5 May, 2008

Into a Jewish Monster

Posted by Socrates in China, communism, jewed culture, Marxism, Socrates at 7:25 pm | Permanent Link

When Western athletes travel to China for the Olympics this August, few of them will understand that they’re going into a country that is enslaved by a Jewish ideology, i.e., communism. Maoism is based on Marxism-Leninism. (Granted, China has embraced some political reforms in recent years, so is no longer purely Maoist) [1]:


[1] more about communism/China: [Here]

  • 14 Responses to “Into a Jewish Monster”

    1. kraken Says:

      I tend to think that Mao-ism is a gook-i-fied version of Marxism, such that it isn’t really Jewish anymore. Not that I’m defending the Chinese, but I definitely see this whole Tibet “uprising” as Jewish backed attack on the Chinese government. I think China’s industry is one of the bigger threats to the Jewish stranglehold over the American money system.

      Think about the fact so many Jewish backed American politicians have come out on the side of the Tibetans. The Dalai met with Senor Boosh a month or so before this whole thing started. Pelosi has made pro-Tibet statements and, IIRC, met with the Dalai as well. I’m not sure how I feel about Tibetan sovereignty, but I definitely think that the Jews are using Tibetan angst to their own advantage.

      Notice how Jew Paul (Saul?) Westerburg bemoans the horror of the Chinese Gov’t cracking down on “illegal workers.” No doubt a cue to the amnesty crowd.

    2. ein Says:

      “I definitely see this whole Tibet “uprising” as Jewish backed attack on the Chinese government. I think China’s industry is one of the bigger threats to the Jewish stranglehold over the American money system.”

      Well, they always take two sides on any issue. Always! By playing both sides of the fence, they will always come up on the winning team.

      Supporting Tibet can be used by them as a moral/humanitarian issue and makes them look virtuous and feel good about themselves. Also, it puts pressure on China (to whose benefit whenthey release the pressure?) But the bottom line question is who supplies all the cheap junk that has displaced American manufactures and that is sold in the Jewish-owned department stores and appliance stores in the Jewish-owned shopping malls belonging to Jewish-owned real estate companies? Not Tibetans!

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      The jew globalists are building China into a military and industrial colossus the same way they built, nurtured and nourished the Soviet Union.

      We need to ask ourselves this question; who is going to be on the receiving end of this fly-by-wire operation? My guess is India, Russia, and Japan. India and China have already fought 2(?) wars over strategic areas of the Hindu Kush mountains. Russia’s Pacific Maritime Province is already under intense demographic pressure. China has old scores to settle with Japan.

      After these rivals or obstacles have been removed, China will threaten America with nuclear annihilation.

      Tibet is a test area for refining their policies of national destruction by slow strangulation, much the same way jew policies are working in Europe and United States.

    4. Edward Says:

      Asians are becoming a bigger threat to whites than are blacks.

      gens alba conservanda est (the white race must be preserved)

    5. Tim Harris Says:

      Regardless of the origins, I would like to some research as to how deeply (if at all) the hebishkeit has infiltrated the chinese govt. and society. For example, I’m wondering, will they seek some oriental converts that would blend in better? etc.


      “Artists” catch pubic lice (crabs) for show

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, representive for Permethrin 5% (crab medication)
      Seven German “artists” are living with lice (crabs) in their pubic hair in an Israeli museum for three weeks in the name of art.

      The Berliners aim to stretch boundaries of what is bug art, saying they are toying with ideas about hosts and guests in line with a theme set by the museum.

      “The idea is that we live in the museum as their guests, and at the same time we are hosting lice in our private areas,” said “artist” Vincent Grunwald, 23.

      The artists are wearing genital “blankets “to prevent the lice from spreading.

      Milana Gitzin-Adiram, chief curator of the Museum of Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv, said: “Art is no longer just a painting on the wall.

      “Art is life, life is art.”

      ‘Open up wounds’

      She said she spent weeks exploring the gallery’s theme of “hosting”, turning to philosophers such as Jacques Derrida and the Talmud for inspiration.

      But after receiving proposals from around the world, she decided to choose the pubic lice.

      But artists also stressed the show was not meant to be a reference to the Holocaust even though many Jews had and have the crabs.

      “We were aware that, as Germans in Israel, there was a risk we may be misunderstood, that we would open up wounds,” said Stefan Reuter, 27, while scratching between his legs.

      The exhibition has the potential to cause controversy in Germany, where the mention of pubic lice could prompt memories of Nazi propaganda that described Jews as “parasites.”

      Not a ‘gimmick’

      “People ask about it – we had one woman who came and thanked us for making such a great statement against the fascist “rhetoric” of German history,” Reuter said.

      He and his fellow artists said the exhibition offered the chance to explore the concept of the parasite and to ask whether the word could be “reclaimed” in Israel.

      The group acknowledged that living with lpubic ice (crabs) was uncomfortable, especally during sexual intercourse but said it was worth it for the sake of bug art, and insisted it was not a gimmick.

      “We are serious,” said Akim One Machine-Tu Nyuyen. “The crabs are part of the art.”

      Other controversial artworks have included last year’s Turner Prize winner Mark Wallinger, who also made a film called Sleeper in which he dressed as a bear and wandered around Berlin’s National Gallery groping under age boys.

      And an Australian performer, Stelios Arcadiou, also garnered attention when he had an ear grafted onto his forearm in the name of art in 2007. He said his extra ear, made of human cartilage, was an “augmentation” of the body’s form.

      Andrei Yustschinsky repoerting from Bat Yam, Occupied Palestine

      Original article here:




    8. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Kraken is on the right track. Chinese Communism these days is merely National Socialism renamed. The Chinese will not forget what the Jew Sassoon did to them in the Opium Wars. Jews will never get a foothold in China.

      I have to hand it to them. China has been ruled by engineers for the last 20 years. Jiang was an electrical engineer and the present head is a hydraulic engineer. A society ruled by engineers is a vast difference to one ruled like ours by lawyers.

    9. Socrates Says:

      Carpenter wrote:

      “Laughable story, laughable comments by most. “The jew globalists are building China into a military and industrial colossus,” right. Who would still believe that China is communist after opening a newspaper? It is an exercise that I heartily recommend.”

      Laughable story, huh? China’s communist party still controls China. That makes it a communist country. Do you open newspapers yourself?

    10. John Says:

      ‘Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Chinese Communism these days is merely National Socialism renamed.’

      That’s right!

      I dont think that China will allow the Jew to control it and that is the reason we have these attacks on the government of China {NOT CHINESE IMMIGRANTS in white countries!!} from the Euro/Amerikwna kikes, talking about Tibet and this ‘human rights’ bullshit.

      I hope that the Chinese government stands up to the Yids and puts the Jew.S.A in its place. Russia should also establish good relations with China provided China agrees to accept all of the Chinese currently living in Russia.

      So all the white man needs to do is to kick the gooks out of white nations and then we can have good relations with China and everyone can mind their own business. But first we must get rid of the jew.

    11. John Says:

      That’s right!

      I dont think that China will allow the Jew to control it and that is the reason we have these attacks on the government of China {NOT CHINESE IMMIGRANTS in white countries!!} from the Euro/Amerikwna kikes, talking about Tibet and this ‘human rights’ bullshit.

      I hope that the Chinese government stands up to the Yids and puts the Jew.S.A in its place. Russia should also establish good relations with China provided China agrees to accept all of the Chinese currently living in Russia.

      So all the white man needs to do is to kick the gooks out of white nations and then we can have good relations with China and everyone can mind their own business. But first we must get rid of the Jew.

    12. abc Says:

      You find Jews among prominent communists? Good for you. But you can find Jews among prominent capitalists too, I’m sure! What did we prove? That Jews move ideology, and it’s a shame whites are most often mere followers.

    13. Topkea Says:

      “So all the white man needs to do is to kick the gooks out of white nations and then we can have good relations with China and everyone can mind their own business. But first we must get rid of the Jew.”

      I agree. The Chinese should not be expanding into White lands, but into the lands of genetically inferior Malays. Get all the chinamen out of Siberia and give China a free hand in Southeast Asia. There will be no need for chinaman immigration in the West as soon as the Chinese get their living space in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines etc. As for the Malay races – they are to the gooks what niggers are to us. Let em burn.

    14. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Well, according to Michael Collins Piper, the first PM of Israel, Ben Gurion, conceived the idea of the world’s oldest peoples (LOL), namely the yids and the Chinese should co-operate in nuclear development. There is some evidence to indicate that the Chinese atom bomb test of 1964 was a kosher nuclear device in all but name.

      Jews have many irons in the fire when it comes to destroying the White race.