Obama Gives first major speech to Al-Arabiya TV "Makes history" by appearing on Tonight Show Michelle Obama talks about childhood alienation to children Non-white people are easier to control through entitlement programs that the big nanny government offers; whereas white people in general want the exact opposite freedom and liberty from an all-intrusive big government. This is why the two races can NOT live together under the SAME government. 100th anniversary approaches and the NAACP has never built a school, a hospital, a sewage treatment plant, a shelter for battered black women, nothing. It’s been 100 years of complaining and demanding that whites use their money to build all of the above for blacks, while the Officers of the NAACP embezzle money and party. diversity of skin color, not ideas. Why are these parents so shocked and surprised? After all, these are good Wisconsans of Scandinavian ancestry, that, like their kin back in the old country, votes liberal/Democrat (and liberal/Republican) every election. And they excoriate Southerners for their racial “backwardness.” Then they wonder why they have to start speaking the language of their political party’s fastest growing constituency. You made your bed. If this is not nipped in the bud, Spanish will be legislated an official language in the near future. Once that happens, all government jobs will require mandatory bilingualism, with hiring preference going to Spanish first-language applicants. All government signage and publications will have to be in both languages, and translation services offered at government conferences. Bilingualism will make English speakers second-class citizens. This happened in Quebec Canada in the 1970s. It wasn’t that they were “unaware of the risks”, they simply didn’t care. Poor impulse control and desire for immediate gratification are strong characteristics of blacks. This would be pure insanity. They are criminals, they put themselves there by their criminal acts. They deserve just what they get, and if the prisons are too crowded, just do what Joe Arapio does and put up tents. No air conditioning, no cable TV, no canteen call, no hot meals and no hot showers. Just another example of liberal judges ruining the country. If they think so much of the criminals’ rights, may I suggest they share they own homes with them. Note: “Nonviolent Offender” is liberalspeak for a vicious Mestizo gangbanger who was locked up on a drug charge because the D.A. could not produce any witnesses for all the violent crimes the creature is known to have committed. “Whites create good environment. Blacks create and then leave bad environment. Blacks move to where whites are. Environment goes bad. Whites leave to create good environment elsewhere. Blacks leave bad environment and move to where whites have created new good environment. Blues was not invented out of thin air by blacks. It is almost solely based on the ‘blues scale,’ which is a variation of the minor pentatonic scale. These are scales that are part of the musical tradition of the West, not Africa. So we’re always lectured on the fact that ‘blues turned into rock n’ roll’ but we are never informed that ‘blues’ evolved from a black interpretation of traditional white folk music. Naming a school after a sitting president is creepy. What’s next? Huge portraits in the town square? Have you ever noticed how all these smiling, smirking killers, rapists and thieves are always described as “good kids”. Did you ever stop to think that their black relatives and friends might consider them “good” not despite of the violence against other races but because of it? After all they are standing up for their people and are increasing real black power in America. They are the threat that justifies the last 45 years of wealth redistribution in America. These black thugs are the young braves of the Black tribe. Every one of them that fathers a child with a white or hispanic woman is following the path of the native Americans who captured women and used them to create more braves for the tribe. What makes it even better for them is they usually don’t even invest any time or resources in the raising of these half breed recruits. There are white grandmothers all over America raising the black warriors who will grow up to be an even greater and more numerous threat to the white race. Our mulatto “Commander in Chief” is a perfect example of these mixed raced children and the hatred they have for their white blood. We aren’t post racial in America. We won’t ever be at this rate. We are in a race war that will determine who controls what is left of the United States after the socialist and globalist are done running it into the ground. Unfortunately the only race that doesn’t know what is going on is the whites. The blacks and the hispanics know exactly what is going on and they are playing to win. A friend of mine said blacks are like crocodiles They haven’t evolved in a million years, they’re docile and no matter how much you feed them, they’ll lay in wait patiently until the right moment comes to striking you and killing you when you least expect it I would say that western Europe is toast, as well as the southwestern United States, Florida, Texas, and major metropolitan centres like Vancouver, Toronto, New York, and Chicago. All-white enclaves in the future, should whites get serious about it, might include Russia (at least Siberia east of the Ural Mountains), Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories in Canada, and the Arctic territory of Nunavut. We’d have to write off Scandinavia, but Iceland is a good bet for a white haven, as well as Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and possibly the Maritimes and New England (must push the Somalis out of Lewiston, Maine first though). We’ll need to plan to secure some prime agricultural land (Ukraine, Saskatchewan), as well as seaports (Vladivostok, Prince Rupert, etc.), access to raw materials, and ideally some natural geographic barriers that serve to deter third world invasion (e.g., distance, which is why Canada to date has had far fewer illegals from Central America than the United States). We’ll have to give up the idea of tropical paradises, California sunshine, and all the other idyllic trappings that whites favor all too much. Back to rigor, bad weather, and making do with what nature provides. This compilation of what needs to be considered is far from done, of course, but it hopefully does provide a starting point. Racism is not taught in the home, it’s learned in the world when the evidence of one’s own eyes overcomes the testimony of the MSM. I see these White boys hanging out with Blacks, subservient and craving some of that soul, that cool, that seems to be the Black equivalent of character or achievement. The Blacks enjoy having a pet White boy, I’m sure, but only the dullest and most servile Whites will continue in these unequal “friendships.” Their will always be surplus children in Africa in need. Over-breeding is the preferred method of genetic competition in that part of the world. Adopting children from Africa for altruistic reasons is futile, because it just creates room for more. f violent crime is caused by poverty, then why isn’t Appalachia the most dangerous place in the country? If Disney would like to engage in true multiculturalism they could do a cartoon about a young African girl who has her genitals mutilated, is raped repeatedly, is abandoned to raise multiple children without fathers, and finally dies of starvation because her civilization can’t figure out how to produce enough food even though they live in an area teaming with plants and animals. This is what confuses me so much about white “Leftists”, Democrats etc: Did they honestly think that - after repeatedly favouring their black, “Hispanic”, etc electorates over their white ones for decades - that the aforementioned electorates wouldn’t eventually replace them with “someone who looks like me”? So, the government taxes you, uses the money to import tens of thousands of Somalis. Once here, these people (and their children and grandchildren) must be supported for their entire lives by welfare (again your taxes). Our government gives them money, which is then sent to Somalia. Part of that money goes for anti-American activities, including killing Americans. Then, even more of your money must be spent by the government to “study” this problem. Your government: Carefully managing your money and always thinking of your welfare! Think about that when you pay your taxes. You are being forced to pay for your own displacement, from your own country. 200,000 years of evolution in brutal Africa have selected for traits in Africans that favor survival in that harsh place, such as rapid reproduction and reliance on violence. Unfortunately, those traits are totally incompatable with modern technological civilized Western societies. We’ll be exploring new worlds while the Blacks of Detroit freeze and haunt the deserted streets and ruined buildings waiting for Whites to come back so they can be sponge of us again. They will shake their fists at the sky when they see our aircraft and satellites go by. As the generations go by, Whites will become Devil Gods to be both cursed and supplicated. But we will not come back until their worship is as pure as the New Guinean Cargo Cults. They must get it right! It will never happen. Read this book: The Deporter: One Agent’s Struggle Against the U.S. Government’s Refusal to Expel Criminal Aliens by Ames Holbrook (Hardcover - Oct 4, 2007) Amazon, Borders, Crown etc, but probably not in public libraries because most librarians are brainwashed, criminal loving, marxist feminazis. After a felon is released from prison, ICE has only 6 months to deport him. The potential deportees are removed from state prison and housed in city jails in cities where there are immigration Judges. He cannot just be taken from prison and sent to his home country. ICE must take him before an immigration Judge for a deportation order. If, by a miracle a deportation order is granted, his attorney can appeal. If he is still in the country 6 months after his first hearing, he must, by federal law, be allowed to stay in this country. Appeal after appeal is granted. If he is still in the country when the deadline is reached he gets to stay. Every church group, ADL, AJC, LARAZA ACLU tax payer funded immigrant rights group appeals endlessly to keep the felon until past the 6 months deadline. If a deportation order is made, ICE must work with the local consulate of the felons country. Much of the time his native country will refuse to take him back. If and when there is a deportation order and his country consents to take him back, there is the physical problem of deportation. The date of the departure must be kept secret. The relatives, friends and immigration rights advocates, especially the church groups will swarm the airport departure lounge and scream, wail, roll on the floor and carry on like banshees until the plane departs without the deportee. They are often released because of the screeching. The plane departs on time while the deportee is still at the airport with hysterical relatives clinging to him and the ICE deportation agents. Airlines can refuse to take passengers who are screaming and carrying on. The ACLU has obtained FEDERAL COURT ORDERS that deportees cannot be sedated or handcuffed. Once the 6 month deadline is passed, ICE must remove the felon from the city prison and release him. Mr. Holbrook says a large number of potential deportees are processed in the federal court located in New Orleans. This is because the Louisianna jails charges to ICE for housing the potential deportees is much lower than in the north east, midwest etc. Louisianna jails are the cheapest in the country. Mr. Holbrook attributes much of the high crime rate in New Orleans to the huge number of felonious deportees who are brought to Louisianna by ICE and released on the streets of New Orleans by immigration Judges. The sob sisters of the church groups bear much of the blame for the high crime rate, along with the ADL ACLU LARAZA etc lawyers. The “virtual fence” is simply a method to transfer large amounts of tax Dollars to the military-supply companies that are based in the states of congressmen or who donate large amounts of money to certain congressmen. If virtual fences actually worked, then they would tear down the physical fences surrounding the White House and the factories of these companies, and replace them with “virtual fences.” The fact that Obama prefers to keep a simple physical fence around his house suggests that even Obama realizes that real fences work and “virtual fences” don’t. Note that Obama would never risk the safety of his family to a “virtual fence,” but is more than happy to risk your family’s safety to one. Hypocrite! Elitist! "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"s If they actually had a civilization worth speaking of, they wouldn’t need to have their whole reputation dependent upon the accomplishments of a track star. But remember, kids. The future is always better than the past! Anyone who will try to trick you into having nostalgia for a time when rural America was not plagued by high unemployment, minority crime, and meth labs is an ignorant racist! Of course this dress code is to keep blacks out, I applaud them for it. The owners of this club know that a large number of blacks in their establishment means certain violence and increased liability. Most clubs start out as either black or white, but white clubs have a problem as most whites have jobs and cannot be out clubbing on a random Tuesday. Many white clubs then make the mistake of hosting “hip hop nights” on slow days to increase revenue. Once blacks start to frequent the club regularly the atmosphere of the club changes to one where violence can erupt at any time. After a few violent episodes the club loses it’s white patrons and soon after it closes. My advice for this particular club is to play country music.s liberals acknowledge the concept of IQ only when attacking Republican presidential candidates or trying to spring a criminal from death row. We must be careful here. This is making me uneasy. This is troubling. You are touching on a difficult and delicate topic here. I am sensing where you are going with this. I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this. I detect some dark currents running under this. This has a unhealthy subtext. You are coming close to crossing the line here. This is giving me cause for concern. This is insensitive. This is inappropriate. This is in bad taste. This is making my flesh creep. This is uncaring. This is upsetting. This is hurtful. This is harmful. This is painful. This is worrying. This is provocative. I shall offer you one more chance to distance yourself from the implications of what you are saying. There is still time for you to apologize. if you back down, even at this late stage, there’s just a chance you could get away with it. No. I’m sorry, you have gone too far. It’s too late now even to grovel. This is heartbreaking. We must protect children from this. And the vulnerable of all ages. You are spewing hate. We need to reclaim ‘a people’. We need to reclaim ‘we’. This has no place in a decent society. This is unhelpful. This is unwelcome. This is unwholesome. This is unsettling. This is unsavoury. This is unacceptable. This is unpalatable. This is unforgivable. This is unspeakable. This isn’t fooling anyone. This needs cracking down on. This is cunning. This is canny. This is crafty. This is dodgy. This is creepy. This is spooky. This is scary. This is slimy. This is murky. This is filthy. This is ugly. This is nasty. This is evil. This is horrid. This is twisted. This is toxic. This is tainted. Stop it! Stop it! Shut up! Shut up! How dare you? How dare you? This is obscene. This is insulting. This is distasteful. This is disreputable. This is simplistic. This is disturbing. This is disgraceful. This is offensive. This is malignant. This is repugnant. This is repellant. This is repulsive. This is revolting. This is abhorrent. This is indecent. This is immoral. This is illegal. This is wrong, wrong, wrong. This is depressing. This is alarming. This is shocking. This is menacing. This is stomach-churning. This is polluting. This is poisonous. This is odious. This is vicious. This is venomous. This is loathsome. This is smelly. This is rank. This is vile. This is foul. This is warped. This is verminous. I feel faint. This is dangerously reasonable. This is beneath contempt. This must not be dignified with discussion. This is out of order. This is a lurch to the right. This is an abuse of free speech. This is a slippery slope. We all know where this leads. This is 1933. This is chilling. This is sinister. This is ominous This is sobering. This makes me shudder. This stirs up terrible memories. This is hateful. This is pernicious. This is intolerant. This is bigoted. This is divisive. This is polarizing. This is negative. This is controversial. This is discriminatory. You are wearing a tie. This is a false reading of history. This is a false reading of biology. This is a false reading of geography. This is a false reading of economics. This is a false reading of reading. This is a canard. This is mythical. This is nostalgic. This is delusional. I am looking down my nose. This is narrow-minded. This is ignorant. This is illiterate. This is vulgar. This is common. This is low class. This is unskilled. This is uneducated. This is uncultured. This is unnuanced. This is thick. This is stupid. This is brain-dead. This is low IQ. This is loutish. This is cloddish. This is crude. This is Neanderthal. This is knuckle-dragging. This is simple-minded. This is yobbish. This is for losers. I am holding my nose, still looking down it. No, you’re not. This is very very serious. This is scandalous. This is horrifying. This is unbelievable. This is predictable. This is inflammatory. This is populist. This is undemocratic. This is stirring up hatred. This is threatening. This is thuggish. This is violent. This is murderous. This is fear of change. This is fear of difference. This is fear of the other. This is fear of yourself. This is fear of modernity. This is fear of post-modernity. This is mental illness. This is maladjustment. This is bad socialization. This is bad education. This is bad language. This is bad personal hygiene. I am saddened. I am sickened. I am shocked. I am appalled. I am horrified. I am disgusted. I pity you. I despise you. I am sorry for you. I know where you live.