Linder to be Arraigned June 4 10:00 a.m., Same Location in Knoxville
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville, Knoxville rally at 4:22 pm | 
Anybody who’d like to speak to me, I’ll be there. If you know a good lawyer in Knoxville, please let me know.
I’d also like to make a public request to the Knoxville Police Department to return my speech notes, which were stolen from me at the time of booking. Multiple pages of yellow legal paper. They contain a couple of literary lines that I need for the Open Letter to Gary Christian I’m writing. Which will be replacement for the speech I intended to give before the cops attacked.
I will be on FTL tonight, later in the show. Probably around 9:30 CST.
I have done an interview with our local paper, should appear tonight. Also, was unable to conclude arrangements to appear on Paul Zahn (CNN) tonight at 8 EST. I believe James Edwards and possibly Hal Turner will appear on this show.
Keep the heat up, people.
What’s going on here is that the liberals are trying to drag the red herring of ‘hate’ crime to deflect debate from real crime. The point you should emphasize in discussing this crime with others is that this kind of black-on-White savagery HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. There are 100 black on White rapes a day on average, according to the horribly biased Department of Justice. That doesn’t include unreported rapes. Like the White girl raped by three niggers in New York who came forward only belatedly because she was afraid of being accused of racism.
Who created an environment in which White girls could be raped with impunity? JEWS did. JEWS who are responsible for the coerced integration called civil rights. JEWS own the media that refuse to turn the Channon/Chris massacre into a national case.
JEWS are the ones trying to prevent the rest of us from SEEING WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.
Which is precisely that genocide our rally was held to prevent.
29 May, 2007 at 4:53 pm
Someone on FTL 5/26 said that Alex was walking up and down the street with a sign close to where the protesters were congregated and that there was some sort of barrier set up to separate the pro and antis, however there was no prohibition on pedestrians actually being able to travel freely on that street. According to the commentator, there were no “keep out” signs posted
that he could see. It sounds like a judgement call on the cops, thinking that Alex may have been too close to where the ARA people were especially if he walked towards them and started to verbally confront those people. With the nervousness about another Toledo possibly happening, they were probably instructed to not tolerate any behavior that could lead to physical contact and acted accordingly.
29 May, 2007 at 5:06 pm
There are expenses associated with these matters Alex is entangled in. If you respect his efforts, as I do, and wish to support an honest, straight-shooting man who is speaking on behalf of White America you ought to support him with some cash:
A. Linder
POB 101
Kirksville MO 63501
29 May, 2007 at 5:22 pm
Please record the show and post a link for download as soon as possible.
29 May, 2007 at 6:25 pm
Carol Scott
Executive Director
The mission of the Police Advisory and Review Committee (PARC) is to provide the citizens of the City of Knoxville a civilian oversight committee to audit the discipline process and the policies and procedures of the Knoxville Police Department (KPD). The purpose is to strengthen the relationship between the citizens of the City of Knoxville and the KPD, to assure timely, fair and objective review of citizen complaints while protecting the individual rights of police officers, and to make recommendations concerning citizen complaints to the Chief of Police and to the Mayor.
29 May, 2007 at 6:27 pm
Alex with all due respect…… don’t bother with an expensive lawyer. You have not commited any serious crimes. They will make you cut a deal and in the end you will get a fine or a week or two in jail.
I’ve been threw the system more then once. Did state prison time with my brother for almost killing our brother in law.(He beat the fuck out of my sister so we paid him back extra good ,and he was a state trooper at the time) Got 4 years each and did 22 months.
When I was young and wild I was in jail and threw the courts numerous times. Mostly drinking/fighting and selling some herb,nothing I’am ashamed of.
My point is don’t let the thought of doing a little time freak you out. In their eyes you are already convicted so any money you dish out to a cunt lawyer is a complete waste. Use a state provided lawyer and tell him how you would like to be defended. Direct the guy because most lawyers even the good ones are not that sharpe and have no street smarts.
You could probably cut a deal your first day in court and save the bullshit of a trail you will lose. Anyway jail is not as bad as you think. Mostly boring plus crappy food.
………..All great men have gone to prison or jail.
As far as your papers are concerned forget about it. They will fuck you around on that matter. And as far as help from the ACLU(?) forget about it. They hate people like you.
29 May, 2007 at 6:47 pm
Don’t listen to the idiot above. People who can raise as much money as VNN (Linder) did for Doles can certainly handle lawyer fees. I’ll personally double the biggest contribution for this one, especially since I know I’ll get my money back – from the city of Knoxville.
29 May, 2007 at 7:32 pm
Att: MB
Your the type of guy who would be someones bitch first day in prison.
Your second day someone would shank you for being such a creepy little geek from some sheltered upper class white neighborhood.
I used to practice karate kicks on guys like you in high school. Fuck you!
29 May, 2007 at 8:44 pm
Big jew can’t stand living with a bunch of smelly Arabs. How does Mr. stein retaliate? Misery loves company. Why not make the GOYIM suffer? Yes, that’s it, “It’s the Goyim’s fault!!” In fact if you listen to most jews everything that is wrong with them is the white man’s fault. Billions upon billions of dollars were not good enough for Big jew, (how do you think we got big?) Let this be a lesson to all–not only a demo of human nature, (sometimes I think it hard to find a jew that’s human) but of the greed and avarice deep inside Big jew–no respite will be given, no matter the numbers or consequences for you, our cream forced to march to the meatgrinder in Iraq, or the trillions squandered and stolen from the US treasury by the zionist criminals in the bandit state of israel.
What we have: evil in 100% pure form.
29 May, 2007 at 9:20 pm
MB writes: “I’ll personally double the biggest contribution for this one, especially since I know I’ll get my money back – from the city of Knoxville.”
If honkey tonk man is the largest contributor the most you’d lose is a dime.
29 May, 2007 at 9:52 pm
They only pull this over-the-top KGB BS when there are pro-White rallies. It’s time someone challenged them on this crap and make them say outright that Whites have less protection under the First Amendment than all their precious protected minorities.
30 May, 2007 at 12:16 am
Alex, you are my hero. Can I offer a little constructive criticism regarding your latest strategy? I think Whites immediate problem is the Latino, Brown Supremacist Invasion. Fighting with niggros and the jew press is admirable, but we have got to thwart off the Brown Drown, or all of your gains from rallies like Knoxville will be in vain. Think Alex. First we beat back the spics, Big Jew’s latest project. Later we can deal with Big Jew and their other monkey circus. I hope you are OK. I thank God for people like you that tell it exactly how it is. I’ve learned most of my racial awakening from you. I am 1/32 Cherokee (found out to my horror on Easter), but I actually embrace them as much as my Celtic ancestors. I’m with you Alex.
Just my opinion.
30 May, 2007 at 12:26 am
My parents, especially my dad, taught me alot about racial pride. Since then, I have become somewhat of a Frankenstein’s monster by always bring u[ kike-commie subversion. That is probably my parents (especially my mom) brought my Cherokee heritage. What is a white racialist to do? I never liked “The Noble Savage” type bullshit. I need to follow up on the old man’s claims. Just because someone claims Cherokee doesn’t necessarlily mean it is true. We cannot stand by and let Big Jew dictate our lives (and deaths). My personal mission is to inform Latinos of the Talmud and the Protocols. Jew wanna destroy us? Fine, let’s work together and destroy Jew too.
30 May, 2007 at 12:32 am
Lots of typos. Sorry.
30 May, 2007 at 10:16 am
30 May, 2007 at 1:22 pm
No doubt your talking papers will be used as a threat of proving hate crime intent as an additional bargaining chip. You know that’s bullshit.
I think I might consider at least speaking on the phone with an out-of-the-area attorney who would not be one of the LOCAL good old boys. However, I’ve never met an attorney who was not a believer in The System. I do not endorse Becraft from personal experience but think he is one that might not be afraid of the case.
30 May, 2007 at 5:21 pm
This situation illustrates the need for a strong legal team – not just attorneys – but volunteers who can research law, pleadings, copies of trials,etc. The City of Knoxville and its Pigs need to be sued, long and hard, for obvious Constitutional Rights violations: violations of ones right to assemble, excercise his right of free speech – plus the obvious assault and battery, excessive police force and conspiracy to accomplish all of the above. One thing the WN’s have never done is realize the importance of maintaining legal actions against these swine. Don’t think it works ? Study the litigation tatics of a certain cult, now officially accepted as a Church, “Scientologist” – they’ve made tens of millions of dollars suing the crap out of anyone that looks cross eyed at them. Yes, they ask their membership for money – and they get it . No one screws with them. Study them and see. Until WN’s grow up enough to realize that litigation is a highly effective tool in this society they will continue to get wooled around by these two bit politicos and their Pig minions. And please, don’t hire Jew attorney’s – don’t use one if he offers his services for free – you only make youself absurd when you do.
30 May, 2007 at 11:10 pm
HatsOff wrote:
his situation illustrates the need for a strong legal team – not just attorneys – but volunteers who can research law, pleadings, copies of trials,etc. The City of Knoxville and its Pigs need to be sued, long and hard, for obvious Constitutional Rights violations: violations of ones right to assemble, excercise his right of free speech – plus the obvious assault and battery, excessive police force and conspiracy to accomplish all of the above. One thing the WN’s have never done is realize the importance of maintaining legal actions against these swine.
in reply:
Let’s be brutally honest, shall we?
By not treating this as an exercise that mattered, Linder, with the best of intentions, has been effectively neutralized.
By not treating this as a situation where they are looking for ANY excuse to bust you, and acting accordingly, Linder, with the best of intentions, has been neutralized.
By stating his belief that the First Amendment guaranteed that we did not have to seek approval to speak – true – and could say what we wanted – true, for now – where and when we wanted – false – Linder defined the terms of engagement.
Look at the Democratic National Convention before the last election; see the “Free Speech Zone,” more than a MILE away from the Convention itself, where people went in behind chain link fences that were TEN FEET HIGH?
What makes you think we are going to be treated any different?
The Patriot Act, which has replaced the Constitution in all but name, sets limits on how big a sign you can carry, and what it, and the handle it attaches to, can be made of.
Go outside the rules, and, surprise, you are in violation of Federal Law.
They’ve been real nice with us, all things considered.
So far…
That will be changing, very soon.
If we aren’t prepared to Play By The Rules, we will suffer the consequences.
HatsOff wrote:
Don’t think it works ? Study the litigation tatics of a certain cult, now officially accepted as a Church, “Scientologist†– they’ve made tens of millions of dollars suing the crap out of anyone that looks cross eyed at them. Yes, they ask their membership for money – and they get it . No one screws with them. Study them and see.
in reply:
Let’s replay your best insight:
“Yes, they ask their membership for money – and they get it. No one screws with them. Study them and see.”
in reply:
They take it seriously – they ask for money, and return value for money.
Bill White’s the same way; he asks for money, delivers value for money, and tells everyone that this is for Real; if there is something more important, then don’t be surprised when it goes away.
Until people take it seriously, VNN as a Force for Activism, like WN activities historically, will be a hobby…
Reread that last line.
Doc Schneider said it best: “It’s boots, or bullion; cash on the barrelhead, or your feet in the street. Both is best, but if you won’t do one or the other, sit down and shut up.”
Remember my earlier point about Edgar Steele being told to start a Defense Fund, to support our RACIAL Brethren? Steele resisted this, and finally started the fund.
He got an amount so pathetic, I am not going to mention it.
Here’s a hint; put a dollar a day in a piggy bank, and, at the end of a year, you will have more money that Steele made.
So much for a “Movement”…
I know guys who spend substantially more on their hobbies, and, frankly, take them more seriously than most of us take the future of our RACE.
Linder said, “The best form of rebellion is EXCELLENCE.”
Hell, if this is what we can do, with more than a month to “prepare,” we “might as well call it a day, pop up some Jiffy-Pop, make sure there’s something good on tv every night, and just stay out of their way.”
I think we can do better, a LOT better, and if WE can’t, then some of us CAN, for our Family and our RACE.
Some thoughts on this in the concluding paragraph.
HatsOff wrote:
Until WN’s grow up enough to realize that litigation is a highly effective tool in this society they will continue to get wooled around by these two bit politicos and their Pig minions. And please, don’t hire Jew attorney’s – don’t use one if he offers his services for free – you only make youself absurd when you do.
in reply:
I am embarrassed that people show up with hand-drawn signs, rather than properly stenciled signs; Von Bluvens and Yankee Jim could both make up fifty signs apiece, and distribute them to our comrades.
I am embarrassed that we don’t have a PA system, or even have the foresight to rent one.
I am embarrassed that we did not have a bail bondsman on stand-by, and we did not have a lawyer on stand-by.
I have seen better organization at a lemonade stand.
The Idea, and Ideal, of White Nationalism is so good, so true, so powerful that, even delivered as ineptly as it was, it rings home and lays the foundation for Something Better.
I’ll do some thinking about this over the weekend in the context of the Sam Francis alternative biography I am working on, but I think it’s time to recognize that either we ACT like we are members of a political party, with responsible political positions, or we shall be reduced to an inept Opposition.
The British have two main parties, a couple of secondary parties, and an actual political party called “The Monster Raving Looney Party.”
The Monster Raving Looney Party is better organized than we are, and, frankly, worthy of greater respect by the Establishment…
If we are ever to be taken seriously, we have to begin NOW to form the nucleus of an Alternative Political Party.
That requires focused, disciplined action.
“If not now, when?”
Several people have written handbooks or pamphlets on how to do this and AT LEAST stand for office intelligently; Covington did, and Duke has a lot of good ideas on the actual mechanisms for running a campaign and getting elected.
At the very least, such an exercise will help develop the Leadership Cadre for the separate White NATION of which Covington has written, and of which Linder speaks, so well.
At the very most, such an exercise will provide the Leadership Cadre for our NATION, and our Homeland.
That’s if we are serious, and there is an easy way to prove you are serious.
Send money to Alex Linder at the address on your screen; certainly, send it regularly (monthly, in my case), but send what you can afford, NOW. An Aryan Defense League is a great Idea; it requires money to hire lawyers.
Or, pop up the Jiffy-Pop, and when your daughter comes home speaking Spanglish, make sure there’s something good on television.
And leave the Work of Men, to Men.
A parenthetical note; those of you who criticize Edgar Steele for not doing more, remember he was asked to represent people who did not meet with him to discuss the right way and the wrong way to do things beforehand. Doing that, and following his advice, would save them a fortune, and even their lives.
(The late David Lane said what he would have done differently, if he had it to do over. He already told you. Outside, you can do amazing things. Inside, you can do very few things, at all…)
And, even if his services are free, the cost of litigation – hotels, depositions, transcripts, witnesses – runs up very quickly.
This is the Real Practice of Law; if you were a mechanic, and wanted to fix my car for free, you could donate your labor, and I would be grateful.
But I still have to buy the parts…
Put aside your Childish misunderstanding of the Law, and the Legal Process.
If you can’t walk into a lawyer’s office and hand him a check for five grand, he will know you can’t afford to bankroll a serious defense.
In any case, you should walk into his office with a check for a grand, about a month before the Event, and discuss the issues before you. Better, fax him your concerns, ask him for a couple hours of his time, and send him the grand.
If you want to be treated as Adults, you had best act like Adults.
Time to form that political party…
While you still can…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
31 May, 2007 at 9:12 am
Alex oughta file a lawsuit, “pro se”. One of the forum’s attorneys can draft it, and Alex can file it in Knoxville while holding a press conference at the same time.
Alex also should email letters-to-the-editors of Knoxville newspapers and phone TV and radio stations to present his side of the arrest story.
That way, we’ll keep the pressure on via resulting media coverage and bring the issues of Alex’s arrest and the murders out in the open for analysis by the white public.
Keep the “pot” boiling, so to speak.
31 May, 2007 at 9:48 am
Look at the Democratic National Convention before the last election; see the “Free Speech Zone,†more than a MILE away from the Convention itself, where people went in behind chain link fences that were TEN FEET HIGH?
The DNC and RNC conventions are major national events (LOL) for the sham political system and considered to be prime targets for “international terrorism.” Hundreds of important politician traitors and whores are in attendance. The presidential candidates are under Secret Service protection. How is this comparable to what should be a normal exercise of free speech? Was there any intelligence that suggested that Al Qaeda might show up in Knoxville and assassinate the mayor and city council?
A better comparison would be with the hundreds of pro-illegal alien rallies, none of which provoked use of extraordinary security measures. The recent May Day McArthur Park rally in LA was only broken up after the police were continuously pelted with rocks and bottles and seven were injured.
31 May, 2007 at 12:21 pm
31 May, 2007 at 12:43 pm
in reply to expat:
you wrote:
Look at the Democratic National Convention before the last election; see the “Free Speech Zone,†more than a MILE away from the Convention itself, where people went in behind chain link fences that were TEN FEET HIGH?
The DNC and RNC conventions are major national events (LOL) for the sham political system and considered to be prime targets for “international terrorism.†Hundreds of important politician traitors and whores are in attendance. The presidential candidates are under Secret Service protection. How is this comparable to what should be a normal exercise of free speech? Was there any intelligence that suggested that Al Qaeda might show up in Knoxville and assassinate the mayor and city council?
A better comparison would be with the hundreds of pro-illegal alien rallies, none of which provoked use of extraordinary security measures. The recent May Day McArthur Park rally in LA was only broken up after the police were continuously pelted with rocks and bottles and seven were injured.
in reply:
The phrase that pays is not “Al-Quaeda.”
The phrase that pays is “terrorist,” and anyone who supports the “terrorist,” and actively holds their views.
The continuum from “hate speech” to the functional equivalent of “terrorist” is a lot shorter than you may realize, as the demonic goddamn JEWS have demonstrated, in their thinking, over and over again.
Here’s The Big Picture:
Effectiveness matters, and nothing else matters, at all.
Linder did not play by The Rules, and was neutralized – actually, placed in a Penalty Box – and did not give The Speech.
All he had to do was make it to the podium, and give The Speech.
He didn’t.
This is Politics, and Hal Turner knows what Bill White knows; there are only two words to say to a police officer when he TELLS YOU to do something:
“Yes, Sir.”
Argue it out later, argue it out in court, but the System wants public order – public safety – and is none too concerned about how they achieve that.
Hence, as Puzo so astutely noted in “The Godfather,” “The lowest police officer in New York could say what he wanted to the most powerful of men, and they would have to do as he said.”
The police officer is the tip of a spear; you might see him as Barney Fife, but the entire system of REAL political power has put him out front to represent THEM.
And they’ll stand behind him, regardless.
Yes, he might get a reprimand – overturned on appeal, after everything has cooled down – but it will be followed by a series of “EXCELLENT” boxes check-marked on his Annual Evaluation.
And that, Children, is Today’s Lesson.
Above all, remember this:
A discussion with the police of where and how you could speak, in advance, will say you much inconvenience later on. Paying a thousand dollars to a local lawyer to “review” this arrangement is cheap insurance, indeed. The head of the local Bar Association will be GLAD to refer you to someone.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
31 May, 2007 at 2:06 pm
One reason Mr. Steele, and the rest of the non-organized WN “entity’s” don’t get funding is:they don’t effectively ask for it. He should study the marketing techniques of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I have never, once, seen a fund raiser by any of these organizations – and with a website there is not reason a fund raiser could not be done. I see every type of organization, from religious hucksters to public TV maintaining fund raising weeks – people on the phone, books, DVD’s for contributions, etc. Marketing is a science – one that WN’s have apparently never heard of. Hell, study the NS propaganda used by the party in the 1930’s – it was effective and the underlying principles are the same. In fact, basic organization, education of members and establishment of leadership positions, critical or an organization, is generally totally lacking in virtually all the resistance “movments”.
31 May, 2007 at 5:09 pm
in reply to Hats Off:
You have just hit about five nails on the head; let’s look at them in context.
you wrote:
One reason Mr. Steele, and the rest of the non-organized WN “entity’s†don’t get funding is:they don’t effectively ask for it. He should study the marketing techniques of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I have never, once, seen a fund raiser by any of these organizations – and with a website there is not reason a fund raiser could not be done. I see every type of organization, from religious hucksters to public TV maintaining fund raising weeks – people on the phone, books, DVD’s for contributions, etc. Marketing is a science – one that WN’s have apparently never heard of. Hell, study the NS propaganda used by the party in the 1930’s – it was effective and the underlying principles are the same. In fact, basic organization, education of members and establishment of leadership positions, critical or an organization, is generally totally lacking in virtually all the resistance “movmentsâ€.
in reply:
Your first point is reminiscent of Harold Covington’s statement regarding the Northwest Republic:
“I can find a thousand men willing to die for the RACE; I can’t find a dozen who will WORK for it.”
AS to funding, note that Steele responded to requests by, and I use the terms loosely, “dedicated, motivated, White Nationalists”; you know, the Aryanfest types.
I suspect the fault is deeper than that, and, as always, pain will be the best teacher.
The question is, “Will they get the lesson, even then?”
This is why I promoted the Dave Ramsey website; too many of our people have the legitimate excuse of “no money, no time,” but Ramsey eliminates the “no money” excuse, which frees them from the demonic JEW’S trap of debt – the illusion you can afford something you really can’t afford.
They simply can not conceptualize that the building blocks from the Individual to the Nation to the Country are Institutions, and these require money, and the time and efforts of intelligent, motivated people working to a goal much greater than they are.
That is our own NATION, in our own HOMELAND.
That leads to your second excellent point:
In fact, basic organization, education of members and establishment of leadership positions, critical or an organization, is generally totally lacking in virtually all the resistance “movmentsâ€.
in reply:
That’s why I have argued we have to be the intelligent White Nationalism Information Switch, where people hit THIS page – which should be the MAIN page for VNN, and then they should be able to link to Yggdrail’s page, which is the best overview and foundation I have seen.
As to the lack of organization of the “resistance ‘movements,'” some thoughts:
One, they have failed because they always defined themselves in terms of what they were against, rather than what they were for. The demonic JEW-controlled Form changed; the demonic JEW-controlled Substance remained the same, but the “resistance” (using THAT term loosely!) was reduced to Shadow Boxing.
The Key is to harness that excellence in the fulfillment of a Purpose much greater than yourself.
Hell, most of the WN “Resistance organizations” have failed at both resistance, and at being an organization. I suspect Pierce just said, “The Hell With It.” Duke has gone through more money than most of us will see, and, while I am sure it’s been at least nominally helpful, it sure hasn’t helped to build the organizational infrastructure we need to actually accomplish anything.
Ideally, by actually having a Goal we can all work towards, starting where we are, the Institutions will suggest themselves; an Aryan Defense League, by whatever name they wish to call it, seems to be an obvious step, as well as actually organizing these events.
No public address system?
Hand written signs?
No bail bondmen on call?
No attorney on stand-by?
No meeting with law enforcement to say, “What do you want us to do?”
We should AT LEAST give them a good, long hearing…
Or, one way or another, for one reason or another, we will be arrested, and that cost adds up, real fast…
An Organization will lead to a political party, with a legal defense organization, and a public relations arm, and, let’s not mince words, some system of internal security.
Bill White is actually DOING this!
Let’s follow his excellent example on this, and ask HIS ideas.
Let’s stop reinventing the wheel!
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
31 May, 2007 at 5:52 pm
“The Obama site is an unabashed attempt to use the power of Web-based social networking to channel a surge of enthusiasm–and a flood of money–for an upstart candidate into a broad-based political movement.”,0,4455192.story
31 May, 2007 at 9:44 pm
Refering to Scientology – this so called “Church” (which has probably been coopted by CIA/Mossad since the orgininal grand huckster died – L. Ron Hubbard) has created an impressive organization with fanatic, dedicated members – all based on an incredibly ludicrous comic book theology (look for the SouthPark cartoon available on the net that accurately summarzies this so called religion). Why has it done so – even with this ridiculous “theology” ? Because there are thousands, millions, of people who want to believe and to follow. If they can be harnessed into a rational system – like the National Socialist and the Fascist did – great things happen. If not, well, things like Xianty and Scientology. My point is – the movment must appeal to these emotions, it must have, if you will, an uapologitic theology and a leader capable of stating the “Word”, speaking it and writing it, to motiviate the followers to sacrifice for it. All this is then incorporated into an organization, marketed and it then grows. You might say the “Creator” group tried this, and they did, and but for the leaderhip, might have flouished. I personally think that a political movment with of the spirit of the Volk is superior. Meetings, education, emotion, rallies, belief, sacrifice. If these can be acheived by a movement, it is a movement and not just a website or dead end cult. Scientology is a good study in this modus.
1 June, 2007 at 3:35 am
“Marketing is a science – one that WN’s have apparently never heard of.”
You can say that again.
1 June, 2007 at 10:23 am
in reply to HatsOff and Igor Alexander:
You are correct when you state that “Marketing is a science, one that WNs have apparently never heard of.”
And why is that?
One hypothesis: marketing is the bridge between what you have to offer, and what the market wants to buy.
What do we have to offer?
Years of defining ourselves in terms our RACIAL Enemy has chosen for us has reduced any and all WN “organizations” to the level of the pathetic subpotence of the patriotards, at best, and unwittingly working in the service of our RACIAL Enemy, at worst.
The short answer is we must offer something worth fighting, and even dying, for.
The long answer is we need to offer an Institutional Framework where people can see where they are, right now, from where they are, to where they want to be, and the key to THAT is to define the issue in terms of (1) the RACE WAR that has been declared against the White RACE, on all levels, from school beatings to Affirmative Action, and (2) what can be DONE about it, from where they are, today, to where their children could be in our own RACIAL Homeland.
This means creating the functional equivalent of a political party, now, by acting as if we were members of that political party, with a common platform of Ideas, that reflect our Ideals.
We also need to put a tip jar on the top of the page. Anything we want to do will cost money, and we can created different pots to place it in – a political party, in time, but a PAC, a defense fund, whatever.
We also must use the power of Distributed Intelligence to act like Leaders, and not like people who have to painfully reinvent the wheel every time we go out in public.
One thought: Linder does Ideas, words and speeches, using him for anything else is like using a jet car for a plow horse.
Todd from Florida can begin serious, Adult, mature organizing for these events, if he wishes, and Yankee Jim can work with him to make sure all the bases are covered.
Miller can begin moving forward with the Idea of a political party, in at least one of its variations.
Duke laid out how to use the System’s tools to develop a functioning campaign.
Von Bluvens is excellent at radio, and Doc Schneider is masterful at droll, insightful commentary.
I have nothing but praise for Bill White; why on Earth we do not use his years of painfully gained experience is beyond me…
And, above all, Covington has The Vision that we can build a Plan around; broad enough to deal with ALL issues of the future of our RACE, and actionable at the smallest level in our personal lives.
Stan is great at organizing, given the resources.
We can start where we are, and be what we want the world to become.
Or we can wait for Sky God to come down and save us from ourselves.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; the line at the BOTTOM of the screen about sending donations to Linder belongs on the TOP of the screen.
And, everyone should send money to Alex today, without fail.
Or, pop up the Jiffy-Pop popcorn, and watch as your barely functionally literate grandchildren hold the People’s Revolutionary Hate Trials against you, all the while speaking in Spanglish…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
1 June, 2007 at 4:03 pm
An excellent study – outside of the Scientology cult – would be George Lincoln Rockwell. I think Natl. Vanguard ( or is it Alliance ? one of their leaders just got busted for downloading pubescent female photos), had an excellent DVD on the career of Lincoln Rockwell. Too bad they won’t study it. At any rate GLR was a marketing genius. He had run for governor of Virginia in the mid 60’s on the Nazi party ticket and almost got 7,000 votes – and believe me – that was an accomplishment then because the woods were full of the these “Greatest Generation” buffoons who would rather see their grandchildren mullatos than support a Nazi (indeed, many have – and appear to be proud as pigs in barnyard shit). This shocked the system to its core. How many votes would he get if he ran again? 20,000 and again 50,000. The Whites weren’t nearly as gelded then as now – and to top it off – people with money were showing an interest. In fact, Rockwell was receiving significant fees for speaking on college campuses and, get this, the White students were shouting down the loudmouthed Jews who were trying to drown him out. Think that would happen today ? I don’t. Not right away – but it could start happening again. It’s all a matter of guts and marketing.
1 June, 2007 at 4:39 pm
a quick note of clarification concerning my last post:
When I said, “And, everyone should send money to Alex today, without fail,” I should have been a bit more precise.
If 100 people cared enough to show up, I should hope they care enough to send about 100 dollars each – this once, certainly – because litigation always costs more money, and takes more time, than anyone thought going into it.
Mine goes into the mail Monday.
We really do have the beginning of Something Wonderful here, and I can tell you that Rockwell and Pierce could have only dreamt of this moment, a moment where someone actually DID SOMETHING as part of an Intelligent Response to the RACIAL WAR that has been declared upon us by the demonic goddamn JEWS.
And, we really need to do a serious After-Action Report, noting what we did wrong, and why, so we can do better each and every time.
Covington for the Big Picture, Bill White for strategy, Todd from Fl and those willing to work with him for tactics.
Linder for Ideas, Words, Comments and Analysis.
Let the example of the late David Lane remind you of how deeply incarceration limits your future, and your effectiveness.
Don’t be like David Lane; be like what David Lane wanted to be:
Effective – REALLY Effective – for our Family, RACE and Nation.
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!