception and self-deceit in the subtitle are apt, for Gates explains that these techniques are responsible for America’s war in Iraq, among […]

15 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, Dreier scandal, jew financial crimes, jewed culture, jewed finance, Madoff scandal, Socrates at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish ex-money-managers never do “hard” time with the riff-raff – that’s for silly goyim: [Here] and [Here]. More details about Dreier: [Here].

2 July, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jewed finance, jewish criminality, jewish scam artists, Madoff scandal, Socrates at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

Prediction: out of the 10, 7, and possibly 8, will be Jews: [Article].

30 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jew mentality, jewish criminality, Jewish genetics, jewish scam artists, Madoff scandal, Socrates, William Pierce at 2:00 am | Permanent Link

Great news. But what explains Madoff’s crimes? Surely he knew that, eventually, he would get caught by the law. Since so many of America’s super-swindlers have been Jews, there seems to be within many of them a powerful “greed gene” that overrides logic – something to think about if your banker is named Goldbergwitz. Furthermore, […]

17 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in jew financial crimes, jewed finance, jewish scam artists, Socrates, William Pierce at 7:11 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. “Hello! This Enron thing becomes more interesting every day. Business and finance are not my strong areas, and so I don’t talk much about them. The Enron collapse, however, has some very interesting political and Jewish angles. We can see some fascinating parallels with other recent financial catastrophes in the United […]