11 July, 2007

VNN’s Origins

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, pictures, VNN at 4:02 pm | Permanent Link

When it comes to yesterday, I’m more G’n’R than Beatles. Still, just a pinch of lookback can’t hurt.


On August 9, 2007, VNN will be seven years old. I went over and snapped a couple photos, to show you where it all began. This is my grandmother’s house, 1706 E. Hamilton, now owned by the school (where the photog is standing).



This is a side view:


This is the spot I sat in writing 10,000 spintros. A kitchen chair, a card table, an iMac, a nearly naked writer (this time of year) and a wet towel around the shoulders. You can see the hole worn in the linoleum.


“Well, that’s enough for me,” as Axl sang.


Here’s a pic of me today.

Was it worth it, spending my thirties doing VNN?

Here’s what someone said:

Linder was crucial to my conversion, I read him for three years straight in the early part of this century; and everything that was merely intellectualization in MacDonald was slowly converted inside me, by Linder’s intelligence, indefatiguablity, and lacerating wit, to confidence, vision, determination; in a word – bone and muscle.

I’ll take that for my tombstone. Thatz what I hoped to do better than I could put it myself.

And this ain’t nostalgia, itz just where we were and a little taste of where we’re headed. Dare I say…


  • 83 Responses to “VNN’s Origins”

    1. steve b Says:

      alex Says:-“Wrong. You asked Stan to delete your account, and that’s what he did. Deleted accounts are gone for good. That is, you weren’t banned, you’re entire VNNF being was deleted. A waste.”

      No big whoop. I was only on VNN for shits and grins anyway. My only regret is Sikorski losing his admin job for deleting my account when I asked him. If I had known you were going fire him over it I never would have done it.

      In a way you have vindicated my decision to leave. Elisha, Amiee and Detrich are admins and Stan isn’t. The new VNN.


    2. alex Says:

      This may come as a surprise to you but Stan didn’t want to be an admin in the first place and is happy to go back to being a senior member.

    3. alex Says:

      I don’t know why we’re not registered there, we’ll look into it.

    4. hick hater Says:

      The music in his prose is superior to any English poetry, in my opinion. It is a physical pleasure to read it out loud, and it memorizes very easily.

      No disagreement at all. I’ve always enjoyed your writing and have read most of Mencken’s works and letters. When tempo falters with an extra syllable or funky misspelling, I go with it. I don’t care about “right” when the Holy Spirit is jiving. Stronza did however have a point.

      One thing that bothers me about the Pearson spintros is that they’re very hard and usually impossible to separate from the Forward articles round which they’re spun. I can pick out a Pearson from the pile easily, but you’re much more quotable. Vide: “Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.”

      For the rec, I think the “Education” sprinto (right before the change to blog format) was one of your best. You put your finger on something very few understand.

      I sincerely hope you go back, in some way, to the old VNN style.

    5. hick hater Says:

      By the way – if you can say – what was Pearson’s pretext for leaving? I’ve always wondered.

    6. Stronza Says:

      Hick hater – do you hate hicks, or are you a hick who hates? Hope it is the latter – I guess I am a hick, a middleclass hick. Alex made a reference to the desire to be “right” being a “middle class obsession”.

      Well, it’s a slippery slope, isn’t it, Alex. At what point do we add extra syllables and play with words to make music with a serious subject, and when do we end up doing so much departure from normalcy that the writing reads like the f**king stupid Satanic Verses(by that fool marxist Salman Rushdie), a book which no one who wasn’t actually charged with the task of reviewing was able to finish reading.

      I don’t quite understand how to find all your “spintros”. What do we do to find them?

    7. America First Says:

      Happy Birthday Alex, and perhaps you played a part by founding VNN, in the fillthy insurance fraud in NYC, and then our lastest crime enemy aliens in 2003.

      As for the for the alphabet trolls who talk to their shoes, and change avatars like you do your socks, let repeat they need ejection.

      Trolls that are Pretending to be a White man, and all they can is hurl insults to White Men here at VNN, and talk tough on a public forum. Talk about slip ups these filthy trolls try to laugh at US by posting that we see ju’s under our beds etc.

      What White man would state such an insult after What happened to US with Woodrow Wilson, F.D.R. Dec. 7, 1941 and the http://www.ussliberty.org.

      Many have left VNNF because enemy aliens.

    8. hick hater Says:

      I hate hicks, yeeuh. I’m a shit-stirring Yankee. And you, as a Canadian, are not a hick, even though you live in a barn and feed on tubers. By “hick” I mean southern Americans of Scots-Irish descent. Hillbillies, you see. Rootin’ tootin’ moronic belligerent types whom Linder somehow manages to like. The Jews call them names on TV, but that’s false, they bear no resemblance to the caricature, say the WNs. In fact the Scots-Irish are one of those cancerous little nations whose most salient characteristic is their readiness to “proudly” proclaim their heritage while getting red in this face and looking like they’re about to explode, while their cultural achievements as a people amount to exile, backwardness, and permanent civil strife. That’s your Scots “pride”. It doesn’t even qualify as barbaric, it’s just obtuse “in your face” belligerence and lack of any advancement as a race. And these women are on VNNF, or at least Aimee and Demonica; I believe Linder has a special liking for this type of female. I don’t know why. If I were Linder, I’d be hitting on Stronza. You’re the one genuinely intelligent female I’ve ever seen on VNN in five years of following it. I would include Elizabeth Bennett, but she was just the incarnation of cuntery. It’s confusing because Linder has always trashed feminization, yet has consistently allowed the most brash females a voice on the mainpage and the forum. This irritates a lot of men, and apparently pleases a lot more sycophants. I don’t know. VNN is mysterious like that.

      Hicks do nothing for VNN, though. Imagine if VNN were all well-groomed, modestly-dressed, eloquent men like Linder. Or rather, just imagine if VNN were bereft of southerners and nordophiles and, well, shit-stirrers. Eventually, white nationalism has to evolve past southerners and similar retardations if it is to even approach maturity and acceptance.

      The spintro archives, once again:

      Chuck Pearson’s “Art of The Spintro”: http://web.archive.org/web/20050207025259/www.regmeister.net/pearson/Pearson_Art_Of_The_Spintro_2002.htm

      By the way — the first time I ever saw Rushdie’s book was a German translation, of which I managed to read the first ten pages: if you can imagine that. Alex never came within a mile of the slope leading to such utterly vapid nonsense.

    9. America First Says:

      Correction of post above.

      Happy birthday Alex and to your creation VNN! Salute!

      Perhaps and I would say that VNN’s existance in 2000, played some part in the Enemy Aliens deciding the pull the insurance claim by murder, and fraud with their real-estate claim in Sept. 2001.

      As for the various Alphabet trolls that slither around VNNF acting like a White man, but who hurl insult’s and hate at White men. Arron Burr would make short work of this filthy Enemy Aliens that they are!

      These Enemy Alien alphabet trolls here at VNNF, actually are so shamles and so full of it, that will post that were are nuts and thinks jews are under out beds.

      Woodrow Wilson, F.D.R. Dec.7, 1941, the Korean War was launched in 1950 to protect the infestation of ju’s by F.D.R. cabal and Keep Douglas MacArthur from becomeing President in 1952. Then the Murder of JFK, and then 30 months later we got the http://www.ussliberty.org, and today we are being raped as a people non stop with the so called insulting security state against Whites, along with a War with out the consent of the majority of Whites World Wide has been foisted on US with open borders as ordered by the Enemy Aliens inbeded in US.


      You trolls are are clea

    10. brutus Says:

      WOW! Seven years! Time certainly flies when one is disemboweling jews!

      I think that you’re just now starting to hit your stride. The kids in Knoxville have brought your passion up to level where it needs to be in order to convince others that you’re for real. The passion will keep things from becoming stale and the old ideas will still reverberate as new to those who’ve just walked in the door.

      The AC went on the fritz and the tech can’t get out here until Saturday and we’re uncomfortable. I’ll have to replace the damn capacitor myself. I think that’s the problem. I don’t relish doing that sort of thing. For me, it’s almost as tedious as watching one of those nigger-laden commercials on TV. I know it’s not going to go smooth, especially in the humid 90 degree Florida heat. I’ll skin my knuckles and curse the jews and storm back into the house and post some nasty truth about those bastards until I calm down. Then I’ll give the AC another go until the job’s done.

      Looking forward to the next seven.


    11. GB Says:

      Steve B:

      I hope you’ll post here on the blog sometimes, I was most unhappy to see what happened to your account.

    12. Heather Blue Says:

      Congratulations, Alex. Great job.

    13. alex Says:

      No disagreement at all. I’ve always enjoyed your writing and have read most of Mencken’s works and letters. When tempo falters with an extra syllable or funky misspelling, I go with it. I don’t care about “right” when the Holy Spirit is jiving. Stronza did however have a point.

      Well, I don’t try to do exactly what Mencken did, I have a similar but slightly different approach. I hate perfection and predictability, and I will break them, but for reasons. It’s hard to explain.

      One thing that bothers me about the Pearson spintros is that they’re very hard and usually impossible to separate from the Forward articles round which they’re spun. I can pick out a Pearson from the pile easily, but you’re much more quotable. Vide: “Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.”

      Pearson had a very good understanding of the jew, perhaps better than anyone I’ve met. In fact, I thought for a long time he might be a jew. His spintro on the holocaust I said at the time was the best one every written. It was the best spintro and the best one-gloop explanation of that miserable promo-phenomenon ever recorded.

      For the rec, I think the “Education” sprinto (right before the change to blog format) was one of your best. You put your finger on something very few understand.

      I don’t remember that, sad to say. I have no doubt it was excellent, ha. Education is quite an interesting subject. I’ve read more than one history of the public schools and have thought a lot about what I know and where I picked up that in my head which is solid.

      I sincerely hope you go back, in some way, to the old VNN style.

      I probably will. You would be surprised at the extent to which the way I write is conditioned by the format. The static html page lends itself very well to spintros and letters pages; the blog does not. It lends itself to discrete stories. Kind of hard to explain, but the beauty of the blog is the archival function. But Dietrich and I are working to restore a story box that is the size and shape I want, with the text size and font the way I want – like the original. Bigger and bolder, as fits the words.

      The other thing is, I’m not a white-hot angry 32-year-old anymore, with ten year of pissed-off, fermenting-on-the-vine juices roiling in my guts.

      I got into this to win. Not to go down a great writer or a gentleman, but to do whatever I could to win. Win meaning Whites controlling their territory and their future. That is an will be my mission, and I’ll do whatever I think is best to achieve it.

    14. alex Says:

      By the way – if you can say – what was Pearson’s pretext for leaving? I’ve always wondered.

      Someone prepared me some CDs of VNN to sell, maybe raise some money. We never sold one, as it turned out. I mean, after all, people could burn their own. It was no big deal. But he flipped out about the copyright to his writings, even though he had known I intended to sell CDs for years.

      Whatever. He’s that type of personality. If it wasn’t that it would have been something else.

    15. Stronza Says:

      Herr Hick Hater: Thank you v. much for showing us where we can find more spintros. Er…when did it cease to be called “ranting”? I am not saying that ranting is inherently bad; it unfortunately just has a negative connotation. Well, I read some of Pearsons’, and I nearly had to take to my bed. They are like expensive chocolates – just a wee bit at a time will do ya. I’d like to see a 10-minute Linder vs Pearson Spintro-Off.

      Re Scotch-Irish of the South. I have heard that they are excessively tightly wound, ie, polite and normal-appearing, but you’d get the feeling you better not cross them. Just passing it along, folks.

      You make the Scotch people sound inferior, but have you ever attended the Scottish Heavy Games? Even the women are incredibly physically accomplished in terms of their ability to perform these fascinating-to-watch events.

    16. alex Says:

      Spintros are here:


      Unfortunately many of the links to the stories referred to are no longer functional.

      Spintros are accessed from this page by going to top, under Pages, then click through to vol. 1, then go to “more” at bottom of story box. Then you get the link above, which is all the spintro archives we have.

      I think I’ll go ahead and make a Spintros post on this page, so it will be a simple one-click process to find them, from the (new) Spintros link on the right category box.

    17. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      7 years of superb work Herr Linder! Keep it moving. You ARE making a BIG difference. I’m quite skilled enough in mathematics, perturbation theory, statistics and such to be able to estimate your effects, as I do my own. Drang nach Jerusalem! Death to jewry! Long Live Aryan Man!

      In Aryan Solidarity,

      Gerald Morris

      P.S. Oh, the one critic I agree with: go back to the old format.

    18. hick hater Says:

      It was no big deal. But he flipped out about the copyright to his writings, even though he had known I intended to sell CDs for years.

      That’s good to know, actually, because I worked pretty hard on a big double anthology of your writings which I ultimately wanted to self-publish, with your and his consent of course, and I figured he would be harder to sell on the idea. The files were lost when a power failure during a lightning storm fried my hard drive. That’s why I mentioned the problem of separating quotables and articles, and as you note, most of those links are dead. What I did, and this was very laborious, was look up similar articles and give a short background to each spintro. I nearly destroyed my computer when I realized it was all gone, fortunately stopped by my girlfriend…

      I wouldn’t think Pearson’s a Jew, by the way, probably because I’ve read Miller, Céline, and nutty goyim like that. Very few white men can reach that fever pitch of cynical rhapsody. All I wanted to do was put you both firmly in the canon, at least for people who can understand what that means. I realize you don’t want to be “cut a fine figure in the minds of the last generation”, as you once put it, but I feel that your writings (the both of you, and really Frenz as well) constitute(d) something that should not exist only on “the internets”, have transcendent validity, as it were.

      I just felt that if we could have a little set of small paperbacks – you, Pearson, the Frenz essays, possibly Sheppard and O’Farrell – we, our generation of anti-Semites that is, could make a literary departure from the stagnant WNs who are still soiling their panties over Revilo Oliver and Pierce. All that’s fine stuff, but it’s old, academic, the voice of the past. Linder is the voice of the now and, goddamnit, call me a fucking bookworm and a limpdick if you want, such a corpus would stand as our literary credentials not only among anti-Semites, but in the history of English political satire. From day one I’ve been against “White Nationalism” in the internet scenester sense of the term. I’m not claiming that seeing your spintros in print would cause us to “win”, just that it deserves to be done, and would represent an advancement beyond the “literature” people are still trying to catch up with. I mean, your remark that “right” is bourgeois, if taken to its conclusion, also condemns the WN corpus — there’re no guts in any of it. It’s all based on the Protocols and Ford’s old articles. All that is useful material, but lively character, parody, violence, wedded to it are much better, and is why VNN has succeeded at all. From the other side comes the quasi-theoretical posing of the European nationalists and Americans who take them seriously (O’Meara for example!). Also bourgeois, also outmoded, dull, worthless. What I want to do is make a “Desert Fathers” collection, something to combat this piddling half-romantic jumble of bourgeois “nationalist” writers.

      I still intend to go back to it, but would like to first have my own printing press.

    19. hick hater Says:

      but you’d get the feeling you better not cross them. Just passing it along, folks.

      That’s exactly what I mean, right there: that is their one single boast — they’re tuff. Yea, ok. We’re all tuff now. We’re all into MMA and can kick each others’ asses.

      Back in reality, we call that boasting and bullying. When that’s the only virtue a race knows to claim, we call that barbarism and stupidity. Cross who, anyhow? Many Americans who claim “Scotch” descent are in fact nothing but low English or some breed of German. For every hundred rednecks who claim they’re “Scotch” – maybe one or two will say “Scots” – 90 of them will also say “there’s some Indian back there somewhere too!” And really I shouldn’t come down on just the Scots. Redneckism is spread far & wide in Amurrca.

      You make the Scotch people sound inferior, but have you ever attended the Scottish Heavy Games?

      I’m not talking about the Scottish people as a whole. I’ve been to Scotland and found the usual mixture of trash and decent Aryans, but I was singling out the Scots-Irish, the exiles, the flotsam of Europe and the first migrant wave in America (typically listed as “United States” under ancestry, on the census).

      On the other hand, I don’t care about any Games they play up there. They can throw rocks, great. Is this somehow an improvement upon the Greek games? People who get excited about outdoor happy festivals and rock-throwing are obviously not too concerned with intellectual pursuits of any kind. It’s very charming, no doubt, but it isn’t my culture. I’m a Yankee, an Englishman, I don’t think primitivism is desirable or an ideal. But just the opposite is valued by White Nationalism. Everything primitive, beastly, simplistic and backward is idealized as “pure”. In a way, it is actually quite “aryan” in the most basic sense: only barbarians care about feats of strength, barbecues and the like. It just makes me wonder what these guys think will go on if we somehow, someday, miraculously trump the Jew. Free screenings of Braveheart? No thank you, I’ll stick with my French opera.

      Even the women are incredibly physically accomplished in terms of their ability to perform these fascinating-to-watch events.

      Yea. Call me crazy, but I don’t find athletic females appealing. I find it boring at best, disgusting at worst, and unbecoming always. I’m sure men can be neatly divided into two types: the barbarian who likes women to be similarly loud and beastly, and the civilized man who wants something smaller and more demure. Most WNs fall under the former.

      Reminds me of an unfortunate case from my own life. I met this Austrian girl, raised in Britain, who came from Braunau-am-Inn. Not only that, her surname at birth was Schicklgruber. Being “British” and a “skinhead”, that is to say doubly barbaric, she had no idea that either fact had historical significance. This girl was quite beautiful as well, in that weird Austrian way — big piercing blue eyes, round face, nearly white hair. Imagine my shock when I discovered she’s an amateur boxer! If you’ve ever seen an amateur boxing match between females, you know it can be quite ugly. If that’s your ideal of womanhood, if it’s anyone’s ideal of womanhood, well I don’t know what to make of that, but it isn’t civilized, isn’t beautiful, and most certainly is not European.

      So I say pffui to all celtomania! It is naught but barbarism. Always was. Why do you think we Englishmen oppressed these people? Now I understand the desire to get away from that, to look back at primitive aryanism and yearn for a life free of “civilization” and its ills. I feel the same way. The difference is, – and this is the same difference between someone like Linder and the WN crowd – coming from a civilized race, I consider first how civilization might be corrected and improved, instead of shrugging it all off and start growing cukes and reading runes. That is much harder than daydreaming about “purity”, much harder than aryan idylls and heroic episodes. People don’t really want to do the work of society, then Jews step in and make sure they never can.

      The question is: why do you esteem brawny women? You’re in your thirties, I think. Two kids. A Uke, so you can’t be much taller than the avg tree-stump. Probably more than a little plump. But you wish you were taller and stronger? I’m just guessing, here.

    20. steve b Says:

      “GB Says:

      Steve B:

      I hope you’ll post here on the blog sometimes, I was most unhappy to see what happened to your account.”

      GB, I’d like to clarify what happened to my account without hijacking Linders humble beginning’s thread. I wasn’t banned, the current admin didn’t delete me. I asked Stan to do it. He hesitated at first but I kept asking and he finally complied, knowing the consequences. Sikorski’s a good guy, don’t let anyone tell you different.

      The reason I did it was not because, as some have suggested, that I am afraid of the admin chicks who wish they had dicks, giving my IP info to the feds. Thats’ a fuckin laffer. I could care less if the keystone kop feds have my IP. I did it because I know where this is leading. Elisha Strom, Aimee and Dietrich as admins combined with the influx of cliquish Stormfront refuges can only mean one thing….VNN free speech is going the way of the Dodo bird.

      Linder denies it of course. But you see the ever increasing use of the word, “shit stirrer”. It’s code for anybody who has a different opinion and bucks the new VNN status quo. Kind of like heretic or racist or anti-semite.

      I went onto the forum this evening because I still enjoy reading some of the brighter posters stuff and what did I find. Confirmation of what I have have just said. Linders got a new game, a “renamed subforum” with a “slightly altered policy”… nyuck nyuck.

      The re-named Helmets and Hip Boots is now called, Flamingos: Key Wurst’s Gayest Bar. The rationalisation for this is, “we merely want this board filled with serious people focused on activism”. Oh, and by the way, if you don’t agree with our definition of activism then yer a fag and we’ll put you in a fag subforum.

      Dat be why I left, Volks.


    21. Geoff Beck Says:

      Hello Steve B:

      Yes, Stan is a great guy and I’m happy to have worked with him in my time there. I respect Linder and continue to support him and have confidence in him; though I can see the seasons have changed. It really is time to move on, for me anyway.

      Anyway, after seeing you as a total pain in the ass for too long I started to really enjoy your presence on the forum… Well there’s always Kind Lampshade Maker.

    22. Stronza Says:

      Hi, Hickster. I better get this out of the way before I pass out for the night. Yes, O’Meara can get quite excitable at times, not to mention downright flossy. I never made it thru “Freedom’s Racial Imperative – A Heideggerian Argument for the Self-Assertion of Peoples of European Descent.” I barely finished reading the title. to tell the truth. No more subscription to The Occidental Quarterly!

      Your long post to Alex makes it sounds like some kind of cool & funky writing is going to lead to our cultural enemies’ undoing, and our rebirth. Poor ol’ Oliver and Pierce! Dull old farts.

      When you get your printing press, you might consider publishing in the form of socalled graphic novels. I think it would be a weird and wonderful miscegenation that might appeal to the terminally hip. A glorified comickbook doesn’t have to narrate a story in the usual sense.

      In reply to your post to me, I am bewildered by the high dudgeon you went into over my mild expression of awe at the Scotch women at the Heavy Games. In my white land, anyway, there’s room for all kinds. 99.9% of women, Scotch or not, can’t lift and throw that way. These women are married and have nice faces and children. (I spoke to some of them.) They may even harbour (who knows?) an admiration for the white races etc. No celtomania here, nor admiration of athletic females. I despise athletics in general, male or female. They are stupid, pointless and neurotic. But I admire physical strength in both sexes when put to a good use – pushing out babies without drugs or hauling buckets of cement all day to build a house on a hill. As Moliere said thru one of his funny characters, “My body is ME.” No point in a big brain if it ain’t backed up with wonderful health and strength.

      ALL the Europeans who stupidly ran away from Europe to North America were flotsam, not just the scotch-irish. I curse my ancestors (meaning all Europeans) for not having the gumption to stay home and work out their problems there. All our lives we hear that you can’t run away from your problems, because they will follow you wherever you go. No truer words.

      You guessed wrong: I’m not a stumpy slob. Sorry. Some time ago, one regular poster on VNN was having a pain in his liver or something and screeched at me, “You fat cunt!” Another one sent me a private message asking me for my measurements, so I gave him my IQ, which is only a wee bit below average. (Could I make any of this up?) What is it about the lads on VNN and their chronic worry that a woman might be “fat”? I’m not as young as you think, either. I am 56.

      Triples all ’round in any case. G’night, boy-chiks.


    23. hick hater Says:

      Your long post to Alex makes it sounds like some kind of cool & funky writing is going to lead to our cultural enemies’ undoing, and our rebirth.

      It’s amazing you can get that from what I said, because it’s exactly opposite what I meant. This often happens when discussing things on VNN — people see only what they want to see. I don’t think spintros will topple the Jew, because I don’t think it is possible at all. My point was just this: the writings of these guys have merit beyond the internet, beyond “nationalist” genre lit. I cut my teeth reading old satire; Swift, Shaw, Fielding, Sterne et al. So I guess that’s just my perspective bias.

      But I admire physical strength in both sexes when put to a good use – pushing out babies without drugs or hauling buckets of cement all day to build a house on a hill.

      Well, again, charming activities, but not useful politically, nor even culturally. You make it sound like hard labor will lead to our cultural enemies’ undoing, or something. Mexicans do all that. Does it make them Aryan? or progressive? Try to get my point: as far as politics, no amount of virtue on the Aryan side matters. You don’t win at politics with virtue, but with money, effrontery and persistence. As long as it’s just Linder and a few guys behind him who get that, and a few thousand “white nationalists” who’d rather dwell on past glories and charming aryan vignettes, white nationalism in its more progressive form will not advance. It has to get past some very dogged bad ideas before its growth can mean anything. The tree has to be pruned and staked, in other words, lest the fruits borne be stunted.

      No point in a big brain if it ain’t backed up with wonderful health and strength.

      Is that right? then how did Jews win out? This is one of the handful of moralistic platitudes common to WN, no offense. The body, apart from appearance, is mostly unimportant in politics. Fatigue is the norm. People aren’t all that impressed by muscle or how many cement bricks you can carry on your back. We still haven’t begun to experiment with what a well-groomed appearance can do for the public image of white nationalism, mostly because white nationalists refuse to dress normally, being mostly rednecks. To look at it another way: intelligence (with civilization) evolves at the expense of the corpore sano, forcing people to invent ways to keep up physical fitness, much as if a hamster were to build its own wheel inside its cage. Politically successful races do not waste too much time on sports, or at most as a male bonding ritual, or because a certain sport is traditional in their social class. You don’t see Bill Kristol worrying about how many bricks he can haul, do you? White nationalism pretends to a kind of “renaissance man” vitality, a holism, which is to say, is still firmly entrenched in the very vanity which caused whites to lose in the first place. All that effort spent in shaping up the Germans prior to war, the athletic clubs and insistence on big families and physical education, totally useless: while the politically intelligent in their entourage, including the military class, were consistently sidelines in favor of force. That’s barbarism. Making room for physical strength and pleasant cultural forms in white nationalist discourse, is barbarism. If I could influence people here, I would say: no, you don’t have to box, and work out a lot, and stop drinking and smoking — that may be good for you, but for politics, all you have to do is become more clever, find ways to cause trouble and spread anti-Semitism. That’s all anyone needs to do at this point. That’s my point: all these health and gardening tips have nothing whatever to do with what we’re facing. “White power gardening” doesn’t save lives, telling people the truth just might.

      ALL the Europeans who stupidly ran away from Europe to North America were flotsam, not just the scotch-irish.

      I know it. But, the Scots were the first non-Anglo race to come here, and very wisely took up in the interior, away from the civilised and productive colonies. There they created the glorious and world-historical Appalachian culture, with its painfully tremolo singing, banjo plucking, moonshine and congenital blueness of skin. Bear in mind that American racial theorists of the early 20th had the same opinion of them that I do; it’s in vogue just now, in accordance with the new barbarity, to imagine that the ruff-n-tuff YEEUH AH’M SCOTS-AHRISH is an evolved cultural form worthy of emulation and respect. It goes hand in hand with Ford trucks and televised sports. Not sure how we got there, I think it has something to do with winning the War….the proud American “doughboy” vs. the “Hun”…you see what I’m getting at: Americans fell short of Old World culture and became worshipers of brute strength. And here we are, decades later, further along the road.

      Now, you call our ancestors stupid. This is a mistake. I see where your sympathy is, though. You overestimate Mother Evropa. Also very common in WN circles. They curse their relatives for high-tailing it out of Europe and naturalizing, making it impossible for them to repatriate to charming old Europe…..I’ve been there. Then I went to Europe and saw how miserable it is and realized after reading too much about it that no, these people could not have solved their problems. Moreover, maybe their problems weren’t that bad, but they saw a good opportunity for something better and took it? who can fault them? The door was wide open, same as now when Mexicans stampede through it. Who can blame them? If you’ve see rural Mexico, you know why they risk their lives trying to get here. What people don’t seem to understand is that native rural populations exist in much the same circumstances as they did centuries if not millennia ago; same holds true of the Italians and Irish and Poles of early 20thC. immigration. These people cannot make a nation great or livable, only Germans can do that. You say they don’t have gumption, but consider the move they were making. It takes spirit to move to another continent without any humanitarian apparatus to make you feel at home. You expect these people to have been geniuses; in fact they were just normal folks. Are all the Germans who have emigrated over the course of centuries cowards and losers? There is more German blood over here than “Celtic”, that’s for sure. There’s a river of it in South America, tributaries yet in eastern Europe stretching all the way to Tashkent, and as far away as Australia and Africa. Or is it just south-European “muds” and stupid Slavs who are to be held accountable for leaving?

      The only way to make Europe better is to depopulate it and rule the remnant with an iron fist: cf. the Deutsche Demokratische Republik.

      What is it about the lads on VNN and their chronic worry that a woman might be “fat”?

      I wasn’t worried. I like fat chicks. Just speculating.

      56, huh? Interesting….I guess that’s why you’re a cut above the other females. I’ve known a couple brilliant women around your age on the forum.

    24. hick hater Says:

      It’s code for anybody who has a different opinion and bucks the new VNN status quo. Kind of like heretic or racist or anti-semite.

      Exactly. Go against the grain – even without ill intent – and you’re a Jew, a spy, etc. I’ve been banned for it myself. Every group has its heretics, the question is how hypochondriac they are in labeling who is a who isn’t. Cheers to you, Steve, always enjoyed your posts.

    25. Stronza Says:

      Since when did the jews “win out”? It ain’t over til it’s over.

      Maybe “only Germans can make a nation great or livable” – but how long can they hang on to it? That’s more the issue in my eyes. They haven’t done too well in the past; there is too much jealousy.

      Physical health is the foundation for the ability to weather whatever sh*t comes your way – and come your way it will. It isn’t a simple matter of crafty, nasty & barely able to walk like a human being [I’m not naming races here] VS fabulous health, brute strength and an inability to see where your bread is buttered. It is not that simple, and it never was.

      Yes, I understand now, from your post, that you are not of the view that spintros are going to save the world from you-know-who. And nobody said that power gardening was going to save us, either. It’s just important to keep out of jail & keep fit, that’s all. I like spintros, what I’ve read, and it only makes me want to weed my garden all the harder, and chop more firewood for winter! Do you think we are all the same, or what. Some people garden, and some people spread antisemitism. Do what you are suited for.

      Everybody hates the chozenites and they have to keep running – is that what you want for us? To turn around what the white-hating Wade Davis might say, “…we aren’t failed attempts at being them.”

    26. Roger Says:

      Fuckin aye Outis! You need to write more. Send Linder some original articles. He should put them on the main page like he used back a few years ago.
      Hick Hater’s writing is why VNN is the leading jew exposing site on the web.
      Pleasure yo read you HH.

    27. nobody Says:

      You Jewish, Alex? Looks like it in that picture.

    28. Socrates Says:

      nobody Says: “You Jewish, Alex? Looks like it in that picture.”

      Oh, come on – you can troll better than that. Which type of Jew does he look like? Sephardim? Ashkenazim? And how does he “look” Jewish? Be specific. Give details.

    29. nobody Says:

      Well, I guess I’ll reserve judgement until I see a side view of the nose. Plus, it looks like he has blue eyes. I’ve just always suspected a lot of these “Nazi” groups of being ADL/SPLC ops.

    30. VLC Says:

      I discovered VNN a few months after the Sept.11 attacks. I started to regularly use the net two years earlier to get the news. Reading Raimondo’s column I knew the “news” on TV and in the papers was crap so I stopped buying papers and watching TV news completely. I also noticed the good nigger / stupid white theme trend in TV ads and in some movies but I didn’t know how all of these things were linked together.

      I wasn’t convinced at first, I was like “yeah, right, the jews run everything”, but I kind of felt uncomfortable because I simply couldn’t reject everything out of hand. I had to open the door and see what was inside. When I started listening to William Pierce’s broadcasts and reading Kevin MacDonald was when I really started to reconsider everything I thought I knew. I went back to VNN’s website with a different mind and really appreciated Alex’s ability to summarize things up and explain clearly the cause of our problems.

      No jews, just right.

    31. VLC Says:

      by the way where’s Wolzek and his articles ? i.e. The Jungling. It used to be here :


      (I can still read it on archive.org though)

      he should be on Goyfire or Free Talk Live once in a while.

      Now if you could clean up the forum or make it a useful place instead of a filthy saloon for useless conversations and petty fights. It’s a mistake to try to attract people to the forum with your VNNFORUM.COM signs. GOYFIRE.COM or GOVNN.COM that’s good but the forum isn’t where you want the newbies to go. And the tabloids, they suck too. It’s not the right direction. The focus should be radio shows & videos.

      Hey guys instead of reading and typing on the forum how about doing some door-to-door the weekends selling or giving DVDs of the The Line in the Sand ? go out and meet people, talk about the mexican invasion and the traitors who run the government. How about trying to get your city council to vote laws against illegals a la Hazleton, PA ? The mayor of Hazleton won his last elections with +90 % of the vote. That would be productive activism that brings real results. Posting on a forum among like minded people won’t do much to help our cause.

    32. steve b Says:

      Olde Dutch Says:

      “Better watch out Steve, Mrs. Strom may pull out her .50 caliber Buttline Special, and return fire, and your “best buddy” Fuhrer Bill will write it up big.

      I’ve been reading Linder for a long time, and, I want to see that damn dutchman succeed in journalism.

      I guess it does take a certain amount of sensationalism to succeed in journalism, and Mrs. Strom & Fuhrer Bill are definately potentially sensational characters.


      He has a way of alienating everyone who ever tried to help him. It’s almost pathological. WN’s A said or did something that didn’t go down right so WN’s B is the new kid on the block. WN’s B has a short shelf life so WN’s C is waiting in the wings. The data input is always grossly atypical of normal expected results.

      I never could ‘figger Linder out. I chock it up to high IQ. And with big brains is big ego. Linder is never wrong, just ask him. He’s an enigma….like “Rosebud”. Except in Linders case it’s real life and not a movie.

      Is he the new Frank Collin, marching on Knoxville/Skokie? Breaking with Pierces successor Strom much like Collin did with Rockwells successor Koehl? Throw in the cunt Elisha and you have a major shit storm. Linder will lead us, he always does.

    33. Dr. Evil Trolls For Retractions « his vorpal sword Says:

      […] Out of courtesy, I’m granting him the benefit of the doubt that he ISN’T the same ‘Ernst Blofeld’ who regularly posts on the virulently racist, white-supremacist website “The Vanguard News Network”: http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?p=1943 […]