17 November, 2006

Reader Mail: 11/17/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 7:34 pm | Permanent Link

– Goyfire #44 recorded today (Agis, Cobb, Linder) 11/17/06, will be posted as soon as we can; some mini-spintros at bottom here


Talk about “virtual death warrants” – – one can only speculate if the US Government is reckless enough to prohibit Chinese banks from doing business with Iran! That will probably be permitted as the international bankers are now firmly embedded in Chinese banking matters. The task at hand now for the banking elite is to get China to run up their indebtedness, and history shows that making war is the shortest route to phenomenal banking profits.

Iran declaring ‘economic warfare’

Announces intent to move away from U.S. dollar

Iran may have signed a virtual “death warrant” by openly declaring a governmental decision to move away from the dollar in the country’s foreign-exchange transactions, says WND columnist Jerome Corsi.

“The Bush administration will see Iran’s decision as economic warfare, a move calculated to weaken the dollar in retaliation for the U.S. seeking U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran’s continued uranium enrichment,” Corsi told WND.

Speaking to reporters at an e-commerce conference in Tehran Tuesday, Iran’s Minister of Economy and Finance Davood Danesh Jaafari presented the policy as a defensive move aimed at blocking Washington’s ability to monitor and interfere with Iran’s conduct of international business.

“Some U.S. banks have been disrupting our dollar transactions for a long time and Iran, in return, has been decreasing its dependence on the dollar,” Jaafari explained.

The U.S. Treasury in September barred Iran’s state-run Bank Saderat from having any links with U.S.-owned banks because of Iran’s support of terrorism.

As a result of the increasing pressure from the Bush administration, Iranian banking authorities have complained European banks are increasingly reluctant to transact Iranian import and export sales in dollars and to extend open lines of credit for Iranians in dollars, fearing U.S. penalties. Iran also is concerned the U.S. government might soon be forced to devaluate the dollar.

Corsi previously has argued Saddam Hussein “signed his death warrant” by getting the U.N. to agree Iraq could hold foreign exchange currency in Euros resulting from “oil for food” transactions.

Iran’s announcement this week will be seen by Washington as a follow-up to its intention to create an oil bourse pricing oil in Euros, Corsi believes.

“With our continuing budget and trade deficits, the Bush administration has to react strongly to any suggestion that world international markets might move away from dollar transactions or dollar holdings of foreign exchange currency,” he said.

The risk also includes China, Corsi noted.

“With China now holding $1 trillion in their foreign exchange currency, the recent decision that China intends to diversify their holdings more into Euros threatens the ability of the U.S. Treasury to float our budget deficits by selling U.S. government debt into the foreign exchange currency holdings market,” Corsi explained.

Corsi is concerned the Bush administration has been “de-industrializing the United States” by pursuing a free trade policy that allows China to replace U.S. manufacturers with what Corsi describes as “under-market slave labor or near slave labor.”

“Now with Iran on the verge of announcing the capacity to produce highly enriched and possibly weapons-grade uranium,” Corsi comments, “we are increasingly vulnerable to Iran spearheading an anti-American attack on the dollar.”

Corsi points out China recently signed a multi-billion dollar deal “guaranteed to make Iran one of the major suppliers of oil and natural gas to China for decades to come.”

“If China joins Iran in pressuring the dollar, we face dollar devaluation much faster that the Bush administration has allowed the U.S. public to know,” Corsi said. Let’s Show





There are many truisms in this world. Among them:

1. The Earth is round.

2. If you go swimming in an ocean, you will get wet.

3. Dogs have four legs.

4. If you offer even the mildest criticism of Jews or Jewish behavior, you will be criticized yourself, no matter the circumstances [1].

In fact, Jews could easily be described as “the people you can’t ever criticize, even if you are only joking.” And that gives rise to a serious question: why is that? How is this tiny minority, which makes up about 1% of the total population of the West, above any criticism?



Israel and America: Best “Friends” Since the 1970s

Some people call America “Israel II.” And is it any wonder why? America’s foreign policy seems to revolve around the question “is it good for Israel?”

Our point here is this: has there ever been a time when America didn’t support Israel during a UN vote [1], no matter what Israel may have done to be unworthy of such support [e.g., Israel attacking Arab civilians in the Middle East]?

America’s constant support of Israel – an apartheid state built largely upon land stolen from Arabs, as even the late Israeli leader Moshe Dayan admitted – continues to tarnish our image in the world.

Israel has no business in Gaza. In fact, Israel stole Gaza in 1967 during a war which it [Israel] started.

Perhaps if Jews didn’t dominate American society, our foreign policy wouldn’t hinge on occupied Palestine?

[1] http://wcbstv.com/topstories/topstories_story_315123419.html


This is incredibly importaNt – absolute proof for the morons in this country that haven’t been able to put two and two together concerning the idea that Muslims aren’t behind the “terrorist” campaign launched since long before 9-11. This guy Michael Meiring was planting bombs in the Philippines at a time when the US media was reporting an upsurge in the number of “Islamic terrorist” bombings in the Philippines. Michael Meiring was doing SO that the Muslims would be blamed! And yes, Michael Meiring is also a JEW and has been hiding out in Houston’s Jewish Community.

Starting to “get it” yet????

Is a bombing suspect living in Houston?
02:14 PM CST on Thursday, December 2, 2004

By Mark Greenblatt / 11 News

For more than two years, Philippine officials say they’ve wanted to arrest Michael Meiring. The problem? They couldn’t find him, but then the 11 News Defenders took a look.

Michael Meiring is a man at the center of a mystery, a fugitive from justice, a man who may be closer than you think. And it began in 2002 in Spring and half a world a way in the Philippines where Davao City was fighting its own war with terrorism and losing.

First there was an explosion at the local airport, then another bomb at the city’s wharf. In all, 37 people died and 170 were injured.

For Mayor Rodrigo Duterte it was already too much. He asked, “How can this thing happen?”

Officials laid the blame with the Islamic rebel groups that often terrorize the southern Philippines. Their common goal is independence from the predominantly Catholic country.

But then there was a crime committed, says Duterte, in May and yet another explosion.

This time at the Evergreen Hotel, damaging the building and leaving a victim, Michael Meiring, a South African-born American citizen and self-proclaimed treasure hunter.

He was rushed to the hospital where doctors soon realized he would lose his legs.

But in the meantime, police authorities soon found not all was as it appeared.

Davao City’s Police Chief Conrado Laza, said that Meiring alleged that a grenade was thrown in his room.

Laza says Meiring claimed he’d been attacked. “That was disproved by our explosives experts,” said the chief.

And what did they find?

Police bomb experts determined the center of the blast came from a metal box, now destroyed, that Meiring had been keeping in his room.

And affidavits from hotel employees state Meiring told them for weeks not to touch the box when cleaning the room and to not to use any chemicals either.

So what was inside?

First, a lab report showed the explosive was ammonium nitrate.

Then a bomb officer said they found the remains of two 6-volt batteries, an electric blasting cap, and other items including a circuit board.

Davao City prosecutor Raul Bendigo says the explosion was caused by an improvised bomb Meiring was keeping in his room.

“They had evidence to prove that the bomb was already assembled,” he said.

And he added that, “If blowing up a building qualifies one as a terrorist, and I suppose that should qualify one as a terrorist, then Mr. Meiring would be a terrorist.”

But that Davao prosecutor says even more disturbing was this: an ID card found in Meiring’s room listing him as an officer in the Bangsamoro Armed Forces of the Moro National Liberation Front, or the MNLF, a sometime Muslim rebel army. Today, the MNLF has signed a peace treaty with the Philippine government, and is no longer on an official American terrorist watch list. However, it has historically been tied to kidnappings and bombings in the Philippines.

So arrest warrants were filed for illegal possession of firearm and ammunition since Meiring had no license for the explosives. Another warrant was issued for reckless imprudence resulting in damage to property.

Prosecutor Bendigo says both warrants are still active on those charges, and authorities are seeking the arrest of Meiring Thursday.

But authorities soon got a terrible surprise. The Davao police chief discovered Meiring was no longer in the hospital.

In fact, Michael Meiring was gone, vanished and eventually removed from the Philippines- allegedly with the help of officials from the United States Embassy which issued a denial of any involvement in Meiring’s departure.

But Duterte says that however it happened, “He must pay for his crime, the wrong that he has done.”

So where did Michael Meiring go?

11 News tracked him to the United States and believe it or not, eventually to Houston.

How do we know? The Defenders discovered a document from the Harris County family courts where in March of this year the same Michael Meiring was having his last name changed to Van De Meer for what he said was the purpose of remarrying.

And he even listed a Houston address of residence where he lived with a woman for several months.

“How is he able to do this?” asks Ron Hatchett, a world famous counter-terrorism expert formerly with the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency. “How is he able to walk around freely within our society using the name that is on the arrest warrant for him.”

“It’s not somebody I’d like to have even in my state or my country,” says Hatchett.

And why? Hatchett says there are too many questions, too many red flags.

First the explosion itself. “What we do know for sure is that he had a bomb in his hotel room that exploded,” says Hatchett.

Then there’s that I.D. card listing him as an officer in a Muslim rebel group “that is used to identify himself as a bonafide member who shares their objectives and shares their perspective in this war on terrorism,” says Hatchett.

And Hatchett says that Meiring’s group works with other more militant Muslim splinter groups like the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and Abu Sayyaf.

“They share information, they share money, they share training,” says Hatchett. And Hatchett says all of these groups, “use explosives against the Philippines government and against the U.S.”

His conclusion regarding Meiring? Not enough answers but, “there is enough there that it warrants a closer look.”

So where is Meiring now?

The Defenders tracked him to a phone number with a California area code. He denied the charges, refused an on-camera interview and would not comment on the record.

Except for this: “If this harms me in any way, you will find my power then, and you’ll find out who I am. But I will come for you. You harm me I will not let you off the hook,” said Meiring.

Other than that comment, Meiring would not comment on the record. But the Defenders did speak to a man who said he is a longtime friend of Meiring, Stephen Hughes.

“The man that I know is a generous man, one of the most brilliant minds that I have met. The man that I know does not fit the descriptions that I am reading and that I am hearing,” said Hughes.

Hughes, a high school teacher at North Surry High School in Mount Airy, N.C., also said in his opinion, Meiring is innocent and that someone else must have put a bomb in his room. He said he was in Meiring’s hotel room about an hour an a half before the blast and only saw documents, not explosives inside that box that eventually exploded.

“I was standing there beside him, he went through all of the documents and there were only documents in that footlocker that I could see. And I saw it from top to bottom,” said Hughes.

The Defenders spoke with top justice officials in the Philippines and they say they’ve asked the U.S. government for help in locating Meiring, but have not received a response. A spokesman for the FBI in Houston, Bob Dogum, says they aren’t aware of any Philippines request but that they are aware of the explosion at the Evergreen Hotel. They did not know Meiring was in Houston until now.






This “Borat” guy is a bigger scumbag than I thought.

Borat film ‘tricked’ poor village actors



(Top) Borat introduces his sister, a ‘prostitute’. (Bottom) One-armed Nicu Tudorache feels ashamed.

When Sacha Baron Cohen wanted a village to represent the impoverished Kazakh home of his character Borat, he found the perfect place in Glod: a remote mountain outpost with no sewerage or running water and where locals eke out meagre livings peddling scrap iron or working patches of land.

But now the villagers of this tiny, close-knit community have angrily accused the comedian of exploiting them, after discovering his new blockbuster film portrays them as a backward group of rapists, abortionists and prostitutes, who happily engage in casual incest.

They claim film-makers lied to them about the true nature of the project, which they believed would be a documentary about their hardship, rather than a comedy mocking their poverty and isolation.

Villagers say they were paid just £3 each for this humiliation, for a film that took around £27million at the worldwide box office in its first week of release.



The Movie “Barot” and the Success of Comedy about Jews

Not too long ago, someone forwarded me a link to an online movie, “Throw the Jew Down the Well.”


Curiously, I clicked on the link. A man, wearing a cowboy and who had a noticeable foreign accent with poor English, was introduced at a country bar. He was said to have come from Kazakhstan. This man, “Borat,” began singing a song that surprised me a bit to hear. It went like this:

In my country there is problem,
And that problem is transport.
It take very, very long,
Because Kazakhstan is big.

Chorus 1
Throw transport down the well. (repeat line)
So my country can be free. (repeat line)
We must make travel easy. (repeat line)
Then we’ll have a big party. (repeat line)

Verse 2
In my country there is problem.
And that problem is the Jew.
They take everybody money.
And they never give it back.

Chorus 2
Throw the Jew down the well. (repeat line)
So my country can be free. (repeat line)
You must grab him by his horns. (repeat line)
Then we have a big party. (repeat line)

Verse 3
If you see the Jew coming,
You must be careful of his teeth.
You must grab him by his money.
And I tell you what to do.
(Repeat Chorus 2 twice)

I soon found out that this man who was singing the song, “Borat” as he was called, was actually a Jew by the name of Sacha (Alexander) Baron Cohen, an English comedian merely pretending to be from Kazakhstan. But what about the people in the bar? Were they all just actors in on the joke, or were they really folks at a country bar, having a good time and enjoying the lyrics as it appeared? Most in the video clip were clapping and singing along, and it certainly looked like they were enjoying his song.

A day or so later, I was listening to a radio talkshow about how a man took his wife to see the movie “Borat,” and she got extremely upset with him. The man who called in to the radio station quickly asked if he “forget to mention that” his wife is “Jewish”? It sounded like he got quite a reaction from her–so much so that he said he was never allowed to choose a movie again.

I decided that I too wanted to see this movie “Borat”–the full title for which was called, in intentional broken English, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.”

I thought that the video clip I saw must’ve come from that film, and, in a social experiment, thought I’d test this response he got by clapping along to the song, too, during the movie. Would people join in the clapping? Would they tell me to shut up? Would they clam up? I thought it would be interesting to see their reactions.

When I went to see the movie, that clip was lacking. I later learned that the clip probably came from Borat’s TV show, called “Da Ali G Show.” Nevertheless, there were several scenes that made fun of Jews, and the audience, comprised mostly by college-age students, laughed along–quite loudly, in fact.

The very first part of the movie had a clip where Borat was talking about one of the events of his country called “The Running of the Jew.” A man, wearing a large costume of a devilish-looking Jew, was released into a large, fenced area. Soon thereafter, many people from the village were let loose in the area, and they began chasing this “Jew.” Eventually, they caught him, at which time he laid an egg. The egg was then destroyed. The audience began to hysterically laugh.

Not too much later, Borat went to buy a car. He said that he did not want to take a plane, because he was concerned about the safety of flying, since the Jews were responsible for 9-11. You could hear a few “gasps” in the audience, followed by some good laughing as well.

One scene that I found particularly amusing was when Borat and his cohort went to an inn. When he went inside, he at first didn’t seem to recognize the fact that his hosts were Jews–despite the fact that the innkeeper wore a Jewish beanie. Borat noticed a picture on the wall of an older, bearded man, and asked about it. His hosts, an older, seemingly nice couple, explained it was a picture of a rabbi, and that they were also Jews. At this time, Borat began to panic a great deal. He went up to his room. His hosts soon followed, bringing him up some food. Appearing to be concerned about them poisoning him, Borat reluctantly ate the food, but diverted his host’s attention and spat it out. After they went downstairs, Borat told his colleague that they must escape, lest the Jews kill them. Later that night, Borat and his friend noticed some small cockroaches by their door. Thinking that perhaps these cockroaches were the Jews in disguise, Borat tossed some dollars to the “Jews” and ran away.

At the conclusion of the movie, he notes that people in Kazakhstan are Christians now and, therefore, no longer hate Jews. The movie then shows a clip of a Jew tied to a cross, being prodded with a pitchfork by the townspeople.

The movie isn’t just limited to humor about Jews, which I suspect is only allowed because the main actor is himself Jewish. There are also some pretty crude scenes–such as when he visits a homosexual-pride parade (and doesn’t realize it), when he gets into a wrestling match in the nude with his friend over his friend “admiring” Borat’s book about Pamela Anderson, and also when he gets a “girlfriend,” who happens to be a short, fat, black prostitute with dyed-blonde hair that joins him at a country bar for dancing. It’s definitely not something for children in any case.

The movie has become a smashing hit. Despite being allowed in very few theaters across the U.S., making it difficult for movie viewers, it was the top-grossing movie, making $26.5 million last weekend. It seems that, while Jews seem to monopolize the media for the most part, people still can get a good laugh at them. And many Jews don’t like it, probably believing that comedy should be limited to only making fun of other groups, particularly country-whites and equally, if not even moreso, Germans. Borat has undoubtedly filled a void. It reminds me of another smash hit about three decades ago, “The Kentucky Fried Movie,” which had some comical bits about Jews and was also very successful.

Russia is currently considering banning the movie “Borat” altogether. The Associated Press reported that the Russian “Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography said the film could offend some viewers and contained material that ‘might seem disparaging in relation to certain ethnic groups and religions.'”


Still, I wonder if any concern has ever been given to anti-Christian or even anti-Muslim films that may have shown there?

Borat’s success is a sign that other productions could be made about Jews, making fun of them. It’s about time that someone made a movie joking about the Jews. It’s just sad that only a Jew has done this so far.

And if the vote counts weren’t clear enough for the White House to hear, Newsweek announced a new poll to be published Monday which places President Bush’s approval rating at the lowest it has ever been — 31 percent — while 63 percent of Americans said they were dissatisfied with how things are going in the country. According to the news magazine, Bill Clinton’s lowest rating during his presidency was 36 percent; Mr. Bush’s father’s was 29 percent, and Ronald Reagan’s was 35 percent. Jimmy Carter’s and Richard Nixon’s lows were 28 and 23 percent, respectively.


I read this article


entitled “Eglin Hospital Administrator Faces Rape Charges” and immediately thought to myself that this sounds like something a black man would do. I did a Google search on “Devery Taylor,” and sure enough, every single article about this man did NOT include a photograph. This is a major giveaway, if he’d been white, his photo would have been splashed across every newspaper’s front page and across every television screeen in North America and probably Europe and Canada too. Not a single article showed his photo.

I then began screening search results outside the news and came up with the below. Any websites that might have showed his photo had “broken links,” another sign that someone doesn’t want Americans to know that Devery Taylor is as black as the ace of spades. In any case, the below links suggest that Devery Taylor is a black man too. I then called Eglin Air Force base and they confirmed that Taylor is a black male. This took a bit of effort as Air Force personnel are quite well trained in covering up for the multicultural circus – but eventually I got into contact with a white male willing to divulge the truth and the truth is Taylor is a black male.

000081 Taylor – Gwendolyn Taylor, a nurse’s assistant, died Monday of cancer at Metropolitan Hospice. She was 58. Miss Taylor was a lifelong resident of New Orleans. She graduated from Joseph S. Clark High School. Survivors include two
sons, Dylan and Devery Taylor. A funeral will be held Monday at 11 a.m. at Peck United Methodist Church, 3631 Washington Ave. Visitation will begin at 10 a.m.
Burial will be in Holt Cemetery. 09-13-1998 Times Picayune


Here is an email address found on the web for a “Devery Taylor.” Based upon an English to Ebonics translation – mochablk504@aol.com is most probably meant to mean “mocha,” and “black,” suggesting that the owner is a black male. I found this at


Here is Devery’s info from Eglin AF Base; VP P/P Devery Taylor O1 devery.taylor@eglin.af.mil 850-883-8553




A Terror Alert you’ll never hear about
Brooklyn is teeming with terrorists – but you’ll never hear about it in the mainstream media.


Because they’re ‘good’ terrorists.

“[They’re] not your problem – Palestinians are your problem.”

“I have a business,” Goldberg said, somewhat embarrassed . . . “I rent out inflatables that kids jump on — moon bouncers.

Fortunately it’s seasonal work. I’m busy in the spring and summer and then in the winter I’m free to be a Jewish terrorist.”

Goldberg was being sarcastic . . . Kahane’s followers [believe] that they are wrongly persecuted as “terrorists” for their simple devotion to Torah and Israel, while the true “terrorists” — the indigenous Palestinians — are allowed to cling to what they say is God-willed Jewish land.

Is that clear, boys and girls?

Arrogant and obssessed with a promised land – Good terrorist.

Humble and born on the wrong land – Bad terrorist.

Very simple.

Ben Yossef [the group’s lawyer] put an Aramaic death curse on then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last year because of his plans to uproot Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip.

Apparently, it worked like a charm. :)

Other followers of Kahane and the splinter movements that sprang up after [Kahane’s] death have a record of violent acts far more sinister than voodoo curses.

They have claimed responsibility for dozens of shootings of Palestinians in the West Bank, including the notorious 1994 massacre of 29 worshippers at a Hebron mosque.

In April 2002, Israeli police arrested a Kahane follower in connection with a plot to leave a trailer laden with two barrels of gasoline and two gas balloons outside a Palestinian girls’ school in east Jerusalem.

The actions have earned them a place on the list of terror organizations of the US and Israel.

That’s funny – I don’t see them on this map of US hate groups in New York.

I guess they hate the wrong people.

“We strive to protect the Jews if the government isn’t able to,” explains Goldberg, 48. “There’s the pen and the sword. We distribute books and leaflets. That’s the pen.” “Then, there’s the sword – other activities,” he adds elusively.

Those other activities have included training attack dogs and a shadowy West Bank settler militia known as the Jewish Legion.

Those gathered for the commemoration represent a fundamentalist religious militancy in the garb of American counter culture.

Like Kahane himself, most of those in attendance seem to be from BROOKLYN.

The younger devotees blend New York hip-hop fashions such as baggy chinos, Nike trainers, and hooded sweatshirts with untamed beards, wool skull caps, and messianic [read: crazy] eyes. Some wear T-shirts that read “I only buy from Jews.”

Try walking down the street in Midwood wearing a shirt that says “I don’t buy from Jews.”

I guarantee you won’t get far before you’re greeted with the customary brass knuckles.

Nofia Altman, who writes a blog called Orange Prisoners of Zion, linked up with a radical batch of Kahane followers in Hebron after she grew weary of mainstream Jewry, who she says “were embarrassed about being Jewish.”

“It was this ‘you – can’t – say – we’re – better – than – everybody – else – kind – of – crap’,” she recalls of the American Jewish community she grew up in.

“It was too wishy-washy for me.”

In other words, she’s upset because they won’t come out and “SAY” what they BELIEVE.

Inside the conference room, musician and talk radio pundit Dov Shurin performs songs from his recent albums “Masters of the Land” and “Biblical Revenge.”

* * *
“This is a memorial for one of the greatest Jews of our time,” says Shurin. “[Kahane] said we have to take the land, aggressively settle it, and settle out the enemies.”

He steps up to the mike to introduce his next song. “This is a revenge song,” Shurin says before strumming into an upbeat, feel good, clap along ditty about Biblical Samson’s revenge against the Philistines.

Their offense?

Existing on the land where they were born.

Shurin is a chain-smoking 57-year-old Brooklyn native in a black fiddler’s cap with a pot belly and ragged graying beard. With his tobacco stained whiskers and a shifty half-closed left eyelid, he’s more hobo than Hasidic.

“There are [TWO] kinds of racism,

there’s the bad Hitleristic racism

and then there’s the fine, chosen, Godly racism,” Shurin explained before his performance.

“God chose, he chose the Jews and that’s his right.

That’s healthy racism.

The unhealthy racism is all the attacks against the Jews just for being the chosen people.”

Get it, boys and girls?

If you hate Jews for hating you, you’re antisemitic and a ‘bad’ racist.

If you hate everyone else, you’re a good Jew.

Makes perfect sense.

Now, aren’t you glad we have Zionists to explain everything to us?






If the Pentagon IS Infiltrated, it’s infiltrated by Zionist Jews. If what the Jewish Lobby says is true, i.e. that elements at the Pentagon aren’t “Pro-Israel,” then it’s about damn time that some patriots did something to stop the Zionist menace. Americans should be alert to the fact that by calling for a witch hunt at the Pentagon, Jewish influence in the USA is completely out of hand.




By Michael Collins Piper

Aleading voice of the pro-Israel lobby is pushing for an old-style “witchhunt”—under the guise of “homeland security”—to identify (and expel) individuals in the U.S. government and our military who are suspected of being hostile to Israel.

The call for a witch-hunt is based on the outlandish thesis that “Islamo-fascists” and Muslim “jihadist” operatives and, perhaps more particularly, their “sympathizers”—however loosely defined—have infested America’s defense, national security and federal law enforcement community.

The witch-hunt was proposed in the fall 2006 issue of the small-circulation—but highly influential—Journal of International Security Affairs published by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). JINSA has been one of the frontline forces in the fanatically pro-Israel “neo-conservative” circles directing foreign policy under George W. Bush.

Not only Vice President Dick Cheney, but also UN Ambassador John Bolton, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith and Richard Perle, former chairman of the Defense Policy Board—to name just a few big Bush administration names—have all been associates of JINSA.

University of Pennsylvania Prof. Edward Herman has described JINSA as “organized and [run] by individuals closely tied to the Israeli lobby and can be regarded as a virtual agency of the Israeli government.”

What first appears as commentary in JINSA’s Journal often leads to very real policies carried out by the Bush administration alone and sometimes in concert with Capitol Hill which some critics have been known to cynically call “Israeli occupied territory.”

The JINSA call for a witch-hunt came in the context of a series of commentaries on “21st Century Allies . . . and Adversaries” for the United States and Israel, which two nations, of course, are seen in the JINSA world view as virtual extensions of one another.

Zionist publications regularly assert that “anti-Israel” sentiments must automatically be seen as “anti-American” and even as “anti-Christian” in nature, a theme first loudly propagated by the American Jewish Committee’s Commentary magazine.

The commentaries, not surprisingly, named such countries as Iran, Syria, Russia and Venezuela, as possible “adversaries” for the U.S.-Israel Axis. However, it was an article by Walid Phares—who is associated with a Zionist lobby front known as the Foundation for the Defense of the Democracies—which made the suggestion that there are very real “adversaries” on American soil, at high levels in the American military and intelligence establishment. In his article “Future Terrorism—Mutant Jihads,” Phares asked:

“How deeply have jihadist elements infiltrated the U.S. government and federal agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and various military commands, either through sympathizers or via actual operatives?”

Although posed as a loaded question, Phares’s implication was clear: he believes such a “threat” exists. The JINSA writer then proclaimed the need for a “national consensus” that requires “confronting these forces” based on “knowledge of their ideologies, objectives and determination.”

Since there are few Muslim Americans or even Arab Americans in any substantial numbers in the FBI, Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, etc, the suggestion that “jihadist” elements have “infiltrated” our government might seem silly to the average American.

But in the fevered minds of JINSA and hard-line Zionist elements, the real concern is that there are growing numbers of people high up in the FBI and the CIA and in the military who are getting “fed up” with Zionist power in America. Top military leaders openly dismissed the need for war against Iraq and Iran, both wars of which have been long-time policy plans of the Zionist lobby. And all of this, in the view of the JINSA sphere, constitutes effective collaboration with and sympathy for the dreaded “jihadists.”

For example, on May 11, 2005, the New York-based Forward, a leading Jewish community newspaper, reported that Barry Jacobs of the Washington office of the American Jewish Committee said he believed there are high-ranking officials inside the U.S. intelligence community who are hostile to Israel and are waging war against pro-Israel lobbyists and their neo-conservative allies in the inner circles of the Bush administration.

Citing the ongoing FBI investigation of espionage by officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the leading pro-Israel lobby group, Forward reported that Jacobs believes, in Forward’s summary, that “the notion that American Jews and Pentagon neo-conservatives conspired to push the United States into war against Iraq, and possibly also against Iran, is pervasive in Washington’s intelligence community.”

Obviously, with such thoughts running rampant in pro-Israel circles, it is inevitable a leading pro-Israel policy group such as JINSA would raise the specter of “infiltration” by those who are seen as “sympathizers” and suggest that they be purged from their positions in government agencies.

So the threat of a witch-hunt happening is real. Despite differences between the Bush administration and its Democratic foes, both come together in one realm: satisfying the Israeli lobby which funds both Democrats and Republicans alike through a network of political action committees and exercising its clout on Capitol Hill through pressure groups such as the APIAC, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress and the Anti-Defamation League.

It is ironic that JINSA should be the source of a demand for an investigation of foreign agents and sympathizers inside the American government. The founder of JINSA, Stephen Bryen, a former Senate aide on Capitol Hill, faced certain indictment on charges of espionage for Israel until pressure on the Justice Department forced Justice to back off.

Not only Bryen, but several others in the JINSA sphere were under FBI investigation on similar charges relating to their possible misuse of American defense and intelligence information on Israel’s behalf. They include:

• Richard Perle, investigated in the 1970s when he was a top aide to then-Sen. Henry Jackson;

• Douglas Feith, who—although later promoted to a high post in the Bush administration in 2001—was fired from the National Security Council of President Ronald Reagan; and

• Paul Wolfowitz, now head of the World Bank and former deputy secretary of defense in the Bush administration, investigated in the 1970s by the FBI on suspicion of passing classified information to Israel.

(Issue #47, November 20, 2006)





Pro-Israel congressman
elected majority leader

Hoyer wins leadership

JTA Thursday, 16 November 2006

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), one of the pro-Israel community’s closest friends in the U.S. House of Representatives, was elected majority leader.

The secret vote Thursday was one of only two contested votes for the new leadership of the Democratic Party after it wrested control of the House from the Republicans in last week’s elections.

Hoyer was challenged by Rep. Jack Murtha (D-Pa.), a former U.S. Marine who had emerged as one of the toughest critics of the Iraq war.

In an unusual move, party leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), slated to become speaker, endorsed Murtha.

Hoyer has made a point of promoting bipartisan support of Israel, has urged freshmen lawmakers to join the numerous congressional delegations to Israel he has led, and has isolated Democrats who have been strongly critical of the Jewish state.

According to Roll Call, the tally was 149 votes for Hoyer and 86 for Murtha.



In the first nine months of this year, almost 100,000 people left the Netherlands to settle elsewhere, 12,000 more than the same period last year. About half of the emigrants were Dutch natives, the national statistics office CBS said on Friday. If the trend continues, more than 130,000 people will have left the country by the end of this year. For the third successive year, the number of emigrants substantially outnumbers emigrants, the CBS said. The net effect means the Dutch population was reduced in the 2004-06 period by 75,000.



America has been horribly served by both parties. And as the Democrats have now captured Congress, they assume co-responsibility for the retreat from Mesopotamia. Which is as it should be… Americans are not driven by some ideological vocation to reform mankind. We do not have the patience or perseverance of great imperial peoples. If an issue is not seen as vital to our own liberty and security, we will not fight long for some abstraction like democracy, self-determination or human rights.

http://www.wnd.com/news/articl e.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52942


The New Congress: Falling in Line on Israel

The election of a Democratic majority in the House and Senate is unlikely to result in any serious challenge to the Bush administration’s support for Israeli attacks against the civilian populations of its Arab neighbors and the Israeli government’s ongoing violations of international humanitarian law. The principal Democratic Party spokesmen on foreign policy will likely be Tom Lantos in the House of Representatives and Joe Biden in the Senate, both of whom have been longstanding and outspoken supporters of a series of right-wing Israeli governments and opponents of the Israeli peace movement.


This obscenity of [Israeli] oppression and murder does not faze the Democrats or any of Israel’s Zionist supporters in the U.S. Whatever Israel wants is all right with the Democrats. The 110th Congress will screw the Palestinians just the way the Republican 109th did.


Pelosi Pledges Allegiance to Israel

I think it is finally time we stood up and thanked Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the darling Democrat from the Bay Area who leads her party in the House. Pelosi’s [2005] speech to the Israel-American lobby AIPAC was monumental — truly unparalleled in its candor… Pelosi, like so many other Democrats and Republicans in D.C., does not appreciate the asymmetry of the conflict. She cannot understand that Palestinians are faced with violence every day as their livelihoods and homes are uprooted to make way for new Israeli settlements. “One thing, however is unchanged,” Pelosi added. “America’s commitment to the safety and security of the state of Israel is unwavering. America and Israel share an unbreakable bond: in peace and war; and in prosperity and in hardship.”


War of Aggression Thwarted?

[If] you believe… that a Democrat-controlled Congress will prevent Bush’s looming war of aggression against Iran? — Well, perhaps you’d better check out the Iran-Iraq Arms Non-Proliferation Act passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress in 1992… Bush’s looming war of aggression against Iran – which is to use as a template his war of aggression against Iraq – was not an issue in the recent Congressional elections. In fact, the pollsters and media elite never even mentioned that huge elephant in their living rooms to the voters.



If these trends continue unabated, what future could we possibly have? This wealth of this country was created under far different conditions than those that now exist. We are being misled into believing a false sense of perpetual invulnerable self-sufficiency. We largely fail to acknowledge just how extremely vulnerable we are. Given the scale of the problems outlined below, any single major disruption to our economy could have devastating consequences.



For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is ‘God’s Foreign Policy’

Many conservative Christians say they believe that the president’s support for Israel fulfills a biblical injunction to protect the Jewish state, which some of them think will play a pivotal role in the second coming. Many on the left, in turn, fear that such theology may influence decisions the administration makes toward Israel and the Middle East… The alliance of Israel, its evangelical Christian supporters and President Bush has never been closer or more potent. In the wake of the summer war in southern Lebanon, reports that Hezbollah’s sponsor, Iran, may be pushing for nuclear weapons have galvanized conservative Christian support for Israel into a political force that will be hard to ignore.


Christian Zionism: An Egregious Threat

Christian Zionism, says Rev. Robert O. Smith, Lutheran pastor at the University of Chicago, has a fundamental lack of earthly concerns, is divorced from reality, and undermines the work of politics. Its practical impact is the killing of people in the Holy Land. The recent statement by the Christian religious leaders of Jerusalem that warned against Christian Zionism’s policies of racist intolerance and perpetual war was much needed, but it should have come from America’s religious leaders.

http://www.rescuemideastpolicy.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=258&mode=t hread&order=0&thold=0


In a show trial whose theatrical climax was clearly timed to promote George W Bush in the American midterm elections, Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced to hang… Why isn’t Donald Rumsfeld being charged? … Why isn’t Madeleine Albright being charged? … Above all, why aren’t Blair and Bush Jnr being charged with “the paramount war crime”, to quote the judges at Nuremberg and, recently, the chief American prosecutor – that is, unprovoked aggression against a defenceless country? … If none of these important people are called to account, there is clearly only justice for the victims of accredited “monsters”.












The deputy defense minister suggested Friday that Israel might be forced to launch a military strike against Iran’s disputed nuclear program – the clearest statement yet of such a possibility from a high- ranking official. “I am not advocating an Israeli pre- emptive military action against Iran and I am aware of its possible repercussions,” Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh, a former general, said in comments published Friday in The Jerusalem Post. “I consider it a last resort. But even the last resort is sometimes the only resort.”



Presidential IQ: Not as Smart, or as Dumb As We Think

John F. Kennedy was actually given an IQ test before entering Choate. His score was 119. There is no evidence to support the claim that his score should have been more than 40 points higher… His academic achievements were modest and respectable, his published writing and speeches were largely done by others (no study of Kennedy is worthwhile that downplays the role of Ted Sorensen), and his celebrated wit was often the result of clever political planning… Let us not pretend to be able to calculate the intelligence of historical figures with even reasonable certainty. Let us not confuse the policy decisions of presidents in complex historical settings with intelligence. And let us redouble our commitment as scholars to be fair and impartial.



Former Soviet Dissident Bukovsky Warns Against European Union

The European Union is rapidly approaching a state similar to ideology-driven totalitarian regimes, a former Soviet dissident and expert witness against the Soviet Communist Party warned last week in Brussels… Vladimir Bukovsky, 63, said the EU was a “monster” that must be destroyed before it developed into the next Soviet Union… “The sooner we finish with the EU the better. The sooner it collapses the less damage it will have done to us and to other countries. But we have to be quick because the Eurocrats are moving very fast. It will be difficult to defeat them,” he said.



A New Look at Mussolini Anti-Jewish Policies

Based on newly discovered documents and an abundance of statistical data, the book demonstrates that, contrary to popular belief, Mussolini’s policies toward the Jews were independently conceived and implemented, and not — as some have argued — a late concession to Hitler’s war against the Jews.



Venezuela Leader Chavez is ‘Dangerous,’ Says Zionist ADL

…Under the leadership of firebrand President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has experienced a disturbing rise in anti-Semitism, fostered in large part by Chavez’s own rhetoric and that of his government institutions. A new report from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) details the troubling mix of anti-Semitism and support for radical Islam that — along with anti-imperialism and anti-Americanism — have become the calling cards of the Chavez regime… Recent statements by Chavez, articles in the government-sponsored media and the remarks of academics and government leaders, [are] creating a portrait of a regime that promotes virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel attitudes as it seeks to position itself as a regional and world player.

http://www.adl.org/PresRele/ASInt_13/4925_13. htm


Is Turkey really becoming more Islamic? And particularly now, after coming so far on the way towards Europe? What is undeniable is that, one year after the opening of accession talks with the EU, the atmosphere in Turkey, with its 99 percent Muslim population, is increasingly anti-European, anti- Western and more nationalistic. Only one third of Turks support membership in the European Union, according to a survey published last week in the daily Milliyet — a dramatic change for Turks, who have been big fans of Europe for so long.





It seems that on Monday, Nov. 13, 2006, there will be a groundbreaking ceremony for a memorial that is being built to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. [1].

Why is a memorial being built for King? After all, he was more-or-less a Marxist. And, he plagiarized his doctoral work [yet he is nonetheless referred to as “Dr.” King]. And, King’s chief advisor was a Jewish communist named Stanley Levison [b.1912, d.1979]. Why is that information hardly ever mentioned in the mainstream media? [Of course, we know why: such information would tarnish King’s carefully-created image].

Furthermore, King’s FBI file is still sealed, and will remain sealed, by court order, until 2027. Why? And why build a memorial before that file is opened?

What has happened to our culture when people like King get memorials built to honor them?



Look out, they want to nail the BNP – and our freedom of speech

Rod Liddle

The leader of the British National party, Nick Griffin, has at last been acquitted of inciting racial hatred, following two costly and embarrassing trials for the government. It is a triumph for Griffin and the odious and fascist BNP, the second best result he and his party could have wished for.
The best result would have been a guilty verdict and a spell in prison; but hell, you can’t have everything in this world. Not guilty will do almost as well.

This was beyond doubt a political prosecution instigated by the Home Office and the government and to which the Crown Prosecution Service was, one suspects, a reluctant accomplice. “This is not the police,” one West Yorkshire copper said, a little shamefacedly, during a raid on a BNP member’s house, “it’s coming from much higher up than that.”

And now the government has lost, it intends to shift the goalposts so that next time they charge Nick Griffin they’ll get him. Gordon Brown has hinted at a change in the wording of the legislation that will make it easier to convict. Quite outrageous really.

If the government intended a sop to agitating Muslim organisations (such as the Muslim Council of Britain), then the stunt backfired; twice a jury refused to convict someone for saying that Islam was a ghastly religion. If it was intended as a shot across the bows of the BNP then the failure was
even more spectacular – the BNP will, of course, feast on this for months. As a test of the government’s fervent belief in hate crime legislation, it suggested no sensible jury will be prepared to convict, no matter what dark matter they believe lies in the heart of the accused. And the rest of us are left fuming that a man could be prosecuted, at enormous cost to the taxpayer, for exercising his freedom of speech.

One of the things Griffin was accused of saying was this: quite soon Britain would suffer a terror attack perpetrated by British-born Muslims. This was thought of at the time – the summer of 2004 – as being a little inflammatory, and so he was arrested. His case came before the courts only a few days after the bombings of July 7, 2005.

In retrospect, of course, he was absolutely right – and his words differed in meaning not one jot from those uttered last week by MI5 chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller.

One assumes the fuzz won’t be round to feel her collar in the next few days. Times have changed; the things that Griffin said two years ago can now be uttered, with impunity, by members of the government or the head of the secret service.

Perhaps Griffin will soon be back in court, once Gordon has gerrymandered the rules; facing another costly trial which, whatever the verdict, will make the BNP leader once, twice, three times a martyr.








You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if …
by Mark Farrell

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you realize the last several heads of Federal Reserve were Jewish, know why, and are cognizant of the fact that there is nothing “federal” about the Federal Reserve.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you remember the numerous bombings that Israel has done against the U.S. and its friends, such as the USS Liberty, the LaVon Affair, the King David Hotel, etc.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you realize what the (K) and (U) symbols mean on food products and metals, and you try to avoid purchasing such products so that the rabbis who make tens of millions of dollars on these products through their kosher excise tax won’t get your money.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you watched the movie Borat and got a chuckle out of the “Running of the Jew”, or saw the online video “Throw the Jew down the Well” and it made you laugh.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you question why Israel bombs Lebanon when Lebanon apprehends Israel’s soldiers in Lebanon, but Lebanon never bombs Israel when Israel grabs Lebanese or Palestinian citizens.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if there are no pictures of you saying the pledge of allegiance with Israel’s flag in the background.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you’ve never worn a Jewish beanie, and scratch your head when someone calls a beanie that y-word.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if it saddens you when you hear that Israel has done its routine bombing of an apartment building or farm in an effort to kill someone it suspects of being a “terrorist,” and know that Israel’s definition of a “terrorist” is typically someone who refuses to believe that Jews are God’s special “Chosen Race.”

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you’ve heard of either the Catholic’s St. Simon of Trent or the Orthodox’s St. Andrei Youshchinsky, and know what caused their deaths.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you’ve heard of the PNAC and its early plans, question how only one Israeli died during the 911 attacks (who was on a plane, not in the building – http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/memorial/lists/by-country/page9.html ) – wonder about the put-options, the pre-warning call via Odingo Services, and can’t understand how Silverstein’s building # 7 collapsed when it was far from the others and the disaster.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you wonder when the government will actually DO something about AIPAC’s virtual plutocratic dictatorship over American politicians.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you recognize the clearly Jewish names in Tyco’s falling, and Enron’s, and a host of other companies.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you question why Israeli criminals are consistently allowed to flee to Israel, where they stay secure in the thought that Israel’s high courts have specifically stated that a Jew should have to stand trial before non-Jews.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you can’t understand how Israel is allowed to build its Wall of Separation right through the homes of non-Jews without just – even any – compensation.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you don’t think non-Jews should go to jail for their religious beliefs, as many Christians currently do in Canada and in parts of Europe if they cite the Book of John.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you watched the online video “Understanding Anti-Semitism” online and said, “I knew that.”

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you wonder how 6 million Jews reportedly died in the “Holocaust,” yet, according to Jewish sources, there was actually a slight increase in population of the Jews at the end of the war.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you you’re tired of watching the Holocaust-propaganda videos Jews make on an average of 1 every 10 days–60 years after the war’s end–and also wonder when they’re going to make a film about the 60 million Russians who were murdered by mostly Jewish bolsheviks in the former Soviet Union, such as by NKVD/KGB head Kaganovich.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you’re aware of the Jewish influence to get the U.S. involved in Iraq, and are knowledgeable of the Israel-firsters quickly pushing America towards Israel’s next enemies, Iran and Syria.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you put America’s interests before that of Israel.

You Know You’re an Anti-Semite if you breathe and aren’t Jewish.


“There ain’t a dime’s bit of difference between the Democrats & Republicans.”…George Wallace



The NDP is on the rise in Germany! The war in Iraq is going badly! America’s economy is on the ropes and the draft will not go well with our herd! Europe is withdrawing its support from our sacred war, but our Yahweh promised us the world and all the slaves in it! Oy Vey! somzink must be done! What to do, what to do? A Christian martyr mebbe? Burn a Christian mit der “grisly” suicide, or just take advantage of one? But leave it open to question, let the bovina ponder and then decide! Make obvious what can be seen with their own eyes and the herd will reach undeniable conclusions, with a little help from our press of course! Ve luff Opera, ve can haff our opera company make an ugly anti-Muslim opera mebbe? Fan the flames! Fan the flames! It’z time for another crusade, unite oh loyal followers of Jeboo! Ve can make a bonfire out of these smoldering embers, ve can finish destroying the Middle East with a little help from you, our enslaved herd! After all, isn’t that why we flooded Europe with Muslims, isn’t that the reason we created this enemy? Oy Vey, another Holocaust in the making itz! And never forget – your stupidity is our strength!



Arch Stanton


Israeli Cyber Spies Try to Influence US Elections

by Ian Mosley

Throw the Neocons Out

The London Times has discovered that Israel is conducting a campaign to spread Zionist propaganda on the Internet and shut down websites which criticize Israel or Jews in general. This campaign has been carefully organized, staffed and paid for by the Israeli government–which means your tax dollars in action. Interestingly enough, like all such news, we have to look to the foreign press to learn about such matters. Not one whisper of this seems to have appeared anywhere in the American media.

More than a few patriotic, right wing websites have reported that strange individuals had appeared posting on their blogs in the months before the election blindly arguing in defense of Bush and the neocons. No amount of logic could persuade them that the US was headed for tyranny with Bush and the neocons in charge.

The prestigious Times of London reports that “Israel’s government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda.” (Read accurate media coverage of the atrocities Israel is committing against the indigenous people of the Middle East.) “The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee diplomats to track websites and chatrooms so that networks of US and European groups with hundreds of thousands of Jewish activists can place supportive messages. In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special ‘megaphone’ software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate.”

Although the article doesn’t mention it, common Jewish tactics also include complaints to Internet service providers and web hosts in order to have their critics forcibly silenced through cancellation of service, as well as the usual Jewish round of death threats, filthy and obscene e-mails and telephone harassment from shrieking hysterical hebes with Brooklyn accents. Somehow this blatant suppression of free speech through harassment is never equated with “terrorism.” If it were, the Jews would be uncovered as the most active terrorists in the US today. Anyone who has ever criticized the Jews on the web to any degree pretty much knows the drill by now.

Israel has not only enlisted Israelis to do this cyber-terrorist work. They are enlisting JEWS, from all over the world. The problem in the Middle East doesn’t come back to a country called Israel or its government or its army. It emanates from the JEWISH PEOPLE as a whole, worldwide. So if a patriotic American such as Pat Buchanan runs for president and calls for US neutrality in the Mid East so Americans can avoid future wars and terrorism, he suddenly becomes the target not only of the Jewish “fifth column” living in the US, but also of every Jew in the world, who wants to dictate what government the US should have.

Unfortunately, the Israelis are also enlisting a lot of really naive brainwashed Gentiles as well. The Times continues: “Israel’s Foreign Ministry must avoid direct involvement with the campaign but is in contact with international Jewish and evangelical Christian groups, distributing internet information packs.”

Christian evangelical groups, eh? Meaning Pat Robertson’s 700 Club zombies and John Hagee’s cult members who no longer worship God, but who worship the Jews instead. The worst thing that happened in Christian history was when traitorous, self-hating Gentiles like these televangelists were allowed to hijack various Protestant splinter groups to become cheerleaders for the murderous bandit state of Israel. These televangelists have been given access to radio, television and cable stations by the Jews, who own the lion’s share of our media. These pro-Jewish sycophants are the false prophets, whom God warned us about in the Book of Revelations. Thankfully some of these fraudsters are exposing themselves. The pro-Zionist Minister Ted Haggart’s Gay relationship with a male prostitute was exposed just two weeks after Mark Foley’s Gay sex scandal hit the news. Not only are these pro-Israel politicians and ministers blind to the endless Israeli atrocities, land theft and brutality toward their neighbors, many of these Israel-lovers are closet perverts.

Anyone who runs an anti-Israel blog or website has probably noticed a recent upsurge in attacks on his Internet presence, ranging from the merely silly such as comments from brainwashed pro-Zionist evangelicals, to obscene comments from Jews (they can never seem to make their case without using filthy language). The Jews also make complaints to service providers, usually bogus and under false names. Not to mention the usual harvest of death threats and e-mails which are nothing but one long stream of obscenities. Now, thanks to the Times of London, we know that all of this is definitely “from Israel with love.”

The best course of action is to announce that we know what the Jews are doing. (Many of us suspected Israeli cyber spies were active years ago.) Just ignore their ravings or -if they’re especially obnoxious- mention the London Times article about Israeli Internet sabotage. And drive on, guys. Just remember the Jews do their work in the darkness because they can’t work in the light.




Sucking Dick on Saturday Night, Eating Jeboo on Sunday Morning Doesn’t Cut It
Had a dick in his mouth, but he did not inhale. It must be the self-control that christininnity breeds.

Lind speculates on the destruction of our army, should we attack Iran.


Town Quits Adding Poison to Water
Does fluoride strengthen teeth?

To the extent America is controlled by jews it will be hated by the rest of the world. Today, America is more hated than at any point in its history, and no surprise, it is more strongly controlled by jews than ever before. Sometimes the jews take time off from lying about foreign policy to…print bad money…and lie about it. Is there anything jews do that doesn’t involve lying? Scholars fail to record it. [W]hile increasing interest rates very publicly, the feds greatly increased the money supply privately…and then stopped publishing the M3 numbers altogether to cover it up. Van Eck calculates that about $1 trillion dollars of additional money has been introduced since mid-’04. Well, now we know why the economy hasn’t already turned down…why gold is over $600 again…and why the Dow is near its all-time high!

The Cowardice of the Libertarian
Popular site. Links to a dozen articles a day. Title of 11/9/06 link: “How To Become an Academic Outcast.” Do you click to an article on a renegade prof studying Auschwitz or Bigfoot. LOL = Laughing Out loud at Lewpus.

White Technology
Shows how real material improvements come into being. Private white men, plus time, plus study, plus thought equals most of the advances the world has made.

  • 6 Responses to “Reader Mail: 11/17/06”

    1. Scipio Americanus Says:

      “Iran may have signed a virtual “death warrant” by openly declaring a governmental decision to move away from the dollar in the country’s foreign-exchange transactions, says WND columnist Jerome Corsi.”

      The Iranians may very well have sealed their fate with this move. If this story is true, then it begs the question: how stupid are the they? Have they not learned from history? If they were seeking independence from ZOG’s international criminal system via the development of nuclear weapons, why not wait till after they have done so to make this kind of an announcement? Honestly, the whole damn world seems to be crazy!

      The Iranians must view President Smirk and his neo con cabal as politically wounded and thus unable to mount an attack, especially after the resounding Congressional defeat suffered by the Republicans. For months, I’ve been thinking to myself how Bush & Company would muster the backing for this and now he may very well have it due to the arrogance and shortsightedness of the Mullahs. Apparently, the Iranian leadership does not understand what side of the toast the butter is on. This is the same thing that contributed to the American invasion of Iraq. Hussain made the same mistake and now faces a hangman’s noose.

      The ZOG’s entire existence is based on the strength of the U.S. Dollar. If it were to lose this, it would be the end of ZOG, pure and simple. Obviously, ZOG knows this too and will take any and all action to prevent upstarts from meddling with the status quo, especially a country like Iran which has threatened ZOG’s little brat in the middle east – Israel. Well folks, I didn’t think Bush had the political capital to mount a campaign for war against Iran but he may have it now — delivered to him on a silver platter! Stay tuned…..

      Scipio Americanus

    2. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      all you motherfuckers are just hoping for a collapse of the dollar because you don’t have any DOLLARS. you’re all poor as church mice, and POWERLESS.

      i LAUGH AT YOU ALL with your jealous fantasies of envy toward beings superior to yourselves. you act like niggers.

    3. Stan Sikorski Says:


      “If this harms me in any way, you will find my power then, and you’ll find out who I am. But I will come for you. You harm me I will not let you off the hook,” said Meiring.

      I’m coming for you Meiring. You have no power, you are nobody. You and your ilk will be hanging on hooks for all to see when I’m done with you. You’ll wish that bomb killed you.

      See, I can run my mouth too you kike jackass. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! fucker

      Well, this story kinda says it all doesn’t it? Even if there are “Radical Fundimentalist Islamofascists”, the real troublemakers are these kikes and the Feds/NSA/CIA that stir the pot to keep in business and keep control of the goyim. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we are going to have to fight our way to freedom by removing these sores on humanity.

    4. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      Israel and America: Best “Friends” Since the 1970s

      Israel and America: Best “Fiends” Since the 1970s

    5. Carpenter Says:

      Bukovsky is right about the European Union: its purpose has always explicitly been to destroy nationalism and national identity. Labeled a “peace project,” of course. Then the anti-Western forces won a great victory when they pushed through the opening of the Union to scores of East European countries, with more to come.

      It’s a funny thing: in the West virtually noone, not even those who foolishly voted for the Union, wants national integration. People thought it would be about smoothing out obstacles to trade, things like that. And the peoples that got to vote yes or no to the Union, were always almost evenly divided, despite the enormous media propaganda. In the East, however, the vast majority voted for membership, in every nation. They loved the open borders. Loved the ZOG project. Like non-Whites, they want full access to Nordic lands and Nordic money. And now their crime gangs, like nigger gangs and Arab gangs, are everywhere. In most large cities it is Slavs that dominate the drug trade.

      When the economy goes downhill and Englishmen start fighting back, there will be hell to pay for these invaders, these countless ZOG collaborators from the East. London Reborn!

    6. sgruber Says:


      There is no such word as “noone.”

      What you are trying to say is spelled “no one”.

      You constantly make this embarrassing mistake. Stop it. It makes you look like an idiot.

      PS: Also, for others but perhaps for you as well, please note that “genious” is spelled “genius.”