20 September, 2008

Crash of 2008 – The Party’s Over

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, Bretton Woods, Buchanan, business, globalization, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, money, Socrates, Wall Street at 5:35 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick J. Buchanan. Note his mention of the “global economy.” Maybe Americans will rethink the idea of unchecked globalism now? Of course, Buchanan could have mentioned that Jews have led the movements to globalize American finance and trade. A great example of that is the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, which was engineered by Jewish money-magician Harry Dexter White [1]:


[1] Bretton Woods globalized exchange rates and created a global currency, i.e., the U.S. dollar became the world’s reserve currency, with all money being “pegged” to the U.S. dollar

  • 13 Responses to “Crash of 2008 – The Party’s Over”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      So much for the right wingers and their “free market” philosophy. Improperly regulated or unregulated capitalism always means financial disaster and a big taxpayer funded bailout. Terrible Tommy is right about Buchannan. Buchannan is one of those doom and gloom conservatives who is good at telling us what’s wrong (something we already know) without telling us how to fix it.

    2. Greg Gerdes Says:

      The greatest generation my ass.

      I’m so GD sick of hearing that phrase. That generation greased the skids for the start of all this crap. When does Buchanan think the slide started – with Clinton?

    3. Olde_Dutch Says:

      There’s a big contradiction here, White put together the Bretton Woods Agreement that set up American economic hegemony post WWII. But, White let his jewish nature, over rule his common sense in other matters.

    4. Zarathustra Says:

      GG, you are right about Tom Brokejaw’s Greatest Generation baloney. American WWII vets were a bunch of White guys who let themselves be tricked by Jews into committing fratricide against their own people, ie, the Germans. All the best White warriors were killed off or left scarred for life in that War, leaving the dregs and misfits behind to breed more of their worthless, deformed kind. As a result, many Whites today from the USA, England and Germany are from inferior racial and genetic stock. They are overweight, effeminate (or in the case of many White women, mannish, unattractive and unfeminine), neurotic and overmedicated pansies. There are no winners in any wars, except for the munition makers and the Jews.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      Can not know what the numbers are, but many a soldier choose the Pacific, rather then Europe, because they knew in their souls it was wrong and their families did too.

      Remember before the Crime of Pearl Harbor 90% of US wanted NO part of helping Stalin.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      One thing about Pukecannon is this, the enemy aliens of humanity really do hate him, even though he will never tell the whole truth.

    7. honkey tonk man Says:

      “The parties over”?….no…no..no…the partie is just beginning! The mother-fucker is comming down and nothing is going to stop it. Bring on the chaos and nigger chimp-out! Bring on the spic chimp out…….worse is better for us white nationalist. The system is not getting stronger…it is a dying beast just waiting for the final death blow.
      …the party will begin when white para-militaries finally start leathal operations against the enemies of our race. ..threw chaos and financial breakdown come opportunities to kill.
      The next step for white nationalism is the white para-military consisting of small cells of men ready to kill

    8. Howdy Doody Says:


      Honky Tonk Man at 78 RPM

    9. Howdy Doody Says:


      We don’t need gentleman, they were.

    10. -jc Says:

      Zarathustra is correct in describing the devolution resulting from not only WWII but the War of Northern Aggression: American and the South never recovered from it. A nation simply cannot afford such foolishness.

      There is much to learn from the Roman Empire and how it took a couple of hundred years to fall due to bringing home slaves and learning to tolerate them unto allowing them to breed and eventually breed with Romans.

    11. -jc Says:

      Zarathustra is correct in describing the devolution resulting from not only WWII but the War of Northern Aggression: America and the South never recovered from it. A nation simply cannot afford such foolishness.

      There is much to learn from the Roman Empire and how it took a couple of hundred years to fall due to bringing home slaves and learning to tolerate them unto allowing them to breed and eventually breed with Romans.

    12. Olde_Dutch Says:

      From the New York Times—Bailout Language:

      Sec. 8. Review.

      Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

      The above is part of the bailout language…what happened to The Constitution and Bill of Rights? People should be howling mad.

    13. Zarathustra Says:


      The Romans were foolish indeed to allow so many non-White aliens into Italy….slaves, prisoners, servants, Negroes and worst of all, Jews. But at least they were smart enough to let the Germans come in and restore some much-needed order and discipline. The Romanized Germans probably extended the life of the Empire by about 200 years.