Exterminate the Jews – a Question Seeking Answers
Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 2:33 am | 
Expulsion is the god that failed: You know as well as I do that the correct policy toward jews is to exterminate them – all of them. You know as well as I do that’s the only rational and effective response to their collective attempt to genocide our race. My question here, though, in this particular post, is whether I am the first in European history to propose this solution. I find that hard to believe, but I can’t think of an earlier proponent. The ‘Kwan fool will scream Hitler, but anyone here surely knows that’s not the case. So, please, help me out. Answer the question if you can, and use quotations and historical evidence if you know of any. Thanks, you virtual nation of round-eyed carers.
16 December, 2009 at 3:34 am
I think the most effective and yes, humane, way of getting rid of the Jews once and for all would be to simply put all the Jew females and children in one complex of camps, say, in Northeast Siberia and another complex of camps could be located in Madagascar or Tasmania for all the Jew males. In such remote locations, the Jews would no longer be able to infect the rest of the world and both Jew sexes would be at a very safe distance from each other. The Jews would be able to live out the rest of their lives peacefully and once they all passed away, that would be the end of their accursed race. We could then erase every mention of Jewry from our historical record, as if they had never existed at all. That would necessitate, happily enough, the destruction of EVERY “Holy Bible” and “Diary of Anne Frank”.
16 December, 2009 at 4:20 am
Yes, I know of one case in history.
Under the leadership of Godfrey of Bouillon the chivalrous Christian knights of the first Crusade conquered Jerusalem on 15th July 1099 and killed all Jewish men, women and children in the city to the last soul.
I do not have the book about the first Crusade at hand, but you may verify the fact of the massaker in a library or a good encyclopaedia.
16 December, 2009 at 5:48 am
Ok, Arminius. That’s sort of what I’m driving at, I thank you for it. I especially seek any analyst, or analyst at least as much as actor, who has drawn the conclusion I have.
16 December, 2009 at 6:36 am
The jews were kicked out of Europe 2,000 times. Seems my ancestoral Europeans would have been more successful to rid of the parasites, but instead left many to roam and populate to the point of disastrous proportions to infect many nations, its cultural life, banking, and financial entities.
How would we exterminate the jews IF they were ever to be rounded up? Would we have the courage to do so? Would we give them a choice to be gassed or infect them with lice carrying Typhus? The jews made billions of dollars propagandizing the fact that the Germans gassed all jews, yet miraculously most of them survived. Those jews must think they are some kind of a super human to survive the gassing. Or, were they thinking of only the end result (gassing) as a relief? The only pictures taken and released are the gathering of jews in showers to rid of lice and the piling of emanciated dead bodies. Could the gassing made them emanciated?
To show the world the big liars they are, we ought to reinvent the 1940’s Germany. I think an experiment is long overdue. Round up the jews in box cars and ship them by train to a or a few concentration camps that are apparently here in the U.S. ready for use. Divide the masses in each concentration camp into two groups, including women and children; mix them all together. One group will be gassed, the other will be infected with Typhus; commonly known as “camp fever.” The ones infected with Typhus will have no medical treatment, but will enjoy all the luxuries the camp can provide until their timely deaths. The other group that is to be gassed will of course immediately die and not be able to enjoy the comforts of camp as long as the ones with Typhus.
The expected outcome: The ones that were gassed will not be emanciated, but in fact will be nice and plump having to avoid the Typhus infection. The other group with Typhus will slowly become thinner and thinner from emesis and with uncontrollable bowel movements. They will suffer more output than input and therefore result in malnutrition.
How will the jews view a slow and agonizing death? They will be shouting, “Oy Vey!” “Kill me now.” “Gas me, please gas me!” “Give me a quick death.”
And so, the rest is history.
16 December, 2009 at 7:18 am
Some of you aren’t getting it. Your comment will pertain to the post in question or it will be deleted. If you have something off target, post it in one of the open threads, which will appear every tenth post.
16 December, 2009 at 7:56 am
I’ll allow those who want to post on HOW to exterminate jews, if you want, but what I’m really looking for is 1) any analyst, of any race, at any time in history, who advocated genocide of the jews; 2) anyone who attempted to carry out such a genocide, if only in a confined area.
(My own opinion for the top part is the jews should be erased humanely, as opposed to tortured, with the only remaining earthly evidence of their evil existence a Museum of Jewish Crimes, located in the ‘holocaust’ museum in Washington, D.C.)
16 December, 2009 at 11:45 am
What about tay-sachs chemtrails?
16 December, 2009 at 12:39 pm
The answer is “NOBODY”……There has never been documented proof of anybody organizing a mass slaughter of the Jews, just because they were Jews. Their behavior has always been the reason…..As the old saying goes…Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a normal reaction to Jew Behavior.
16 December, 2009 at 3:21 pm
The Spanish Inquisition; the first mass burning of jews at the stake in 1288 which took place in France. However, there are no numbers I found on “how many” is considered a “mass.” Information found —information states more were burned in the Iberian Pennisula. From 1483-1485, Inquisition at Ciudad Real – 52 Jews burnt at the stake; all were “Conversos” who believed in Judaism. From 1485-1492, Inquisition at Toledo and many Jews burnt at the stake; at least 400 including 100 exhumed and burned.
16 December, 2009 at 4:01 pm
Although the Cossacks and the Waffen SS did a good job in dealing with troublemaking Jews, no serious, organized, full-scale attempt has ever been made to deliberately destroy the entire Jewish “race” once and for all. That’s why I submitted my “modest proposal”, Captain Linder.
The Jews were regarded in times past as little more than a group of pests who overstayed their welcome, or as Christ-deniers who were in need of baptizing. Many good people going back to the ancient Greeks were fully aware of the Jewish Problem but not one to my knowlege ever really proposed a Final Solution.
Unfortunately, after more than 2,000 years of Jewish tyranny and treachery, it seems the Jews have left us no choice but to remove them from the face of the earth once and for all. The world is not big enough for them and us.
16 December, 2009 at 4:24 pm
“The Jewish people ought to be exterminated root and branch. Then the plague of pests would have disappeared in Poland at one stroke.”
— Streicher, Der Stürmer, Sept. 1939
“…The time is near when a machine will go into motion which is going to prepare a grave for the world’s criminal – Judah – from which there will be no resurrection.”
— Streicher, Der Stürmer, Jan. 1940
“Now judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion only when knowledge of the Jews has been erased from the earth.”
— Streicher, Der Stürmer, Jan. 1941
16 December, 2009 at 6:09 pm
Analytical conclusion as opposed to emotional outburst either accompanying some specific pogrom or not…hmm. Can’t find any evidence of this. Will check back if I find it.
16 December, 2009 at 6:11 pm
ps – “Expulsion is the god that failed” is a good line.
16 December, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Then there is Himmler’s Posen speech — not exactly a call for extermination, more like a celebration of it.
The English is from Porter’s translation at:
I want to mention another very difficult matter here before you in all frankness. Among ourselves, it ought to be spoken of quite openly for once; yet we shall never speak of it in public. Just as little as we hesitated to do our duty as ordered on 30 June 1934, and place comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them, just as little did we ever speak of it, and we shall never speak of it. It was a matter of course, of tact, for us, thank God, never to speak of it, never to talk of it. It made everybody shudder; yet everyone was clear in his mind that he would do it again if ordered to do so, and if it was necessary.
I am thinking now of the evacuation of the Jews, the extirpation of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that’s easy to say: “The Jewish people will be extirpated” , says every Party comrade, “that’s quite clear, it’s in our programme: elimination of the Jews, extirpation ; that’s what we’re doing.” And then they all come along, these 80 million good Germans, and every one of them has his decent Jew. Of course, it’s quite clear that the others are pigs, but this one is one first-class Jew. Of all those who speak this way, not one has looked on; not one has lived through it. Most of you know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when 500 lie there, or if 1,000 lie there. To have gone through this, and at the same time, apart from exceptions caused by human weaknesses, to have remained decent, that has made us hard. This is a chapter of glory in our history which has never been written, and which never shall be written; since we know how hard it would be for us if we still had the Jews, as secret saboteurs, agitators, and slander-mongers, among us now, in every city — during the bombing raids, with the suffering and deprivations of the war. We would probably already be in the same situation as in 1916/17 if we still had the Jews in the body of the German people.
The riches they had, we’ve taken away from them. I have given a strict order, which SS Group Leader Pohl has carried out, that these riches shall, of course, be diverted to the Reich without exception. We have taken none of it. Individuals who failed were punished according to an order given by me at the beginning, which threatened: he who takes even one mark of it, that’s his death. A number of SS men — not very many — have violated that order, and that will be their death, without mercy. We had the moral right, we had the duty to our own people, to kill this people which wanted to kill us . But we don’t have the right to enrich ourselves even with one fur, one watch, one mark, one cigarette, or anything else. Just because we eradicated a bacillus, after all, doesn’t mean we want to be infected by the bacillus and die. I will never permit even one little spot of corruption to arise or become established here. Wherever it may form, we shall burn it out together. In general, however, we can say that we have carried out this most difficult task out of love for our own people. And we have suffered no harm to our inner self, our soul, our character in so doing.
[Ich will auch ein ganz schweres Kapitel will ich hier vor Ihnen in aller Offenheit nennen.
Es soll zwischen uns ausgesprochen sein, und trotzdem werden wir nicht in der Öffentlichkeit nie darüber reden.
Genau so wenig, wie wir am 30. Juni gezögert haben, die befohlene Plicht zu tun und Kameraden, die sich verfehlt hatten, an die Wand zu stellen und zu erschiessen.
Wie wir darüber niemals gesprochen haben und sprechen werden.
Das war so eine Gottseidank in uns wohnende Takt, Selbstverständlichkeit des Taktes, dass wir uns untereinander nie darüber unterhalten haben, nie darüber sprachen, es hat jeden geschauert und jeder war sich klar, dass er es das nächste Mal wieder tun würde, wenn es befohlen wird und wenn es notwendig ist.
Ich meine die “Judenevakuierung”: die Ausrottung des jüdischen Volkes.
Es gehört zu den Dingen, die man leicht ausspricht. “Das jüdische Volk wird ausgerottet”, sagt Ihnen jeder Parteigenosse, “ganz klar, steht in unserem Programm drin, Ausschaltung der Juden, Ausrottung, machen wir, pfah!, Kleinigkeit”.
Und dann kommen sie alle, alle die braven 80 Millionen Deutschen, und jeder hat seinen anständigen Juden. Sagt: alle anderen sind Schweine, und hier ist ein prima Jude.
Und zugesehen, es durchgestanden hat keiner. Von Euch werden die meisten wissen, was es heisst, wenn 100 Leichen beisammen liegen, wenn 500 daliegen oder wenn 1000 daliegen. Und dies durchgehalten zu haben, und dabei — abgesehen von menschlichen Ausnahmeschwächen — anständig geblieben zu sein, hat uns hart gemacht und ist ein niemals genanntes und niemals zu nennendes Ruhmesblatt.
Denn wir wissen, wie schwer wir uns täten, wenn wir heute noch in jeder Stadt bei den Bombenangriffen, bei den Lasten des Krieges und bei den Entbehrungen, wenn wir da noch die Juden als geheime Saboteure, Agitatoren und Hetzer hätten. Wir würden wahrscheinlich in das Stadium des Jahres 16/17 jetzt gekommen sein, wenn die Juden noch im deutschen Volkskörper sässen.
Die Reichtümer, die sie hatten, haben wir ihnen abgenommen, und ich habe einen strikten Befehl gegeben, den Obergruppenführer Pohl durchgeführt hat, wir haben diese Reichtümer restlos dem Reich, dem Staat abgeführt. Wir haben uns nichts davon genommen. Einzelne, die sich verfehlt haben, die werden gemäss einem von mir gegebenen Befehl, den ich am Anfang gab: Wer sich auch nur eine Mark davon nimmt, ist des Todes.
Eine Anzahl SS-Männer haben sich dagegen verfehlt. Es sind nicht sehr viele, und sie werden des Todes sein – GNADENLOS! Wir haben das moralische Recht, wir hatten die Pflicht unserem Volk gegenüber das zu tun, dieses Volk, das uns umbringen wollte, umzubringen. Wir haben aber nicht das Recht, uns auch nur mit einem Pelz, mit einer Mark, mit einer Zigarette, mit einer Uhr, mit sonst etwas zu bereichern. Das haben wir nicht. Denn wir wollen nicht am Schluss, weil wir den Bazillus ausrotten, an dem Bazillus krank werden und sterben.
Da werde ich niemals zusehen, dass so etwas überhaupt nur auch ein kleine Fäulnisstelle bei uns eintritt oder sich festsetzt. Sondern, wo sich eine festsetzen sollte, werden wir sie gemeinsam ausbrennen. Insgesamt aber können wir sagen: Wir haben diese schwerste Aufgabe in Liebe zu unserem Volk getan. Und wir haben keinen Schaden in unserem Innern, in unserer Seele, in unserem Charakter daran genommen.]
16 December, 2009 at 10:44 pm
Dr. Goebbels also made good speeches about Der Judenfragge, but making speeches laden with hyberbole and actually carrying out a plan to eradicate an entire group of people are not the same thing. Not even Heydrich nor Himmler nor Eichmann ever intended to do that. If anything, they were far too easy on the Jews.
16 December, 2009 at 11:01 pm
As far as I know, Himmler’s so called Posen speech is a forgery.
Not surprising.
Supposed to be recorded on a shellack disc- while the Germans at that time used already tape recorders for important speeches.
It fits well with all the lies around WWII and therafter.
16 December, 2009 at 11:01 pm
# Adam Says:
16 December, 2009 at 4:24 pm
“The Jewish people ought to be exterminated root and branch. Then the plague of pests would have disappeared in Poland at one stroke.”
– Streicher, Der Stürmer, Sept. 1939
“…The time is near when a machine will go into motion which is going to prepare a grave for the world’s criminal – Judah – from which there will be no resurrection.”
– Streicher, Der Stürmer, Jan. 1940
“Now judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion only when knowledge of the Jews has been erased from the earth.”
– Streicher, Der Stürmer, Jan. 1941
This is what I’m looking for, BUT
where did you get these? How do you know they are real quotes rather than manufactured. I doubt you have copies of Sturmer. I would be a little surprised if Sturmer texts are translated and online, apart from maybe a snippet at calvin.edu. So what’s your source?
Same thing w the Posen speech. I’ve seen that many times. I can’t remember whether it is considered valid, partly vaid/partly concocted, or wholly valid?
16 December, 2009 at 11:06 pm
The Jews were regarded in times past as little more than a group of pests who overstayed their welcome, or as Christ-deniers who were in need of baptizing. Many good people going back to the ancient Greeks were fully aware of the Jewish Problem but not one to my knowlege ever really proposed a Final Solution.
Yes, I know that, and that is my impression. But I want to get anything even close, anything that comes within a hint of saying outright what I wrote in the post. For example, Voltaire:
Jews, he complained, “are … the greatest scoundrels who have ever sullied the face of the globe … They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and Germans are born with blond hair. I would not in the least be surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race …
Voltaire is one step away from drawing the conclusion that such a dangerous and criminal people must be put down like rabid dogs, which is precisely what I’m saying.
The time has come for White men to verbalize the felt and shuddered:
All jews must be exterminated.
That simple. No need to blush or stutter. No ear for moralists who do nothing but spread misery, just define jews as vermin and put them down like the mad dogs thousands of years of history show they are.
16 December, 2009 at 11:53 pm
Luther comes pretty close to calling for the Jews’ total annihilation:
17 December, 2009 at 12:01 am
alex Says:
where did you get these?
How do you know they are real quotes rather than manufactured.
Uh, the same way you know they are manufactured rather than real quotes? Seriously, I have no way of knowing. I’m far from being an expert on that era, and no, I don’t have copies of Der Stürmer. Like you, perhaps, I find the fact that they don’t seem to be readily available suspicious. BUT, that said, nobody really seems to be seriously alleging that these types of quotes (there are a lot more of them) attributed to Streicher are forgeries. David Irving, for example, might be expected to denounce them as such if he thought so, but he doesn’t, AFAIK; nor have I been able to turn up anyone else who does. The quotes also “sound” real, if you have an ear for style. Hitler says similar things in Table Talk. And finally, they did hang Streicher for something, after all. If he never wrote anything that inflammatory in Der Stürmer, why would they have bothered?
Same thing w the Posen speech. I’ve seen that many times. I can’t remember whether it is considered valid, partly vaid/partly concocted, or wholly valid?
I linked to the copy at codoh because they are Holoskeptics, and have some excuses ready. But they don’t claim it’s a forgery. Seems real to me, but who can really say for sure? This part always cracks me up:
Es gehört zu den Dingen, die man leicht ausspricht. “Das jüdische Volk wird ausgerottet”, sagt Ihnen jeder Parteigenosse, “ganz klar, steht in unserem Programm drin, Ausschaltung der Juden, Ausrottung, machen wir, pfah!, Kleinigkeit”.
Und dann kommen sie alle, alle die braven 80 Millionen Deutschen, und jeder hat seinen anständigen Juden. Sagt: alle anderen sind Schweine, und hier ist ein prima Jude.
17 December, 2009 at 1:57 am
Uh, the same way you know they are manufactured rather than real quotes?
I didn’t say they were manufactured. One must extremely careful in dealing with any quotation attributed to a real National Socialist, as the jews doctor not merely photographs but words, too. See relevant thread on the forum in Nazis: The Facts. There are many, many fake quotations. I have read the Calvin.edu guy’s book about Julius Streicher (in fact, he may have two, or updated the one), and I didn’t recall those quotes. Streicher, I know for a fact, was not hanged for anything he did, but simply for his opinions. I have seen .jpgs of Streicher’s paper’s cover, but never any complete collection of his newspaper work. Of course, almost all NS material was burned or banned after the jews took power, so it’s not exactly easy to find original stuff, especially translated reliably into English.
17 December, 2009 at 3:16 am
Judicious Judgment, Plain Speaking, Clear Understanding. The Jews have always been what they are today, and what they are today is what they will be till the end of days: the bloodsuckers of the people.
The Jews do not obey, nor do they teach the Mosaic Law, but rather they obey and teach the commands of the Talmud.
Therefore, the Jewish sect must be torn out root and branch from German soil, since it quite obvious that of all the secret political societies the most dangerous is Jewry, just as of all the states within the state the most dangerous is Jewry. (How Jewry Imperils Germany, 1816)
Doing the Needful [An Allegory]. If we should discover, one day, that we had been the victims of a poisoning, would it be prudent of us to seek assistance from the very person who had administered the poison to us in the first place? I don’t think so! On the contrary, we would do everything in our power to contact a trusted friend’s doctor, hoping that he might do the impossible, might pull us through our ordeal and might even succeed in his attempt to save us. That’s logical.
The Moral? Instead of trusting to the good offices of the poisoner or those of his accomplice: go ahead and strangle both of them!
17 December, 2009 at 6:46 pm
The Jewbook says that a Pharaoh ordered all Jew babies killed – the story of Moses. About as documentable as the Holyhoax, but…..
18 December, 2009 at 6:23 am
Coup D’Etat Says:
“The jews were kicked out of Europe 2,000 times. Seems my ancestral Europeans would have been more successful to [get] rid of the parasites, but instead left many to roam and populate to the point of disastrous proportions to infect many nations…”
True enough. Those ancestors of yours (and ours) made the mistake of only looking at the little picture, not the big one. They were just getting rid of a momentary problem — much like sweeing the dirt under the carpet; but it didn’t go away, it was just out of sight. Time and again, they merely shoved the Jews across the border into the next kingdom or principality, which then became THAT principality’s problem! Then, in another generation or two, they were shoved back again into the first one. Back and forth. Just pushing them over the border onto someone else didn’t solve anything.
In a way, it actually made things worse. It made the Jews more angry, bitter, and rapacious. In a case like Spain and Portugal throwing the Jews out, they just went to Holland where they stirred up the populace to make war against Spain and Portugal — which caused Spain and Portugal enormous trouble for centuries and the loss of much of their empires, especially Portugal’s. It was the same as what happened when Jews evicted from Germany came to America (and Britain) and stirred up hatred against Germany, bringing about a war that left Germany in ruins.
You also mentioned the Inquisition and the worn-out subject of burning Jews. The plain fact is that the Inquisition had NOTHING to do with Jews. No Jews ever suffered under the Inquisition. But Christians did. The Inquisition only tried Christians for heresy. Since Jews were not Christians, they could not be accused of heresy from the doctrines of the Church — a religion they didn’t belong to. Only a Christian could be a heretic from Christian teachings. Thus, the Inquisition did not apply to Jews.
Now, it becomes another story with former Jews who had converted, or claimed to have converted, but who were false. Those “conversos” who claimed to be Christians but were not sincere and who remained secret practitioners of Judaism were subject to trial for heresy, as they were in fact nominal Christians. But if they had never converted in the first place but remained Jews, this could not happen to them. The Inquisition could only try Christians. Thus, no real Jew was ever tried or bothered in any way by the Inquisition.
The Inquisition was a enough nasty thing, at any rate, but we should not make it nastier than it was. Also, the Pope DID NOT WANT to implement an inquisition in Spain and resisted it; but it was King Ferdinand who pressured the Vatican into it (by threatening to withhold military aid if the Turks invaded the Papal States in Italy).
It must be said also that formerly Jewish “conversos” were in many cases behind the Inquisition. I understand that the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada himself, was a former Jew. Thus, ironically, it was Jews running it, and persecuting Christians for heresy! This was a lucrative business (should that be any surpprise?) because the Inquisition was empowered to confiscate their property. So the facts turn out to be very different from the casual account of things that we are given — that Jews were being persecuted by the Christian Inquisition. It was quite the reverse.
18 December, 2009 at 7:28 am
A little of what you post is true. The “new Christians” were sought out for heresy and tried. The government of Spain were already Christians. Who were these “new Christians” specifically? Not sure, but it had to be a different religion. Most of the Spainish government were Catholics who were also aware of the Judaism followed by the jews, which they didn’t like. The only time the Spanish government granted leniency toward the jews is if they ratted on and turned in the members of the “new Christians.”
If they didn’t, they were tried and burned at the stake. The Spanish government used the jews in this way, giving them an ultimatum or else they will die.
In essence the jews were involved in the killing of the Christians indirectly. This is not to say this is normal behavior of the jews, as we can see in modern times or elsewhere in other counties in the past.
18 December, 2009 at 9:56 pm
Look the big question is,how in the fucking world can such a small group of sick bastards be so powerful and influential???I mean really! How???
18 December, 2009 at 10:27 pm
In three simple words: CONTROL OF MONEY.
(Of course, control of propaganda, information, entertainment, academia, and the learned professions also helps enormously.)
19 December, 2009 at 3:32 am
Dave Says:
18 December, 2009 at 9:56 pm
Look the big question is,how in the fucking world can such a small group of sick bastards be so powerful and influential???I mean really! How???
It didn’t happen overnight, that’s for sure. Here’s what I think happened: The Jews started off as bandits, goat herders and peddlers in the desert badlands of Caanan, a worthless speck of land located along the ancient east-west trade routes. Around 600 BCE, Canaan gets conquered by the Babylonian Empire and then by the Persians, etc. Contrary to Mold Testament tales, the Jews couldn’t wait to get the hell out of backwards, impoverished Canaan and move to the big cities of Persepolis, Alexandria and Babylon. The Jews have been an urban dwelling, cosmopolitan people ever since.
By Ceasar’s time, Jews were living in communities from Portugal to India. They thrived like rats in their urban environments, taking control of illicit occupations that no self-respecting Gentile wanted anything to do with, like prostitution, gambling, slave-trading, money lending and selling shoddy, overpriced, second-hand merchandise.
Eventually, control of those shameful trades made huge fortunes for many Jews. Then as now, they use that money to buy influence and respectability, send their kids to the best schools, live in the best neighborhoods, marry into powerful Gentile familes, etc. And even though the Jews can’t really stand each other, they have a paranoid, supremicist, us-vs.-them mentality. So, they only share their wealth and power with each other, thus always keeping it in the Tribe, generation after generation.
Like I said, it didn’t happen overnight. Jews weren’t liberated from their European ghettoes until Napoleon came along and even then they had to wait another 100 years before the anti-Jew monarchies in Russia and Austria-Hungary could be toppled. And it wasn’t until the 1930s and 40s before they started to be accepted in this country, the USA. And they didn’t get their precious Zionist Entity until 1948. I’d like to think the Jews have finally gone too far and will soon lose their ill-gotten wealth and power forever.
19 December, 2009 at 1:55 pm
This entry has “Hunter Wallace” from Occidental Dissent all up in arms. It sounds like he might join the SPLC and is reaching out to philo-semites. It’s ok to plot the downfall and murder of white people, but if any white person dares advocate a similar policy for our enemies it’s major hand wringing time.
HW typifies what’s wrong with white nationalism. He’s quick to judge other WN’s but silent on crimes of the Jewish left. Gotta be respectable ya know. Let’s just keep writing fucking essays until we’re blue in the face.
19 December, 2009 at 2:33 pm
HW typifies what’s wrong with white nationalism. He’s quick to judge other WN’s but silent on crimes of the Jewish left. Gotta be respectable ya know. Let’s just keep writing fucking essays until we’re blue in the face.
These WN conservatives agree with me, they just think it’s impolitic to say it. Wallace needn’t complain since the onus for saying it is on me, and, per his Overton window theory, my saying it makes his position more moderate. I would prefer he or others who don’t like my saying it construct an argument against it. Not against saying it but against it. I will continue to maintain that history shows that all other methods of dealing with jews are ineffective, and, what’s more, jews deserve to be genocided. The upside of removing jews from the earth is so powerful and comprehensive that it would be impossible to overstate. Someone needs to write ‘A World without Jews.’
19 December, 2009 at 5:04 pm
These things I know. However,many other people of the world have run similar courses,and have not arrived at the same destination. Why is a Jew the way he is.we know what they are. But why. I know what they control and what they do. I know why we are not fighting them now. But why are they the way they are,is there a gene? I ought to disect one and find out.
19 December, 2009 at 5:13 pm
“These WN conservative agree with me…”
Since your hearing problems has the earwax been building up on the old brain?
Prozium has a history of flip-flopping around. He really cannot conceive why you should advocate such a thing. Not a few months ago he was talking about his black friends. Your almost awful ability to judge people is being displayed again.
Sgt. Skull is dead on accurate and yet you disagree with him. Prozium is content that the sodomite black murderers of Chris Newsom are going in jail. WTF? He doesn’t empathise with Whites, he doesn’t empathise with the victims of jewish aggression. Don’t you get it? The backed-up sludge on the brain that thick? Jeeboo almighty, haven’t you figured out he is nothing more than a follower who listens to the manipulating whispers in his ears and puffs himself up. Actual flesh and blood, cause and effect don’t fit into his abstract universe of discourse. Meanwhile the charge you made against Johnson could be made against you, assertions have been made and you are not denying. Go on get off the pot or are you going to leave your defenders out to dry so you can indulge in wishful thinking? Not very Aryan that, defending your detractors at the expense of your defenders.
19 December, 2009 at 8:36 pm
Taking Hunter/Prozium/whatever seriously is a waste of time, except for the lulz factor Linder squeezes from it for all of us.
To scan this green boyman marmishly lecturing the creator of VNN on Deportment and wagging a finger at him, sternly warning Linder he might not be accepted by H/P/w’s all-important high school clique (see Forum), is to die of larf and to have one’s eyes opened to yet another fantoddish goof.
Linder knows the score, A. He’s just making sure we do.
20 December, 2009 at 3:35 pm
“I have seen .jpgs of Streicher’s paper’s cover, but never any complete collection of his newspaper work. Of course, almost all NS material was burned or banned after the jews took power, so it’s not exactly easy to find original stuff, especially translated reliably into English.”
You can find few of originals scanned here, http://nsl-server.com/Buecher/Bis-1945/
Website dedicated to Der Stuermer, http://der-stuermer.org/
20 December, 2009 at 6:38 pm
Outside the white world, Arab TV pundits call for the extermination of the Jews all the time. Here are a few examples.
20 December, 2009 at 7:19 pm
Whatever the case, I’ve been following “Hunter Wallace’s” latest threads and he must be Jewish or part Jewish. He’s gone completely off the reservation over Alex Linder’s anti-Jew comments. Actually he’s gone totally bonkers.
I don’t expect him to support the extermination of Jews but he can say he strongly disagrees with that proposition then simply shut up and move on. He’s acting like the hysterical little twerps from the ADL.
21 December, 2009 at 4:00 am
amalek Says:
“I have seen .jpgs of Streicher’s paper’s cover, but never any complete collection of his newspaper work. Of course, almost all NS material was burned or banned after the jews took power, so it’s not exactly easy to find original stuff, especially translated reliably into English.”
You can find few of originals scanned here, http://nsl-server.com/Buecher/Bis-1945/
Website dedicated to Der Stuermer, http://der-stuermer.org/
Great resource. Thanks.
21 December, 2009 at 7:54 pm
Dave, the Jews are the way they are because of their peculiar geographic and cultural history. And because of the fact that they are made up of elements that were discarded or cast off by other races and ethnic groups. There, now you can go back to watching Animal Planet again.
15 January, 2010 at 4:40 am
[…] considerably more Jews than have the dusky races, I pointed the silly bigot to this storehouse of home-grown anti-Semitic bile and suggested that along with banning the immigration of Muslims, we should probably exile all […]