20 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 19th 2007

Posted by Dietrich in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Sunday at 12:47 am | Permanent Link

Bud White and Panzerfaust begin with the news. Mishko joins in for an interview with April Gaede of Prussian Blue, fresh from Europe.

  • 13 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 19th 2007”

    1. VNN Broadcasting interviews April Gaede | Cool Kids Rebel Says:

      […] Archive here […]

    2. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      April is confused. The success that the German National Socialists have made has NOTHING to do with not wearing swastikas. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… the Germans are better racial stock than the average American. And that has to do with intelligence, so they’re going to have more nationalists and be better organized. Understand that the de-Nazification of Germany is the result of the laws against the swastika and all. The jews pushed all the worst aspects of society and forced the Germans to adopt them.

      The covered up the “NS” in Lonsdale on a t-shirt. Think about that. What are they afraid of? National Socialism.

      As regards to the sorry so-called White Nationalist movement in this country… again, when you get up and say racist, anti-Semitic things, the media will call you racists, haters and yes, NAZIs. And the masses of people will believe them and HATE YOU whether you’re wearing a swastika or not. The demonization is in place, and the label is there, and you can’t change it except via media that bypasses the jews and reaches our people directly.

      They’re not “costumes,” they’re uniforms, unless you consider what the American soldier wears a “costume” too. Either way, it was an old tradition in Europe at the time to wear political uniforms. There’s no reason to do that now, but members of an organization should wear similar attire because it will bring a sense of solidarity and as well as looking cool like April believes so many European men do wearing Thorsteiner.

      The jews think Lamb and Lynx are scary not because of what they don’t wear, but because of what they’ve heard them say. They don’t go around interviewing skinheads, but when they tried to prove that L&L have been brainwashed, they let show their interviews on television, and say, “LOOK, SEE HOW BAD AND EVIL THESE GIRLS ARE?” And it works. And the reason it works, again, has nothing to do with swastikas or the Third Reich. It has to do with the masses of American people being completely ignorant and lied to about what Hitler and the National Socialists believe and why. This is an information problem and perception problem that can only be defeated by honest information.

      Continue building white mass media. Stop bashing skinheads and others and instead try to get an organization going. As Dr Pierce said, the first organization to be built is a mass media organization that will lay the foundation for a political organization because that’s what it is: political propaganda that we’re preaching.

    3. Mr. Man Says:

      I really got a good sense of urgency from this show.

    4. Mr. Man Says:

      Yeah and by the way are you sure that you want to play Clash songs when John Graham Mellor, a.k.a. ‘Joe Strummer’, was a Jew?

    5. Lon Jockey Says:

      Change of pace here- link to the rare LONG version of TIME HAS COME TODAY BY Chambers Brothers (1968). The negro answer to White LIGHT MY FIRE (Doors,1967)

      Everyone should hear this once in this life. Don’t listen while sober, if you can help it.


    6. Lon Jockey Says:

      See a real “lawn jockey”:


    7. New America Says:

      This is one of the times VNN FTL is as good as anything VNN Broadcasting has ever done; Goyfire, TTIND, you name it, and the gold starts getting mined at 55 minutes. Mark from Cali discussed his observations concerning April Gaede’s recent tour of White Nationalist/National Socialist organizations in Europe. Mark noted that White Nationalism thinking, and action, is very different in Europe compared to White Nationalism in America.

      At 55, April Gaede responded with a speech that deserves out full attention. I will paraphrase her comments, and then add my comments:

      “They’ve (the European WN’s) changed their look into effective professionalism, with great haircuts, and Thor Steinar brand causal clothes. There are no more of the “boots and braces” look. The White Nationalists in Europe are wearing well-made clothing, while getting away from the Skinhead mentality. This makes it really difficult for the police to go after them. THEY ARE MORE HARD-CORE NATIONAL SOCIALISTS THAN ANYONE SHE HAS EVER MET. What they present publicly, legally, and what they have in their houses, hanging on the war, are two entirely different things. April went into NPD HQ in the Parliament Building in Saxony. Sweden has a big turn-out. The guys who showed up looked like “gorgeous, 6’2,” Thor Steinar clothes, looked great, and also wore clothes by Erik and Sons (sp?). They have a new type of pants, of corduroy, no center zipper, with side zippers, and leather over grommets. They have a lot more people than we do. THEY’VE BEEN SO OPPRESSED BY THE GOVERNMENT, THEY HAD TO EVOLVE. We haven’t been forced to evolve, yet, and we haven’t been prevented from using a lot of these symbols that actually end up hurting us in the long run, I think. Some of the hard-core (European White Nationalist/National Socialists) have NO TATTOOS at all, and ALL of them who have tats have them where they do not show under a t-shirt. Swedish nationalists are mostly in their twenties and thirties. It’s great to see how organized they are. The NPD has a group, “The Young Nationalist,” members in their late 20, 30’s, who put together events with thousands of participants.”

      At 84, Mark from Cali replied:
      “They can get thousands of fit, good-looking people to a march, whereas we if we’ve got the fattest, drunken, beaten piece of crap ever, if we get twelve, twenty-five, (of them to show up), it’s a victory. It sounds like we’re a bunch of losers here. What we’re doing here, in comparison to what you’re talking about, April is pathetic.”

      At 86 April Gaede replied:
      “We’ve got to convince these people that want to wear the costumes and shave their heads, they’ve got to evolve to the next level. When you’re a sixteen year old (skinhead) in Detroit, that’s one thing. At forty, you’ve got to have a head of hair, and one nice outfit to wear. You’re not necessarily saving your race by marching around and scaring every body. The media uses that image to destroy any positive advances that we make. The whole boots and braces and stuff is intimidating to the average person, and the media loves it when people dress like that. That’s what they want to make us out to be. What scares them more are nice-looking white people, dressed nice, with a nice haircut, speaking well and intelligently. Let’s scare the people we want to scare. That’s why they spend so much energy to try and attack us all of the time. The media admits Lamb and Lynx are scarier than the (boots ‘n’ braces crowd).”


      There’s more, but, in the space of thirty minutes, April Gaede has done more to articulate the common symptom of a large part of the common cause of our systemic failure than anyone since Harold Covington.

      I looked at the videos of the NSM in Topeka, and thought, “My GOD! They are doing a better job for our RACIAL Enemies than our RACIAL Enemies could ever do on their own. Who ARE these fat slobs, with their poorly cleaned, ununiform “uniforms,” their uncut hair, their inchoate rants? (The exception was, and remains, Bill White, who did a masterful job of defining National Socialism to a hostile media.)

      Some quick observations about the current state of affairs, and the ONLY way out of our quagmire.

      One, “boots ‘n’ braces” are part of the classic Skinhead look, which came as a response to the collapse of the industrial sector of the economy, and cultural nihilism, of Thatcher England. They developed as a sort of uniform look for people who had nothing, and nothing to lose. The hallmark of this was period was (1) Ian Stuart’s adopting and adapting rockabilly and basic power chord guitar/bass/drums into remarkably good RACIAL anthems. I’ve long thought “Stand Up” would be done by a Travis Tritt type band to great effect. In short, they took the tools available to them, and adapted the message to the medium.

      They – here’s today’s take-home word, Children – EVOLVED.

      ALL their clientele could afford was a pair of boots, and a pair of suspenders. Skrewdriver did basic music that anyone with a guitar could perform; anyone without a guitar could be motivated by the power and uplift offered by their music.

      Skrewdriver EVOLVED, the European White Nationalist/National Socialists scene EVOLVED, and we are still stuck in neutral, and drifting downhill…

      Two, the “Thor Steinar” look works for us, and April is right – our appearance earns us respect, or mockery. LOOKS MATTER. The Nation of Islam’s Fruit of Islam wear nice business suits, clean white business shirts, and little red bow ties. This certainly seems to work for them. We have alternatives in clothing, as well; the look of Nathan Fillion in “Firefly” lends itself well to an American Country theme, particularly paired with the proper cowboy hat. For businessmen, Varvados suits have a military cut, but requires you have a physique that meets the Marine Corps height/weight standards (these are available online, by the way).

      Three, even allowing for the absence of proper clothing for our side, our collective track record of failure – Hell, we seem to ASPIRE to failure! – clearly demonstrates that we are doing so many things wrong, our historical (however nominal) “Leadership” might as well draw paychecks from our RACIAL Enemies.

      Four, the track record of failure comes from several sources:

      One, poor people.

      I have long argued all of us should go to the Dave Ramsey website, and get serious about getting out of debt, and actually bettering ourselves. Too many people clearly did NOT have the money to go to rallies announced months in advance, even with public transportation system clearly available. In short, between cheap air fare, cheap bus fare, and no real distance to travel if your car is halfway reliable, too many of us really did not have the money to go to Knoxville, or Kalamazoo.

      This is a topic of summary importance; in a recent VNN FTL, Briseis noted that too many of our people, in general, and our young men, in particular, are in reduced circumstances, and articulated some reasons why this is seems to be so. This is worthy of an entire show in its own right, and an entire sub-Forum on VNN Forum.

      Two, no Plan For The Future.

      So many of our people can not define what they believe in one minute, or one phrase, absent some inchoate nonsense like “White Power!”

      Here it is – a Quick Pitch for a Lifetime Plan: “We want a Nation for our RACE.”


      Everything fits into Covington’s Model – the Northwest Republic – and, if it can not fit into Covington’s Model, it simply does not work, for us, as a RACE.

      To give credit where credit is due, Linder places VNN in the proper framework of defining the foundation and Ideas needed for a RACE-Based political party. Covington places EVERYTHING – all manner of organizations, on all manner of levels, in the greater context of an explicitly RACE-based NATION. Linder’s Vision, for VNN, and Covington’s Model, for the RACE, fit together better than many dare realize.

      Three, no Plan to get from where we ARE, to where we want to BE.

      Covington’s Northwest Republic lays out where we should live our lives as if we were there, already.

      I think a Winnowing is under way, and the Goals I’ve discussed are the bare minimum we will have to adopt if we are to pull through what seems to be coming, economically as well as politically. The fact remains, as I have stated before, that to call us “hobbyists” is a slur upon hobbyists, who approach their hobbies with greater concern, discipline, focus, and Creativity, than we approach the survival of our RACE.

      Try this as an exercise: make a list of all of your family members, and close friends and associates.

      Ask yourself, of all of them, who would be likely to stand beside you if you had to make a new Great Trek to, say, Kalispell, Montana, and why. Then, ask yourself how you – and they – could rebuild Society when you arrived there, or, for that matter, any section of the Northwest Republic. Then, ask yourself what you are or are not doing to prepare for such an event, and what you are doing that is more important than that.

      In conclusion, April Gaede has it right – we have no choice but to EVOLVE.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. uugh Says:

      …the Germans are better racial stock than the average American.

      Ok, but are German nationalists of better stock? Let’s ponder this with a few visual aids:


      Looks like the usual grisly assortment of misfits to me!

      The success that the German National Socialists have made has NOTHING to do with not wearing swastikas.

      Actually you’re confused too, and your confusion hinges on this word “success”. A simple comparison of the NPD’s very minor regional successes – back in the 60’s in the West (against Communism), now in the East – demolishes that belief. You all have to get it out of your heads: just because NPD people have tables and pamphlets and balloons doesn’t make them successful, it makes them totally predictable and typical of the German political tradition. But with extreme right-wingery comes the tendency to overvalue whatever a German does, even just walking single-file down the street wearing some t-shirts they had made in America and shipped back to them.

      And that has to do with intelligence, so they’re going to have more nationalists and be better organized.

      Wrong again: it has to do with geography and German political tradition. First, Germany is much smaller than America — it’s much easier to organize locally. Second, German national politics has always seen a plethora of parties of all stripes; their mere presence in a Landtag – that is, regional or “state” government, not federal (Bundestag) – does not make them successful, revolutionary, etc. But, because American nationalists overvalue every minor happening in Europe, it is easy to give this impression on a website. Trust me, most Germans look askance at German nationalists — and the NPD’s total membership is still beneath 10,000.

      Uh, what else. Oh yea, April is also confused — she mistakes becoming crafty for evolution. Understandable, but nothing to esteem or emulate. Nationalists – skinheads and others – in Germany have not succeeded by getting around laws against free expression; they will not succeed this way. Nationalism in Germany, like everywhere else, is 9/10s scene, 1/10th genuine political organization, completely without any kind of mainstream or substantial underground support.

      It’s time to wake up, kiddies. Just because a few Germans you saw looked cool doesn’t mean they’re “winning” or “succeeding” or “gaining momentum”. The German nationalist movement/scene has stagnated for over 40 years. When nationalism got you shot in the East, it had a relatively free hand in the West — that’s where all it’s current symbols and slogans were adopted. Nigh on 20 years after the fall, nationalism enjoys a slight resurgence in the East. Entirely predictable and utterly without importance. All your quibbling over tattoos and haircuts, do you really, in your hearts, think any of that matters? And again, look at that large representative sample of German “nationalists” above. I guarantee you we have as many if not MORE clean-cut, intelligent men, young and old, without tattoos or scenester trappings, as the Germans.

      But hey, you guys will never ever ever stop believing these fruitless fairy-tales about Europeans……it’s a peculiarly American delusion. The Brits are “more civilised” and Germans are “of better racial stock.” Give me a break! German politics is a petty, local affair. Germans are not Ubermenschen. They’re regular, ugly, and are enacting the same scenester tactics as everyone else.

    9. Hoosier Says:

      New America Says:
      20 August, 2007 at 8:50 pm

      One, poor people.

      I have long argued all of us should go to the Dave Ramsey website, and get serious about getting out of debt, and actually bettering ourselves.

      I’d like to add this tool, if you need to improve the conditions of your life – go here:


      It’s about time management, goal setting, visualization, decision making, and forming good habits, “energy leeches.” The 101 course is free, and it’s effective and easy to follow. Also, the Dave Ramsey course that New America mentioned has a 7 day free trial period. If you don’t like the way your life is going, you must get off your ass and do something – NOW.

    10. jackumup Says:

      Great show! VNN Is turning into a world class broadcasting organization.


    11. Revilo Says:

      April was inspiring. She would make an excellent co-host.

    12. New America Says:

      test – this seems to have been kicked by the spam filter

      in response to feralwhitemale:

      you wrote:
      New America: You’re the most prolific person on here. I’d recommend that you either write articles or start your own blog if you don’t have one. I’ll disagree with you on some of what you said about April Gaede. Yes, she should have her own show, but no, she doesn’t give us much from her experiences. In fact, her analysis was faulty on the last show. I lived in Germany for 10 years and know the real issues better than she ever will.

      in reply:
      Thanks for the compliment; I’m still working through an alternative history of the late Dr. Sam Francis, whose life I see as a microcosm for the failure of Conservative thought.

      you wrote::
      1. The Skinheads can not and should not be blamed for the reason that any pro-White organizations have failed. This is like the Republicans blaming the Boy Scouts of America for losing some election somewhere. The reason? Because you’re giving the Skinheads — who have no political or media organizations but are just loose gangs of rebellious White youths who like “hate rock” music — some sort of responsibility and goals THAT THEY NEVER CLAIMED THEY HAD. Get it? I’ve met many of them and all they are is the rebellious youth who’ve learned the truth and who are focussed on violence, solidarity and partying. When I went on my speaking tours with “the suits” of real organizations like the NA, we used them as the Brownshirts/bodyguards. And it worked. When they get older, they’ll naturally grow out of the rebel phase and try to become more political and organized. A few of them were already showing signs of leadership even as young as 20 years old.

      in reply:
      My critique was not of the Skinheads, per se; it was the nonverbal message of “boots’n’braces” over an image that is no less radical, but much more effective. I noted that “boots’n’braces” could be worn anywhere, but reflected the impoverished circumstances of many of its adherents.

      Remember, the Skins developed, in part, in response to an economy that had abandoned them, and culture that was antagonistic to them; in rebellion, they defined themselves in terms of what they were AGAINST. White Nationalism did not offer them much to be FOR, in concrete terms, so they became, by and large, subpotent anarchists.

      I applaud using them as Brownshirts/bodyguards. Yet, the “Brownshirts” of the NSM, save for Bill White and one or two others, actually proved April was right. Look at the NSM in Toledo, for example, and see the morbidly obese, beer bellied, uncleaned pants, unpressed shirts, ununiform uniforms, and ask yourself what they would have looked like if they had been in reasonable shape – that means Marine Corps height/weight standards for the Brownshirts – and had the Brownshirts as the bodyguards, AND THEY WERE SURROUNDED BY A GROUP OF FIT YOUNG MEN DRESSED IN THOR STEINAR OUTFITS, and they were all surrounding men who actually wore business suits.

      This would make the Skinheads rungs on an organization ladder, rather than isolated enforcers of an essentially inchoate social system.

      you wrote:
      2. What April said about the Jews being more scared of her daughters than Skins is a miscomprehension. The worse thing about her daughters is that they are FEMALES who fit into popular AmeriKwa except for their views. BUT the fear thing is a joke. You think the average kike owner of a Kosher deli would be more frightened of Skins or her daughters mulling around in their store? Or outside a synagogue? Or Holohoax museum? Or even their house. Yeah, the police, who’ve been brainwashed would think the Skins were a threat to Jews, and not 2 blondes, because THEY ARE. Get it? Two blondes ARE NOT. And pretending that they are, or that you’re outwitting the jews by looking normal is ridiculous.

      in reply:
      I suspect what April meant by that is simple – the demonic Goddamn Jews, strategically, fear the appearance of NORMALCY, much less excellence, by our side. Tactically, as Bill White correctly observed, the Skinheads – WHEN they are fit, and wearing proper uniforms, DO inspire fear on the part of the demonic Jews. This is because they address the Jews on a nonverbal level that can not be argued with, or negotiated with.

      On the other hand, if they were accompanied by fit, educated young men wearing Thor Steinar outfits, the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as Jews would not have a clearly identified enemy, which can be successfully demonized in the mass media.

      And, other alienated, young White Men could see two Aspects of Virile Manhood in the service of the RACE.

      Indeed, nothing prevents some from wearing the Brownshirt/red swastika armband on some occasions, and (matching) Thor Steinar outfits, on another.

      you wrote:
      3. What you meant to criticize is not the Skinheads, but organizations like Bill White’s and others who wear the uniforms of the Reich days. As I said, the Skins don’t even count because they are not political or propaganda organizations like the ANSWP or NSM or whomever. That is an argument you can take up with Bill if you want, but it personally doesn’t bother me. Apparently, he gets recruits from every city they march in, so his method works to some degree. Maybe his recruits are the hardcore Skinhead types, but who cares? As I said, we need Brownshirts/bodyguards/muscles at certain times.

      in reply:
      No, I criticized the Skinheads for the same reason April Gaede did; they simply have not moved the ball down the field, and are, all too often, trapped in nihilistic behavior.

      You are right, the Skins “are not political or propaganda organizations,” and, worse, they are not even part of such organizations. So, all of this useful Masculine energy is essentially wasted in nihilistic, self-destructive behaviors.

      Skins are a place to start; their should be an expansion path for them to mature into disciplined future Leaders. Remember, the best definition of a Leader is this: A Leader is someone who does things that other people want to do, and follow the example of the Leader.

      “DOES THINGS.”

      Positive, Creative, useful things.

      Bill White’s “method works to some degree” because it is the EXACT “Method” advocated by Rockwell, and was advocated by Rockwell because it WORKS. It ties in with political goals, and places all actions, including your manner of dress, into the political framework. In short, White is building an organization, and Skinheads not only are welcome, they are encouraged to better themselves, rather than working marginal jobs, and living marginal lives.

      Read my criticism of “The Order,” back in the David Lane threads.

      How much more could they have accomplished if they put their efforts into the development of positive, productive skills and enterprises?

      Quite a lot, I imagine.

      Same for the Skinheads; “boots’n’braces” today, and Thor Steinar, tomorrow, as they develop into the Leaders of their local communities.

      What they have lacked is a consistent, RACE BASED political and economic system that works.

      THAT is what National Socialism has to offer, and THAT is what Bill White is always teaching on, because it organizes the RACE BASED issues into a consistent political and economic platform that only Western Civilization can make work. The White Nationalism/National Socialism Analytical Framework supplies the best workable answers to some questions, and helps us build a common bridge to the fulfillment of our common RACIAL Purpose.

      This is far beyond “boots’n’braces,” today, but need not be beyond them, in time.

      you wrote:
      4. The reason the Germans are ahead of us are because a) they’re smarter, and b) there were many grandfathers, fathers, brothers, cousins, et al that survived WW2 and kept the propaganda — the truth — about National Socialism alive over there. This is the result of a geometric proliferation of numbers that there are so many WN’s over in Deutschland today. It has NOTHING to do with Skinheads or their clothes.

      in reply:
      The NS Social Order – a RACE BASED System – would have “NOTHING to do with Skinheads or their clothes,” simply because nihilism is the natural antagonist of the NS Social Order.

      The potential Skinheads would have no need for “boots’n’braces,” because a System would be in place where their anomie would have no room to flourish. Indeed, their focus would be on Brownshirts/red swastika armband, as part of a series of uniform looks that included Thor Steinar clothes.

      In short, the materialistic, Jew-controlled system offers them hopelessness, hedonism, and despair.

      We offer them honor, discipline, and the stars.

      Choose wisely.

      you wrote:
      5. Dr Pierce knew this is and this the reason he supported Resistance Records. He wanted to attract white youths into a healthy form of rebellion: namely Skinheadism. He knew that they’d eventually grow out of it because rebellion is simply the result of youthful hormones from puberty to around 25 years old.

      in reply:
      “…grow out of (Skinheadsim),” into WHAT?

      “Skinheadism” is simply a poorly defined combination of racial pride, nihilism, testosterone, and alcohol.

      They have accomplished exactly NOTHING, simply because there was no “Next Step” to move forward with, and no organization to help accomplish that eminently worthy goal.

      How much better if Pierce has groomed Robert Mathews and David Lane into the founders of a true Youth Movement?

      How many successful 25 year old people have we failed to attract, and why?

      Why do you suppose that is?

      What do you propose we do about it, and, if you can, place your answer in the greatest Analytical Framework; Covington’s Northwest Republic seems to cover all of the bases.

      you wrote:
      To finish… don’t blame something like the Skins or Third Reich uniforms for the reason that we have failed today. Rockwell almost became governor of Virginia. You should listen to Rockwell’s Lost Recordings to understand why we’re losing. It’s basically a repeat of what Hitler said in Rockwell’s brilliant American fashion. We also have been told why we’ve failed by Dr Pierce: our viewpoint not reaching our people. This means we need our own mass media.

      in reply:
      What a great common model for Linder’s Commentaries on “The Alex Linder Evening News.”

      I don’t blame “the Skins or Third Reich uniforms” for our failure.

      I follow Metzger’s lead on this.

      I blame US, because we allowed it to happen.

      Remember Metzger’s Analysis: What we see as social horrors are the SYMPTOMS of decay; demonic Jews, jungle savages, and the illegals are all simply taking over what we constructively abandoned. We stopped expanding, and then we contracted, while stopping to defend the furthest borders, in all fields of human endeavor.

      We need more than our own media; we need our own NATION, which we already HAVE, and simply refuse to defend.

      you wrote:
      The first step is a mass media organization that is designed to grow into a political party. All these separate efforts, SF, NA, et al, should band together for this purpose. It’s not about petty fighting over gossip, symbolism, flames on a forum, or personality conflicts, but STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER for the common cause. THAT would scare the kikes more than anything. That is, if all the awakened whites put aside their divisions for the sake of the greater good of Whites and band together to build white mass media.

      in reply:
      The idea of the mass media organization as the foundation of a political party is pretty much where VNN came in, seven years ago.

      And what do we have to show for it?

      Precious damn little.

      Perhaps that’s because we have never really had the comprehensive Vision, and Analytical Framework, offered by Covington’s Northwest Republic, or Bill White’s National Socialist SOCIETY. The two are not at all incompatible, by the way.

      No, the “divisions” were forged by petty men trying to be Leaders of petty organizations, each more pathetic than the next.

      They have, with precious few exceptions, worked it backwards; they wanted to START as “Leaders,” rather than doing the things that will inspire others to Follow.

      If you will review my comments re Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom, you will see I referenced a comment by Harold Covington on an agent provocateur, who would infiltrate, and destroy, any emerging White Nationalist group that showed the beginnings of effectiveness.

      This was not as difficult as it might have seemed; everyone wanted to be Great Leader, and so it was easy to take advantage of simple envy to divide, and conquer, the new organization, before it got off the ground.

      This is where Covington, White, and Linder, have finally got it right.

      The Distributed Intelligence Model allows Distributed Intelligent Activism, and, if one part fails, self-heals and goes around the damaged part, healing it if possible, and freeing up the associated resources, if not.

      Covington’s Northwest Republic offers us the Analytical Framework to reference in terms of identifying opportunities along the way, while White’s ANSWP offers an organizational system that will visibly support and build, at least in part, the political foundation that will help one and all to build the Better World our posterity deserves. In turn, Linder’s analyses and commentaries provide the intellectual bricks and mortar for a political framework to actually work…for a change.

      you wrote:
      Two other things; 1) April mentioned running for office. Dr Pierce and others have been saying this for years and this in a nutshell is what his point was: Run for office, but realize that all that can be done at this point (because of no real White media backing or voice) is it’s just another way to reach our people. It’s just a way to get some publicity. The odds are that the runner will not win the political office, but even if they did win, that person will be drummed out of office as a “racist”, “hater”, “nazi”, what-have-you. So run for office if you want and you’re willing to suffer the repercussions in your private life (loss of job, house and family attacked, etc.), just realize what it’s for at this point in our sorry movement.

      in reply:
      This is what Duke, White, Linder and Covington have all proposed, and have shown us the way forward. Covington even wrote a handbook that someone used to almost win, in TEXAS, wearing a red swastika armband. White noted that working class White people, approached by attractive, clean-cut people wearing Brownshirts and red swastika armbands, have been supported by people as they have handed out fliers in White working class stores and parking lots.

      Dress their partners in Thor Steinar, and see the tacit approval they have turn into active support.

      you wrote:
      2) Someone even wrote an article on here years ago about this (I think it was Max Hadden) that the way to smash the paper curtain in America is the same as the Nazis did. That is hold rallies and street demonstrations. Then you pass out literature that can be subscribed (such as TAA) so that your media organization (actually a political body) can begin to get income from selling subscriptions, advertisements, etc. Eventually this turns into party membership dues and running for office. The SIZE or number of people is always the question. How many is enough? How big does the media need to be? Probably at least a national television station’s 24/7 backing is needed to finally win. Just a guess.

      in reply:
      If we are waiting for the parade to develop, we will always be at the mercy of the kindness of strangers.

      We MUST take the responsibility to BE what we want the world to BECOME.

      An excellent First Step is to send cash money to Alex Linder, whose address is at the top and bottom of your screen, each and every month.

      you wrote:
      Finally, stop trying to latch on to “the swastika is the reason that we’re losing” nonsense. This is NOT good analysis or comprehension of the situation. The reason we’re losing is because we CAN NOT reach our people, whether we’re wearing tattoos or uniforms is irrelevant. I’ve known many who were recruited by the most tattooed Skinhead I ever met. But it wasn’t for a real goal. Just for pissed offedness leading to destruction and mayhem as it could be found.

      in reply:
      The desire to “reach our people” is well and good; the larger questions, reaching them with WHAT, and to WHAT end, is what we should be addressing here.

      “Skinheadism” never made it forward to the Next Step, and is trapped in the Mindset of Adolescent rebellion, rather than the Creative Transformation of Adulthood.

      Rockwell had the visible proof of a RACE WAR literally unfolding before him, and yet, we refuse to define the acts of the demonic Jews and their attack animals, the crackhead niggers and the illegals, in RACIAL terms, while offering a POSITIVE RACE-BASED SOLUTION.

      We could do so with Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Framework, White’s ANSWP organizational framework, and Linder’s brilliant, eminently quotable commentary and analysis.

      A solution based around a POSITIVE THEORY of RACE.

      you wrote:
      April SHOULD have her own show in my opinion. Because she’s a nice lady, has a good track record in WN, and we’re sorely lacking in women spokespeople. But her show should allow others who aren’t “yes” men to keep flawed analysis from prevailing.

      in reply:
      VNN’s Guiding Principles will stop “flawed analysis,” and flawed acts, from prevailing, with the Distributed Intelligence/Distributed Intelligent Activism Models supporting everything.

      Especially April Gaede’s show on VNN, with Briseis addressing the issue of the powerless that is the outcome of the choices made by so many of our young men, who have chosen the nihilistic “lifestyle” over the National Socialist choices of honor, discipline, and the stars.

      The First Step is to send money to Linder, each and every month. The regularity of sending is (almost) more important than the amount, but the amount is important, as well.

      I am not asking for what you can not easily afford, but I am saying that money sent to Linder betters your RACE, whereas money spent on the coffee/donut combination we call “breakfast,” and the case of beer we purchase each weekend, produces nothing for us, or our posterity.

      I am fascinated by people who call for strong activity on behalf of our RACE, but can’t find it within them to send even twenty dollars a month to someone who does what Linder does.

      I guess the Skinheads don’t matter, for just that reason.

      One final comment on “organizations,” for now:

      I would set the dues at twenty dollars a month, with transparent, Open Books.

      If what we are trying to do is not worth the sacrifice of sixty damn cents a day, then you really don’t bring anything of substance to what we are trying to, and you never will.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    13. New America Says:

      in response to feralwhitemale:

      you wrote:
      New America: You’re the most prolific person on here. I’d recommend that you either write articles or start your own blog if you don’t have one. I’ll disagree with you on some of what you said about April Gaede. Yes, she should have her own show, but no, she doesn’t give us much from her experiences. In fact, her analysis was faulty on the last show. I lived in Germany for 10 years and know the real issues better than she ever will.

      in reply:
      Thanks for the compliment; I’m still working through an alternative history of the late Dr. Sam Francis, whose life I see as a microcosm for the failure of Conservative thought.

      you wrote::
      1. The Skinheads can not and should not be blamed for the reason that any pro-White organizations have failed. This is like the Republicans blaming the Boy Scouts of America for losing some election somewhere. The reason? Because you’re giving the Skinheads — who have no political or media organizations but are just loose gangs of rebellious White youths who like “hate rock” music — some sort of responsibility and goals THAT THEY NEVER CLAIMED THEY HAD. Get it? I’ve met many of them and all they are is the rebellious youth who’ve learned the truth and who are focussed on violence, solidarity and partying. When I went on my speaking tours with “the suits” of real organizations like the NA, we used them as the Brownshirts/bodyguards. And it worked. When they get older, they’ll naturally grow out of the rebel phase and try to become more political and organized. A few of them were already showing signs of leadership even as young as 20 years old.

      in reply:
      My critique was not of the Skinheads, per se; it was the nonverbal message of “boots’n’braces” over an image that is no less radical, but much more effective. I noted that “boots’n’braces” could be worn anywhere, but reflected the impoverished circumstances of many of its adherents.

      Remember, the Skins developed, in part, in response to an economy that had abandoned them, and culture that was antagonistic to them; in rebellion, they defined themselves in terms of what they were AGAINST. White Nationalism did not offer them much to be FOR, in concrete terms, so they became, by and large, subpotent anarchists.

      I applaud using them as Brownshirts/bodyguards. Yet, the “Brownshirts” of the NSM, save for Bill White and one or two others, actually proved April was right. Look at the NSM in Toledo, for example, and see the morbidly obese, beer bellied, uncleaned pants, unpressed shirts, ununiform uniforms, and ask yourself what they would have looked like if they had been in reasonable shape – that means Marine Corps height/weight standards for the Brownshirts – and had the Brownshirts as the bodyguards, AND THEY WERE SURROUNDED BY A GROUP OF FIT YOUNG MEN DRESSED IN THOR STEINAR OUTFITS, and they were all surrounding men who actually wore business suits.

      This would make the Skinheads rungs on an organization ladder, rather than isolated enforcers of an essentially inchoate social system.

      you wrote:
      2. What April said about the Jews being more scared of her daughters than Skins is a miscomprehension. The worse thing about her daughters is that they are FEMALES who fit into popular AmeriKwa except for their views. BUT the fear thing is a joke. You think the average kike owner of a Kosher deli would be more frightened of Skins or her daughters mulling around in their store? Or outside a synagogue? Or Holohoax museum? Or even their house. Yeah, the police, who’ve been brainwashed would think the Skins were a threat to Jews, and not 2 blondes, because THEY ARE. Get it? Two blondes ARE NOT. And pretending that they are, or that you’re outwitting the jews by looking normal is ridiculous.

      in reply:
      I suspect what April meant by that is simple – the demonic Goddamn Jews, strategically, fear the appearance of NORMALCY, much less excellence, by our side. Tactically, as Bill White correctly observed, the Skinheads – WHEN they are fit, and wearing proper uniforms, DO inspire fear on the part of the demonic Jews. This is because they address the Jews on a nonverbal level that can not be argued with, or negotiated with.

      On the other hand, if they were accompanied by fit, educated young men wearing Thor Steinar outfits, the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as Jews would not have a clearly identified enemy, which can be successfully demonized in the mass media.

      And, other alienated, young White Men could see two Aspects of Virile Manhood in the service of the RACE.

      Indeed, nothing prevents some from wearing the Brownshirt/red swastika armband on some occasions, and (matching) Thor Steinar outfits, on another.

      you wrote:
      3. What you meant to criticize is not the Skinheads, but organizations like Bill White’s and others who wear the uniforms of the Reich days. As I said, the Skins don’t even count because they are not political or propaganda organizations like the ANSWP or NSM or whomever. That is an argument you can take up with Bill if you want, but it personally doesn’t bother me. Apparently, he gets recruits from every city they march in, so his method works to some degree. Maybe his recruits are the hardcore Skinhead types, but who cares? As I said, we need Brownshirts/bodyguards/muscles at certain times.

      in reply:
      No, I criticized the Skinheads for the same reason April Gaede did; they simply have not moved the ball down the field, and are, all too often, trapped in nihilistic behavior.

      You are right, the Skins “are not political or propaganda organizations,” and, worse, they are not even part of such organizations. So, all of this useful Masculine energy is essentially wasted in nihilistic, self-destructive behaviors.

      Skins are a place to start; their should be an expansion path for them to mature into disciplined future Leaders. Remember, the best definition of a Leader is this: A Leader is someone who does things that other people want to do, and follow the example of the Leader.

      “DOES THINGS.”

      Positive, Creative, useful things.

      Bill White’s “method works to some degree” because it is the EXACT “Method” advocated by Rockwell, and was advocated by Rockwell because it WORKS. It ties in with political goals, and places all actions, including your manner of dress, into the political framework. In short, White is building an organization, and Skinheads not only are welcome, they are encouraged to better themselves, rather than working marginal jobs, and living marginal lives.

      Read my criticism of “The Order,” back in the David Lane threads.

      How much more could they have accomplished if they put their efforts into the development of positive, productive skills and enterprises?

      Quite a lot, I imagine.

      Same for the Skinheads; “boots’n’braces” today, and Thor Steinar, tomorrow, as they develop into the Leaders of their local communities.

      What they have lacked is a consistent, RACE BASED political and economic system that works.

      THAT is what National Socialism has to offer, and THAT is what Bill White is always teaching on, because it organizes the RACE BASED issues into a consistent political and economic platform that only Western Civilization can make work. The White Nationalism/National Socialism Analytical Framework supplies the best workable answers to some questions, and helps us build a common bridge to the fulfillment of our common RACIAL Purpose.

      This is far beyond “boots’n’braces,” today, but need not be beyond them, in time.

      you wrote:
      4. The reason the Germans are ahead of us are because a) they’re smarter, and b) there were many grandfathers, fathers, brothers, cousins, et al that survived WW2 and kept the propaganda — the truth — about National Socialism alive over there. This is the result of a geometric proliferation of numbers that there are so many WN’s over in Deutschland today. It has NOTHING to do with Skinheads or their clothes.

      in reply:
      The NS Social Order – a RACE BASED System – would have “NOTHING to do with Skinheads or their clothes,” simply because nihilism is the natural antagonist of the NS Social Order.

      The potential Skinheads would have no need for “boots’n’braces,” because a System would be in place where their anomie would have no room to flourish. Indeed, their focus would be on Brownshirts/red swastika armband, as part of a series of uniform looks that included Thor Steinar clothes.

      In short, the materialistic, Jew-controlled system offers them hopelessness, hedonism, and despair.

      We offer them honor, discipline, and the stars.

      Choose wisely.

      you wrote:
      5. Dr Pierce knew this is and this the reason he supported Resistance Records. He wanted to attract white youths into a healthy form of rebellion: namely Skinheadism. He knew that they’d eventually grow out of it because rebellion is simply the result of youthful hormones from puberty to around 25 years old.

      in reply:
      “…grow out of (Skinheadsim),” into WHAT?

      “Skinheadism” is simply a poorly defined combination of racial pride, nihilism, testosterone, and alcohol.

      They have accomplished exactly NOTHING, simply because there was no “Next Step” to move forward with, and no organization to help accomplish that eminently worthy goal.

      How much better if Pierce has groomed Robert Mathews and David Lane into the founders of a true Youth Movement?

      How many successful 25 year old people have we failed to attract, and why?

      Why do you suppose that is?

      What do you propose we do about it, and, if you can, place your answer in the greatest Analytical Framework; Covington’s Northwest Republic seems to cover all of the bases.

      you wrote:
      To finish… don’t blame something like the Skins or Third Reich uniforms for the reason that we have failed today. Rockwell almost became governor of Virginia. You should listen to Rockwell’s Lost Recordings to understand why we’re losing. It’s basically a repeat of what Hitler said in Rockwell’s brilliant American fashion. We also have been told why we’ve failed by Dr Pierce: our viewpoint not reaching our people. This means we need our own mass media.

      in reply:
      What a great common model for Linder’s Commentaries on “The Alex Linder Evening News.”

      I don’t blame “the Skins or Third Reich uniforms” for our failure.

      I follow Metzger’s lead on this.

      I blame US, because we allowed it to happen.

      Remember Metzger’s Analysis: What we see as social horrors are the SYMPTOMS of decay; demonic Jews, jungle savages, and the illegals are all simply taking over what we constructively abandoned. We stopped expanding, and then we contracted, while stopping to defend the furthest borders, in all fields of human endeavor.

      We need more than our own media; we need our own NATION, which we already HAVE, and simply refuse to defend.

      you wrote:
      The first step is a mass media organization that is designed to grow into a political party. All these separate efforts, SF, NA, et al, should band together for this purpose. It’s not about petty fighting over gossip, symbolism, flames on a forum, or personality conflicts, but STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER for the common cause. THAT would scare the kikes more than anything. That is, if all the awakened whites put aside their divisions for the sake of the greater good of Whites and band together to build white mass media.

      in reply:
      The idea of the mass media organization as the foundation of a political party is pretty much where VNN came in, seven years ago.

      And what do we have to show for it?

      Precious damn little.

      Perhaps that’s because we have never really had the comprehensive Vision, and Analytical Framework, offered by Covington’s Northwest Republic, or Bill White’s National Socialist SOCIETY. The two are not at all incompatible, by the way.

      No, the “divisions” were forged by petty men trying to be Leaders of petty organizations, each more pathetic than the next.

      They have, with precious few exceptions, worked it backwards; they wanted to START as “Leaders,” rather than doing the things that will inspire others to Follow.

      If you will review my comments re Mrs. Kevin Alfred Strom, you will see I referenced a comment by Harold Covington on an agent provocateur, who would infiltrate, and destroy, any emerging White Nationalist group that showed the beginnings of effectiveness.

      This was not as difficult as it might have seemed; everyone wanted to be Great Leader, and so it was easy to take advantage of simple envy to divide, and conquer, the new organization, before it got off the ground.

      This is where Covington, White, and Linder, have finally got it right.

      The Distributed Intelligence Model allows Distributed Intelligent Activism, and, if one part fails, self-heals and goes around the damaged part, healing it if possible, and freeing up the associated resources, if not.

      Covington’s Northwest Republic offers us the Analytical Framework to reference in terms of identifying opportunities along the way, while White’s ANSWP offers an organizational system that will visibly support and build, at least in part, the political foundation that will help one and all to build the Better World our posterity deserves. In turn, Linder’s analyses and commentaries provide the intellectual bricks and mortar for a political framework to actually work…for a change.

      you wrote:
      Two other things; 1) April mentioned running for office. Dr Pierce and others have been saying this for years and this in a nutshell is what his point was: Run for office, but realize that all that can be done at this point (because of no real White media backing or voice) is it’s just another way to reach our people. It’s just a way to get some publicity. The odds are that the runner will not win the political office, but even if they did win, that person will be drummed out of office as a “racist”, “hater”, “nazi”, what-have-you. So run for office if you want and you’re willing to suffer the repercussions in your private life (loss of job, house and family attacked, etc.), just realize what it’s for at this point in our sorry movement.

      in reply:
      This is what Duke, White, Linder and Covington have all proposed, and have shown us the way forward. Covington even wrote a handbook that someone used to almost win, in TEXAS, wearing a red swastika armband. White noted that working class White people, approached by attractive, clean-cut people wearing Brownshirts and red swastika armbands, have been supported by people as they have handed out fliers in White working class stores and parking lots.

      Dress their partners in Thor Steinar, and see the tacit approval they have turn into active support.

      you wrote:
      2) Someone even wrote an article on here years ago about this (I think it was Max Hadden) that the way to smash the paper curtain in America is the same as the Nazis did. That is hold rallies and street demonstrations. Then you pass out literature that can be subscribed (such as TAA) so that your media organization (actually a political body) can begin to get income from selling subscriptions, advertisements, etc. Eventually this turns into party membership dues and running for office. The SIZE or number of people is always the question. How many is enough? How big does the media need to be? Probably at least a national television station’s 24/7 backing is needed to finally win. Just a guess.

      in reply:
      If we are waiting for the parade to develop, we will always be at the mercy of the kindness of strangers.

      We MUST take the responsibility to BE what we want the world to BECOME.

      An excellent First Step is to send cash money to Alex Linder, whose address is at the top and bottom of your screen, each and every month.

      you wrote:
      Finally, stop trying to latch on to “the swastika is the reason that we’re losing” nonsense. This is NOT good analysis or comprehension of the situation. The reason we’re losing is because we CAN NOT reach our people, whether we’re wearing tattoos or uniforms is irrelevant. I’ve known many who were recruited by the most tattooed Skinhead I ever met. But it wasn’t for a real goal. Just for pissed offedness leading to destruction and mayhem as it could be found.

      in reply:
      The desire to “reach our people” is well and good; the larger questions, reaching them with WHAT, and to WHAT end, is what we should be addressing here.

      “Skinheadism” never made it forward to the Next Step, and is trapped in the Mindset of Adolescent rebellion, rather than the Creative Transformation of Adulthood.

      Rockwell had the visible proof of a RACE WAR literally unfolding before him, and yet, we refuse to define the acts of the demonic Jews and their attack animals, the crackhead niggers and the illegals, in RACIAL terms, while offering a POSITIVE RACE-BASED SOLUTION.

      We could do so with Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Framework, White’s ANSWP organizational framework, and Linder’s brilliant, eminently quotable commentary and analysis.

      A solution based around a POSITIVE THEORY of RACE.

      you wrote:
      April SHOULD have her own show in my opinion. Because she’s a nice lady, has a good track record in WN, and we’re sorely lacking in women spokespeople. But her show should allow others who aren’t “yes” men to keep flawed analysis from prevailing.

      in reply:
      VNN’s Guiding Principles will stop “flawed analysis,” and flawed acts, from prevailing, with the Distributed Intelligence/Distributed Intelligent Activism Models supporting everything.

      Especially April Gaede’s show on VNN, with Briseis addressing the issue of the powerless that is the outcome of the choices made by so many of our young men, who have chosen the nihilistic “lifestyle” over the National Socialist choices of honor, discipline, and the stars.

      The First Step is to send money to Linder, each and every month. The regularity of sending is (almost) more important than the amount, but the amount is important, as well.

      I am not asking for what you can not easily afford, but I am saying that money sent to Linder betters your RACE, whereas money spent on the coffee/donut combination we call “breakfast,” and the case of beer we purchase each weekend, produces nothing for us, or our posterity.

      I am fascinated by people who call for strong activity on behalf of our RACE, but can’t find it within them to send even twenty dollars a month to someone who does what Linder does.

      I guess the Skinheads don’t matter, for just that reason.

      One final comment on “organizations,” for now:

      I would set the dues at twenty dollars a month, with transparent, Open Books.

      If what we are trying to do is not worth the sacrifice of sixty damn cents a day, then you really don’t bring anything of substance to what we are trying to, and you never will.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!