19 January, 2009

Horkheimer on the Obama Inauguration

Posted by Socrates in black leaders, black pols, black rule, communism, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Frankfurt School, Franz Boas, jewed culture, jewed politics, Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Obama, Socrates at 7:29 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Max Horkheimer says:

“January 20th, 2009 is going to be a historic day! I’m so excited. The world’s most powerful country will be ruled by a mulatto. That’s quite a milestone, and we Jews can take the credit for it, because we vigorously pushed the idea that all humans are equal. Marx, Boas, Montagu, Adorno, me, Hollywood, the media – we created the racial and social atmosphere that was needed in order to get a non-White installed in the Oval Office. It took decades, but our work paid off. The old, ‘White male order’ has been officially retired! In its place will be a multicultural utopia where race and class are meaningless…what? ‘That sounds like Marxism’? Well…Listen, I’ve gotta go. I’m meeting Karl for a pretend lunch (you see, being ghosts, we don’t actually eat lunch, we just sit around looking at the food.”):

[Cartoon about equality and the Obama inauguration].

  • 64 Responses to “Horkheimer on the Obama Inauguration”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      I think Andrew Jackson and maybe Herbert Hoover had the only true rags to riches biographies of all the US Presidents. The rest were “to the manor born”, you might say. Either that, or they had some Invisible Hand guiding them to power, like Truman, Slick Willie and Obongo did.

    2. gb Says:

      GW says, “…you do us/them no service by referring to “disgusting atheists”.”

      “Us/them!?” So you are a Marxist then, and are taking up for the Marxists? I’m sorry, wrong wed-site. I called MARXISTS disgusting atheists, and I meant it too. Their materialistic view of the world is a hell on earth. As to a view of whether there is a God or not—we all can only be agnostic, some with faith others for the time being without it.

      GW says, “GB, I’m not sure just who you mean by “us”.

      Most definitely NOT you and I.

      Gw says, (And by the way, the plural of atheist has an “s” on it.)

      And I ain’t need no lesson on that there gramma and that there spelling. (You do—especially on pronouns.) Really, it’s just a board–which is about communication, NOT nit-picking. One fucking “s” is that the best you can do on a rough draft written without the safety net of a word processor? Some of us have other things to do and will not try and write masterpieces for a few eyes and a few minutes. I really am sick of this posture of concern with English by some. I can assure you I know far more about this language than you will ever know, but I don’t act like it because I don’t want to curb potential discussions and comments, nor look like a loser that can only point out little things over the big ones. Oh, those like you are proving something alright, but not what you want.

      PS A materialist, atheistic commie women is no way to go through life.

    3. gb Says:

      “(Part of my disillusionment came from the fact that lovely Father Church has given it’s OK to judeo-capitalism and White displacement/destruction).”

      And no one get me wrong–I am not taking up for the modern churches as organizations infiltrated by cultural marxism. The spiritual world is powerful enough without my defense, or your slights or the churches’ false interpretations. I read the religious texts–all of them, including the enemy’s. I never go into battle with one boot on. (Oh my! GW! I ended my sentence with a preposition!)

    4. RichardFeverel Says:

      GW, if you think this mulatto has poise, confidence, control and

      presence, then it’s difficult to see why you object to his presidency.

      No congoid should ever be in a position of authority over a white man.

    5. Zarathustra Says:

      Marxism is godless and cruel, sure, but couldn’t the same thing be said about Capitalism? They are both Jew philosphies. Funny how so many turn away in disgust from Marx only to embrace Ayn Rand and Milton Freidman!

      Jews to the left of me, Jews to right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you…………….

    6. gw Says:

      Saddam Hussein also had poise, confidence, and control . But he wasn’t “us”.

      I agree with your last sentence. Did I ever say otherwise?

    7. gb Says:

      za–“Marxism is godless and cruel, sure, but couldn’t the same thing be said about Capitalism?”

      Yes. I come from the agrarian South, we fought the Yankee capitalists, remember? And I think that the South, with it’s last bit of culture, and the ethnic North, which has none, are so far apart that we may not even be able to cooperate (this board is showing me that). I am trying not to insult here so I’ll hold my tongue.

      gw–“Saddam Hussein also had poise, confidence, and control . But he wasn’t ‘us’.”

      You sure are good at saying who the “us” is not, maybe one f’n day you’ll get to saying who the “us” is. I reckon that you would be looking for some enemies of theists. Why don’t you start with the homos and the Israelis? You might find some “us’s” at a spelling bee in China too.

    8. Zarathustra Says:

      gb, I’ll be the first to state that Southern folks are a lot nicer and friendlier than the cold-blooded Northerners I have to deal with every day. The Confederacy had every right to secede from the Union and I hope one day they will again. I just hope I’m not too old and senile by then to celebrate it.

      There are different kinds of theism, you know, not just the Sunday goin’ to church variety. I’d like to think there is a pantheon of good-looking Aryan gods and godesses up in the higher realms, deities like Apollo and Venus. They make love to each other and to certain lucky mortals, they plot and scheme against each other, are petulant and silly, cruel and kind……just like mortals, only on a magnified scale. I think that would be pretty cool.

      And no Jews or Blacks allowed!

    9. gw Says:

      You sure are good at saying who the “us” is not, maybe one f’n day you’ll get to saying who the “us” is. I reckon that you would be looking for some enemies of theists. Why don’t you start with the homos and the Israelis? You might find some “us’s” at a spelling bee in China too.

      I’ll take this under consideration and try to figure out what you’re trying to say. Maybe I’ll unscramble it, but it’s probably not worth the bother.

      Like Zara, I also thought Southern folks can be a lot nicer and friendlier, at least usually, but there will always be the exception. Thanks for your enlightening contribution.

    10. gb Says:

      I like the Aryan Hindu tradition too, the Zoroastrians, ancient Greeks, Norse mythology et; I think it is devastating that we don’t have the Druidical learning that was passed down via memory; hell, I even think that the Koran as the “warriors creed” has much sound advice to offer. I have read all of them. The Tao Ta Teng and the Upanishads have meant a VERY great deal to me. I am not the every Sunday attendee variety (I don’t like the rehashed marxism). But in the end we probably have to rejuvenate what is here, I think. You cannot forget that an intellectual is different than most of the crowd. I feel like the Orthodox is the least cultural marxist of those out there, they do tend to stick up for their folks. But, yes, I too am very eclectic in my taste–I like the stoics a lot too: I think an updated version of their thought could serve the famous “us” in our struggle to exist. I am wary of almost any institution, including, and most especially, the various churches. You can be a good Christian man by staying home on Sunday, reading the Bible and cleaning your guns–like a good Southern Protestant. I just warn that blaming God for the churches is like blaming knowledge for the “universities” of today. I know, I did this too.

      Gw, I’m sorry you don’t get my joke. If I have to explain it, it probably wouldn’t be funny. Also, a better characterization of Southerners would be warm and polite NOT nice and friendly. You know what they say: “A Southerner loves you until he’s ready to kill you.” I’ll try to be friendlier though–I was in a bad mood, and I come from a rough town. But, really, I just can’t think of any better compliment than a Northerner like you calling me unfriendly–that tickles me. Thank you.

    11. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      “the spiritual world is powerful enough without my defense, or your slights or the churches’ false interpretations.” – gb

      And what ‘slights’ are you talking about, oh exalted guru?

      I happen to believe in ‘the transcendent.’ I know that there are limits to human reason. Ask any scientist to explain reasonably the phenomenon of ‘dark matter’ and you’ll see what I mean.

      There is no need for puerile insults.

    12. gw Says:

      Dziekuje, Krystian! Wielkie podziekowania, przyjaciel.

    13. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      Nie jestem pewnien je?eli was dziecko ja, ale je?eli nie, dzi?kuj?.

    14. Krystian K. Kowalczyk Says:

      Yarp! That last post didn’t format so well! It should read “Nie jestem pewnien jezeli was dziecko ja, ale jezeli nie, dziekuje!”