Archive for the 'immigration bills/laws' Category

28 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in immigration, immigration bills/laws, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White thought at 12:17 pm | Permanent Link

“But, seriously, the lower IQ populations cannot accomplish nor sustain what whites have accomplished. If they were capable of such, they would not have fled their native countries. Their countries are shit holes and the higher IQ members of their populace flee, naturally. Yet, what has occurred since the Hart Cellar Act of 1964 is, […]

26 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, illegal immigration, immigration bills/laws, immigrations laws (federal) at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

Aiding and abetting illegal aliens is a federal crime in America. So why is it happening daily?? “By Tuesday afternoon Bill Melugin said at least 4 large groups of (illegal) military-aged males were released into the interior of the United States.” [Article].

6 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Calvinists, Catholicism, Christianity, Christians, Christians who abet jews, climate change, climax change, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, green Marxism, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, vaccines, Vatican II at 11:38 am | Permanent Link

Vaccines are mankind’s silly attempts to “play God” according to many Christian people (e.g., Calvinists). So why would the Catholics embrace Covid-19 vaccines? But then again, why not? The “new” Catholic Church has already embraced massive non-White immigration into the West, and it embraced “climate change” baloney, too, so the church might as well go […]

12 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America the White nation, Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, immigrations laws (federal), War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:02 pm | Permanent Link

Make no mistake: the Historic White American Nation was ended on purpose. It didn’t just simply “evolve” into being “something else.” It was murdered, beginning largely with the 1965 Immigration Act, which allowed millions of non-White immigrants to flood into America. (Trivia: Americans were told in 1965: “don’t worry, folks, this immigration law won’t change […]

25 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration bills/laws, immigrations laws (federal), Mexcrement, Mexican arrogance, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, southern border of U.S., treason at 11:43 am | Permanent Link

Our leaders are supposed to protect and secure the border, not open the border to illegal aliens! Here are the two main, federal laws that illegal aliens routinely violate, with the help of our “leaders” in Washington, D.C. These are laws, not merely suggestions. 1. “Illegal Entry” (8 U.S.C. § 1325) makes it a crime […]

13 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, Brown Man, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, immigration, immigration bills/laws, slants, slavery, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People at 10:41 am | Permanent Link

The racial floodgates were opened at Ellis Island, New York circa 1892, when immigrants came pouring into America. But before that, America wasn’t very diverse. Derbyshire does us a disservice when he says “These United States were diverse from the start. We’ve always had to deal with racial diversity as best we can.” For the […]

18 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Celler Rights Violations, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, civil rights movement, Congress, Congressmen, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed Congress, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking at 1:43 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler [1888-1981]. Celler was a very key player in the destruction of America from 1964-onward. “As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for all but two years between 1949 and 1973, he ushered through the House the major civil rights movement legislation of the era.” — Wikipedia, March 2021. How this […]

20 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Brenton Tarrant, Brown Man, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, immigration, immigration bills/laws, multiculturalism, Muslims, Muslims and dogs, Muslims and pedophilia, Muslims in America, Muslims in Europe, Socrates, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White martyrs, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:44 am | Permanent Link

Brown/Black people always outbreed White people. With that fact in mind, read this: Here is the 2019 Christchurch, New Zealand gunman Brenton Tarrant on why he committed his fatal shooting attacks on two mosques in March 2019 (this is from his manifesto; edited to correct a typo): “To ensure diverse peoples remain diverse, separate, unique, […]

17 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Emma Lazarus, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates, The diversity hoax, The Eurocide, The Great Replacement (TGR), War On White Males, War On White People at 11:21 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jew, Emma Lazarus. Thanks to her, millions of idiots actually believe that America was designed by our White founders to be a “melting pot of racial diversity”). First of all, America is already very diverse. We have Germans living in Minneapolis and Italians living in Chicago and French living in New Orleans (unfortunately, […]

21 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, xenophobia at 9:11 am | Permanent Link

“Orange Man bad! Orange Man bad!” shout the Jews and the liberals. How dare Trump ban sweet, kind, innocent, wonderful immigrants from Pakistan, Honduras and Somalia?? Ooh, the humanity! Quote: “President Donald Trump announced late Monday night that he would temporarily halt all immigration due to the Chinese coronavirus.” This is an important step for […]