3 August, 2007

Reader Mail, August 3, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Reader Mail at 1:07 pm | Permanent Link



you would never see her with conservative christians. So what’s so special about those ultra-religious conservative jews that makes them compatible with Hilary’s liberal ideas ? (Politico is a neo-connish but somewhat satyrical blog)


The mensches for the job




“Israel may be on the front lines,” she said. “It faces a common threat to our traditions, our values, our beliefs, and it should be our common cause.”



Clearly, the candidate knows her audience.


She wasn’t the only one. Eight senators, two of them presidential candidates, addressed an audience of 90 Orthodox Jews who were enjoying a kosher lunch and some politics in the Hart Senate Office Building last week.


Every speaker bent over backward to proclaim his or her support for Israel, and most also stressed the growing threat from Iran.



Sobering statistic


Regardless of where you stand on the issue of the U.S. involvement in Iraq, here’s a sobering statistic. There has been a monthly average of 60,000 troops in the Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22months, and a total of 2,867 deaths. That gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.


The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000 persons for the same period. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in the U.S. Capital than you are in Iraq.


Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington DC.*


*They already have they just commute in every day.




They are really making a “federal case” out of a few leaflets!
NAACP members weigh options







Griffin’s attack-dogs drive out Jonathan Bowden.


This is a small-circulation note to a select number of ‘Electronic Loose Cannon’ readers.


Please note the the e-mail below which had been forwarded to Tony Hancock and which he forwarded to his list.


It is a great shame that the BNP is so corrupt that inside information about it sometimes comes from the opponents of British nationalism rather than from a nationalist source. But truth is truth, regardless of source.


I will be issuing an ELC about the whole leadership election and Constitutional fiasco of the BNP in a couple of days. While I will cover a lot of issues wider than just the recent BNP leadership election, my lead-in will be that Griffin saw Chris Jackson’s challenge as a “stalking horse” operation. Griffin just did not credit that there was NO challenger of substance waiting in the wings.


Desperate not to lose his BNP money-cow; frantic at the thought of a newcomer stepping in and having the party’s financial affairs over the past nine years made the subject of a forensic accountant’s examination, Griffin put on his thinking cap and deduced that the only credible senior BNP member waiting in the wings to take his job is Jonathan Bowden, a leading BNP official who had the temerity to sign Jackson’s nomination paper in the recent election for the party chairmanship.


I am told that Griffin’s correspondence to Michael Easter, Jackson’s campaign manager, was hysterical — hysterical with anxiety, not with jokes! I hope Easter publishes these exchanges so that we can all have a laugh.


It was widely discussed earlier this month that Griffin had been shocked at the large number of senior party officials who had signed Jackson’s nomination paper. Leading that group of senior members was accomplished platform speaker Jonathan Bowden. Griffin is sure to have noted that next year Bowden would have been a BNP member for five years — and thus come into possession of the full set of qualifiications required to stand as a candidate for the BNP chairmanship.


The crucial factor which will have resolved Griffin to set his hounds on Bowden was the election result.


Griffin will doubtless trumpet that he got “90 per cent !!” (3,363), and Jackson “only got 10 per cent!” (337).


But the crucial figure is that ONLY 43 PER CENT OF THE MEMBERSHIP VOTED.


Thus a substantial majority of the members of the BNP, given an opportunity to endorse Nick Griffin as their Chairman, either refrained from doing so or voted for an almost unknown former Regional Organiser.


Such tepid waters of support do not buoy up leaders — they tempt challengers to dip their toes in…..


The Tyndallite/”Hardliner” faction which backed Jackson have not emerged from this affair covered with glory, but it did sufficient to goad the paranoid Griffin to display his weakness to the most fickle (“ungrateful”) of all audiences: the membership of a political party.


Griffin’s action against Bowden may come to be seen as a crucial mistake. It certainly has the potential to trigger-off a sequence of unintended and unforseen consequences.


If any of you have any further information which may add to the next ELC, please sent the same to me a.s.a.p.






From: A.Hancock <printfactory@btconnect.com>
To: <@btconnect.com;>
Date: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:45 AM
Subject: Fw: ‘Cultural Officer’ and member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party has resigned


From: [snip]
To: [snip]
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 6:45 AM
Subject: ‘Cultural Officer’ and member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party has resigned


BNP’s ‘Cultural Officer’ resigns after accusations
Posted on July 29, 2007


The so-called ‘Cultural Officer’ and member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party has resigned following a series of accusations that have been posted up on the Covert blog.


Bowden, former member of the Tory Monday Club before joining the BNP, became a target for the Covert Crew, headed by Tommy Williams, an old pal of Nick Griffins, when he supported Chris Jackson in the recent BNP leadership challenge — his being one of the hundred signatures required before the challenge could take place.


Covert, ever-ready to suck up to the Welshpool pig-farmer who leads the BNP, printed the question, “Is Jonathan Bowden A Nonce?”, followed by a piece of fairly innocuous text but which included a reference to Bowden’s “Gary Glitteresque sideburns”.


The really offensive content is tucked away in the comments to the piece, where Williams and his little gang have allowed the more venomous of Nick Griffin’s supporters to attack at will.


Bowden’s resignation letter to Nick Griffin gives more detail.


“During the middle of Saturday afternoon the party head of security, Martin Reynolds, texted me to inform me that Tommy William’s tendentious and lying filth about me had been taken down. It appears that not only is this not the case but the criminal abuse has got ten times worse.


“I have given a lot of time and effort to this party over the last 4 years. I am now being accused repeatedly of being a paedophile on the Internet by one of your quote unquote old mates.


“I am sick and tired of the human scum and vermin which proliferate in such shallows waters. To be accused of being a child abuser is amongst the lowest thing that can possibly be imagined. To even refute such allegations from criminal psychopaths like these is beneath one¹s dignity.




“I will seek to have police action carried out against this vile Internet site, but I also intend to resign as cultural officer, advisory council member and member of the BNP. I do not wish to associate — even tangentially — with such low-grade lycanthropes and psychotic criminals. Williams, I gather, is a convicted drug dealer and career criminal with a string of convictions.


“I have many other and better things to do with my life in future.


“The stench of this rabble, lumpen and canaille is displeasing to me. I shall devote myself to the world of the arts from which I originate and to which I shall return.


Yours ever
Jonathan Bowden.”


Williams and his fellow loons on Covert, using different names on the nazi Stormfront forum, have announced repeatedly and forcefully that the BNP will be purged of everyone who dared to support Chris Jackson in the leadership election campaign and it appears that they are starting with the bigger guns.


Bowden, as a member of the Advisory Council, might have been expected to be close to Griffin but this appears not to be the case.


When the appalling Tony Lecomber was finally thrown out after trying to recruit Joe Owens into a bizarre assassination plot, his name took ages to be removed from the BNP website. Anyone looking in might have thought he was Group Development Officer of the party right up until he attacked Eddie Butler earlier this year. Bowden hasn’t been so lucky. His name has already disappeared.


In our article reporting on the election result, we warned that those who had supported Jackson could expect a repeat of the ‘Night of the Long Knives’ in the BNP. It looks like it¹s already started.




Solution to the 40-Acres Problem


For some years we have been subjected to the whines of black community leaders that the government should fulfill the promise supposedly made to blacks at the end of the Civil War, to wit, to give every free black man ’40 acres and a mule’. Some black spokesmen have extended this demand to include the interest that would have accrued, had entrepreneurial blacks farmed their property successfully for all these years, or even sold it and put the proceeds in a Jew bank at 6 percent, or whatever, and don’t even MENTION bank failures, depressions, or the whips and scorns of time. The 40-acres promise — if it were actually made — was both well-intentioned and pragmatic: It was intended to give propertyless blacks a way to support themselves, thereby eliminating the possibility that they would become public charges, and in addition would create a genuine basis for self-esteem, unlike the unearned variety so eager to be handed out to blacks in the present day by every kind of liberal, do-gooder and race hustler.


But the problem with fulfilling the 40-acres promise is that it collides with common sense. You know, I know and the cat knows that blacks would have had about the same success in farming in the post-bellum era as they had in Africa, which is to say, none at all. This is not just due to an ignorance of farming, but a lack of will to undertake it. Just like Erskine Caldwell wrote of poor whites in his famous novel Tobacco Road, the negro would have planted his farm “Oh, next week, mebbe”; and for this reason we can see that within a year or two, all of the 40 acre plots and their mules would be in the hands of Jewish creditors, and the blacks — if functional at all — would be sharecropping for whites or Jews, which is in fact how most of them actually ended up.


But today, things would be even worse, should the 40-acres promise be fulfilled. The urban black — having not the least interest in farming — would immediately cash in at the Jewish window for about a third of his property’s value, and the chunk of change he acquires would be smoked or otherwise partied away within a few days, or weeks at most. In this case, however, there would not even be the salvation of post-party sharecropping; for the urban black has no interest in such things as long as he is on De Welfare, and in fact would likely get rather irritated about being urged to do something productive, in which case we would all be spectators to The Usual Reaction When Blacks Are Upset — and the secret reason why they have so much clout in City Hall — namely, urban rioting and “Burn, Baby, Burn”. No matter, of course, that blacks burn down their own neighborhoods — indeed, such acts give them a kind of advantage in which they become the sorrowful chutzpadic victims, for which reason yet more white taxpayer money gets set aside for them. And to hell with those slant-eyed Korean shopkeepers who keep blacks from having to go all the way Downtown to buy Twinkies after a hard night of Sucking the Pipe.


No, the best response to the ’40 acres and a mule’ demand — and indeed, to the entire Negro Question — is one proposed some years ago by that insightful racial thinker and personal friend, Donald E Pauly of sendemback.org, who proposes that each black be given a generous $100,000 in exchange for permanently leaving the US and migrating ‘home to Africa’. With so much money they would have no problem in bribing their way into Niggeria, which was originally bought and paid for by the American government as a homeland for blacks — a fact that is testified to by the name of its capital, Monrovia, which was named after the American president, James Monroe, who brought the country into being. Donald points out that $100,000, while generous, is nonetheless a bargain for the American taxpayer because it will save the public treasury from the burden of welfare and other negro-related beneficences, the private sector from the need to pay the salaries of negro incompetents required to fill out racial quotas, and — above all — it will save white Americans the cost of rape, robbery, and other rapine which the Negro Presence has so efficiently vouchsafed to white America as punishment for their ancestors’ foolishness in allowing slavery in the first place.


But even if Donald’s proposal falls on deaf ears, there are still good solutions to the Negro Problem. The first is to make sterilization the price of welfare — a price that must of necessity either turn negroes into productive citizens, or else turn them into a bad memory. The second is to require of all welfare recipients that — like ordinary Americans in so many jobs these days — they periodically prove themselves drug-free by means of a urine test. It is intuitively obvious to the most inastute observer that these two proposals cannot help but succeed in abolishing welfare and turning the Negro problem around. The only difficulty will be in finding new sources of money to replace that which currently flows from the pockets of drug-buying negroes to the coffers of the CIA.





I received another letter, dated July 17, 2007, from Germar Rudolf, the imprisoned German scientist and Holocaust revisionist scholar. His forensic studies of the so-called “Auschwitz gas chambers” proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they never existed. The current German government cannot disprove his thesis with contrary evidence and logic, so they had no recourse but to put him into prison. By their oppressive behavior, the current German rulers have shown themselves to be a Jewish-Zionist inspired, totalitarian despotism, masquerading as a “democracy.”

Anyhow, here are some of the contents of the letter. Overall, he appears to be in a good mood, albeit somewhat justifiably hostile and combative.

1. In regard to his physical fitness issues, ! he writes that “things look bright right now.” His wife sent him a pair of running shoes, and he feels good running to stay in good physical condition.

2. Despite the fact that he keeps his cell meticulously clean, he has “to kill a cockroach a day,” because the other inmates do not have his habits of cleanliness.

3. He is justifiably angry at the prison authorities. I quote directly from the letter: “Last week the prison authorities forbade me to call the residence of a lady at the Lake Constance…Some clerk in this…[prison]…found an entry on a Wikepedia site claiming that some ancestor of that lady had some official position during the years 1933-1945, and this was reason enough for the prison head to declare that this lady endangers my resocialization…On top of it, that lady was banned from visiting me for the same reasons.”

4. The prison authorities put the same bans upon a supporter! of his, because some clerk found out that he is a member of some unspecified organization.

5. In a short, justifiable denunciation of the current German authorities, he mentions the “chemical residues in the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz.”

6. After experiencing these problems, he had a talk with the prison psychologist. I quote directly from his letter: “I had it and told the psychologist, who had an interview with me today in order to assess how my prospects for social reintegration would be, to pack his stuff and get off my back with his pack of hypocrisy and lies. Which is equivalent to saying that I won’t get an early release.”

10. He states that he has two remaining years left on his sentence, and he refuses to be brain washed. Again I quote directly from his letter: “Well, I’ll wing those two remaining years–exactly on this very day [July 17, 2007]–somehow. Worse things could happen.! At least I’m going to be in one piece, healthy, and still the old guy, with backbone unbroken and brain unwashed. That’s more important than a few months sooner out of here.”

11. He gave me permission to spread the information in this letter over the Internet. I quote directly from his letter: “Of course you can spread this message far and wide. Serves them well the world knows what a nuthouse Germany has become.”

Germar Rudolf is a fine human being. It is a great honor for me to be his friend and colleague.

You too can write to him at:


Germar Rudolf
Herzogenriedstr. 111
D-68169 Mannheim

Paul Grubach




Rare invitation, seating plan, place card for a 1937 state dinner at Hitler’s residence that belonged to Nazi Post Minister Dr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Ohnesorge:

Rare illustrated SS publication on the history of the NSDAP:


Original Nazi Festschmuck or festive decorations – Sieg Heil!:


Rare illustrated Nazi book on the history of the swastika symbol:


1933 Nazi Party Days photo book published by Julius Streicher:




The following is a terrific video. The best I have ever seen. I think you will want to run it.




The Iraq War: Legal or Illegal? Pinky Show

And this one




Bush Jokes about WMD


[From Ed Steele]

Please take the time to watch the following on-line video, entitled “When Will We Have Had Enough?” This short little gem from Billy Vegas is the single most brilliant I have seen lately in the arena of political commentary. It derives much of its punch from outtakes of a TV program’s actor/lawyer’s writer-scripted closing argument to an actor/jury (Boston Legal, the only TV program about lawyers since Perry Mason that I have been able to stomach). How odd that I, a “recovering lawyer,” must look to a fictional lawyer to find something admirable related to the legal field. Trust me, you never will hear anything like this in a real courtroom:


If all you have is dialup Internet access, set your computer to download overnight – it is that worthy a morsel!

The video’s author has other, similar videos (that suffer only by comparison with the one noted above) that he has put together and presents on his website, which I also commend to you:





Always maintained:
Israel Shamir is a jew.
Israel shamir writes very well.
Israel Shamir is poison.

The trick is to smash their native culture and traditions, substituting jew’ Eastern myths, obliterating realization- racial awareness- racial nationalism: Stop the people thinking- train them into reactive conditioned anti- think via the jew concocted godcrap. Thereby lead the goons into separate jew controlled enclaves- Catholic church- C of E- happy clappy/ or Armageddonist, Muslim, evangelicals etc etc. Teach them to identify/ substitute their religious belief for their racial beliefs- as Pakistanis= Muslim is to be a Pakistani. C of E is to be English (Ben Gun- “Have you a bit of Christian cheese..?”) Northern Ireland. USA etc etc.


Thereafter, one can be absolutely certain that tribal or theological differences will multiply and the goons will be too preoccupied with fighting each other to bother about the final and irreversible jewish power grab. Meanwhile the long-planned bush fire of the Muslim states, from the Mediterranean to the South China sea, and from the Sudan to Sweden can be accomplished


It is pathetic that white, Europeans should look to salvation and their cultural heritage in a nonsensical jewish saviour; jesus, who, in all his words and actions was exclusively interested in the welfare of fellow jews. As also Paul. Both showed a contempt for Gentiles. Such instructions as love your brother- meant your brother jew. Turn the other cheek- to a fellow jew. ‘Be charitable’ meant to another Jew. ‘Thou shalt not commit murder’= Don’t kill a fellow jew, etc.


If he were to come back from the dead, Jesus would spew up his holy guts to learn that it was the subhuman pieces of shit Gentiles who revered him, but then, on learning of all the billion of gentiles throughout history who have died hideously after wasted lives because of his invention, would possibly perk up a bit.

The stupefied Gentiles who from birth and for generations have been forced to Christianity, by threat of the most hideous tortures ever devised- prior to the goddists of Guantanamo. Likewise the brainless Arabs and Arians forced to Mohammetism, have, as result bred races of obedient wimps- most of that genetic tendency to think, act and speak out, has been culled in the millions of auto’s da fey, witch trials, imprisonments and social ostracism by the billions.


Like the cattle that we are, where any aggressive bulls were put down. We have been bred into obedience to the ‘old religion’ and so by are rendered fit for the ‘new religion’ of political correct holocaust worship, nigger worship, bugger worship, and above all jew worship. This new religion is merely the continuation and logical progression of the old one. The principle is the same: Instead of the jew obtaining his power and money from the many pocket princes, emperors and kings; extracting their percentage from the subservient- ‘god fearing’ mass.(literally- ‘fearing’ since his agents- the priests and officers of the state were always ready to horribly kill you and your loved ones)
Now the jews, thanks to technology such as the micro chip, communication, surveillance and weapons satellites are actively dispensing with the middle-men, and the ‘new religion’s’ terror will be exercised direct from the jew himself.


If the best one can think to do in order to dump the jew and create a happy, peaceful, white man’s society, is to appeal to an ancient dead jew on a stick, to immerse oneself in ancient jewish lies and mumbo jumbo, then we deserve the fate that we pray for- that of stupid cattle, forever cowering before the jewish lash.






” . . . The racialist worldview finds the importance
of mankind in its basic racial elements. On principle
it views the state as but a means to an end and conceives
that end to be the racial existence of man. Thus, by no
means does it believe in equality of the races, but along
with their difference it recognizes their higher and lesser
value and feels itself obligated, through this knowledge,
to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and to
demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in
accordance with the eternal Will which dominates this


“Thus, on principle, it embraces the basic aristocratic
idea of Nature and believes in the validity of this law
down to the last individual . . . It believes in the necessity
of an idealization of mankind, in which in turn it sees
the sole premise for the existence of mankind.


“But it cannot grant the right to existence even to an
ethical idea, if this idea represents a danger for the racial
life of the bearers of a higher ethic; for in a bastardized
and negrified world all concepts of the humanly beautiful
and sublime, as well as all ideas of an idealized future
for mankind, would be lost forever.”




The people of the Interwebs have found a star in Republican Texas presidential hopeful Ron Paul. Currently this three-month-old video is #1 on the Technorati Charts for most talked-about video.


When you realize that it means that the soft spoken libertarian is beating all those Philippine prisoners doing the Thriller dance, the question shouldn’t be “Why is LAist continuing to beat the drum for Ron Paul?” it should be “Why do you allow the LA Times, and the local news stations to turn their back on the most interesting, and seemingly the most popular person in the race?”


Watching the way the MSM apparently decided long ago that only a few people were going to become president, therefore those were the only ones who would get covered, is a very creepy manipulation of their power, and another tell-tale sign of their lazy workhabits.






The number of convicted felons who enlisted in the U.S. military almost doubled in the past three years, rising from 824 felons in fiscal year 2004 to 1,605 in fiscal year 2006, according to a new study.


Titled “Balancing Your Strengths against Your Felonies: Considerations for Military Recruitment of Ex-Offenders,” the study is forthcoming in the University of Miami Law Review. It was sponsored by the Michael D. Palm Center and written and researched by Michael Boucai, who until recently was a visiting researcher at Georgetown University. Data for the study were obtained from the Pentagon via Freedom of Information Act requests. [Please click here to see the data].


The data indicate that from 2003 through 2006, the military allowed 4,230 convicted felons to enlist under the “moral waivers” program, which enables otherwise unqualified candidates to serve. In addition, 43,977 individuals convicted of serious misdemeanors such as assault were permitted to enlist under the moral waivers program during that period, as were 58,561 illegal drug abusers. In the Army, allowable offenses include making terrorist threats, murder, and kidnapping (pp. 35-36, Army Regulation 601-210)



  • 4 Responses to “Reader Mail, August 3, 2007”

    1. greywolf Says:


    2. MMR Says:


    3. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      One-half of Clinton’s campaign contributions come from jewish sources. That’s pretty impressive for a group that is only three percent of the population. I wonder why she loves them so much?? There’s your answer.

    4. Colonel Buckshot Says:

      Martin Webster is a shit stabbing leftist stooge. Why are you repeating jew propaganda?. You of all people should know better Mr Lindermann.