Money-Magicians Running Out of Tricks
Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, jewed finance, Socrates at 8:40 pm | 
For how much longer can they keep up the magic act before too many people get wise to the scam?
5 June, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Imagine Congress approving yet another $100 billion for the never-ending wars of occupation in the near east, while that Jew Geithner has to grovel on his hands and knees in front of the Chinks in Peking asking for more money. This can’t go on much longer.
6 June, 2009 at 1:18 am
Esoteric Hitlerist Miguel Serrano once referred to Jewish monetary practices as ‘Black Magic’ and I have found that to be an apt description!
PS what the heck is wrong with the forum??? I can get to it at work (hehe) using Safari and Firefox, but I can’t get to it at home using Firefox or Google Chrome!! Are you guys being blocked out by some companies on behalf of ZOG????
6 June, 2009 at 1:27 am
Geithner is not a Jew, apparently.
6 June, 2009 at 9:31 am
The message seems very clear to me now. I use to wonder why anyone, with any sense of identity, would let hordes of ignorant and diseased squat laborers overrun their country. Surly the the test for citizenship could not be how little you would work for. But, now with the coming financial tsunami looming over the horizon it is pretty clear why they are here. The US is going to implode like a Supernova. My theory is that in order to facilitate a collapse of the country you must first have unsustainable debt, people out of work (a lot of people) and a very large hostile subclass of people on the government dole (blacks and mestizos) and, oh yes, you will need another war. Iran? I certainly don’t want to be near any urban areas when the welfare checks start drying up. Anyway, with a civil war raging and people scrounging for something to eat, the economic bubble, caused by the wizards in finance and government, will go to the dust bin of history. An assassination here and there will certainly be the catalyst for the riots. When will it start? I predict somewhere around Christmas we shall start seeing some signs of things to come. I really haven’t figured out who the victors will be, but I’m pretty sure it will be the same chosen people who created this mess.
6 June, 2009 at 9:53 am
The Orientals laugh at White men in general…
6 June, 2009 at 1:56 pm
Japanese business men from Japan told me back in the 1990’s that it was hard for them to believe the amount of abuse heaped on Whites, and that the government protects the abusers, they also expressed serious concern as to how we will survive it long term.
6 June, 2009 at 5:24 pm
jews have used christianity for 2000 years to disguise their most useful idiots, and they did not stop with timothy geithner
be wary of anyone whose surname ends with “er” and anyone who rejects someone calling another a jew without “proof”
instincts are precious and frauds are easily exposed with them
6 June, 2009 at 8:35 pm
be wary of anyone whose surname ends with “er” and anyone who rejects someone calling another a jew without “proof”
Yes, that’s brilliant advice! (Nice “handle”, btw. LOL.) Let’s all be wary of that Hitler fellow. He also gets called a Jew all the time, so you know it must be true!
instincts are precious and frauds are easily exposed with them
Oh, the irony!
7 June, 2009 at 1:54 am
Who Controls the U.S. Treasury Department?
Timothy F. Geithner(Jew) – Secretary of the Treasury
Neal S. Wolin(Jew) – Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
Stuart A. Levey(Jew) – Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
Alan Krueger(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
Michael S. Barr(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions
David S. Cohen(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing
This is a list of the top Treasury officials that Obama has appointed so far. There are still many positions vacant.
7 June, 2009 at 1:54 am
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System?
Board of Governors:
Ben S. Bernanke(Jew) – Chairman
Donald L. Kohn(Jew) – Vice Chairman
Kevin M. Warsh(Jew)
Elizabeth A. Duke(White European)
Daniel K. Tarullo(White European)
Federal Reserve District Banks:
Eric S. Rosengren(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
William C. Dudley(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Charles I. Plosser(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Sandra Pianalto(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Jeffrey M. Lacker(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Dennis P. Lockhart(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Charles L. Evans(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
James B. Bullard(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Gary H. Stern(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Thomas M. Hoenig(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Richard W. Fisher(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Janet L. Yellen(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Of the five(5) members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, three(3) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 60%. Of the twelve(12) Federal Reserve District Bank presidents, eight(8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by a factor of 30 times, or 3,000 percent, and over-represented among the presidents of the Federal Reserve District Banks by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent.
This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the highest levels of the United States Federal Reserve System.
7 June, 2009 at 1:55 am
Who Controls the United States Economy?
Benjamin S. Bernanke(Jew) – Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Donald L. Kohn(Jew) – Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Stephen Friedman(Jew) – Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Timothy F. Geithner(Jew) – Secretary, United States Department of the Treasury
Barney Frank(Jew) – Chairman, United States House Committee on Financial Services
Lawrence H. Summers(Jew) – Chairman, National Economic Council
Christina D. Romer(Jew husband: David H. Romer) – Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
Paul A. Volcker(Jew) – Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Jared Bernstein(Jew) – Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser, Vice President
Steven L. Rattner(Jew) – Chief Auto Industry Adviser, United States Department of the Treasury
Peter R. Orszag(Jew) – Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Douglas W. Elmendorf(Jew) – Director, Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Douglas H. Shulman(Jew) – Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Jon D. Leibowitz(Jew) – Chairman, Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Sheila C. Bair(Jew) – Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
John E. Bowman(Jew) – Director, Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
Karen G. Mills(Jew) – Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)
Mary L. Schapiro(Jew) – Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Gary G. Gensler(Jew) – Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Daniel J. Roth(Jew) – President and Chief Executive Officer, National Futures Association (NFA)
Duncan L. Niederauer(Jew) – Chief Executive Officer & Director, NYSE Euronext
Robert Greifeld(Jew) – Chief Executive Officer, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. The probability that the heads of all of these organizations would be Jews is infinitesimally small. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so dominate all of these important and influential private and U.S. Government institutions.
8 June, 2009 at 5:12 pm
In a related vein, a great excerpt was posted recently on The Occidental Observer Online website which seems to allude to the current slow-motion crash of the Jewish-run usurocracy –
“Many of the new generation of writers were thus drawn to Spengler’s analysis of the way the rule of money, of money values and of the money baron’s control of politics, had become determinative of the tastes of a civilization in its final cycle. They were concerned with overthrowing the rule of money and returning civilization to its “springtime” where the arts flourished under the patronage of born nobles. Yeats and Evola look to certain epochs of the Medieval period of the West. Ezra Pound sought the overthrow of the banks through the economic theory of Social Credit; Hamsun and Williamson wished for a return to rural values in place of those of the City; many were attracted to Fascism.
Spengler states that in the final phase of the winter cycle there arises a reaction against the rule of money. Money marches on reaching its peak then exhausts its possibilities:
‘It thrust into the life of the yeoman’s countryside and set the earth moving; its thought transformed every son of handicraft: today it presses victoriously upon industry, to make the productive work of entrepreneur and engineer and labourer alike, its spoil. The machine with its human retinue. The real queen of this century is in danger of succumbing to a stronger power. Money, also. Is beginning to lose its authority, and the last conflict is at hand in which civilization receives its conclusive form–the conflict between money and blood.’
The rule of money will be overcome by new “Caesars,” strong leaders not harnessed to the plutocrats and their parliaments and media. In Spengler’s last book, The Hour of Decision, he sees the Fascist legions in Italy as heralds of the “new Caesarism.” Mussolini was much impressed with both Nietzsche and Spengler.
Spengler resumes:
‘The sword is victorious over money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will . . . Money is overthrown and abolished by blood. Life is alpha and omega, the cosmic stream in microcosmic form . . . And so the drama of a high culture–that wondrous world of deities, arts, thoughts, battles, cities–closes with the return of the pristine facts of blood eternal that is one and the same as the ever-circling cosmic flow.’ “
8 June, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Re:Adam – “Geithner is not a Jew, apparently.”
Geithner is at least partially Jewish in an ethnic sense. And even if he isn’t partially Jewish (WHICH IS VERY UNLIKELY), he married in to The Tribe and thus is intricately linked with organized Jewry…his wife’s name is Carole M. SONNENFELD.
If that isn’t enough, he used to be president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is obviously the most Jew-infested FED branch in the entire USA (though they are all infested with Jews, of course). He also used to work for KISSINGER and Associates in Washington, D.C., and he was also very close to Robert RUBIN and Lawrence SUMMERS (they were his early mentors), who are of course two other big-time ‘Finanzjuden.’
9 June, 2009 at 12:16 am
ZOG, are you telling me Jews control the American economic system at its highest levels?
Hey, ZOG, here’s another piece of shocking news that will make your jaw drop to the floor. Ready? The Jews run Hollywood and the mass-media! Oh, no. He’s passed out! That news was just too unbelievable for him to bear.
9 June, 2009 at 2:23 am
Whether or not Geithner is a Jew by genetics isn’t that important. Jews have a long history of using whites as front men for their schemes, and he is probably just one more. In any case, most of the other data above checks out, and that is quite bad enough. Clearly, the upper reaches of the economy are overrun with Jews. That is all the more reason not to fling around the accusation without proof. To accuse without justification only makes the accuser look hysterical and casts suspicion on the rest of the data.
Many of the new generation of writers were thus drawn to Spengler’s analysis of the way the rule of money, of money values and of the money baron’s control of politics, had become determinative of the tastes of a civilization in its final cycle. They were concerned with overthrowing the rule of money and returning civilization to its “springtime” where the arts flourished under the patronage of born nobles. Yeats and Evola look to certain epochs of the Medieval period of the West. Ezra Pound sought the overthrow of the banks through the economic theory of Social Credit; Hamsun and Williamson wished for a return to rural values in place of those of the City; many were attracted to Fascism.
Spengler’s insights are important, but only they were only partial. It’s a pity that he evidently rejected Darwin, since as WE know now (even if most of academia denies it), culture is a racial construct. The cycles of civilizational growth and senescence he was talking about can easily be explained in terms of Darwinian racial struggle playing out in an environment co-determined by developments within the technological system. As we observe in other animals, races vary in their ability to exploit a given environment. The Jew has succeeded marvelously in the environment of the technological system as it has become elaborated, and Aryan man has been, by comparison, a relative failure, because that system has developed in a way that plays to Jewish genetic strengths and against white weaknesses. Primarily, we lack the Jew’s all-consuming lust for Geld, his knack for acquiring it, and the intense ethnocentrism which allows him to network with others of his tribe for those ends. The result of this racial difference is that the Aryan loses control of the culture he founded, and decay sets in. Then, as Hitler wrote:
In sum, the Jew is concerned mainly with power, which he obtains via his mastery of financial technique, and the Aryan mainly with objective reality. It is this racial difference between the two which gave the Aryan his great advantage in developing the technological system in the first place, but as that system grew, owing to his honesty and relative lack of ethnocentrism, he allowed the Jew to infiltrate and seize control. Now that they are at the helm of the system, they bend it to their will, and are using it as a weapon against us. Since it is probably impossible to regain control of the technological system, it must be destroyed.
9 June, 2009 at 2:04 pm
It’s not true that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. That’s just an old anti-Semitic canard.
9 June, 2009 at 7:20 pm
I’m surprised to see Parsifal/Zoroastro/Zarathustra/Heinrich Himmler(It’s hard to keep up with all his names.) repeating the old discredited conspiracy theory about Jews controlling the media and Hollywood.
Perhaps Parsifal should wrap his head in tin foil to protect his brain from the mind control signals being emitted by the Joos’ satellites in space.
9 June, 2009 at 8:09 pm
“Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 7:20 pm
I’m surprised to see Parsifal/Zoroastro/Zarathustra/Heinrich Himmler(It’s hard to keep up with all his names.) repeating the old discredited conspiracy theory about Jews controlling the media and Hollywood.”
All right, then, genius, who does run Hollywood? The Amish?
And McReen is making poor use of his rudimentary disinformation skills when he accuses me of saying the Holocaust actually happened. When did I ever claim that six million sheenies were stuffed into a bath house or laundry room and gassed to death? No one really believes such nonsense, even the Jews know it’s bullshit. ZOG and McReen, your nonsensical arguments and accusations are just too easy to defeat.
9 June, 2009 at 8:31 pm
Parsifal, let’s see proof of your claim that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. I haven’t seen you provide a shred of evidence to support this idea. Blanket statements and vague generalizations aren’t proof or evidence, sorry. ;-)
9 June, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Well, there you have it, folks……ZOG is officially on the record as saying the Jews do NOT run the mass-media. Is it even worth acknowledging this fool any more? I think not.
9 June, 2009 at 9:20 pm
Sorry, Parsifal, but you still haven’t provided any evidence or proof that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. If you had proof of this supposedly obvious fact then you would have already presented it, right?
9 June, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Oh, I get it, ZOG. You’re trying to get a rise out of me. Nice try.
9 June, 2009 at 9:45 pm
Nope, I’m not trying to “get a rise” out of you. I’m just trying to get you to provide some proof of your claim that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media.
Still waiting.
9 June, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Well, there’s Barry Diller, who was the head of Universal Studios, I believe; William Paley/Palinski, who founded CBS; Michael Eisner, head of Paramount and then ABC/Disney; ABC founder Leonard Goldenson; famed TV producers Aaron Spelling and his daughter Sherry Lansing; famed movie director Steven Spielberg; David and Robert Sarnoff, who founded RCA and NBC, respectively; Movie moguls like Louis B. Mayer, Sam Goldwin and the Warner Brothers, all of whom were from the Pale of Russia. What a coincidence!
Then there’s liquor billionaire Edgar Bronfman, who until recently owned Universal/MCA; FOX/News Corp. owner and founder Rupert Murdoch; Mort Zuckerman, owner of the NY Daily News and US News and World Report; Don Hewitt/Horowitz, head of CBS News and creator of 60 Minutes; Washington Post owner Donald Meyer Graham; The Ochs and Sulzburgers at the Times; The late Brandon Tartikoff, who was Programming Director at NBC for many years; Jeff Zucker, former NBC News Director and now doing Tartikoff’s old job; Sumner Redstone, owner of Viacom and MTV; The powerful movie producing brothers Harvey and Max Weinstein; Movie studio exec and producer Scott Rudin; Film director Roman Polanski……….
Legendary actors Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider…..actresses Alicia Silvrstone, Gwenneth Paltrow, the one who played Phoebe on Friends, Sara Jessica Parker…………………
And that’s only a tiny list that I could recall from memory! Convinced yet?
10 June, 2009 at 12:21 am
Parsifal, are you telling me Jews control Hollywood and the America media at its highest levels?
Hey, Parsifal, here’s another piece of shocking news that will make your jaw drop to the floor. Ready? The Jews run the American economy! Oh, no. He’s passed out! That news was just too unbelievable for him to bear.
10 June, 2009 at 12:39 am
ZOG, are you a retard?
10 June, 2009 at 8:02 am
Re:Adam – “It is this racial difference between the two which gave the Aryan his great advantage in developing the technological system in the first place, but as that system grew, owing to his honesty and relative lack of ethnocentrism, he allowed the Jew to infiltrate and seize control. Now that they are at the helm of the system, they bend it to their will, and are using it as a weapon against us. Since it is probably impossible to regain control of the technological system, it must be destroyed.”
Good point; Stoddard writes about this exact issue in his book THE RISING TIDE OF COLOR:
“Nevertheless, down to the close of the eighteenth century, the Nordics suffered from no other notable handicaps than war and migration, and even enjoyed some marked advantages. Being a high type, the Nordic is naturally a “high standard” man. He requires healthful living conditions, and quickly pines when deprived of good food, fresh air, and exercise. Down to the close of the eighteenth century, Europe was predominantly agricultural. In cool northern and central Europe, therefore, environment actually favored the big, blond Nordics, especially as against the slighter, less muscular Mediterranean; while in the hotter south the Nordic upper class, being the rulers, were were protected from field labor, and thus survived as an aristocracy. In peaceful times, therefore, the Nordics multiplied and repaired the gaps wrought by proscription and war.
The industrial revolution, however, profoundly modified this state of things. Europe was transformed from an agricultural to an urbanized, industrial area. Numberless cities and manufacturing centres grew up, where men were close packed and were subjected to all the evils of congested living. Of course such conditions are not ideal for any stock. Nevertheless, the Nordic suffered more than any one else. The cramped factory and the crowded city weeded out the big, blond Nordic with portentous rapidity, whereas the little brunet Mediterranean, in particular, adapted himself to the operative’s bench or the clerk’s stool, prospered—and reproduced his kind.
The result of these new handicaps, combined with the continuance of the traditional handicaps (war and migration), has been a startling decrease of Nordics all over Europe throughout the nineteenth century, with a corresponding resurgence of the Alpine, and still more of the Mediterranean, elements. In the United States it has been the same story. Our country, originally settled almost exclusively by Nordics, was toward the close of the nineteenth century invaded by hordes of immigrant Alpines and Mediterraneans, not to mention Asiatic elements like Levantines and Jews. As a result, the Nordic native American has been crowded out with amazing rapidity by these swarming, prolific aliens, and after two short generations he has in many of our urban areas become almost extinct.”
10 June, 2009 at 8:48 am
” The cramped factory and the crowded city weeded out the big, blond Nordic with portentous rapidity, whereas the little brunet Mediterranean, in particular, adapted himself to the operative’s bench or the clerk’s stool, prospered—and reproduced his kind…………”
This is SO true! An excellent observation. I live in an area that up until about 120 years ago was inhabited exclusively by those of Northwestern European ancestry. It was a mostly rural area dotted with small family farms and sprawling virgin forests. Then came the Jew Capitalist Industrial Revolution and millions of swarthy southern Meds were let in, with their backwards Catholic superstition and clannish, Mediteranean ways. They went to work in the big, ugly factories and mills and they loved it…..the noise, the repetetive workbench labor, the crowded conditions.
Now those factories and mills are crumbling eyesores. And the old farms and pastures have been plowed over so that the descendents of that Dago invasion can live in their generic-looking McMansions, far away from the invading hoardes of gooks and spics who will soon take their place, just like the Dagoes replaced the Anglo-Welsh-Scots. This part of the country is no longer any place for civilized, nature-loving White men to live.
10 June, 2009 at 11:24 pm
Please note Parsifal’s/Zoroastro’s/Zarathustra’s/Heinrich Himmler’s use of an offensive racial epithet(Dago) to refer to Italians, who are White European people.
Would a White Nationalist do this?
11 June, 2009 at 12:35 am
ZOG, If you saw some of those dagoes, you would conclude they had more in common with Arabs than Whites. For example, northern Italians are fully White, those south of Rome are mixed to varying degrees with North African/Near Eastern elements. Are you trying to pick up where your hero Tom McReen left off????